The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Applying the Zero Paradigm.

While others seek to cut you off, I will gather you.

Give me your Poser, your Jonesites, your Matrixed masses yearning to break free...

Enough of that shit... LOL

Lets get real...

I plan to show you here in this series HOW to be the predator you were meant to be. In addition to my work on the blog I will show you HOW I plan to change my Body, Mind, and Soul into that of a predator.

I can only lead by example, so an example is what I will set for you.

Coming up in the next few weeks will be real life reporting on my quest to further become the compassionate predator.

BODY will chronicle my progress in the Body for Life program with pictures, measurements, and my cheaper alternative workout regimine. I will also learn new physical skills and I may even post videos showing my new abilities.

MIND will show you the mind of the hunter in various settings. I will document my experiences in the field showing you how to take advantage of the skills of the hunter. You will learn how to present and market yourself to others and become the hunters you were meant to be.

SOUL will show you how to remain intact in a world of induction and deciet. Many of you are aware of this but few see just how deeply this goes into daily life and the symbolism and phrase we use every day. I expect alot of you will have feedback that will enhance this post.

I may post infrequently here but you can expect that with reality pumped into every post, the quality is destined to improve.


" It is great that you were able to touch your nature~self Zero. Also in doing so you get to experience something new, something mind altering. Going to a club that would be an interesting experience. What type of club is it? is it HipHop, Rave, Dance Studio... Latin club?"

In response to Lord Dekn's question:

(Not my vid BTW)

I went to the local Goth club in Tampa last night. The Castle is a fun little place nestled behind palm avenue in Ybor City. Its a small 2 story bar with a dancefloor and a rich history of S&M and costumed regulars such as Batman, PeterPan, and the beloved Senator.

Clearly this place subscribes to the same notions as any anime convention. Namely to throw reality completely out the window. In my opinion this was the perfect place to test just how well my compassionate predator schtick worked on real people.

So why is the post called Kevin? He was the only one who got it, right away. While everyone else was partying (including his wife) He wore plain clothes and sneakers. He sat there nursing drinks and smoking regular cigarettes.

Clove ciggarettes are this clubs local affectation, think of them as the GOTH equivalent of fine dining in outside seating. Same with absinthe, Same with Tripp pants of a hundred chains, Same with 200$ boots of a thousand buckles. Its all a fucking game of pretend. Nature is naked therefore being yourself is practically being naked!

Nudists realized this until it became a subculture in itself. Just like being an athiest, rational thought even became subversive! Funny how bondage and discipline factor in... (disciples in chains maybe?)

So I asked him why he was sitting there while everyone else was having a good time. He replied that He only came to drink and fuck. He cant drink because of his bloodsugar (diabeties maybe?) and He's married so thats covered.

He dosent dance so I asked him why he hated it so much.


I love it when the truth spills out.

The same thing is going on there that is happening in the Philly clubs, just a different flavor.

They are still playing classic goth top 40 (s)hits from the 80s and 90s like Depeche Mode, Rammstein, and Nin. GOTH IS DEAD like everything else. The only difference is that they carry the supposed prestige of being the only goth club in Tampa.

Appearance oriented posers and their Dominatrix preds groving to the tune of a dead generation. Sadly though the place has an undeniable charm and style that keeps me coming back irregularly. My intention is not to write an advertizement for them though. The point is that sub-culture and alternative culture remind me of a famous quote.

Albert Einstein once said:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

How is subculture and alternative lifestyle any less sheep like? Remember the picture of the raver and the fire dancer? Same displays and mating dances. You really cannot escape the rythyms of life and nature.

So later in my conversations with Kevin I dropped the bomb on him. His wife was a sheep, and no matter what he did he'd be trapped. Her room is full of popculture, she only thinks that it isn't because it's from... JAPAN! Anime freaks, DND nerds, GOTHS, and even Schnapple Schipping hippies in berkenstocks, ALL subscribe to culture.


All life boils down to it. Culture is experience through others eyes. Other elites who came before you will always invent, Sheep will always follow. Status is how to Eat them in this case, but you have heard this all before.

He knew it and went even further to evidence her immaturity. I went into that club with the idea that I would have a few drinks and go home the same guy. This time I realized that there is intelligence and humility in the oddest places.

In my short lived return to my past I realized why I'd left it there. I remembered that blue haired kid fondly but an outward expression is only that, skin deep. After shots of Jager and puffs of clove my stomach turned. Not for the taste but for the insanity of it.

I got just as fucked up smoking the cheap ones drinking grain alcohol shots and coke chasers the day before. I had a better time singing and jamming out. If I had a little practice maybe I could start a band again and open some local wallets in my direction.

The path of a true individual is harder to swallow for some but once the truth has been revealed, you'll be partying better on the cheap playin' mame games like the rest of us. Trust me, once the laser lights go out and the flood lights hit on last call, all the makeup and clothing reveals what truly is there. Sheep in wolves clothing.

To be a misfit through culture is like switching from pepsi to mountain dew. No matter what you are still drinking from the same cup as the rest of us. Sometimes its better to just drink cheap tea and save your energy.

Ironic how this song was playing that night:

Enjoy the silence
Depeche Mode:

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Cant you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm


Unified theory 9: Reality check.

legendforce2 A.K.A Titansurge said...

"It is true what you say Zero.

It is PRESSURE that turns COAL into DIAMONDS.
People think that plastic surgery shall fix everything, when it really doesn't. In fact, it can even make them uglier (as a result of cheating nature and being irresponsible). Just look at all of the stars and their ugly, artificial faces and bodies.

So what will you do? Take the pain or stay away from it like the scared little pussy sheep you are?

The descision is yours."

Pain is our measure of change. You will not feel alive unless you can measure change. Life will feel like a waiting room with blank white walls unless change (stimulation) is present. Your actions (response) are based on that. This is why waiting seems to take forever, nothing changes.

The truth of life is found in how we handle or deal with that pain.

Pain is the secret to all things emotional. Pain creates need. Need creates change.

Therefore to manipulate you must create need by working with pain.

You can either choose violence (stick) Or, you can choose salvation (carrot)

Either way you manipulate pain to steer others perceptions and actions.

You can be a benevolent giver, or you can be a malevolent conniver. Either way you are going to be given status based on how you cause others to deal with pain.

