The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



I found my very own revelation through comedy, and for the folks that would rather laugh than cry about this embarassment to freedom and choice that we call the "American Dream" I give to you Doug Stanhope!


When you have to ask you already know...

"Give me a reason to stay with you."

If you have ever gotten to this point you already know that she isn't the one.

Go for what you really want.

My dream girl has to be a ghetto booty goth chick that knows how to paint. A girl that smokes pot who dosen't make a life out of it. I want a girl that can understand that sometimes you just need to hang out with your friends and play a game. I want a girl who picks up a controller and knows how to play.

I want a girl that can support herself. I like it when I can help you, but I don't want to help you all the time. I don't care about your past, I just want to be a part of your present and your future. Don't punish me for my feelings, my opinions or your mistakes.

I want something real that is based on mutual desire. Most relationships are like emotional welfare. They are based on comfort and settling for less. The real reason why DJHives always told us to not accept welfare or the slave hive is simple. Sheeple never look beyond the fucking fence. The sheeple don't think outside of the box because their comfort zone is all that they want. When you setle for less in life you are nothing more than a fucking nigger. I'm not racist, I'd rather be a newbo than a nigger.

People who down the Illuminatti are just jeallous. Oh Snap! Yeah I said it! They are jeallous of the power that they have. Think of how many times you were jeallous of a friend with a hot ass girl. They treat her like shit but she keeps coming back to that shit. The nice guy sheep thinks that if they had a chance they would treeat her better. The Illunined mind knows however that she's with him because he is better. The asshole is what she wants because the asshole demands respect at all times and tells the truth no matter how bad it hurts. The asshole lies to get ahead and like the illuminati we all want to be like that guy.

Nice guys finish last because when they settle they stop running at all. They find the first chick that gives them the time of day and they just take her shit forever. Just like the guy who picks up a shit job at Wal-Mart and lasts long enough to be a manager. They stay so long putting up with it but in the end their dreams are all dead. They lost their future because they failed to recognize the present. They will never know happiness.

The sheep are only jeallous because of what they fail to do for themselves. Its not about all that "evil illumoinatti-flouride-dioxin-cancer-swine flu-black ops-alex jones-bullshit" They feel like they are cheated because something in them failed to click. They are the dud bottle rockets that never knew what it was to get fired up and fly.

When you have to ask "Why should I stay with (this job, this woman, this friend, this country)?" You already know the awnser.

You Don't!

LIVE outside of the box.




I've been applying what I've learn't and its actually going great for me. I have a great girl and a work at home gig where I can make my own hours. I'm not finished with this blog but the tone has definitley changed.

I'm getting my old life back.

I can explain it like this.

Back when I was in highschool I felt more alive for some reason. I had a group of friends and contacts that I hung out with regularly and I could find whatever I needed whenever I needed it.

Then I became all about the grind. A grind is not and never will be a hustle. A grind is slow and steady, but it is just that. It is a grind, it never stops and will make you into a nub. A grind is like a lawnmower not letting a flower grow before the bud reaches the sun. You will never bloom like this.

I backed out of artschool because it required a grind to do the same thing that I already did well which is art. I was paying other people to evaluate me on what others already were telling me that I could do well.

I was paying for a degree that I really didn't need, because if I made it a hustle instead of a grind I'd already have had money in the bank then. At the time instead of doing that I just payed other people to tell me that its not worth anything...

Does that seem like it makes any sense to you?

Unlike in regular school where I knew I had talent and charged people for pictures. Instead I wanted to pay for school and work for someone else. I realized that in highschool I worked for my self and learned for free! Now that I have the internet I can learn anything for free and bootleg the programs to design it all.

It did make sense at the time but now that I pulled the wool out of my eyes, I was getting scammed from the beginning.

Now I'm using the skills from my last job as a telemarketer to my advantage. I make my own hours and schedule. It has a slow season but just like catching fish, it comes and goes. The most successful hunters set many traps. Just like Robert Kyosaki was saying, you want multiple streams of income. If I sell my freelance art on the side I can bank a little extra. If my girl does a little freelance modeling on the side she can get a little extra. The point is to have multiple hustles.

Why would anyone buy stock in the first place? Well if you want timergy, stock can potentially deliver some creature comforts once you have your savings in order.

Why own property at all? Well if you have property you can rent it out. Don't leverage it but own the land outright in cash.

Why keep a day job? In the beginning or when things are slow it helps to have something that people always need to buy.

Why go directly from school to work? The kind of work that you really want you can do for yourself. If you want to be a foctor start out as a nurses aid. most hospitals will pay for your training to get higher positions. Most Jobs will pay for your training to go into a career position. Either way if you want to go to school just get a job that will pay for it. If you can learn it and certify online there is no reason to pay another loan. Keep it simple.

When should you get a loan, if ever? I will awnser a question with a question. If a loan is the only thing seperating you from life and death then how did you get computer access to my blog? You are obviously not the person who would have this situation happen to them. The truth is that there was a time when loans didn't exist. People hunted and fished and lived outside.

I am going to reveal to you a little secret. Debt cannot take away what you own, only what never belonged to you in the first place. Material posessions are only going to get you so far because the reality is the hustle. A homeless man can make up to 200 dollars a day panhandling. If you stack that up thats close to a thousand after meals. What that means is if you get repoed and the debts arew all payed or your status is claimed indigent, you are able to get back on your feet in a few weeks.

You may think "Hey wait a minit! Ain't that like WELLFARE!!!"

The homeless hustle is the oldest trick in the book. The only difference between WELLFARE and CHARITY is that at least you get something out of charity.

Charity is a GOODGUY BADGE that we wear to make ourselves and others feel better. Helping the homeless is just as much of a con as being homeless. You are both running a game there. If you stop to help the beggar you look like a saint for lending a dollar to the down and out. Sometimes though the con is on you when they drive home in their car.

Unlike WELLFARE it is completely voluntary. You choose to pay it. This is what irks so many of us when we get home from our jobs and see it on the bottom line. Were sponsoring a long dead tradition. I'd rather have government subsidied healthcare for legal prostitutes because at least they work for a living.

That still dosen't explain why I put up with the homeless strangers though. Simply put they can't be a drain on me unless I let them. True the welfare rats still take a chunk out of my check, but I still can tell the hustlers off of nebraska avenue to piss off. The only thing close to work that they do is ASK first. I'm sure that you all have had that friend that always borrows a dollar or two every couple of weeks. Thats managable, but when all of the broke niggars want to turn my check at the end of a long two weeks into chump change, now we got a problem!!!

The point of all of this is that with a grand at the end of a week or two panhandling and putting in job applications you can get out of being homeless. If you start smoking crack and joining the system then you'll never get out.

