I find myself sharing the dilemma of many these days. I search the net night after night between working two jobs trying to find more connections in my down time. Basically what I've figured out so far after all of these years has been startling to some but if you know what to look for is all too easy to find.
At first I thought that there was a difference between aliens, demons and angels. Aliens came from outer space, angels came from the heavens, and Demons came from hell. Later I realized the similarity between alien abduction cases and angelic and demonic cases. These extra dimensional beings exist and can be summoned the same magical way because they in truth are all the same basic multi-dimensional animal.
It gets worse. If so called demons can disguise themselves as either aliens or angels then most definitely one of two things have already occurred.
#1 We have been conquered by "the demons" on earth already and are directly influenced by them and their agents on a regular basis through the media, government and psychology.
#2 The so-called HELL actually exists and to farm our labor we have been blinded to the fact that it exists and we are in fact here right now.
I have never seen what one would actually call an angel. I have seen all manner of demonic creatures and aliens on rare occasions, although I cannot figure out why I have been marked to see them.
For many of you this will be a turning point because THERE WILL BE NO SECRET BLOG. YOU WILL RECEIVE IT ALL HERE AND NOW AND FROM NOW ON. Lumina is under reconstruction as the library of Zero. All knowledge will be free. All links will be open.
My reasoning for coming to these conclusions has been a direct result of past events combined with the knowledge given to me of the black arts and also events related to the Illuminati itself. Whatever collective hallucination the sheeple want to believe will be manufactured and marketed to them 24/7. You are here for the truth and I will tell it as I know it, and if you do not believe m,e or believe me to be crazy, then to hell with you because I'm here for those who want to see!
Believe it or not I have actually tried turning to The Bible on occasion! The story of the ancients of all nations are full of holes revised by the emperors and oligarchs who wanted to keep the real story hidden. The Talmud itself even at times denounces Christ. This is why I came up with ZERO-MESSIAH. Many will claim to be your holy messenger or redeemer, but in a land of lies like this toilet earth who can be the wiser but one who disbelieves them all? Every religion has its flaws, so I have known that like government you cannot trust them as your compass. I just boil it down to the sciences of nature and move on.
It pains me to see that so many rely on the city now. Especially when the cities have so many symbols and signs influencing them covertly and overtly directing their behavior. As much as I wanted to EAT THEM as Hives put it. In truth we are all inter-dependent, so we can't poison the well we drink from forever.
I do not consider myself "good". I wish that I was. I think that this game of sin and punishment really comes down to controlling the masses through the shortcomings of humanity and its root urges for procreation and self preservation. This IS NOT to say that there is no actual right and wrong, but every sin comes down to selfishness which we should avoid on a habitual basis when it becomes toxic in perpetuity.
In other words the wages of gluttony are fat, clogged arteries and heart disease. The wages of anger are becoming troll-bait or jail time. Murder will eventually lead to your demise if not committed covertly. Greed will choke those around you that you sponge off of. Lust will get you crabs, gonorrhea, aids etc. etc.
If we know that demonic/aliens who run the masonic-illuminati who run the world bank/government basically run everything and control the world, it always leads to two questions.
#1 Why the fuck do I believe in this shit?!?
#2 What do I do about it anyways?!?
Well finding out all of the information is easy as finding the time to read and watch videos. Sorry, anyone could do that, I know because I have had several sheeple watch this shit with me and read it. Finding answers and thinking critically about what choices we make after the information has been presented is where the real trouble starts.
What do I do about pollution, about satanic ritual abuse, about monarch alters, about martial law, about alien abduction? Most Christians want you to PRAY about it. To me that seems as useful as DUCK AND COVER. There is so much that will get you labeled a loon yet several people still claim to have evidence, and still claim to have seen these things, and still claim to have done these things, but every decade even with the harsh backlash against them they still keep popping up.