Like the preists and medicine men of old or the politicians and doctors of today. What we see in todays culture is a product of what we avoid. The same for athletes and soldiers. The warriors path is based on dealing with and causing pain.

The difference between a professional wrestler and a cage fighter is the same as the difference between a politician and a general. While one appears to be fighting for something, the latter one is really in command of an actual change. While one appears powerful the other one actually excercises that power. Power comes from control of the self first and control of reality second.

In other words the police and military have always been the true power behind the government. They are the stick for when the politicians carrot does not fool you. They are the last resort when power over the mind fails. The mind is the land of illusion, it is the body that is reality.

So why bring up violence at all? Violence is what we really have to face or fear. Violence is the last resort when the manipulation fails. You know that violence is coming because people are starting to wake up and when that happens the only way to break the concentration of a sharpened mind is emotion. One of the most powerful emotions besides love is fear. This is why another 9-11 like tragedy or even a plague is necessary for the elite. In extreme cases the only resort is to kill off the infection of truth before it spreads. Therefore because you cannot kil ideas you must kill the minds that hold them (flouride, public school, tv) or the bodies (food poisoning, chemtrails, 9-11, war, etc.)

When the sheep start to get a brain, who is going to work a 9-5 job or mandatory overtime to keep this carnival running? Humans really are batteries for the machine that run on a special kind of fusion. That is a loose quote from the matrix, but let me decode it. Human energy is gained by leaders when herding the masses together. If the sheeple woke up permanently, the city would not come crumbling down but the infrastructure that runs and supports it would change drastically. However you slice it though power is concentrated in the hands of the intelligent, the beautifull, and the artistic. Mind, Body, and Soul.

The elite do not keep people asleep because they need to. They go camping often and know basic survival skills and have resources horded away. They know how to hunt and grow food. They also know how to manipulate. They live in reality.

In fact it is the interdependency of the sheep that makes it impossible for several generations who lived with technological comfort to live without it. This need was created because they need the city to live. They get water from a tap, food from a fridge, clothing from a store, work from a company, money to support them. Without the civilization provided by the government and elite they would be the ones to perish. Like the slaves of old it is not their fault for failing to rise up, psychologically it is the only life that they know.

Cheating nature does come at a price. The artificial never pleases the mind truly as much as a real experience would. The mind needs to feel that it is real. This is where pain comes in. Avoid pain with credit and you only build a dam. What would have been a river ends up a torrential flood when the flow of currency is postponed. Likewise plastic surgery only patches up what old age strips away. Ever see a 60 year old woman with implants? It looks like a pair of baseballs in tubesocks. Artificial reality will never compare to actual reality. You could ride a rollercoaster in a themepark or you could learn to fly. There are tons of examples but you are smart enough to tell the difference.

So what happens to culture and status? Look below. It is still there. Nothing changed. The methods of the mind change culture very little. The same things are satisfied artificially in the system. There is no point for the sheep to reject the system that serves them so well phisically and psychologically. Simply put, If you care for the Mind and the Body, the Soul comes with it.


Simple pleasures

I spent time in the woods drinking, dancing and singing songs with friends this weekend. This cost me very little. I felt at peace with myself in nature.

Later this week I will be going to a club in the city to do the same thing with strangers. This will cost me very much. I will be in a pretty bad part of town.

I realized today that meaning is found in the moment. Culture is truly all the same, and that the legends never die, they only change faces over time.

I want you to look and compare the pictures and see if you agree with me.

Don't just look at the pictures. Look at what they symbolize or represent. In some cases simply look at the actions.

In 2000+ years have we really changed?

Inner Circle...

In another vain attempt to cull the herd upon which Hives depends, yet again Hives seeks to make yet another private site.

Therefore I will work to share with morons and intellects.

Why you ask?

If the morons are morons they will not understand it. No harm done.

I've said my peace on the issue.


"Hives is now a disinfo agent because he will start taking that side to keep the money coming. It could happen to anyone ,even Zero."

By the way Nwothing, I will make it my personal mission to make sure that that doesn't happen.

The only paid content that I will offer will be on the comics blog I am working on this year.

The paid content will be in the form of a comic book that you will someday be able to hold in your hand.


Zero, I don't blame you...

DonnyDarkoh said...

"Zero, I don't blame you. If you can't beat them, join them and live your life. When you create, you might as well get money for it.

I think the Djhives phenomenon is neat. He spends 6 months giving people a crash course on how to be on a higher step in the pyramid food chain. Half of people don't get it, a fourth become escapists, and a fourth continue in the tradition, and his blog reproduces. I guess this is why all the rock music of the 60s is so Pagan and Occult. Someone had to educate / indoctrinate young musicians and give them a kick in the rear to start producing that kind of music. I guess that's why New Age bookstores are filled with paperbacks. Someone must have formed some literary society educating young men / women and then tell them to get their asses out there and write books. This is how all wars are begun. I read that Christianity was spread to Iceland by young men kidnapping royal sons and holding them hostage until the families converted. A bunch of teenage guys just don't get the idea to kidnap royal sons at the same time out of pure chance. Someone of the current powers that be has to indoctrinate them and give them a stash of cash.

I read that once initiated into Satanism, the newbies are expected to create. It's a good discipline.

You can hate the way the world is and be bitter. You can join them. Or you can try to beat them. But how can you beat them? You have to know MORE about nature. Nature has natural ages or a zeitgeist. Nature has a natural predator prey structure. Therefore, to beat them, you have to become MORE viscious and MORE new agey. Or you can just live your life and get out of the way when the planned tsunami hits.

My husband is an awesome lawyer. I work with him, but I could have never created the firm he did. We never had to borrow to create the firm. We had a roommate and did a class action for his mom's pension fund while keeping our day jobs. We clobbered the defendants in that case, and took this rich guy's fortune. We do a bunch of tax foreclosure cases. Point is, a lot of fortunes have to be ruined to create a new fortune. So I can pretend that I'm just living my life outside of the predator/prey relationship, but in order for me to leisurely blog, I had to bottom feed. It wasn't stealing. It was simply that multiple people fucked up. Multiple people didn't pay their taxes for various reasons. The pension defendant didn't invest funds properly. So nature rewarded us and punished the fuck ups."


If you evolved from the bottom feeder you are no longer an orc.

Evolution is the key.

Compassionate predators victimize those that seek to victimize others, namely parasites. Anyone that seeks a free ride is a parasite. Even a human fetus is technically a parasite based on principal. What you must then do is think of a way to use their energy against them.

