The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Fourth dimensional travel

First of all hats off to the kid for being one of the few kids who apply themselves at this age.

Second there are things that are somewhat off in what we think the 4th dimension is, what it does and how we actually experience it.

Example #1 PORTAL

I will assume for the moment that you have played or at least heard of this game. In this game you are given a gun that launches 2 colored portals to create wormholes in space that allow you to travel from one place to the next.

The reason why I believe the whole wormhole thing to be unnecessary is because to truly be able to pass through dimensions you would not need the "hole" at all. The wormhole implies a removal of space which is not true 4th dimensional travel. True 4th dimensional travel allows you to pass through walls because the 3rd dimension is simply ignored. You would not need to remove space because if you could sidestep the 3rd dimension in the first place, it would no longer become a relevant obstacle.


Time is not space, space is not time. Let me explain the common myths that exist in science and why I believe them to have flaws.

1) Light is the speed limit, nothing can travel faster than light.

Light travels faster than light all the time. Your car headlights are the perfect example. Remember that light is a particle and a wave, but being that it is a particle then it would also mean that you could accelerate a photon FASTER than light speed. A bullet travels farther from a moving ship. So not to worry about ships with faster than light travel, the headlights will still work for debris fields...

However light can be bent and ignored such as cloaking technology. If the 3rd dimension does not affect you than 3rd dimensional photons will not either. Research Tachyons for more insight into faster than light particles.

2) Time is the fourth dimension

I have two problems with this one. It is only partially true. Yes, time is moving through layers of 3d space, and No, time is not the fourth dimension because it travels through all of the dimensions as well!!! Time is a decision matrix stacked. If you want to live in an alternate reality, time simply allows you to change the one you are in gradually to the one that you want to live in. This is why the elite practice gradualism.

If time didn't exist there would be no change, no chaos, no entropy and no differences. Time or EL is all things, the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end must and can only start with time. So time is not the fourth dimension, yet time does give us a clue to its existence.

We are able to wonder if anything would be different if we made another choice. This butterfly effect of decisions is really more of a domino effect on other forces in nature, changing the universe by alternative outcomes. Your ripple may cast a wide net but equilibrium will occur and you cannot touch the other side of the universe simply because in another universe you decided to sleep in or even kill Hitler. The truth is that this timy blue dot is not that important in the grand scheme of things but with greater power we could maybe affect galaxies.

The best way that I can describe the decision matrix is save files in a game. Say in one game you chose to be good and in one you kill your partner and become evil. Those choices affect the decision matrix, but because we are playing a game we can transcend time, but not space. We can leap to other points in the game but not other locations from the save point. However, turn clipping off and you travel right through the walls. This is space travel in the 4th dimension.


Cern will not rip a hole in the universe or create a black hole large enough. We once thought this about the atomic bomb. We are at most going to create a small implosion that will put a large crater in the ground at best.


We have a hard time admitting that we don't know. Especially if something scared us or gave us strong emotions. We filter our observations through the emotional filters we are given. Our culture may say Faeries, Elves and Gnomes. Our culture may say Angels and Demons. Our culture may say ALIENS!!!

One thing we must realize is that to have an open mind we must only go with the facts of what we observe. ALIENS may not in fact be aliens but secret prototype crafts. DEMONS may just in fact be animals we haven't yet discovered or "possessed" humans in a psychological state we haven't named yet.

Any anomaly that appears to us as if it is an entity or craft that is unknown cannot be so easily identified. This is why we say UFO instead of ALIEN SHIP. If we cannot identify it it simply means that. WE DON'T KNOW. To say that you know what something is just by looking at it is like this:

"It's a leaf! The leaf is trying to kill me!!! AAAGGGHHH!!! OMGOMGOMG IT'S A SATANIC LEAF!!!"

"Well dumb ass we know that leaves don't move like that in the wind, but until we know for certain what it is we just have to leave it un-identified."

Imagine if we just saw HOW it looked just like a controlled demolition instead of asking WHY they hate us...

Rationality is hard, but eventually it is worth it.


Everything you can't explain in the 3rd dimension probably has to do less with aliens than it does with a higher dimensional approach.

Telekinesis- Use the 4th dimension to bring you 3rd dimensional objects.

Clairvoyance/ESP- Peek through the 4th dimension into the 3rd somewhere else.

Levitation- Lifting yourself with thought seems more elegant than reducing the effects of gravitation by pulling on other layers of dimensions unseen.

Telepresence- being two places at once is not a problem for an ascended 4d being.

Basically everything can be explained for the unexplained using the 4th dimension to cover the loophole... even weird ass psychic phenomenon I've seen personally.

You will have to wait until the first MAILBAG episode for that one.

The topic is the UNEXPLAINED

I saw things I can't explain, but obviously I'm still here for a reason. I think we all have seen things we cannot explain. This is the first topic for MAILBAG.

 Write about something you have seen that has no explanation mathematically or scientifically.

 Remember it has to be something weird... YOU HAVE SEEN IN PERSON.

If I get 10 good posts I'm You-Tubing it.

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