The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]




Applied Cyberpunk Part Two

Take this PC for example. A great homebrew by an accomplished tinkerer.

Try this on for size. Embedded systems are all around us everyday. You see them in monitors and cash registers. We have cellphones with HDMI ports that could literally smoke laptops from five years ago. The amount of space needed to process information shrinks every day as newer and more minute technologies become available to the public.

Do you mean to tell me that one of these with some high density solid state drives and multi-core quantum chips couldn't function well enough to process the motor functions and visual and audio input necessary for an android?

Tinier PC form factors could usher the way for actual androids.

Voice recognition is about 3gb of space using off the shelf tech like Dragon Speak.

The navigational program in the Darpa/Boston Dynamics Big Dog Could not possibly take more than a few Gigs.

Navigational robotics ranges in the megabyte range.

For a visual system that recognizes faces using biometrics you still won't break the bank.

The Linux O.S. could fit on a D.V.D. with enough space for a whole movie.

Precise systems with low requirements could easily match the performance of these government projects that have made the news.

You could make your own UAV right now using similar off the shelf technology.

So linking the technologies between robotics and computing could be simpler than we are making it.

We could embed systems right now in suitable companion type frames.

Try this on for size:


We have got the technology to make these now.


Applied Cyberpunk Part One

There are real life solutions to the problems that we face that do not come from universities, large central banks or expensive corporate solutions. There was once a time in this country when innovation was king and invention was at the front of our objectives. We have prosperity enough to create our own path without government oversight or

We need to adopt the scavenger mentality in this country. We have the resources and the technology. We need to rebuild OUR OWN technology. Which is more impressive, working at a slave hive to buy a Macbook, or building your own server out of discarded computer parts?



Alchemical summoners worked toward demonic forces doing their bidding. Even the templars of old put harness to the demons of the qiliphoth. The temple of SOL-OM-ON was used to summon many demonic and angelic forces through the use of the keys of solomon. So why is the sun and its cycles so important to summoning?

Summoning requires an understanding of physics!

I will answer the question with a chart from the APOLLO era.

When the famous moon shot was performed the rockets had to be aimed at the proper trajectory. If the attitude of the rocket was too shallow or too deep it would either miss completely or burn up in earth's atmosphere.

So what does this have to do with summoning demons and angels?

Astrology was simply a way to track the cycles of the planets so that extra dimensional beings could be summoned. Just because the 3rd dimension can be ignored, does not mean that the forces of nature bend as well!!!


Or, put into physical terms, the forces allowing the 4th dimensional gate would also affect you because every action has an equal or opposite reaction. It is truly not the spoon that ever bent but NEO himself.

Everything that NEO did in the movies was 4D!

He did not stop the bullets, he just slowed their momentum in time by extending wormholes (read as vacuums) of a length that robbed them of their energy!

He did not fly, he simply created a slip stream vacuum to travel through (*note the cars caught behind him in the draft!)

He did not bend the spoon, he bent the immediate space around himself causing a vacuum.

Have you ever noticed the lack of friction in a vacuum?

A wormhole is simply an energy field surrounding a vacuum. If you place a charge at one end to repel and there is a vacuum of limited resistance, sub-light speeds can be achieved rather quickly.

So why does magic work?

Ever test the magnetic charge of a ritual knife after a particularly strong working?

It will easily pick up a screw or bolt.

Now multiply that by an entire coven's magnetic field and add the electrical release of a human sacrifice. That dead body is releasing its energetic field. 21 grams of pure energy, is a VERY STRONG field effect. The difference between a charge and a release of the electricity of that field is enough to create an opening. Einstein knew it to be true.

(e=mc squared) 

"In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that the mass of an object or system is a measure of its energy content."

For instance, adding 25 kilowatt-hours (90 megajoules) of any form(s) of energy to any object increases its mass by 1 microgram.

21000000 Micrograms of human energy is 1890  megajoules per sacrifice approxamately.

If you factor that most pyramids were used for human sacrifice to call the gods to help with earthly matters you can see why the Egyptian batteries were so important. Simply put they SAVED LIVES. Illumination was simply ELectricity.