Think of judo throws. You catch a punch or kick and propel that negative energy faster than it was going using yourself as the fulcrum to send your opponent off balance.

Just like credit. You catch a deadbeat's pleas for a free money and propel that negative energy into more debt using interest as the fulcrum to send your opponent off balance.

Eating them is easy because of how nature works:

Freelancing is hunting.

Jobs are grazing.

Credit is nursing at the teat.

If you equate this to roles in nature. The first are predators, the second are prey, the third are parasites!

An account is a legal representation of a person. You are not your ID but your ID is a representation of you. Therefore it is a record of what you are doing. It is your economic gas gage.

Debt (DEadBeaT) is a PERSON who has less than zero energy. Not only are they out of gas but they need a repair to even get back on the road.

ASSets is a PERSON who has stored energy. They are like a gas tanker truck. More than enough for themselves and others. (They may even have tools to repair you)

We all should know this by now.


This is what Hives is getting at!

When I was in highschool I used to pay people my lunch money to do favors for me around school. I traded money for food for energy, I just didn't put it into my body to do it. My mother always wondered how ate like a horse when I got home and stayed so thin when I was younger...
The point is to eat them.

All of the beautiful people stay that way because they are all great predators. All of the debt ridden socialites beauty fades quickly because they are destined to be eaten.

We're talking about a subject we covered months ago. Here's a recap:


Heres where it gets tricky:

Fate and destiny are really just natural consequences of choices that cannot be re-written. If you are in complete self-control, than any destiny that you desire is yours to create. The contract is really just the enforcement of natural law changed into natural consequences. Common sense will tell you what natural law is and how to avoid signing something that takes away rights by turning them into consequences.

Sheeple never read the contract at a volume above the voice in their heads chanting FREE!!!

This is how the elite see the sheeple when they parade around with their debt-ridden status:

So, while the sheep chant for the riches. The elite who live on delayed gratification thrive on multiple people's ignorance of the laws of nature.

Elegant, timeless, eternal,



The Myth of the Family~Unit

**I tell, no truths and speak, no lies**

For many years now, as long as I can remember..., We were always being constantly bombard by the mass media broadcasting the message; Using the TVs, the print media, and many other new sort of mass messaging system to send out the signal, the thought~noise "We're ourselves (I, Me, My) and I do not need anyone else" is making us fight our very own family~unit. Divide and Conquer is there means. At the end of this project the result would be a mind changing experience you thought it was your own idea but this changing mind experience isn't your idea at all but it's theirs. Few have figure it out and fewer still, looks a blind eye toward this impending death. The end of the family~unit as we all know that existed. For many thousands of years ago, now the new re~define unit will come into place under our noises, and we won't even know about it until it's much too late.

Feel the push, the push of will; over the force of pure energy.
Another wave, another time, run as fast as one can.
Moving along in a blinding flashes of lights.
I can see the glorious rays of light shape like the crown of life
Leave, matter and space/time; behind.
You there, look around; over and over and again.

Found at last, found the family~unit
I can remember the time it was way before.
Rolling hills as far as the eye can see
Start over, start again.
The sun; light the path~way, all morning long.

We enjoy our waking sleep so much that we do not see the transaction that is about to take place.
we were conquer before we even push out of the starting line. We were programed already, to alienate our own self in our own world(reality). But as a "social animal" we were also program with "the social animal" programming that nature has given us before we were even born. We were going against our true programming causing us to malfunction as a result more like a fail safe system to stop you from harming each other. It has started to run the "hate" programming. This programming has been running for way too long, it is broken NOW, time to use something else that isn't broken. We do not see this as a broken thing(machine) because we made it seem like it is normal and it happens to everyone. We have to call "to ourselves" to form a new family~unit with people of the same views:

The ones that opposes the broken programming call "hate". We should do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. They "hate", so there~fore we "love" instead. Someone in v.reality still in search of there true self once taught us(me) 'to go against what the herd is moving toward. They move toward "hate" and we move away from hate and instead gravitated toward "love" that is the key, the secret way to live. The way to live life you always wanted.





nwothing said...
"You all do know that as truthseekers, spirit warriors,fringe dwellers,love beings,brothers ...however you want to call it.
That you have raised the bar for yourselves.

Much will be asked of you besides how you planned to survive in the physical.There are people out there that need your help.Do not seek credit for helping them.This is not time for ego addicts.Don't waste this knowledge on games ,hate and bitterness or all your efforts will be for nothing.

Inflation of the currency.

The buck stops here.

I will be restoring the value of the currency by reducing inflation.

Authors Beware.
The blog is being rebooted.
Check your Emails.
In the meantime, watch this post about the Moleneux bloodline of the 17th century:
Yes, Freedomain Radio's Moleneux is also descended from a member of a brotherhood...
This does not make him an agent... or does it?


What do you want out of this?

I cannot make you elite.
Even if you want it badly, you cannot make yourself elite.
It all goes back to religion and the kingdom of "Heaven".
"Salvation cannot be reached by works."
This means that all of the money that you have will not get you into the bloodline of the gods.
Therefore money will only buy status like Mayor MacCheese.
You will look just as rediculous as the cartoon above.
You may ask why you should become a predator even if you are not within the royal Illuminati bloodline.
The reason is simple.

As a predator you can eat them too!!!

The golden age in which I am referring is the age of gold. Namely capitalism.

We are living in cyberpunk times.

We are living in a day and age where corporations have control over massive contracts and hold the manufacturing knowledge and infrastructure to surpass nationalism.
If you look at history secret societies always kept a tight reign on the buisness world.
Money is power over the time and energy of others.
The more money that you aquire the more rule over others is given to you by paying for their slavery.

Some of you may think that if you are paid that you are not a slave.
Money buys goods and services, and pays for shelter.
A Master does the same thing.
By making money your master you lose sight of its purpose.
The more money that you aquire the more rule over others is given to you by paying for their slavery.

This is why all of the wealthy trick others into making them rich.
This is how you profit from doing less work.

I don't have a degree in economics, I don't have a buisness degree, but the money that you stand to make from working for others should only be a first step.

Start a buisness
Start a church
Start a security firm
Start a brotherhood

Start something of your own.

Money is temporary
Ritual is temporary
Safety is temporary
Kinship is temporary

Liberty is only as permanent as you make it for yourself.