Watch this movie next time you have a problem with money. I promise you it will set you straight.



I returned for a reason.

Have you ever seen the first Willy Wonka movie?

I'm not talking about that Jhonny Depp shit that Tim Burton made, I'm talking about the 1970's Gene Wilder movie.

At the end of the movie Charlie Bucket turns back and gives Willy back the Gobbstopper.


Giving up is easy, but knowing when to walk away and knowing when to fight is another thing altogether.

I have a beautiful woman in my life.

Look at her.

I'm fighting back the words, but LOVE is possible.


The Gobbstopper lasts forever, I'm a bit more sensible.

I know that love is conditional. Everything boils down to contracts. Just like credit cards, not keeping your word has consequences. You can always lie about what you are, but material things have a certain reality in nature. You can always manipulate, but repetition leads to being found out eventually.

I found what I was looking for, and I would be lying if I said that its unique. It's easy to find and easy to make with the right tools. The whole point is that feelings are chemicals, and the Highs and Lows that you feel never come from them. The emotions that you feel always come from you.

Have you ever noticed that the first friends you made in school never feel the same as the ones you have now? Have you ever noticed that the love you find later in life hardly ever seems to have that same all consuming emotion?

I used to think it was me but in my solitude and meditation I realized it was my tolerance for the chemicals had in love! Like any other drug I built up a tolerance to it all!!! I used to have vanilla sex but now I need to be whipped and beaten just to FEEL. The endorphins are the craving and addiction. Adulthood is the point you reach when you are dulled to the highs of emotion. It came at me fast, but I can say that I am pretty jaded now.

Even in knowing this is it still love that I feel? Of course, but in understanding the facts behind the emotions I know that like all addictions it has its price. Have you ever seen a guy with a manipulative high maintenance bitch? They follow them around like a crack addict after a dealer haemorrhaging money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Remember what DJHIVES taught you all. LOVE is CONDITIONAL. When the relation ship is "moving too fast" Notice that you are giving much more TIMERGY than the chemical high is worth to you. When things aren't moving fast enough, you aren't getting the high you are after.

All in all when you boil down the psychology its just about not being the sheep, but being the shepherd. Emotions are the carrot, the contract is the fence, but at the end of the day it's your ass on the block.

Remember TOBY from ROOTS?

Timergy Over Bitches Y'all.

Thats all I'm sayin'


(The best thing about having a girl into bondage is that if she ever screws up you can just flogg her and start over.)



THE Gulf of Mexico oil spill may be growing five times faster than previously estimated and is in danger of accelerating out of control, it was claimed yesterday.

Experts said satellite data indicated the oil was gushing from BP’s sunken Deepwater Horizon rig at 25,000 barrels a day. Previous estimates had put the leak at 5,000 barrels a day.

Professor Ian MacDonald, an ocean specialist at Florida State University, said the new estimate suggested the leak had already spread 9m gallons of heavy crude oil across the Gulf. This compares with 11m that leaked from the Exxon Valdez tanker when it hit a reef off Alaska in 1989.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said deteriorating conditions on the sea bed may result in an even greater flow of 50,000 barrels a day, sufficient to produce one of America’s worst ecological disasters.

Related Links
BP desperate as oil slick reaches US coast
Slick from BP oil spill reaches US coast
Oil spill is worse than we thought, BP admits
Experts and officials said their greatest fear was that a disintegration of pipes close to the rig could produce an “unchecked gusher” that would ravage America’s southern coastline.

As the slick slowly drifted towards fragile shorelines from Louisiana to Florida, there was intensified criticism of BP for apparently underestimating the potential scale of the disaster.

The British oil giant faces questions over how much it knew about previous problems with “blowout preventers”, the giant underwater valves designed to shut down oil flow in the event of accidents.

The valves on the rig failed to work after it exploded on April 20 (HITLER'S BIRTHDAY). BP technicians have been unable to activate them even though they appear to be undamaged by the blast.

BP has calculated that it might take up to three months to sink a new well that could cut off the flow of the Deepwater Horizon’s oil.

The worst oil spill affecting US waters was caused by a 1979 blowout aboard the Ixtoc (rearrange the letters to spell TOXIC!!!), a Mexican rig that discharged at least 130m gallons, 600 miles south of the Texas coast. It took nine months to plug the leak.


Does the name IXTOC sound familiar???


The question that NOBODY asked.

So here it is. Why Bob Dobbs?

In the late 80s and early 90's the people were sick and tired of all of the marketing. The counterculture of America along with grunge had one last irreverent hurrah. Religion had failed us, Corporations had failed us, Governments had failed us, and before DJHIVES or NEMESIS even put out a vid Reverend Stang was there to mock it all in truly dischordian style.

Acting like a raving moonbat was the only way to truly say fuck you to the manipulative nature of culture itself (before becoming one of the pink boys) which now seem more like a homogenized gray. Like a plain white t-shirt and an Ipod, even with the hipsters antics invading the background there is little in the way of NEW content being discovered or generated. Everyone is now more like a blank billboard for the advertizement of corporate objectives.

Art, Music, Even fashion have reached their creative limits.

The only thing that moves us forward will be technology.

I give you these examples because I'm at my creative end. I took a long hard look in the mirror over the past two weeks and I have nothing left to say on this blog that has not been covered at least twice by any of you. I mulled over this decision for weeks but finally I realized that I've outgrown this blog. The only ground left to cover is the completion of my other project.

I'm leaving this site up along with the other works. My time with you was short but in the time that I have spent with you all I learned a lot. Thank you for your membership.

This is ZERO MESSIAH signing off.


In other words, its really, really over.




The blog has crashed.


Ask a question, get an awnser.

Open until April 6th 2010.

Reverend Ivan Stang is inducted in the Lords of Zero

"The Church of the SubGenius is not responsible for deletorious actions caused by exterior forces beyond the immediate control of this website, including but not limited to Acts of "Bob," conspiracy cancel-bots, local electrical fluctuations, User's equipmental shortcomings, or glitches caused by Users still lost inside the website."





That is when the blog will end...

ok, check this shit out!


Zombaphobes Unite is an intelligent blog!

This is worthy of your time!

She is the first woman ever to be inducted into the Lords of Zero!

This is a proud moment for the blog because it proved my point about allowing intelligent women on the blog!


By using logic to define your life you will successfully form relationships based on beneficial returns. By simply following the energy and where either the time or money is going, you will find the solutions to your problems.

The fact that there is a continuous increase in military spending is proof that the governments promise of security is a lie. If the government nd its people were actually secure we would not need to increase the amount of defense measures because we would have a system that functioned. What we really need is force for the sake of enforcing policies on the population and forcing those abroad to comply with our wishes.

