The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Future Tech: Virtual Reality

The one on the right is ROCKMAN, a.k.a. megaman in the states. He's not important.

The one on the left IS.

Why would this pigtailed anime cliche be important?

One of the robots in the picture is a toy. One of them is an accomplished singer. They both have one thing in common. They both work for the entertainment industry as computer programs.

She can sing in japanese and fool most of the people in Akibahara into thinking that a real girl was singing.

Her program is called Vocaloid, and its going to change the way you think about reality.

This is the male version of the program, here we see how it works in a syllable by syllable fashion. Just like fruity loops. Incidentally the voice in the William cooper book video was a similar program.

Why this is important to you?

Look at this photo of einstein:

Does anyone remember the movie FOREST GUMP?

Even at the time it looked fake because we had the mental association of tom hanks already embedded in our consiousness. What if however a completely artificial person was inserted onto the telescreen? A complete fiction could be fabricated out of this kind of technology.

Do you see where this is going yet?

You dont need fancy V.R. or Holograms when the sheep who have never even seen the politicians in person blindly cast their votes. People thought DJHIVES was crezy when He talked about Project Lucifer. People still question Dante's EL:ABE. I'm showing you how reality can be fabricated right now!

This is the kind of stuff I was going to school to learn to do. I just wanted to make cartoons like Disney or Warner Brothers. I wanted to produce Anime like studio 4-c. Do you know what my teachers told me? That kind of animation is going out of style. The market is in C.G.!

If you look at movies like inconvienent truth or movies like 2012, that influences people. The market is shifting into a brand new propaganda built upon this very kind of social fabrication. Poeple can be created out of thin air and identities can be lost or stolen. The implications of this are staggering.

In a day and age where authenticity is rarer than diamond encrusted platinum bars, you need to know what to look for to spot fakes. Eventually whole poeple will be created virtually. This is the boss in the middle that I was referring to in the last post. You could simply recieve a video conference call from a fabrication and not even know it.

Back to the article about google earth merging with second life.

In just a short time this is what they came up with. Keep in mind that the article was only two years ago! You might have seen this during the coverage in Afghanistan. If we can fabricate with this level of clarity now , just imagine when the High res packs come out...

Now add in photorealistic clones and you can not only doctor photos on the fly, but videos as well. This is why biometric monitoring is so important. This is an extension of DJHIVES the Recognizer. If you aren't familiar with it I highly reccomend viewing it. This technology is the FABRICATOR.

If we accept this reality at face value based on the authority of others, we wont even need a chip in our heads.


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