The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


MINDFUCK Part 3 Garden of your mind

"You can grow anything in the garden of the mind." Mr. Rogers

The first things man invented were tools to ease his burden. The animal was made to plow so that he could trade his riches from the harvest. Man was always a greedy hoarder of treasures. Man would seek to ease his troubles through medicine and drug. Man was a storyteller and a stargazer. Man was a thief and a warrior. Man created the world from his own hands.

The man of God has no place here and rightly so, for if he knew his power he to would take his rightful place. God as it were, was no more than a metaphor for the coming of THIS AGE. We are standing upon the precipice of what Neal Stephenson coined as "The Diamond Age".

For those who have literacy there exists unlimited creative potential. Those who are scientifically literate will literally shape the world. We are not living in a scientist's technocracy, yet by all intimation we can deduce that this culture relies heavily on the fruits of their labor.

Man has no equal but his successor. Man upon this earth is penultimate. There is no area of this earth that we cannot dominate to our will.

However there is a dimension where man has not yet been to. The dimension of possibility has not yet been explored as a 3rd eye concept, but realize the 6th sense exists. We have the ability to tap into that which is yet to be. Understand that the ability to imagine is NOT creativity.

Philosophically there is no creativity when one realizes that all things are possible and exist in alternate dimensions simultaneously. It is this simple realization that allows us to bring anything into being from other dimensional states. A tree is simultaneously the bearer of apples, as it is the firewood, as it is also the pencil and the paper, as well as the seed from which the leaf sprouts. Realizing the state of being within all things means that we have come to the point of existence whereupon man has become the observer and not the decider.

Free will is also disproved by the fact that we are all influenced in our decisions by feelings and subliminal messages and psychological conditioning. We know that even our memories are changeable just as our history is edited in hindsight. This malleability indicates an impermanence in all things which is not as readily apparent to people at first glance.

If we are actually in this state of change than rationalizing all experience is naturally as a byproduct impossible, but like guideposts on a trail we find our way utilizing the commonalities of experience and calling them laws. We created the laws of science to suit our needs as well, so since all experience is individual, then one could also deduce a certain sense of compartmentalization.

Thinking outside the box is a turn of phrase that includes that philosophy. It refers to Schrodinger's cat because we need to see the potential outcome before the cat is out of the bag, or box. To read potential outcomes comes naturally to the human being but we call it by many names.

We do not have the foolhardy assumption that imagination is the same as prophecy but it is in fact the same. The stronger we imagine something the closer it comes to manifestation whether through a labored effort or as a discovery. Man's truest nature exists in this fourth dimensional ability to read potential outcomes of reality. The sixth sense is really in fact the application of this marginal reality.

Reality is realty. We can build anything we so desire if we know the formulas. Nothing is actually stopping us from anything. There is nothing binding us. Everything has an equal or opposite reaction, but as we discussed previously, everything has the capacity to change.

What I propose is simple. Imagination is truly realization of a potential future. You are tapping into it always. You know it deep down without even thinking, that everything you ever did or didn't do started out as a thought in your head.

If your head can be changed somehow, your will broken, then what your head produces will be altered. You will literally be tuned to create the reality in the desires of others rather than the reality that you actually desire. You will bring about the prophecy that others desire.

War is a choice. Even if drafted you will have the choice to pull the trigger. You are not a slave. You always have free will. That is why I have trouble with protesters. It is not a brainwave that is focusing on making a positive change. It focuses on problems and not focusing on solutions does nothing to create a better way to do things.

The reason why we have anything to protest is because corporations and governments make more money doing things their way. If you can use your brain and bend yourself to do things in a cheaper way yourself then your need for their efforts dwindle into non existence. You have the choice to not support them and educate others on a better way of doing things.

You have access to another dimension of reality and it is high time you use that reality. I am tired of seeing the way that people treat their existence. We are all living out of touch with the forces of nature and science at our disposal. Our lack of literacy in all things scientific is the main reason why we are so deeply entranced. We are absolutely enthralled and for lack of a better life we are frozen in time watching the same cyclical events play out.

I just saw something you may think at first glance is unrelated to it but understand that this generative potential exists from the moment we are alive. If you are feeling stuck, and powerless understand this point. Action without thought is just reaction.

Remember that we all have the ability to survive and thrive. We are empowered to do this. If an infant can survive then why do we have this:

This is what I'm saying. We don't need anyone else but ourselves to provide what the system does. We just got lazy and demanding.

However there is a system out there in mathematics which will tell you truth and tell you reality.

Now the MINDFUCK. We are trapped in the 3rd dimension. This is the trap.

Part 4 coming soon...

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