The fact that there has been a steady increase in the number of religions and sects over time are proof that their promises of truth and benefits to others are a lie. If there was a religion that actually achieved the goal of bringing meaning and prosperity to life, it would be as accepted as self evident. What we really need is a quick awnser to questions that we may never know the awnser to and the ability to force the weak minded to follow us out of fear and obligation to a hippocritical code of ethics.

The fact that we are spending more on the prescription drug industry, is proof that the promise of health is a lie. If the pills and prescriptions actualy achieved a cure there would be no need to ingest them indefinately. What we really need is to continue treatment of disease for the monetary benefit that the ill provide out of despairation.

The fact that we are spending more money on education, is proof that the promise of an intelligent population is a lie. If the schools were responsible for educating the population it would be the teachers rather than the students that would pass or fail. What we have instead is a system of indoctrination useful for isolating behaviors and achieving concensus through repitition.

The fact that corporations are spending more on charities and the environment is proof that corporate ethics are a lie. We would have no mess to clean if the corporations were actually working toward a better tomorrow. What we have instead is the grotesque commercial advertizement disguised as the caring sympathetic hand of buisness used to increase revenue.

In short what the Matrix is, and what the sheeple are is the willful idiot and the lowest common denominator who blatantly ignore the world around them in favor of instant gratification to produce a synthetic womb.

The visions of George Orwell's 1984 and Aldus Huxleys Brave New World Have collided. Instead of a boot stomping a human face forever or a chemically subdued population watching the feelies we are much easier to subdue. I argue that instead of this the future will be much like Mike Judge's Idiocracy. In other words it will be a case of beer and a boot kicking a man in the nuts forever.



Instant Gratification VS Delayed Gratification

Today's topic will sum up everything I have been trying to say on this blog for well over a year so pay attention!

Marrage VS Dating

Many may disagree that marrage is a form of instant gratification. I intend to not only prove that it is, but also show you the positive value of remaining a bachelor or bachelorette! The truth is that while marrage takes along time to get to, once there it is the easiest way to destroy a relationship. I may have lost some of you but my reasonings are sound, I assure you.

When a Man or a woman is married they are no longer trying to attract a mate. From this point on they will be in decline in all fields of romance and attractiveness. Few actually keep up with basic grooming when single except when trying to attract a mate. I'm not kidding, get a whif of one of your coworkers and you'll see what I mean.

Beauty fades not from age but from a simple lack of trying. How many have been married only to watch as they or their mate pack on the pounds. Exercise stops when the chase ends. Why run on the treadmill when you could just go to the bedroom. Hell even sexual encounters become shorter and less frequent after the honeymoon phase.

The problem is that I'm not actually saying anything that no one else has before. I'm only attempting to evidence the relationship involved, in a new way. The real goal is to actually be on the hunt for life! You never need to settle down as a swinger, or as a polygamist but the puritan values of the "New World" prevented alot of this. Single then is the truly legal way to go.

When you are single, you actually have to delay your gratification. You have to wait until you find a person who wants to fuck you. I know that everyone wants to talk about dating but really, were all adults here. Dating is after all only having a fun excuse to size them up and see if they are boring or crazy. You spend your cash and try to impress the hell out of them, and thats the point I'm trying to make right here!

When you are trying to impress someone you are at your absolute best! This is the person we wish we could be all the time. We become the UBERMENSCH. We become the vision that we hold of our higher self. At this point we have no choice but to live in the form of the talent and beauty that we have all been given. We have no choice but to be our absoloute best, or else we will lose the target that we are after. We must instead be our best.

People always say be yourself. Being anyone else is impossible, but you can be your lazy, ugly, rude, stupid self, or you can control yourself! Living for self gratification then becomes an estimate of wether you want to be your best and continue to try and fail until you get it right. It takes patience and self esteem to say that you CAN, and the ability to perservere to say that you WILL.

Employment VS Self-Employment

This is yet another example of delayed, or instant gratification. I know many will think I've dropped off the deep end on this one. I can hear it now... "What about promotions? What about when I am trying to use one job as a stepping stone for a better one?" Look, If you want to be someone elses niggar, be my guest. I don't need to choose a side. I wonder who I'm paraphrasing on that one...

The trick is that with that cushy job you always have a check until they fire you. In this economy things are going to quickly change. I believe that freelancers and the owners of buisnesses will see the benefits. The trick is the same only the mark has changed. Instead of snaring a mate every time you are trying to impress the customer instead.

The customer is where the money comes every time. The government only prints it. Suckers, er, customers are the true source of income at any level. The real ones who know this are the corporations in the first place. They are constantly doing their best through advertizing to get you to buy up their products or services. They are courting the customer at every turn, as well as trying to cock block the other competetors! You could stand to learn alot from the other guy.

Religion V.S. Science

Here is yet another example of instant gratifications underlying flaw. Religion is the biggest example of instant gratification that I can think of. Instead of finding the awnsers for themselves by testing and observing the awnsers and results, the sheeple actually believed that there is a man in the sky and a heaven and hell when we die!

What the fuck is wrong with them?!? If anyone saw the movie 'The Invention of lying' like I told them to this would be obvious, but I'll explain anyways.

We wanted an awnser for lazy people that could get them up off of their ass so we made up GODS WRATH to get them moving.

There I said it. The biggest fucking secret of them all behind the occultation. We needed fearful people because we needed them to do things for society as a whole. If you can't motivate through rewards like knowledge, you have to use hot pokers and jab them till they move.

We put Satan on the other end who wanted to be lazy and fuck anything that moved and basically be a prick to everyone. In reality though if you look at it the aristocracy behaved just like him but they could because they already built the world that the lesser man lived in! The archatect could do as they please because it was their house to begin with!

Now, moving on, the sheeple below could either do one of three things. They could continue to beg and be trampled by horses, they could do as the aristocracy, er I mean GOD said, or they could pull back the veil and reveal through observation (science) why god did not exist. Those that pulled back the veil could either become predator and accept the way things are or become prey and become political prisoners for life ever after thus proving the hell in store for those that denied GOD ALLMIGHTY.

So, to recap:

Delayed gratification 3
Instant gratification 0

Where do you want to go today?


Rules of the machines of Moebius

While this is part of a fictional book I am writing I thought it might be useful or at least amusing to you.

"The language of the machines of moebius evolved to serve the need for efficiency. It was meant as a courtesy for humans that were not augmented and is intended as a largely superficial interaction used for humans with special needs. The un-augmented or pures as the VIRUS calls them have not quite adopted this way of speaking. The sleepers and chipheads have to a certian degree but still maintain the questioning nature.