Employees are not a buisness
Clergy are not a religion
Enforcers are not protection
Brothers are not a brotherhood

To truly succeed you must achieve something bigger than yourself.

This is why the ego must die.
This is why you use the amplifiers.
This is why you choose to live differently.
This is why you choose your tribe.

Will you make the sacrifices necessary for your success?

Save yourself.


Unified theory 8: Sexual Power


DeKn:EW said...

"But you see everyone don't we all see the common image here in the reality we(ME) exist in right now? We only talk about the bad even the normal sheeple I encounter at work or just out partying they talk about the bad. Putting too much of our energy in the bad outcomes of things we talk about it day in day out. Look at the blogs that we are all in look at the writing that is in the blog the responds to the blog post. Everything is about something bad. It is almost like we've forgotten what it is like to talk about something good(love).Just a thought that was in my head I wanted to write down on paper."

If love is what we search for then we must first have good. For good is what we find favorable to us, yet this only proves 2 points.

Love is conditional, and love is a choice!

You only love that which suits you on a chemical level. Love is an emotional gratification by a chemical response to stimulation of the mind by the factors of the environment.

In other words, you like all are addicted to love and will make choices favoring love. We are all programmed by these chemical highs and lows and soon comes the greater weapon!

Place fear on one end.
Place love on the other.
Watch the motor run.

Fear repels, Love attracts, therefore love used with fear is DIRECTION.

The easiest way to get what you want from others is to make them love you. Once they have been induced by the smaller gifts that you have to offer than you will see bigger returns.

This is the love amplifier.

- - -

Look at a slot machine:

Imagine that you first sit down and put a coin in and it spits out five.
You recieve a jolt, something peaks your interest.
You do it again and it spits out ten.

Again, another jolt. In 2 tries you profited. Your emotions are leaning toward the machine.
You do it again and it spits out twenty.
Immediately your logic centers are overridden. Even though it is based on chance and probability your brain is wired to recognize patterns.

When the reality is x1=5; x2=10; x3= 20; x4=n*1:1000000000

Your brain sees it as 5 , 10 , 20 , Jackpot!!!

Your logic centers and emotional centers are working in tandem now.

You are now trapped.

- - -

Now imagine you are in a relationship.

Things are fresh and new.
You have a great girl. (or guy)
You have sex, and orgasim multiple times.
Immediately your brain is overloaded with a chemical high.

Your partner is great to you.
Your partner looks good, and pays their way.
You continue to have better sex as you find each others fetishes and erogenous zones.

Your partner is still good to you.
Your partner looks great. Your partner pays their way and remembers your birthday.
The sex is wonderful.

Your partner is starting to get a little pudgy.
Your partner is a little more blunt.
Your partner skips the check.
Your partner is a little less acrobatic in the bedroom.
You tell yourself that the honeymoon is over, and brush it off.

The sex declines, and now the weight is more noticable,
They are flat broke and
Suddenly, you hate the sound of their voice.
Surprise, withdrawls are a bitch aren't they?

- - -

The HIGH is all there is. Do not drag things out. All experience is temporary.
Humans are like any animal. We are chemical junkies.

This is why all power is chemical, because like sexual power, it all comes through induction and conditioning.

"Learn detachment, for it is the secret to love. When you seek to love freely all good things will come to you. You will attract that which is better for you because you will not hold onto lesser things. The ego will be hard for many of you to eradicate but through the eradication of pride you will learn to become free. The chains that bind you are not physical but mental." - ME!

Remember the part about detachment. I meant it. The hives and herds are committed experiences based on avoiding their fears.

A fulltime job:
fear of freelancing/failure to succeed + love of money and security = slave

fear of lonliness/failure to mate + love of sex and security = slave

Ownership in general:
fear of change + promise of permanent state = slavery

Failure to embrace change leads to greed. All fear comes from fear of change.

They seek to remove pain. (Hope)
Self preservation instincts kick in. (Greed)
Rapid positive change infatuates. (Boom)
More energy is spent to maintain it (Peak)
The situation is no longer profitable (Bust)
Rapid negative change is painful. (Crash)
They seek to remove pain. (Fear)

Hope is Fear concealed.

All of this is control based on fear and love throughput.

Hope is the unity of love and fear!

(Induction and Conditioning)


- - -

So I see those of you who read the 100th post are scratching your heads about the brotherhood.
Isn't a brotherhood commitment Zero? Aren't you against commitment?

NO! Not when I like the rules! Not when I like the conditions!
Love is when rules are followed and conditions are met. Therefore if a brotherhood is based on rules than it is the only honest love you will ever know!

The greeks and romans knew it. That is why they still rule the world today through their descendants!
A brotherhood through all of its pageantry and dogma exists because of one thing and one thing only:


This is why all private organizations have hazing and rituals for the submissives at the lower levels. They are seeking people who will honor the oath even at cost to themselves!

The higher-ups would never do that to each other because they have surpassed those on the bottom rung.

- - -

Why do we worship the sun? Fear

What is the mother earth/father sky thing? Sex

So why is it that all of the rituals revolve around religion, and all religion has sexual connotations? Drugs

I will explain, all of this mess.


- - -

In ancient times the night was what kiled many. When night fell men dissapeared. The sun came and scared away all of the nocturnal creatures that came in the night. This was reality, this was nature, they were the predators.

The children who were in fear of this reality came to WOMAN for an awnser because while MAN was in the field working, it was WOMAN who tended to the young. WOMAN thought herself invincible since she bleed for DAYS without dying. It was she who saw the very power within herself to create life so it was she that was the giver of HOPE to the children.

She told them to have no fear for having seen many days she knew that the day would always come. This woman was the wise woman of the village, so she who had no fear was called WICCE for the WISE WOMAN. This was otherwise known as WITCH.

Since the men had worked the fields and she tended the hearth it was many days since she knew the fields. Sex and children were all that she knew. She explained the story of the world as she knew it through the characters of Mother earth (herself, female aspect, fertility, sex, night) and Father sky (her mate, male aspect, strength, support, day).

It was SHE who tended the fire and SHE who watched the sky. It was only later when men saw these cycles and patterns that they sought liberation from her SEXUAL POWER. It was man who saw her for what she truly was. A DRUG. This is why sex is symbolic of power.

