The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



Are you rich?- A letter from Solid Snake

"Are you Rich? I know that it is a personal question, but I'm curious, do you use all those tactics and advices to manipulate people and run business?"

I'm not in debt. I actually live a very austere existence. You will find that wealth is really simply related to time. Waste all the money you want because it is really time that makes the wealthy rich. They have time to vacation or study at their leisure because of their power over others given by money. Figure out how to do that and you are set for life.

You are never actually running a buisness because corporations are a fiction anyway. You are really running and influencing the people around you to do what you want and need.

Look into the reasoning behind not being in debt and you will quickly find that slavery is wasting your time for others benefit. Being in debt means having the life sucked out of you to pay the debt. This is literally how you sell your soul.

It's simple alchemy.

The sun is time because of the sundial so SUN=SOUL

Selling is trading money for goods and services, the laws of EXCHANGE found in alchemy.

Turning lead into gold then is simply selling the lead (the common) to make gold (the valuable).

So lets recap, attrracting a customer and charging a fee by induction is how you make money. So simply find a product or service to market and then use psychology to beef up the product in their minds eye. You have always had the power to do this. Find a fad, find a need for a service in your area, you need to get to know your area. Find out your target audience and run with the data!

I've gone over this to death here, but what I want you to do is simply listen to a buisness model that a ladyfriend of mine has created. She makes charms for little or no money down and sells them at her school for an enormous profits!

All she needs is clay, paint, and ribbons. She spends mere cents on the dollar for the ribbons, maybe a dollar a spool for the thick ones. Her paints were given as gifts and are cheap as hell. The clay costs her about 6$ a box. She uses a box up after making about 24 charms which sell for 3 dollars. Hand painted and custom made. 3x24=72 dollars profit out of a loss of about 8 dollars total. It takes her about two hours to make the hole batch of charms! The best part is that she never influenced the people to buy anything specific because they are all custom characters and objects. She loves to do it!

They could learn to make the charms themselves (illumination) but that is only something she teaches her friends (the elect) instead she charges them money. (the sheep)

Think of the TIMERGY!



72-8d = 2h

She makes literally 32 dollars per hour of her time!

Make your time work for you. Find a need or want and fill it.

Catch your fish!


Anonymous said...

Zero-- id like your advice on how to use induction on a product I have on itunes, please send me an email at and ill tell you about it.

Admin said...

Thanks for the reply.The high school students have a lot of free time, doesn't that make them potential elite?

ZeroMessiah said...

Djin, I'm interested. Give me your sales pitch at:

Solid, very perceptive!

The potential elite start young because that is when we have the most time to waste/spend...