#1. Machines rarely speak in questions, instead they speak in open ended statements to convey choice, or convey their observations directly with a pause to invite a correction.

"Should I do it?"


"I should do it, or I should not."


"Do I look fat in this?"


"I look fat..."

#2. Machines rarely apologize, instead they explain. This leads to a solution in many cases.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, are you okay?"


"I have bumped into you, there is no apparent damage... I will be more careful in the future."

#3. Machines do not make smalltalk and pause frequently for long periods in conversation.

"UM, Like, You know, Whatever!"



#4. Machines often speak what they percieve others think in a direct manner. They therefore rarely credit the emotions of others. Genesis and the other primes are special because they remain emotional yet retain their talent for intuitive assumption.

"You look sad little boy, are you lost? Are you hurt? Do you need help?"


"Your current location is sector five, hab complex b. You have minimal damage. After repairs, I will assist you as needed."

#5. Machines expect results and answers to be instantaneous. When questions are needed they are direct and with little emotional impact.

"What the fuck were you thinking out there? You cant expect to stop a tank by yourself with a simple machine gun!"


"You were inadequately armed with little chance to survive. Why choose to face them unassisted?"

#6. Machines never request in the form of a question. Machines always state simply what they need or desire. Needs and desires become indistinguashable as they are justified as the same because emotional fulfillment is classified logically as a personal need.

"I really need five dollars for lunch but if I could have a dollar more I could buy a soda as well, Can I please have six bucks instead?"


"I need Five dollars and Seventy Five cents for lunch and soda."

#7. Machines have compassion for the dead but due to the ease of converting matter to memory, they simply move them to a virtual sector. There is no ullogy simply a statement of where the data is located and where it will be indexed after transfer. The body is eliminated and if augmented is reconstructed immediately or left as a pure net object.

"Charles was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, his deeds in service to our country will be remembered."


"Charles was uploaded Virtually due to a failure to resurect, his avatar will be remastered."

#8. Machines no longer refer to time as a number to count to but as a statement of progress. They only state time in refrence to what they are doing as a function of their operation. Time becomes a means to an end, and if nothing is being done then time becomes irrelevant. The subject wether implied or direct leaves the sentence to return to a relevant or functional point.

"I will arrive at ten o'clock."


"I will arrive in forty-five minutes."


"I will wake up at six tomorrow."


"I will return in eight hours."

#9. Machines are not optimistic but they also cannot lie unless for a functional or non-emotional purpose. If an emotional statement is included however it takes precedence over the more direct information. It becomes an intention.

"It's over, I'm a dead man."


"I may die."


"I Can't, and I won't."


"I will not."

#10. Machines are not violent unless they have to be. They do not make threats. While it seems awkwardly phrased this is a statement of intention through logical process.

"I'm gonna cut your fucking head off man! I'm gonna fucking kill you!"


"I will remove your head and you will die."

#11. Machines are able to lie but do not have the talent for imbellishment.

"Hey Mike, she ain't got a big ass but she's got a great personality!"


"Her ass is small, but you will like her."

#11. Machines rarely address people by their names but simply look at or touch the person they are talking to unless they are in large groups in which there is no connection such as a lecture hall full of pures.

"Michael, please put on your shoes."


"Put on your shoes."

#12. Machines do not address humans with ettiquette or polite phrases. They simply state their desires directly.

"Please give me the apple."


"Give me the apple."

#13. Machines assume when they do not get what they ask for that either the human is stupid or, the machine in front of them is malfunctioning. The emphasis on words and phrases turns into a uniformly clear statement of intention.

"Why can't I have the apple?


"Give me the apple... in my hand... now."

#14. Machines do not beg or give ultimatums. If they do not get what they ask for they simply obtain it elsewhere. While a human may make a threat like "Give me the apple or else...", A machine will either take the apple from them assuming further malfunction, kill them for the apple or get another apple.

#15. Machines have no trouble being direct. They will retaliate without remorse as they find their decision to be the best case scenario resulting from the actions of others. By the time a human would say "Don't make me shoot you man!" The machine would have already killed you and disposed of your body.

To simplify the entire structure of language has become purposeful, direct, dominant and efficient. This is the NEWSPEAK of Moebius."

Exerpt from Distorted Dreams Moebius


Zero's pick --- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann!!!

I'd almost given up on anime since the days of Robotech. Boy was I wrong. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is the definitive anime of the next generation of illuminatti anime freaks, other than maybe Distorted Dreams... Shameless plug --- GO!

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann begins as the story of men living in the shadows of their ancestors, triumphing against adversity. This echoes a famous parable about coming into the light of reason. Simon and his brother Kamina escape the underground labor camp when they find an ancient relic of the spiral war. Like his father Kamina dies in battle. He becomes symbolic of this repetition of death through war, and sacrifice. The first season chronicles the human spirit, yet it is also symbollic of the sacrifices that are to come.

Kamina becomes a figure of martyrdom much like the symbol of Jesus Christ. Simon becomes symbolic of the Holy Spirit as in the case of the human spirit. Their father represents the old ways like the elder god Jehova. The fact they came from the ground like the meccha or golemn; lagann represents the first man who was of clay, Adam Kadmon. The spiral is a symbol of coming into enlightenment. The story itself follows the typical mythical epic story structure that Joseph Campbell discovered. In all ways even the first season is a mystical retelling of much older legends.

When they reach the surface they discover that lord Genome and the beast men have been battling anyone who breaches the surface. The first seasons story takes on the mantle of the stereotypical battle of a scrappy skeleton crew against an overwhelming but largely inept force. Other than Genome's resistance the others prove little problem. Genome seems more intelligent than the others but the reasoning for this only becomes apparent to those who watch the 18th episode carefully.

Just before the second season the drill simon wears becomes a symbol of the human genome itself. This is where the story arc takes a wicked turn. The symbolism then changes into an allegory of the battle of the illuminatti to keep the human population low to avoid death of the entire race. Those who are still attached to the first plot train miss the illuminatti arc entirely.

Humans are then discussed in the 18th episode as an infection rather than as the hopeful entity. They become complacent with the gifts of the light that they have recieved. Now out of the darkness their greed is boundless. In the midst of a war they bitch about their housing! Instead of the unity which aided them in leaving the underground labor camps, the people riot for their new found prosperity to remain. The people lash out against the government even though the problem is due to the fact that they continued to breed even against the warnings of the ancient prophecy and the governments efforts to responsibly control the breeding through a census. In 7 years (think magic 7) the people are no longer an ally but instead a hinderance. This series is almost a snapshot of us in 2005, aka 7 years before 2012...