Now take CERN for example. You realize just how archaic a science magic is. There has always been something to human energy but the only way to harness it's true occult potential is to regulate the current flow. Try looking up how many megajoules CERN produces and you will see my point.

Human beings have accessed the 4th dimension through other means no matter how questionable The Philadelphia Experiment, and The Montauk Machine were. Naval Intelligence reports and Area 51 will have a large portion of data misdirecting you to the reason WHY. What I'm telling you is HOW they do it!

Stabilizing a magnetic field with a vacuum in its center and using particle accelerators, CERN is a particle STARGATE.

However it's so called "limited" capabilities do not have to be called into question when you consider what technologies may lay on the other side of the vacuum possessed by 4d beings. Remember to be in a vacuum is to be without form, energy can be present but matter is absent. When beings of the legends came from a VOID they were not lying. They literally came out of a vacuum, or ORDER out of CHAOS.

Remember superposition is simply the ability to be in all places at once. Look it up "The superposition principle is always exactly true. For example, the electric potential generated by two charges is the simple addition of the potentials generated by each charge in isolation. The value of the electric field at any point around these two charges is found by calculating the vector sum of the two electric fields from each of the charges acting alone." Induction always plays a role here.

In short remember why cycles are important. In folding space planetary alignment is key in balancing other forces such as gravitation, electromagnetism, nuclear weak and strong forces. Or in laymans terms the train wont arrive on time with a planet blocking the tracks.


The reason why we draw pentagrams to summon demons is...

This explains the tree of life, mandalas and dimensional travel.

Every new age concept or physics breakthrough lately deals with this dimension.

The twisting writhing Lovecraft-ian masses of flesh make perfect sense.

Can't be any simpler about it.



Some sit here waiting at the post for a revelation.

There is a wisdom in winter, in silence, in the death of things.

As I meditate upon the freshly fallen snow I ask the questions of life.

Existence is what you make it.

The search for meaning and purpose are left up to choice.

When faced with freedom many turn to a guide as if the spring will never come.

Yet even as the snow falls like ashes, I know it is only the water of life.

Even as the sky turns white I know the blue skies will return.

Even in the darkness, the sun will rise again.

The proof of life is within the death of things.

All we eat is dead, yet we thrive.

Of cycles and seasons, of waining and rising tides,

the moments of the past remain only as memories.

Are you willing to see it come to pass?

The sun rise starts in the night my friends.

Will you greet the morning star?

Nature has a way of slipping past you.

Don't you see it?

The cities are growing.

We are evolving.

Human is becoming past tense.

We are witnessing the dawn of an new age.

Will you help to usher in this new era in humanity?

Do you agree with it?

Do you want to bring it down?

So many choices for you all to ponder.

Does it fill you with dread?

Will you embrace it?

Will you wander into it?

Are you a follower?

Are you just tossed along?

Will you forge a path in it?

Can you make it your own?

Will the world you create become a utopia?

A paradise?

A prison?

A wasteland?

A farm?

I hear a lot of people wanting to resist it.

A lot of people in this society do not like the direction that this new age is taking.

They want out.

Do you feel like that sometimes?

Like we are moving too fast?

Do you just want to unplug?

Are we so blind to see that maybe our evolution comes from choice?

As I ponder nature I realize that somewhere a fish chose to breathe.

I look upon the ape that chose to walk.

I look upon the lizard that chose to fly.

Nobody that I know ever talks about "the first".

We are evolving, but are we afraid to chose?

Is it hubris against the gods to use this technology?

In my studies I often wonder what will become of us.

Not in the sense of our bodies, but our minds.

Already we are interfacing with it.

Already we are helping it grow.

It is not just a machine, but our child.

We are responsible for it.

We will be there to watch it grow.

Winter is almost over.

I am most likely halfway through my studies.

Let me know what your views on this are in the comments.

I await your replies.

Leave something in the comments, even if you haven't been on in a while.

I'll be waiting...