MAN who worked the fields and cleared the land knew WORTCUNNING and knew what plants were safe to eat. The men who worked the forests sometimes became injured and used the power of the plants of the forest to heal their wounds. Not all plants were useful, but had other side effects that were beneficial. This was known as inebriation.

The MEDICINE MAN found a cure. It was in the herbs and mushrooms of the forest. He could achieve altered states of consoiusness without orgasim! Pleasure of the highest highs were had because they were the serpents who ate from the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE! This is where all of the ritual came from. Wether it was by peace pipe or sacred shroom. It was the working man who sought an end to slavery.

They soon formed a brotherhood of their own and sought a campaign to dismantle woman's hold upon the earth. This brotherhood was known as THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS. They used geometry to chart the rythyms of everything from the octaves of music, to the golden mean of art, to the cycles of the planet earth.

They developed simple machines like pulleys and levers and gears that later toiled for them. They were the champions of irrigation and turned agriculture into the first industry. The industrial age did not start with the factory, it started with the farmers and the first machines!

Finally these alchemists and astrologers and beastmasters, became chemists, astronomers, and even biologists. They had learned the rythyms of the earth and it was they that would inherit its bounty through knowledge. It was the founders of these that were the prototype for the Illuminatti and other orders of today.

What once was prey to fear had conquered it, what once was prey to emotion had conquered it, what once was prey was now through knowledge a predator. Why is the question of prey, How is the question of the predator.

It is on this chemical principal of the human animal that all truth is based. When you evolve past the chemical nature you will thrive upon this earth as an ascended being of the light. To remain trapped within this chemical matrix is the prison of the mind.

I could spend hours and days explaining all of the why in videos and books. I could pour over events till I was blue in the fingers. I could go on with my daily trade of disseminating information only to put out more of the same negative energy.

Or like DeKn suggested I could do something positive.

I could simply reveal HOW to live.

I could simply tell you today, HOW to save yourself:

Strength through Knowledge.
(ignorance is weakness)

Flexibility through Detachment.
(resistance to change is slavery)

Honesty for the brotherhood and the self.
(brotherhood is the only peace)

It is through the application of the three simple rules that you will dismantle the chemical hold that the ancient masters have had on your mind. Long ago the psychologists learned how to use words and hypnosis to release the chemicals within your brains to affect your moods, thoughts, desires, and actions. All of these former secrets are in plain sight and in many books that you can study. Most of you have already done this, but it is in this doctrine that you will unlock the secrets to finding REAL love and fulfillment in life.

The truth about any brotherhood is that it has purpose. There has to be a common goal or theme that unites the men of the world. This is the goal of the packs and the tribes.

What I propose is that you make a pack of hunters. Virile, attractive, charismatic men and women united by their common goals. Not a herd but a cabal devoted to promoting your vision for reality.

I am repeating myself for a reason. I want you to tell me what you are doing to make this happen. I want to know what you are doing to save yourself.

- - -

Do not struggle to impress ,

your honesty with yourself will determine your success.

You will be treated as brothers and sisters.


This will be your new golden age.

Welcome to your second rennaisance!


100th post! The Gathering

A letter from Titansurge

Lord Zero,

"I hear you talking about fear alot. How you should live without it and with only "love".

You claim that you should "love freely to get all that is good."

Well guess what? WRONG.

Have you forgotten what Hives has said?

"Love is a myth and a dangerous thing."

You CAN NOT LOVE FREELY, as that means you love WITHOUT CONTROL.

This is an IMPOSSILITY. Just like living without fear is. Love is energy, energy that gives one happieness and peace as all of his desires and requems are given to him. It is that special link that is rarely ever found but still exists. Yes love can help. but it can HURT too.

Love can't just be pointed at the things that help like life and health. It can be directed towards DETRIMENTAL things as well. One can love Mcdonalds, even though it makes him fat. One can love injuring himself, even though he is destroying his valuable life. The sheep can LOVE THEIR DELUSIONS, though it will only kill them.

Same thing with fear. It can be harmful, but when controlled, it can be HEALTHY. You will always have fear in your life. The question is will you IGNORE IT, or at least see why you are getting scared. Sometimes the fear may be REAL, it may be RATIONAL. The fear the sheeple have is false, irrational fear.

Life is all about BALANCE. Attempting to live with NO CONTROL over your love is an impossiblity. Living with no fear is an IMPOSSIBLITY. One pole needs the other, one force needs the other.Newton's law. You will find out that they apply to much more than you think."


This is what I'd like to see more of here. You took a contrary position, and made an intelligent argument. Critical thinking!

- - -

Love is the key because if you move towards it as a path and away from fear as a weakness you move into strength and joy. Of course we do not live into a perfect world so you must attempt to ballance weaknesses with inner strength and reasoning. Love is conditional, so to live in love you must improve the conditions of your life to live within it. There is rational love, it is rarer still but imagine loving a principal or a concept instead of just a person.

I know all too well that some kinds of love can lead to weaknesses if unchecked but I was assuming a higher level of intellect among my readers not to fall into its pitfalls headfirst. This is why detachment is important so that you can make room for better things. Just like the mcdonalds guy detaching for a better diet or the cutter detaching for S&M (safe, sane and consentual), moving on is key. The point is to detach from a culture of fear with warning signs and terrorism all around us and move back into a community of freedom.

Some countries simply did not want to live this way, sadly they are the ones that the elite conquer(ed) economically or through war. They either got taken by greed or spured into conflict. The hives cover the earth in small patches but the real problem to the beurecratic solution is when love and personal responsibility take over. That is the only way for government to shrink, when adults start being responsible caring individuals in self sustaining communities.

Yes we can, as a slogan might say. We could have charity instead of welfare, free speech instead of harassment and defamation. If people stopped asking the government out of fear to control their reality and started taking the effort to improve their local community, the control would break down out of a lack of need. The government will only spend money if it needs to or if the elite want to. If you are both self sufficient and intelligent enough to see through the trickery, then other than direct conflict, there is no control. You put the control into your hands as a people because you took responsibility for the direction of your community.

The reason why the sheeple will never revolt is beacuse they do not love their fellow man and will not take the responsibility to make a major change in their lives and the lives of others. Therefore living in love is the revolution. In America they tried to stop it in the 60s and 70s. The powers that be had much success in the 80s, the 90s were too pessimistic, in the 00s the greed of the 80s returned. Individuals choosing to live rationaly in large numbers is the only way to stem the tide of this collective insanity, or zeitgeist as some may say.

