The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



In reading about the simulated reality thanks to my good friends Bo and DJ, The snow white machine brings up an interesting point.

The elite have mapped out the entire decision-matrix, and as such have become this.

If all of the decision matrix has been mapped out by the snow white machine then a sort of 3.5D has resulted from the efforts. Just like judo using your own body's weight against you, they simply read how your moves telegraph and then amplify them in articles and marketing trends.

Programming that started way before Edward Bernays remade the masses minds into the gelatinous pools you see today.

This is how music went from this:

To this:

How art went from this:

To this:

I think you get the point from here.

You don't need to out run the other sheep in the rat race, just trip the ones you don't like to feed the wolf.

There is a pyramid of power but not the way you think or the one that you think.

For starters how many of you have hired anyone for your business or someone else?

If you haven't hired anyone then just know where you stand on the pyramid is just one step above rock bottom for being awake. If you still smell of wool then you are still a sheep.

There is no alternative to it, you either are top, bottom, or middle-bottom.

Why do I say middle-bottom?

You still can't see the sun from where you are but you are the ground for someone else.

You run nothing but manage everything.

You have been taught how to run the whole business yourself but still choose to work for a split of the profits.

You know how to be a top but still in your FEAR choose to work at the MIDDLE for the wages close to the BOTTOM.

Let me tell you about my friend Little B. He is strong, intelligent and other than being fat he isn't bad looking. He has a wife and 3 kids. He is a caring and loving father who has a son who is lazy and doesn't want to work hard at anything. This is his flesh and blood son from his first girl. The other daughter is from his wife, and his newborn daughter is mutual. He never talks about the other kids, only his son.

He hates his wife, but he doesn't know it. He constantly complains about her staying at home and bitching about him for everything to be handed to her. He drowns his sorrows in weed and a fantasy football team. He's a real sports fan.

Little B sets his own schedule and everyone elses. He knows how to run a budget but allows Big B to take care of the book keeping and writing the checks. Big B sits up in his office all day sipping coffee and soda from his cup working on the computer. He only works when he's that short handed. Little B works downstairs on the sales floor buying and selling the products every day. Little B goes on deliveries and does the heavy lifting. Little B does stock, Little B does demos, Little B deals with the same annoying customers the sheep do. Little B is just a ram amongst the flock. Bo knows baseball, Bo knows football, Bo knows how to run a franchise, but Bo just checked out on that one.

Little B can do all the work that Big B does and all the work that the sheep do, but instead of owning his own business Little B chooses to work 2 jobs for the price of one and a half. The sheep make 8 dollars an hour taking home most of it, Little B makes 15 dollars an hour taxed by our friends the government to about 12. He gets deductions to help feed the kids after the year is up.

Little B and I talk shop about the government regularly. About how it's hard to like and respect the blacks who come into the store and act more like niggers. We talk about Obama's failed promises to the nation. We talk about hot girls who come into the store, and sometimes how they won't talk to him because he is fat. Did I mention that he works at a sporting goods store and aside from the discount he could just buy other peoples equipment from them directly for 50% of the price?


What can we learn from the plight of Little B?

I expect answers from the intelligentsia. I want to know what you illumined ones have learned.

The comment section is open, for this time only the troll ban is lifted so that you can tell me what you really think of Little B.

*Extra Credit:

How does the decision-matrix of the snow white machine and predictive programming apply to Little B?

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