The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]




That is when the blog will end...

ok, check this shit out!


Zombaphobes Unite is an intelligent blog!

This is worthy of your time!

She is the first woman ever to be inducted into the Lords of Zero!

This is a proud moment for the blog because it proved my point about allowing intelligent women on the blog!


DonnyDarkoh said...

(blushing) Thanks zero I'm glad you like the blog
No really, I'm stupid. You have no idea how many stupid things I do throughout the day. At home, I can put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard. I forget that it's St. Patrick's day or something and forget to dress the kids in green. Or I'll fuck up big time at work. I'll skim over some legal concept or forget to send some notice via certified mail. I guess the "intelligent" always gets the details right.

There's something interesting about this blogger society even though we all seem to hate each other LOL. The hate may make it all fizzle eventually, or just figuring most of it out may make it fizzle. What really is the difference betw/ an intelligencia blog reader non-follower or whatever and a normal person? I guess we're (God can't say "we") They're trying as best they can to see the big picture and see how the big picture affects all the little pictures. And they're willing to try out concepts that aren't mainstream. It's weird how these rants do kinda have to be secluded from the run of the mill person who will condemn anyone from coloring out of the lines.

I love reading all these blogs and I like having the outlet of being able to ramble on myself uninterrupted. The blogs are interesting enough for an intelligencia non-follower to skim over but boring enough to be ignored by a society monitor who would ruin it all.

Dante_Altair said...

LOL you let donnydarkoh in lords of zero.