We need to realize something about this. WE ARE ALL ALONE. So two things need to happen if we are to make it out of this. The few of us that exist MUST band together. The few of us that exist must also share THE SAME understanding. This does not mean a cult of personality or fake movement, but a school of thought to relate all of these concepts. A unified theory must be presented and updated as new information becomes available. We must treat this like a science or otherwise we will be left behind.
I would like to reflect on Bo Goren's retelling of the Luciferian story of magic:
"Back in ancient days, when man’s achievements barely separated him from any other beasts, “caveman days” if you will, fear of the unknown was an ENORMOUSLY influential instinct. If something is coming and you don’t know what it is, you HAUL ASS outta there. This was what animals did, and this is what humans did. This instinct still exists in humans today, it has been called “the fight or flight or response”. When humans first started becoming “self aware”, this instinct was reinforced by a perception of the night. “The open darkness is death (a demon) that will EAT YOU if you go out into it”. Of course, the REALITY of this perception was that of nocturnal predators.
One day, during a thunderstorm, a bolt of lightning hit a small tree. The whole tree was set on fire. All the animals and most of the humans followed instinct and booked outta there. Notice that i said MOST of the humans. A few stayed behind. Their curiosity and bravery overrode their instinct. They touched the fire, and, of course, they got burned, but they still stayed. They broke a branch off the tree, played with it, did little experiments with it, and eventually learned how to create it themselves.
What a grand revelation this was! In virtually no time they figured out about its warmth, light, how to cook with it, and now this group no longer lives in caves. No no, they discovered a trick that gave them an advantage, a MAGIC SPELL that gave them a new dominance over their environment. Now, they set up camp near streams or lakes. As this group feasted on fish, animal meat and an abundant water source, they lay, intoxicated, watching the sunset reflected in the water. “As above, so below”. With the sun set, they no longer looked “up” at the sun for warmth, light, and safety, now they looked “down” at the fire for warmth, light, and safety. “As above, so below”. This group decided to keep this magic trick to themselves so that they can maintain their POWER over their environment.
The next revelation came when one day another caveman (who knew nothing of fire) stumbled upon the group’s camp. This caveman perceived a man waving his hands doing a magic spell, another man sacrificing a small animal to a glowing phoenix god, and then a third man that sacrificed pieces of earth to that same god. When the third man sacrificed the earth, he released hundreds of fairy demons that flew off into the night into all directions. When the caveman saw the fairies, he ran home, and that is the story he told everyone. Of course, and I’m sure you know this, but what that caveman actually saw was one man of the group warming his hands by the fire, another man cooking meat, and the third man throwing a log into the fire causing glowing embers to fly up.
The stories of the “Magicians” spread like wild fire (no pun intended). The story eventually made it back to the group. By then it was so exaggerated that even THEY were concerned about these “magicians”. It is not known whether or not the group realized that THEY WERE THE MAGICIANS, but either way, they used their powers to become gain MORE power. They tricked people into believing they had “powers from god” and told them to bring trinkets, women, gifts, and to do laborious tasks. They became perceived as VERY POWERFUL from all of this for generations. Eventually, “how to create fire” was leaked. Some say that once the deception was revealed, the descendants of the group were burned at the stake, a “fitting punishment”. Others, though, believe that the descendants purposely gave away the truth behind the trick, for by then they had already moved on to far better magic.
Magic is power. Power is a perception. Perception can be manipulated by deception. Deception is magic. Deception is power. Magic is deception. Power is deception."
In reading that you must understand that we are not yet the cavemen holding the fire of Prometheus but we are instead caught behind the veil unaware of how it works. We must band together to TEST what this shit really is and HOW it really works. Unified Theory is about that, but unlike Conspiracy Theories it attempts to instead use these same methods of psychology, technology, astronomy, chemistry, and even ritual magic in a way that reproduces the result. I want these methods to become a TOOL rather than something to FEAR for the Alex Jones set.
Check Lumina for more tools and information.
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