I do not propose changing things to a cashless society like Peter Joseph or bitching to restore the constitution like Ron Paul. I propose restoring the political landscape to a freer society based upon slowly repealing the irrational laws, using the same gradualism that was used against us in the past.
This will only work if the people control themselves and here lies the issue:

The sheeple exist to be controlled thus making this freedom almost impossible on a mass scale.

So where do you put all of the love?

You put it into the school, the home, the smaller community programs. You put it in places where sheep don't go like the library or the local lodge. You influence the smaller groups not in the hopes of stemming the tide but to maintain the balance. By cultivating the compassionate predators you will find that they are both resilient against the shephard and the sheeple as well.

- - -

When I was 17 years old I used to be a bum. I was lazy and selfish like the sheep. I loved music and art and did nothing else but fuck the goth girls around school. Sometimes to be honest I look back on it fondly, but something was missing. My mother worked in libraries and every so often I'd volunteer just to have an excuse to see her. She was a single mother working overtime just to kep us fed and I had a reputation around town that made it harder for me to get a job.

I was hungry one afternoon and I noticed a huge stack of pizza go by so I followed it into the breakroom. It was for the Teen Advisory Board or TAB for short. They were having a lock-in that night. So my friend Willis and I decided that we were bored enough to go. We walked back onto the main floor and there was this kid sitting there in a grey trenchcoat. This was right before Columbine but either way, I had to talk to this kid. He loved wrestling and heavy metal. He was 13. He was weird. There were others like him.

We all sat down in the meeting room with the pizza devouring it like savages. We didn't care about all that health consious crap, we were just having a good time. It was all about getting friends together to have good time. TAB later planned community events like a battle of the bands and put in a skatepark, but that wasn't all that came of it.

Once we stopped being teenagers we still hung out at the library and read books. Being that a lot of the stuff was boring I started off with sci-fi and serial killers and moved onto conspiracy theories; and then political non-fiction and the occult. My friends and I started discussing the issues and we got together to make art and music of our own. Eventually we made the traditions and the sacred oaths to form what we later called The Family.

We all stuck together after TAB because there was a brotherhood that surpassed it. In the days since terrorism one might call a secret society of ex gothkids a splintercell of the trenchcoat mafia, but we followed more of the wisdom of the occult rather than the violence.

- - -

Like I said to Titansurge AKA Ralf so long ago.

You cannot join the Illuminatti because the Illuminatti is not a herd, it is a brotherhood.

To anyone who is interested in starting a brotherhood there is a document about the management of a similar organization and some of its pitfalls. I encourage you to take a look as it is only 38 pages. It reveals much of the current issue plagueing secret societies today.

I encourage you to start a group in your community dedicated to this type of vision. Even if you do not agree with all of my ideas the point is to start the group, not for me to police its methodology. It has now come time to save others as well. Not the sheep but the chosen bretheren who choose their own salvation.
Here are links to the rituals contained in freemasonry:

If you can look past the christian propaganda, you can see what the rituals are and what they entail.

Master Mason


Gauntlet 3: The trial of ZeroMessiah!!!

"Let he who is without induction cast the first stone..."

Book of Zodiac 3:16

I'm man enough to take it. If I am wrong I can only grow. Like the Hydra you only add to my head(s). Any posters who impress me with their knowledge gain a spot as a writer of the blog. All who fail shall suffer the embarrasmant of their own words being quoted.

An Epic fail will result in a new Mascot on my 100th post on the blog!

Unified Theory 7: Fear is the weapon.

This is about love, the other emotion, the hardest choice, the vulnerable state.

Don't settle for less.

Beta males and Beta females alike will rob you of your time and energy. Wether through relationships or employment, your time is too precious for the sheeple.

I want you all to take an oath to only spend time with those you considder equal or superior to you. (raising children or educating doesn't count)

The reasons are simple. Your quality of life is destined to improve. Our lives are not the sum total of our posessions but the contents of our minds.

I know a girl who is mensa material, she's beautiful and funny and sweet. She is what I should have been living for all along, but to be honest I didn't see enough in myself to fight back the fear holding me back. Now I am free from flaws because I do not let the flaws I have stop me. This is transcendance. It is not becoming what you are not or wallowing in what is, but not letting anything but the inner self shine through. The body is a shell, the ego is a shell, the chemical and external world is a shell. The self transcends because the self is love radating outward constantly seeking the same love. All is a soulmate that seeks love because there is no "one" for you only oneness in you.

Fear is the only true prison that you will ever know, when you embrace risk in the spirit of love nothing can stop you. You may fail but through a lack of fear you will survive, and thrive. I am inspired to greatness through the affections of my muses. I understand that all things are not permanent. I embrace the now because I have the security of being to know that the only permanence remains etched in stone in my mind.

Learn detachment, for it is the secret to love. When you seek to love freely all good things will come to you. You will attract that which is better for you because you will not hold onto lesser things. The ego will be hard for many of you to eradicate but through the eradication of pride you will learn to become free. The chains that bind you are not physical but mental.

The best example is handcuffs. Is not a broken hand worth your freedom? The body is not the self, so you must detach from it. Pain is only a rapid change of state. It is the awareness of extreme dissonance from the harmony of our comfort zone. Love is freedom and freedom is love, withstanding the pain and the struggle from bondage to achive it is the goal. It is experience and joy that makes a life vibrant. You will soon transcend from the body while living.

There will be another face of the inner self, the mask will be removed. To see in love is to reveal the truth in all things. The hatred of the eilte will not be their undoing, but it will empower you to know that it is the love in your heart that can be your greatest strength. Do you not see the blinding light before you?

Love came before fear, at one time it was all that was. Man lived in tribes in harmony. They were hunters and gatherers. They were compassionate predators that lived in harmony with natures laws.

You may have read this before:

Through fear man gave responsibility for the course of their lives over to city-states of organized religious and concentrated political power instead of choosing to live in small self-reliant communities observing and coexisting in harmony with the science of nature.

Know that it is only fear that chains you. If fear is the weapon of the manipulator than love is the weapon of the intellect. If you understand this weapon than you will understand how to use it to protect your family, your friends, and yourself. If you understand how to use this weapon than you will understand how to use it against attacks from sheeple/agents, elite/intellects, and others who would seek to rob you of your power.


Stay tuned for:

Unified Theory 8: Sexual Power


For all comments directed at the blog itself post here.
I could always use input on topics or how to improve.


