Why do the elite use robotics? Vegetarian Ethos. Let me explain.
If you understand the concept of Jeff's blog (Eat Them). Then you know what I'm talking about. In short, why be socially manipulative when you have a machine that you directly program? What it all boils down to is choice.
Machines are like plants. They function according to simple natural laws. They can even be solar powered. No risks are involved socially. They make the perfect slave to feed and work for us.
It's how Anakin started. with the GOLEM.
Anachim later became Darth Vader, as most know. But he started in the desert with robotics. Why do they show this in this Jewish myth? What is the purpose? WHY...
No! Look at HOW it was done!
Take the industrial revolution as an example. The revolution created a much broader leisure class.
Serfs were no longer tied to the land. People became mobilized regardless of social class. People had more time to waste. By creating more time, the elite created more CUSTOMERS and CONSUMERS.
It had its purpose for a time but the planet has limits.
If the Georgia Guidestones are followed then we also know what will save them again.
Robotics will REPLACE the slave class when the population goes down to 500 million.
Just like in Darth Vaders body, the body is the slave of the mind. It can be replaced, the same with the body politic.
Machines can be run on ANYTHING. As long as the wheels turn, work will be done. Machines are able to do this for one reason alone.
I can her the eco-nazis screaming the same old song about the planet.
Machines exist on the same planet as the rest of us. They eat the same foods and run on the same laws. Do not look for special cases but bend and you will understand.
Pollution is just robot piss, robot shit, and robot farts. The machine of government runs on the same resources that we do because of natural laws. We will never exist outside of the system of nature so we are all nature.
Man is no different then Machine. Man is programmed socially using WORDS(code), and chemically using DNA(BIOS/Hardware). This is what I meant by the whole world is just a goddamned computer.
Man is harder to work with. man is slaughtered for his meat. Robots are able to be HARVESTED from the ground and assembled. This is why I am a nerd at heart. I am a SOCIAL VEGETARIAN.
Eating people is just not in my nature. I WILL DO IT THE 5% OF THE TIME WHEN I HAVE TO, but if a ROBOT can do it for me instead. I will choose the robot.
But how id we discover robots? Through the gears of the universal cycle.
Like his creations though Anakin later became Emperor Palpatine's Robot when under his manipulation. The legend has much to teach us.