The poll is closed and the votes were cast. The numbers, although underwhelming to say the least technically represent a perfect 2/3rds majority. Being that this is written on April 1st it is not under any circumstances an April Fools gag. Other than the possible unforeseen delay in my presentation I am giving myself around 2-3 weeks to follow up with a video on the subject.
Reason being is that I am planning on other posts in the future derived from the polls with a new subject being added in the place of each of the completed videos. In this way I hope to better serve my audience on my perspectives and research on the subjects presented within this blog.
For your viewing pleasure Demons and multi-dimensionals will be the next video for April.
Some of my cited sources will be: William Milton Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Mark Passio, Jim Marrs, Lloyd Pye, and several documented cases and religious texts for examples of this phenomenon.
While I may not be able to accurately cite everything in the annotations as a footnote I will be providing a compiled list as a part of the accompanying article.
As a result of my extensive research into the subject I will also offer my personal experiences in the realm of the occult and alien phenomenon as a perspective on where my personal interests lie. I am not in any way offering this as proof because I cannot prove it. but I swear to my readers and viewers that the accounts of my own personal incidents will be as honest and complete testimony of past events as I am able to recall.
In my openness I only humbly ask that respect is given upon the basis of my personal views as they relate to actual experiences which I can recall. Many question the sanity and character of the individuals who make these claims and as such are discredited IMMEDIATELY by debunkers and those who try to psycho-analyze the claim. While I am not willing to prove the validity of my claims in a counter, as currently it is beyond my abilities at this time, I am willing to offer the information based on the facts without allowing my personal experiences affect your bias. In this video I will become like the many others who openly claim an experience that lies in the realm outside of the ability of science to prove.
I do not ask you to accept the facts upon blind faith, but I will stress that you ultimately take into account the numerous claims throughout history of extra terrestrial and demonic manifestations on this planet. I only seek to prove the similarity of the two types of cases and seek to show that whether demon, elf, faerie, ghost, alien, men in black or even angel and demigod; all cases bear striking similarities when compared and contrasted. I like many will shed light on the evidence we do have such as megalithic structures, the enlarged cranial skulls of recent archaeological findings, the similarity of the abduction experience and much more.
So be prepared to come with me on a journey through the subject with a hopefully fresh and heartfelt approach. I am publicly voicing the accounts of my own experiences within this video for free. I only ask that your comments are respectful to the intentions behind revealing the information presented and questions will be answered in the comments section based on the information I know and have researched.
Thank you for your input and I look forward to the project as an enlightening experience for all of us.