Unified Theory 6: Marketing and Manipulation of the Masses.

In marketing one analizes public trends in their local market and then produces results based on the collection of data. The marketers then use subliminals and positive reinforcement or drug like reactions in the consumable product to create dependency.

They use the Higelean Dialectic to produce a response from the public based on the product and then use branding to offer solutions based on the product. Either way media spin will usually put all intended products in the best light possible.

This is why there are several grades of soft drink. Diet, regular, energy drink, etc. If it is all the same company with different marketing for each product, than they get money either way! All markets make you think they have a different product when in reality it is only modified slightly to suit their tastes. In the case of soft drinks it is all sugar/saccharin, water, and acidic- carbonation. After that all you end up with are coloring and flavoring agents and drugs like gaurana and caffiene. I use this example often because these drinks have become ubiquitous in our daily lives ands culture.

Now that the hipsters are homogenized, every is the same. Branding to the individual forces pro or anti rebellious choices but they still buy the same entertainment products and snacks. There are few books if any sold by this approach because they are a largely non-visual media. The marketers constantly have their feelers out to catch trends as they come. A lack of camoflage among the generations of parading teens and conspicuous consumers led to the ability to synthesize the trends into the economic battery of the hipster/gentrifer.

This was a choice, the generations were led to this by the nose. Culture has been globalized because the people have been galvanized. The economic battery was charged through subtle sublimation of the masses toward a comfortable mediocrity. The trick was to make them want it. Cheaply made products that are mass produced were made to seem like prosperity. In a time where pre-fab cultural Icons are bought and sold at large, what other goal could they have been moving towards? If you understand Edward Bernays, then you know where this was headed anyways.


The 2nd Gauntlet was only a POLL. You were all induced by Solid Snakes article to produce data. There were 3 goals of this induction.

#1 You all became focused on the articles of DJHives.
#2 You all were forced to use your own reasoning with the data given by Hives.
#3 The focus was shifted towards Hives, either way if you were pro or anti, you took a side.

The data collected for marketing is meant to reinforce the products hold on the masses. I am just showing you the HOW. You all might disagree wether it worked but for those who participated, you canot argue wether data was collected on your behalf. I'm sure that by now you realize that DJHives and Zeromessiah are just branding around the same product; KNOWLEDGE. We both say save yourself. I'm just the lite version.

I did this so that I could prove a point, not to abuse you as some may say. I knew that the knowledge would have a deeper impact if people knew how induction worked on them in an everyday setting. I also posted on manipulation and mindfucking shortly before this because like the benevolent elite I warned you first...


I did not want to torture you with this knowledge, I wanted you to apply it!!! When you find out what someone desires, then you can either satisfy them directly by giving it to them at a price, (hustling... ) Or, you can make them work harder for what they are really seeking. (eat them...)

In the case of the compassionate benevolent predator, one must make a deal with Lucifer through contracts. This is where we got the housing boom, stock crash, dot com crash, credit crash, ETC. When you take the bait for induction after tha data has been collected you fall prey to the contract. A contract is nothing more than a written promise, and we all know that promises can and will be broken. There are always more loopholes for them than for you by design. This is self evident.

So look deeply any time you sign a software TOS, or a billing statement. Read the fine print. Most importantly if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.


So then what can we learn from all of this? Do not keep your heart on your sleeve. It makes it easier to market to you if you don't camoflage yourself. Why do you think marketing gurus have a target audience?

Once in a while I will use fnords to prove a point. Do not confuse that with the tone of older posts. I respect your intelligence but sometimes I have to restore humility. I noticed alot of prideful statements and flame wars on this and other blogs relating to status!

I am not in control of your life but as long as you are baited by challenges of the ego, than like bacteria you are only working on the level of stimulus and response!!! Emotion is the simple awnser to a question no one asks. The ego is what craves status so you must eradicate it, only then may you live through logic as a compassionate predator.


Gauntlet 2: The Trial of DJHIVES!!!

There have been alot of Hives lovers and haters on the blog. This is a hot button issue for alot of us. Therefore in the interests of purity of knowledge I would like to see what concepts and topics hives has brought up that you can proove and disproove.

Anyone is welcome, even Hives.

You can use any format you like. Type in the comments, Add Video links, Links to music, Links to blogposts. This debate will be ongoing, but only in the comment section here. Support your claim!

The issues can range from any of DJ's blogs or Nemesis' videos.

*Pussy Property Value
*Small Farm
*Induction and Amplifiers
*The Occultation
*The second sun
*Release your anger
*Blocked and banned!!!

Just to name a few...

(I also expect Solid Snake will expand on his origional post here...)

Remember to either support or deny his claims with observations or facts with a source that can be referenced.




Please re-direct all questions and comments to and about Hives here:

You had the guts to do it here, but will you say it there for all to see?

Corrupted knowledge

I have learned a few things on djhivess' blog and I must say he knows something.But he belives that his view of life is all-seeing and all-knowing and this is where he is terribly wrong.He first induced me with Obama will be president video, and that is when my djhives fever started.I was so induced in his reality that I couldn't think critically.I went into mania mode.But when his blog was shut down, I had a rest and recovered a while.
My biggest issue was that his indoctorination was opposite of what I have learned of these pick up artists, pointing at some evolutionary biology that the main purpose of life is to survive and reproduce.
This guy hit the final nail in the coffin, penetrating through the curtain called djhives.


I can see clearly now that he makes a legion of sick, corrupted, angry-filled young men who blame women for everything.
That is not responsibility.
Most of them have never been in college, but they spit anyway.
These assholes know nothing about life, yet they see others as sheep, food etc.
The knowledge is corrupted with the rage of djhives and I urge anyone to stop for a moment and think what they are doing.

Here is a link to David Deangelo 77 laws of success with women and dating

The pirate bay



This will change your life, believe me.The second two links are 30 mb each, I think they are better.


Non-Thought Is Death, But...?

** I speak no truths and tell no lies **

Death of a life just means one thing, that is: Creating non-thoughts, but what it really should be doing is creating thoughts not creating non-thoughts. That will only lead to one thing and that would be the death of the living matter. Have you ever wonder how I came to this conclusion?

