The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Zero - Unplugged!!!

The computer crashed. Posts wil be infrequent and breif at best. Untill funds for another computer can be made, I will be making due with public terminals.

I appologize for the delays that this will bring the site, Thank you for your support.


Dante_Altair said...

one down, 'x' more to go...

Dante_Altair said...

that's what you get for looking at too much gay porn. *CRASH*

Dante_Altair said...

why would i know something like that???

I duno.


ZeroMessiah said...

Let me remind you Dante that I check on free terminals periodically.

Btw, I tend to check goth slut porn like the fnord on wwzd...

Still being that you were the only one to reply to this post at least proves someone still comes here...

When I am back online in full, expect a momentary delay while I compose the first chapter of DD along with the next issue of ZM.

Thanks to all of you for your support. (If you're still out there...)

3211811H said... top 3 waaaaaaaaay back...yes ZeroM I still check this blog ...:)

Dante_Altair said...

first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the teasure chest!

for real, online activity around here has plummeted.

m3gaLO said...

Maybe you should start a Post to see who's still coming to your blog Zero.

Deepmindquest said...

Ive been plugged in the whole time,even though you havnt posted much lately i still like to read your old articles and great comments and the books you have recommended are fantastic.You have a great blog that i know will only get better."I Still Have Faith In The Return Of The Messiah...peace".