The entity of the dark spiral seeks to bring down the moon (occultation + black sun + spiral!) The warning is that they will destroy the universe that created them. In episode 18 politics is refered to as a practice of finding a figure to blame to pacify the people! Genome reveals that the humans will become exterminated and that his efforts to keep populations low were a cold hearted attempt to save them from the anti-spiral mugans or the faceless ones (nature!).

Simon's contempt for Rossiu and the spirit of the system becomes apparent when he is blamed for the continual destruction of the city through battle. His struggle with Rossiu becomes the struggle of the chaos of man against the order of nature. The anti-spiral will symbolize chaos to the sheep yet in fact in death order is restored. The human will symbolize order to the sheep when in fact it is their chaos which started this mess!

The entire series depends upon this juxtaposition between the anthropromorphic buildings and meccha's faces and the ever present spirals. This is another symbolic reference between the face or mask of humanity against the chaos of the evolution of our genes. A humorous scene arises when while licking a spiral twisty cone the homosexual mechanic's chair is spun signaling the chaos as a comedic prop! The spiral is an ever present reminder of the tracking of the occultation and the cyclical chaos that exist within the harmony of nature.

When this series is fully decoded it is a great watch to both illuminists and regulars alike. Even those too scared to pull the wool from their eyes will enjoy this series. Even if the sheeple are distracted by the Gainax teams love for bright colors, huge flashy explosions and bouncing busoms, trust me you'll see what I am talking about with more than a few surprises in store for you! Only 27 episodes long, but well worth the cult following. It's zero's pick of the litter.


BTW... Distorted Dreams is temporarily closed pending the arrival of my scanner.



I CAN JUST SEE IT NOW... All plugged into their cozy little matrix...






Please feel free to use this little red pill as a universal template to innoculate yourself from the bacterial infection. Your Benevolent Lord Zero will help you all.

#1. The world will not end, simply change.

The only thing you have to be concerned with is LIFE not DEATH. Death comes for all things. Death is nature. Do not fear it, embrace its power. Even in the tarot, death symbolizes change. Respect that change is another opportunity for growth. Age brings wisdom. Disease brings resistance. Take hold of the threads of fate and instead of playing them like a violin, strangle the sheep that oppress your intellect!


I highly reccomend reading 'The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' by Douglas Addams. The minute that you panic you shift from acting to reacting. A reaction will only parrot the amplifier like an echo. Notice that reactions usually result in doing what the OTHER wants. Lets look at some examples.

A guy wants to get with your girl so he insults you and YOU act the fool.

A company wants you to buy a product they make YOU feel like you need, because you are older, dumber, weaker, more tired, less sexy, etc. without it.

A girl wants security for life without working for it so she baits you into marrage by doing things for you like cooking and cleaning and giving up the pussy that YOU should be fishing for yourself.

I could go on but remaining calm is how not to fall for bait.

#3. The most important thing to remember is that YOU are the most important thing.

Be selfish. Eat them. This is your life, not anyone elses. You are responsible for your life. If a man slaps you in the cheek, smash him in the other. Read the books 'The Devil's Notebook' and 'The Satanic Bible' by Anton Lavey. Know the truth. The world is yours.

I repeat myself because people forget... Amnesia breeds comtempt.


A Change of heart...

From time to time I check out my older posts to gain a bit of grounding. I look through the older comments to see where I went right or wrong. I stumbled headlong onto a great find.

Does anyone remember our friend theowlx3?

The owl changed their screen name to gentledeath a while ago.
His blog is pretty good too, its called "Live in reality."
If you aren't reading it, you should. It's actually a pretty good read in spite of numerous unintentional plugs for Starbucks.
Of course posts will be infrequent and from a large range of subjects. In his own words:
"The purpose of this blog is to share knowledge and explore reality. I will not confine myself to a particular field. I am not a compulsive blogger so don't expect a post everyday."
I reccomend it. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Leaders section at the top.



Imagine if there was a parallel universe where a person could actually talk about the "American Condition" without the raving anti-moonbat bufoonery of Hives or the shockrock theatrics of Manson!

Seriously, Meyers has written a great book here. I'm not even finished with all of it but I had to post it.

(btw, I'm on chapter 7!)


The invention of lying

Watch this movie, it makes EVERYTHING we have seen or done (probably ever) clear as day.

You may question me on this, but trust me. It's ALL there.


Last post for a while...

This is not a FNORD.

It's not a gaycation...

This is the next project being born.

The blog will be growing very soon.

My book will be finished this year.



Having fun yet?

Having fun yet?

I'd love to hear the truth of wether or not induction works for you.

Post your experiences here...



Are you rich?- A letter from Solid Snake

"Are you Rich? I know that it is a personal question, but I'm curious, do you use all those tactics and advices to manipulate people and run business?"

I'm not in debt. I actually live a very austere existence. You will find that wealth is really simply related to time. Waste all the money you want because it is really time that makes the wealthy rich. They have time to vacation or study at their leisure because of their power over others given by money. Figure out how to do that and you are set for life.

You are never actually running a buisness because corporations are a fiction anyway. You are really running and influencing the people around you to do what you want and need.

Look into the reasoning behind not being in debt and you will quickly find that slavery is wasting your time for others benefit. Being in debt means having the life sucked out of you to pay the debt. This is literally how you sell your soul.

It's simple alchemy.

The sun is time because of the sundial so SUN=SOUL

Selling is trading money for goods and services, the laws of EXCHANGE found in alchemy.

Turning lead into gold then is simply selling the lead (the common) to make gold (the valuable).

So lets recap, attrracting a customer and charging a fee by induction is how you make money. So simply find a product or service to market and then use psychology to beef up the product in their minds eye. You have always had the power to do this. Find a fad, find a need for a service in your area, you need to get to know your area. Find out your target audience and run with the data!

I've gone over this to death here, but what I want you to do is simply listen to a buisness model that a ladyfriend of mine has created. She makes charms for little or no money down and sells them at her school for an enormous profits!

All she needs is clay, paint, and ribbons. She spends mere cents on the dollar for the ribbons, maybe a dollar a spool for the thick ones. Her paints were given as gifts and are cheap as hell. The clay costs her about 6$ a box. She uses a box up after making about 24 charms which sell for 3 dollars. Hand painted and custom made. 3x24=72 dollars profit out of a loss of about 8 dollars total. It takes her about two hours to make the hole batch of charms! The best part is that she never influenced the people to buy anything specific because they are all custom characters and objects. She loves to do it!

They could learn to make the charms themselves (illumination) but that is only something she teaches her friends (the elect) instead she charges them money. (the sheep)

Think of the TIMERGY!



72-8d = 2h

She makes literally 32 dollars per hour of her time!

Make your time work for you. Find a need or want and fill it.

Catch your fish!



