The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



I've been applying what I've learn't and its actually going great for me. I have a great girl and a work at home gig where I can make my own hours. I'm not finished with this blog but the tone has definitley changed.

I'm getting my old life back.

I can explain it like this.

Back when I was in highschool I felt more alive for some reason. I had a group of friends and contacts that I hung out with regularly and I could find whatever I needed whenever I needed it.

Then I became all about the grind. A grind is not and never will be a hustle. A grind is slow and steady, but it is just that. It is a grind, it never stops and will make you into a nub. A grind is like a lawnmower not letting a flower grow before the bud reaches the sun. You will never bloom like this.

I backed out of artschool because it required a grind to do the same thing that I already did well which is art. I was paying other people to evaluate me on what others already were telling me that I could do well.

I was paying for a degree that I really didn't need, because if I made it a hustle instead of a grind I'd already have had money in the bank then. At the time instead of doing that I just payed other people to tell me that its not worth anything...

Does that seem like it makes any sense to you?

Unlike in regular school where I knew I had talent and charged people for pictures. Instead I wanted to pay for school and work for someone else. I realized that in highschool I worked for my self and learned for free! Now that I have the internet I can learn anything for free and bootleg the programs to design it all.

It did make sense at the time but now that I pulled the wool out of my eyes, I was getting scammed from the beginning.

Now I'm using the skills from my last job as a telemarketer to my advantage. I make my own hours and schedule. It has a slow season but just like catching fish, it comes and goes. The most successful hunters set many traps. Just like Robert Kyosaki was saying, you want multiple streams of income. If I sell my freelance art on the side I can bank a little extra. If my girl does a little freelance modeling on the side she can get a little extra. The point is to have multiple hustles.

Why would anyone buy stock in the first place? Well if you want timergy, stock can potentially deliver some creature comforts once you have your savings in order.

Why own property at all? Well if you have property you can rent it out. Don't leverage it but own the land outright in cash.

Why keep a day job? In the beginning or when things are slow it helps to have something that people always need to buy.

Why go directly from school to work? The kind of work that you really want you can do for yourself. If you want to be a foctor start out as a nurses aid. most hospitals will pay for your training to get higher positions. Most Jobs will pay for your training to go into a career position. Either way if you want to go to school just get a job that will pay for it. If you can learn it and certify online there is no reason to pay another loan. Keep it simple.

When should you get a loan, if ever? I will awnser a question with a question. If a loan is the only thing seperating you from life and death then how did you get computer access to my blog? You are obviously not the person who would have this situation happen to them. The truth is that there was a time when loans didn't exist. People hunted and fished and lived outside.

I am going to reveal to you a little secret. Debt cannot take away what you own, only what never belonged to you in the first place. Material posessions are only going to get you so far because the reality is the hustle. A homeless man can make up to 200 dollars a day panhandling. If you stack that up thats close to a thousand after meals. What that means is if you get repoed and the debts arew all payed or your status is claimed indigent, you are able to get back on your feet in a few weeks.

You may think "Hey wait a minit! Ain't that like WELLFARE!!!"

The homeless hustle is the oldest trick in the book. The only difference between WELLFARE and CHARITY is that at least you get something out of charity.

Charity is a GOODGUY BADGE that we wear to make ourselves and others feel better. Helping the homeless is just as much of a con as being homeless. You are both running a game there. If you stop to help the beggar you look like a saint for lending a dollar to the down and out. Sometimes though the con is on you when they drive home in their car.

Unlike WELLFARE it is completely voluntary. You choose to pay it. This is what irks so many of us when we get home from our jobs and see it on the bottom line. Were sponsoring a long dead tradition. I'd rather have government subsidied healthcare for legal prostitutes because at least they work for a living.

That still dosen't explain why I put up with the homeless strangers though. Simply put they can't be a drain on me unless I let them. True the welfare rats still take a chunk out of my check, but I still can tell the hustlers off of nebraska avenue to piss off. The only thing close to work that they do is ASK first. I'm sure that you all have had that friend that always borrows a dollar or two every couple of weeks. Thats managable, but when all of the broke niggars want to turn my check at the end of a long two weeks into chump change, now we got a problem!!!

The point of all of this is that with a grand at the end of a week or two panhandling and putting in job applications you can get out of being homeless. If you start smoking crack and joining the system then you'll never get out.

Watch this movie next time you have a problem with money. I promise you it will set you straight.