Wonder no more, try not to think toO hard on this subject matter I will tell you...,

When the subject matter does not think at which point death of life can finally manifest itself, out into our reality this world we call home, the land(matter), the stars(space), and Tomorrow morning(time) will end. Everything will end for you, if you stop thought from happening. Falling into a routines and cycles will bring you down the path of non-thoughts very quickly, if not handle correctly. As routines and cycles thoughts because you do those things with or without thought they are the auto-pilot responds, just call them the "what-if" programming. We all have those type of programming but by running those program all the time without doing any thought-noise at all. You just went into a sleep stage and what is after sleep coma, and what is after coma? Death. It only leads to one answer at the end. Sleep equal Death. Look at the people that is in the hospital? The one in the coma it is like death. No thoughts but their body continue to live.

I had this friend when I was very young, if I am not mistaken I think I was just midway through grade 4. I Had a great friend, I can say we were best friends. We hung out playing games at recess and also at lunch time too. We hung out after school also playing robots, and lego. I can still remember that day. The next day in the morning my best friend wasn't in class. I know he never skip school and he is hardly sick. A few days later my best friend still haven't came to school yet. So I've decided to walk to his house after school and see whats up with him. That evening still the moment that lead up to me ringing on his door bell. Everything was against me, that day. Someone or something didn't want me to go to my best friends place to see whats wrong with him. Sudden during my walk to his house, big gust of wind blew against me all the way to my friend's house. Nearing the half way mark to his house, it started to rain slowly at first then harder and harder the closer I got to my friend's house. This moment in my life is like a dream to me right now. A distance dream, but a very meaningful dream indeed. My movement up the steps of his house (all the following event is in slow motion to me now) even my beating of my own heart was beating in slow motion. I pushed the door bell once, then waited for someone to answer the door. The moments pass slowly as though everything is just standing still. I slowly reach my finger back to the door bell to right it once again. Just before my finger made contact with the button, the front door of the house opened slightly only the person's eyes and top of their noise was seen. The door open wider now the person inside knew who I was. They brought me inside but this weird feeling kept bugging me for some odd reason. After many years I can still taste that emotion right now in my heart. I have no words to describe that emotion I guess the closest that comes to what I feel like right now would be: to put all the following emotion into one emotion: pain, fear, hate, and anger. My best friend's mother told me to sit down she will explain to me what has happen to my friend. I had a strong flow of energy trying to push me to leave this place now, right NOW. Just before I had a chance to jump up and ran the fuck out. I heard from my friend's mom "he died" I just ran out at that point never showing my face back at that house ever since.
I've learned later on in my life that he was in a coma due to a blood vessel breaking in his brain. They pulled the plug on my friend and he stayed alive over six month. His body was able to live over six month without any machine's help. But he had no thoughts, so he wasn't alive but dead on the inside. They had him hooked up to one of those brain monitor to see if he had any thought-noise in his brain that can say it is a sign that he is truly alive. Over a week of recording, they found: not even one signal at all that is brain activity. My friend is a great example of non-thought in action equal only one thing at the end. That body is very alive but the life inside has long gone into another reality(Death). Life as we know, stops when you start to use non-thoughts as thoughts.

They chose to stop thinking a long time ago. I fear they got them when they were kids, the only way to program someone is at a very young age. The mind of the young has very little thought-noise in their own brain. So they haven't made their OWN personal thoughts up yet, from all the gathered thought-noise that is impacting them each and every waking hours of their life. Once they made up their own personal thoughts at around age 3 or so. They will always use that as a guideline for their very own filter to understand this world they share in. They will add more new information into their filter if they continue to learn. If one gives up thought and not learn then one is doom as a walking dead as another living dead "the zombie" is here.


Lets take us to the other side of the coin now...

Search and you will find it...,



We are all sick

We are all suffering from a TERRIBLE illness! Yes, you, me, the guy in the street, the sheeple on the farm. All of us are suffering from the same thing and it's called

Multi-personality disorder...

Multi-personality disorder? Wtf, surely I do not suffer from this. Or do I?

Think for a moment, what could this statement mean?
I'll tell you what I think it means.

Take your regular day. You wake up, next to your wife or girlfriend (perhaps boyfriend). In time you have learned how to "adapt" to this person that is lying next to you. You know what to say, how to say it, when etc. When the kids wake up and join the scenery, the relation between you and your wife changes. As in, there are things you can't say and/or do in front of the kids. By now you had your breakfast and you are almost on your way to work. Just before you get in the car that annoying neighbour of yours calls your name. You hate the guy to bits, but for the sake appearance you smile and wave back. Finally you can get to work. When you arrive, your state of mind has changed once again. You will not handle your boss or your co-workers in the same manner as you handle your girlfriend. Perhaps your co-workers are racists, and they tend to make racist jokes. You, however, are not a racist, but for the sake of appearance you laugh anyway.

Lunch time, YES, finally you can get away from these racist bastards. On your way to your favorite restaurant, you come across an "old friend". Someone you went to school with but haven't seen in years. They are all like

Hey, how are you
Long time no seen
What you up to now?
Cool cool, I'm into...
Well was nice seeing you again

In reality you don't give a fuck, all you are thinking is, GOD DAMM, this is taking forever and I only have 30 minutes to have lunch. But for the sake of appearance you PRETEND to be interested. Finally that stupid person left and you can get your food. It's a sunny day and in front of the restaurant there is a small area of grass. You really want to go sit on the grass and enjoy the sun, but you don't, cause you would be out of context, you might get noticed. So for the sake of appearance you decide to eat your lunch inside, at a table and on a chair.

Another 4 hours of racist jokes and your back on your way to your beloved home. That night you and the wife decide to go out. You both have a well paid job, so you go to the nearest posh club. As you enter they are just playing your ALL TIME favourite song, it represents so much for you that you want to jump on a table and go all out. Dance yourself in trance, but you don't...For the sake of appearance you decide to stand where you are and shake your head a bit, perhaps move your arms, but nothing to "extreme" cause you might get noticed. People might start backtalking about you...


I think I gave enough examples. The point I am trying to make is that we all play multiple roles. A role for every situation. We allways do as is expected from us. These are unwritten rules, but they manipulate us every day, in every situation. We are more occupied with playing roles than with ourselves. After a while you will start to think that you are nothing more than the sum total of these roles. Ofcourse this is insanity! This is like an action hero who believes he's a hero in real life aswell. Or to say it in another way, we are more occupied with other people's potential reaction than with finding out who we are or wtf is going on.

Zero's Archive