I see a face just like an angel
An ornament saccharin artificial

It tears me down to see your pretty face but,
I'm Okay

Inside I know that I am ugly
I wear a mask so you cant see

You wanna know the truth but I say
I'm okay

My love is blind but hate is 20/20
Depression pacifies me like a junkie
I can't have love but thats okay cause,
I'm not afraid to be alone.

My love is blind but hate is 20/20
Depression pacifies me like a junkie
I can't have love but thats okay cause,
I'm not afraid to be alone.

And I see,
see through the real you
I see right into me

And I see,
see through the real you
Thats why I let it be

If you want to jump in the fire
I want you to hold my hand
If you want to jump in the fire
I want to be your man
If you want to jump in the fire
I want to hold your hand
If you want to jump in the fire
I'd rather be there instead

I'd rather be there instead

My love is blind but hate is 20/20
My love is blind but hate is 20/20
My love is blind but hate is 20/20
My love is blind but hate is 20/20...

Oh no he di-int!!!

All the bitches really do come out of the woodwork when you simply repeat the same bio-mechanical patterns.

Heres how I do it.

#1. Look good

Don't dress for what you want, but what they want. Shocktest to find out. Look at their style, mimic their culture. Infiltrate, camoflage and above all surpass expectations. If you are already known as an outsider, enhance the qualities they like about you and minimize the qualities they do not find appealing. Use mirrors and other reflective surfaces or a wingman to tell you when you have attracted someone.

#2. Be a great listener

Listen 75% of the time and respond carefully during the other 25%. Use repeat tests to sustain the loop. Let them dig their own grave. They will talk like hell if you find out what engages their interest. Don't shut them down, be funny but not obnoxious. Act more open minded then you are. Be more of a blank slate for their perceptions of who you are rather than an open book. Mysterious can be good or boring depending on your ability, so learn to control your throttle. Give the conversation a little gas, but just enough to keep her talking. She'll talk to you for about fifteen minutes before she feels a connection, but most girls know wether or not they will fuck you right away. If you get snubbed reboot to the next girl from step one.

#3. Be a challenge

You don't always have to be taken, just appear out of their league in some way. Be familiar but above. They will feel like they snagged you when in reality you baited them well. Make the conversation engaging and keep offering any knowledge but only in reflections and shocks. Keep things light till they start to send signals. Then make the moves.

#4. Make them wait

Let them get themselves worked up. They will literally make advances on you. The more you deny them up to the emotional peak, the less foreplay you actually need. Tease and flirt like a boxer bobs and weaves. Use light touch the way a boxer jabs and follow up with an arm, hand or embrace. Kiss or even bite or scratch to get the job done. Remember, most girls are kinky as hell at this point if you charge them up enough. Shocktest to see what you can get away with but only 25% of the time, the other 75% follow their lead.

#5. Make it last

This is the payout. Once things get hot and you have them in bed or simply are ready to go, stay dominant. Let them work for their orgasm for the first few minutes till you get their rythym. Shocktest till you have them pegged and their zones marked. After their first orgasm they will remain wet and shuddering, then you finish them with your own moves. Collect data as much as possible on their reactions. Analizing them will not ruin, but actually will enhance the moment.

#6. Call control

This is when you decide if you want a one night stand or a ladyfriend. I can't tell you how to decide this but I can tell you how to lead a call.

To destroy the opportunity for a repeat offense, do not be an asshole or a nice guy. Simply be boring. Without any emotional signal to attach to they will chalk up their sexual energy to being a purely physical urge without any realization of your influence. The truly clingy will make themselves known through your long silent pauses and smalltalk by filling the gaps with paragraphs of information about their life story. You could literally find out everything about this person if you feigned intrest, but spying is another topic alltogether.

#7. Are you in love?

The only question that I can ask you from here is simple.



How it works: INDUCTION

I noticed how much hate from below looks like envy and how much hate from above is like the hate of a father. Those below hate because they envy those above. Those above wish those below had the tools to be above but see their weakness. So hate is essentially in these cases a realization of the limitations we set on ourselves.

What we need, is in fact MORE hate to improve our environment.

If LOVE is the end, HATE is the beginning.

The best motivation comes from HATRED.

Love does NOTHING to motivate anyone towards change.

Love is NEUTRAL, therefore it has no attraction, it is INERT!

Hate ATTRACTS love because they are CHARGED like electrons, which are NEGATIVE!

PASSION comes from NEED and DESIRE, not comfort!

Therefore focus on changing what you hate to ATTRACT what you love!

Focus on what you LOVE and there is no MOTION because the ENERGY is already spent.

E-MOTION is energy gained from the MOTION of others.


You will literally MOVE them into action.

This is called many things but for simplicity lets just call it INFLUENCE.

If someone loves you they will worship you on a pedistal. They will move toward you and your goals to please you and to have your love in return. You can walk all over them if you have them enthralled. Infatuation and desire is created out of need. Give to those you love freely, and those you want to love you, give with care, economy, and purpose.

If someone truly hates you they will chase you down forever. Hate attracts the positive energy to change, therefore embrace it. Use that energy to make yourself their adversary and you can get them to move in any direction you wish as long as you move in the opposite. Maintain the stalemate till they are cornered in their own circular logic or a trap of your design.

If someone is neutral instead you must shock test their responses. This can be done verbally, physically or subliminally. Learn to flirt, agitate, provoke, intrigue, and mislead but above all try not to be boring. Anyone with a mate or employment has used some form of influence to their advantage wether or not they admit it.

In the case of products and services, you must stand out ahead of the other competition. You must slander the others or boast your own effectiveness. You must sell your product as if it were a unique and enjoyable experience. It must simply resonate with the customer.


RESONANCE is the key.
A SHOCK TEST succeeds because it RESONATES with the same intended FREQUENCY.
DISSONANCE or DISHARMONY causes a breakdown.


In this case RESPONSE is the same as RESONANCE.
INFLUENCE succeeds when your target RESPONDS with the same intended DESIRE.


USE it or LOSE it.


I have released my anger...


Upcoming Video

I'm on vacation till then...



There are 39 of you who follow openly
There are 40 followers total on my current blog
Even privatized there is room for 100

I will not be choosing 40 people for LORDS OF ZERO.
There is another goal for this NEW blog that allows me to leave the origional info within this one.

This is a collaborative effort to bring knowledge directly from the leaders of this blog into one place.

Only authors may post there.
This is not a punishment, only a response.

Leave your Emails if you are on the list of leaders or wish to attend.
Others will be considdered based on the merit of other comments left within this blog or the blogs of others.

I respect others like Dante's ORDO ALTAIR, DJ's Secret Room and Lucifer's new blog, but this is authors only.

The second blog is a closed beta test.
I want to create something worth viewing.

This new blog will be a community of artists, writers, musicians and scientists.
This will be the prototype for Generation Zero.

It will launch on 20100105.
Enrollment ends on 20100110.

I'm making a new years resolution for some of you.
There will be no more of this on my 2nd blog:

REBOOT ON 20100105


Good and evil are abstract justifications for behavior. This polarization is largely obsolete. Choose instead a path of total honesty with yourself. This is what "eat them", Luciferianism or even Satanism is all about. The world is your prey if you choose the path of the victorious. There is no middle ground, just weaker predators or "white witches".

Take the stance of the predator because even the sociopath has mental weakness. Divinity is not a delusion, merely a recognition of the true meaning of the term. Divinity was the mandate of heaven or the kings rule. The kings rule is law through force. Therefore the divinity which many speak of here is the divinity had through reaching the maximum potential of the predator's dominance.

Why do you think that Hives at one time bestowed the titles of LORD upon us? King, Lord, God, they are all the same. They do not bestow divinity as much as AUTHORITY. Sieze your authority, sieze your personal power. Do not deny your true nature by hiding behind the "goodguy" badge!

Good is for the weak. Evil is for the weak. Power and its results are for the strong. Power is not always blunt brutal force. Sometimes it is simply the ability to influence others. Do not be fooled by charletans! Truth comes from success, or the ability to learn from failures! Sieze that divinity within you and you shall not loose.


Anger will always make you lose, because life is the sum total of experience and emotion. If either is lacking, anger itself will cement it in place. The frustration that we feel must be moved into an intellectual category to realize any measure of success from it. Look toward making a larger picture emerge through that spite that you feel and pursue it as a form of inspiration.

Anger is there to identify a problem. Like pain or fear it is actually a usefull indication of the environment around you as long as the reaction to it is moderate. It inspired me toward my "two minutes hate" in the gauntlet. I chose to create it to spur the fires of an intellectual debate on the blog. It has come to my attention that it is largely obsolete to sanction such things. Declaring war on a blog is just as pointless as swimming upstream.

The point is to become inspired to change the things we cannot accept, or simply accept the things we cannot change. Either by using dominance or respect for nature you will thrive. If one cannot destroy, one must create. The ebb and flow of nature exists within all of us, even in machines. This is the opportunity for growth we all seek.

So I will create as always in the absence of an opponent or relish combat in the presence of the worthy opponent. The wolf is always waiting, with baited breath.


Gauntlet special!




After the Menstrual Bitchslap over at DJHives blog, LADY ANON

What is the meaning of life?


I refuse to compete on hives blog because it does not belong to me.



I will not break his rules out of respect.

However if you wish to continue this then face me here OR on another neutral blog.

I think that even you would agree that is fair...



I am finished educating her on the topic of debate.

There is no hope for her, she is all emotion and no intellect.


The Search for brother DeKn!


I am off doing something of my own right now.. It seems like it got to a point where it seems we are just repeating oursleves over and over again. What is the point of having all those skills if its not put to use? That is the problem. I've noticed many just keep clinging onto the info and never do anything with what they know! I've noticed that I was falling into that also. I'm doing too many things right now, no time to blog at all.


Simpler wisdoms were never spoken. Walk tall brother Dekn, the light shines on you.



This is the sum of life. Your total life is only a memorized chemical history within your brain. You get no re-dos or second chances. This is also why "do as thou wilt" is the whole of the law. Nature has planned for us all to thrive, but it is only the predators who truly remain at the top of the food chain.

To gain knowledge one does not need a college degree or some guru to make a patsy out of them for time and energy better spent reading books or experimenting on ones own. To lead a fulfilling life one must enjoy the time they have. Some things cannot be simply watched or read but because of the nature of it must be experienced.

In short the total sum of your lifes work is sitting on your shoulders right now. Your memories are your only true wealth. If you had bad experiences that you did not learn from and later avoid, it is you that are to blame. Likewise if you have learned the methods for success then it is you that you have to thank.

You must use this knowledge to plan your life, however you must also realize that you may only have tomorrow or tonight! So live every day as if it was your last, because it could be!

_ _ _ _ _

Tonight I want to talk to you about sensuality, or things involving your five senses.

Sight is a great one to discuss here because of the fact that we all *(assuming you're not being read to) can see the page. The sense of sight is one of my favorites because I sketch in my spare time. To be able to truly enjoy sight one must simply enjoy what one is actually seeing. Wether gazing at attractive mates or decorative luxuries, never forget that there is also pleasure found in the written word.

The sense of smell is actually the greatest one attached to memory. The smell of an exes perfume can trigger a flood of memories into the brain which trigger other thoughts. Smell is very powerful, so use it in your meditations or studies to enhance memorization. Olfactory pleasures can lead to carnal experiences if the proper pheremones are also present.

Hearing is best experienced alone. It is sad to say but few massive events have the same quality as the uninterupted performance of a recording. While a club or concert may have other pleasures, this is the sense easiest to lose through its repeated use. It also has the ability to frighten many without any other visual or sensory provocation.

The sense of taste is dangerous to your health. Not because taste itself is bad but the very addictive quality of certian foods could poison the body irreprably through gluttony. Any one knows this in the age of the fad diet, but few heed it in the states. We are one of the most obese nations in history. However taste can have its benefits elsewhere...

Touch is basically a dial. Zero would be pain and ten would be an orgasm. The tickle would rate at about five because the body does not know wether to be aroused or lash out blindly. Touch is the sense that produces orgasm most. This sense is also the one responsible for your sense of place and part of your sense of direction. Vestibular organs inside of your inner ear feel out the balance to allow you to walk upright or ride a bike. Out of any physical feeling touch is the most powerful in rendering pain or pleasure instantaneously. I believe that orgasm proves this irrefutably.

_ _ _ _ _
With that overview it is your task to devise ways to pleasure yourself, pleasure your partner and influence the public. Advertizing is highly sensual, but so is a political discussion. In fact everything you do is actually a sensual experience written to your memory.

Have you ever played a long RPG videogame only to feel empty afterwards?

I got to level 99 and all I got was "Thanks for playing?"

The money and riches you gained in the rat race of the game are just like the rat race in the real life you lead today. At the end of the game however long or short, you only carry your experience with you. Live sensually and have no regrets. That is the meaning and the goal that everyone seeks. You can only be happy in the present no matter what your memories tell you.
_ _ _ _ _
Tonight I want you to live sensually. Masterbate or fuck in honor of nature.



We have all seen the likenesses of a superhero. The men are all musclebound warriors and the women are almost uniformly sexy.

Power therefore is either in the form of brute force or sexual influence. It is either had through consequence (force) or influence (arousal). To put it another way, you can either lead them by the nose or drag them kicking and screaming!

Sexual power is not just for women, nor is brute force just for men. Since womens bodies lean more toward childbirth (sex) and mens bodies lean more toward labor (force), such divisions are natural, and in some cases necessary. This is not mysoginy, this is simply the evident physical properties of the two groups.

Lashing out against such divisions stirs controversy but it only provides attention for those who do not succeed in their own role. If a woman is successful at being a woman, she will not act like a man. It has nothing to do with anything but the ammount of effort required to produce the desired result. If it requires more effort to be a typical woman than it does to take a male role, the woman will not only perform the male role, they will excel in it.

This can be seen in many examples, however the preservation of gender roles aids in the survival of the offspring. I would never say that a woman should not work in a factory, however I will say that a pregnant woman shouldn't.

However what I will say, is that reality is changing to accept a more relaxed view on the subject of gender in a traditional sense. This is out of necessity. We gain more female workers while reducing the population through homosexuality as opposed to heterosexuality. The stigma fuels more cultural division ensuring more sacrifices through conflict. The social tensions increase as personal identity is no longer defined by gender. The selection of a mate becomes harder when sexual preference comes into question. Bisexuality reinforces the casual nature of sexuality already prescribed by the media. In all cases this is an epic win for the elite.

Wearing a dress does not make you a woman any more than pissing upright makes you a man, however note that when either action is performed and publicised it is categorized as a sexual fetish by design! Any anomalous behavior is categorized as a fetish for its value as both a stigma and also in the forbidden fruit it provides. Yet again the psychological loop is maintained, either by creating a target for those who preserve a culture, or creating a mark out of those who seek its pleasures! A trap for the adherents of culture or a trap for the deviants maintains yet another program.

Every man and woman on the planet earth has a sexual hangup. Breast and ass fetishes are common. The foot fetishist is really not a freak, just a person with an unpopular fetish! Look at all of the women who faun over gay men, obviously they lack the sensitivity they seek in their men. Not in the sense of in their mate, but in the fact that they seek a man who is obviously willing to submit to their subjugation! I could go on but the reasonings behind the behaviors become obvious over time.

Sexual force is no different from the power of physical force when it comes to the mind, because the addiction to orgasmic pleasure and praising acceptance is bred into us from birth. The pain felt in its absence is more effective in rehabilitating one to the acceptance of culture than most any prison.

They are the two opposing poles of induction. The arousal is the north and the pain is the south. We seek out the pleasure to combat the pain. This model is simplistic but in all organs providing sense it is the sensual experiences we gratify and glorify.

Even now your eyes are responsible for the stimulation of the words written here. Never doubt the power of that eye. The eye is the window of the soul because through it you can speak silently. The communication of incalculable data filters through that window into your mind directly to the subconsious every day.

The point is to use them to see the unseen, so that you may know the secret and attain your power. You must look upon yourself and use the tools of arousal to stir others towards your benefit.

_ _ _ _ _

Tonight I want you to look yet again at your body in the mirror. I want you to enhance your sexual power. Make yourself in the image of your sexual god or goddess. I want you to be subtle, but know what works. Find a sexual rolemodel that suits your sense of subtlety. In this way you can create your own ideal.


Reality is a compromise between culture and nature. I cannot stress this concept enough.

People within the culture actually bend nature into reality. They utilize machines to change the way nature works to their beneft. Paradise, Heaven and Utopia are simply abstractions as well as Hell and torture for the other end.

You must have seen it a thousand times over. Look into the eyes of a child at play. Imaginary friends and the roleplaying serve to bend reality. The delusions of youth are created within the mind. They serve a purpose, the child is learning.

However once adulthood is reached a much more instructional form of fantasy takes over. The creative spark is lost due to the repeated need for love granted to us by achieving within the accepted societal roles and norms given to us by culture. We no longer truly play the same way as we did in our youth.

Fantasy becomes what is placed into us by such programming as movies, books, video games, and other passive forms of entertainment. Unless people discuss and interact freely with others on a regular basis that are outside of that comfort zone, they become set into a pattern determined by the culture.

Labels form quickly and the fads of our youth begin to date us as well as our professions. This specialization only serves one purpose. It serves the farms we live in.

The repeat mechanization of labor requires a specialized hand. The ease of categorization only serves to identify the pleasure switches quickly and effectively to continue to grease the wheels of that machine. Demographic data relies on stereotypes that actually exist. Profiling is both necessary and also effective in determining threats to that culture.

Remember it is the culture, not the people that are preserved by law and order. The poeple are immaterial to the point and objective of this method of mass conditioning. The "ststus quo" is both real and law. Unwritten rules are rules just the same.

_ _ _ _ _
The reason why hell is so similar in so many cultures and religions is because the methods of torture are the same world wide. The message of any major religion is simple.

Do as we say or you (your spirit) will be tortured.

This concept has kept so many within the trap of culture that the number defies visualization. The only analogy I can really give you is "a boot stamping on a human face forever."

The first task of religions is the creation of avitars.

The preist creates his avitar (GOD)
The initiate creates his avitar (SOUL)

Man then begins the struggle through the rules (DOGMA)

If man realizes his power to influence others he simply takes on the mantle of the preist or guru and enforces through the power of god through reality that which in nature he desires of others.

If the law fails to keep the subject bound he forms two additional mental blocks from the first initial set of variables.

The preist creates guilt and fear (HEAVEN/HELL)
The preist creates a mob (FOLOWERS)

Through the guilt/fear response the "consience" is created from irrational thought. The fear of god's wrath is instilled. If this is not effective a secondary consequence comes directly from the culture itself in the form of its adherents.

This is why it is especially common to enlist those into the military or police forces who support the religion of the culture. It serves as both a visual reminder of the power of the mob while at the same time using the influence of guilt/fear on the well armed mob itself. The mob can then be used to wage holy/cultural wars to preserve the religion/culture of the opposing group. In reality the leaders of both groups profit from the continued profits of the war itself.

The war serves as a sacrifice. The speeches of any official proves it VERBATIM. I'm sure you have heard the literal words

"I just want to thank the brave men and women of _______ (military/police) for their SACRIFICES in the _______ (war/conflict)."

Death is the reinforcement of culture and life goes on for those at the bottom. In the last throes of agony many soldiers and police alike still pray to their gods obedient to the last.

If god is real god would not waste his time in the affairs of men. Natures way allows struggle to create the evolution which improves the species itself.

In the name of LUMINA


_ _ _ _ _

Tonight I want you to write.
Open your blogs and create.
I want more leaders.

Zero's Archive