The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



Instant Gratification VS Delayed Gratification

Today's topic will sum up everything I have been trying to say on this blog for well over a year so pay attention!

Marrage VS Dating

Many may disagree that marrage is a form of instant gratification. I intend to not only prove that it is, but also show you the positive value of remaining a bachelor or bachelorette! The truth is that while marrage takes along time to get to, once there it is the easiest way to destroy a relationship. I may have lost some of you but my reasonings are sound, I assure you.

When a Man or a woman is married they are no longer trying to attract a mate. From this point on they will be in decline in all fields of romance and attractiveness. Few actually keep up with basic grooming when single except when trying to attract a mate. I'm not kidding, get a whif of one of your coworkers and you'll see what I mean.

Beauty fades not from age but from a simple lack of trying. How many have been married only to watch as they or their mate pack on the pounds. Exercise stops when the chase ends. Why run on the treadmill when you could just go to the bedroom. Hell even sexual encounters become shorter and less frequent after the honeymoon phase.

The problem is that I'm not actually saying anything that no one else has before. I'm only attempting to evidence the relationship involved, in a new way. The real goal is to actually be on the hunt for life! You never need to settle down as a swinger, or as a polygamist but the puritan values of the "New World" prevented alot of this. Single then is the truly legal way to go.

When you are single, you actually have to delay your gratification. You have to wait until you find a person who wants to fuck you. I know that everyone wants to talk about dating but really, were all adults here. Dating is after all only having a fun excuse to size them up and see if they are boring or crazy. You spend your cash and try to impress the hell out of them, and thats the point I'm trying to make right here!

When you are trying to impress someone you are at your absolute best! This is the person we wish we could be all the time. We become the UBERMENSCH. We become the vision that we hold of our higher self. At this point we have no choice but to live in the form of the talent and beauty that we have all been given. We have no choice but to be our absoloute best, or else we will lose the target that we are after. We must instead be our best.

People always say be yourself. Being anyone else is impossible, but you can be your lazy, ugly, rude, stupid self, or you can control yourself! Living for self gratification then becomes an estimate of wether you want to be your best and continue to try and fail until you get it right. It takes patience and self esteem to say that you CAN, and the ability to perservere to say that you WILL.

Employment VS Self-Employment

This is yet another example of delayed, or instant gratification. I know many will think I've dropped off the deep end on this one. I can hear it now... "What about promotions? What about when I am trying to use one job as a stepping stone for a better one?" Look, If you want to be someone elses niggar, be my guest. I don't need to choose a side. I wonder who I'm paraphrasing on that one...

The trick is that with that cushy job you always have a check until they fire you. In this economy things are going to quickly change. I believe that freelancers and the owners of buisnesses will see the benefits. The trick is the same only the mark has changed. Instead of snaring a mate every time you are trying to impress the customer instead.

The customer is where the money comes every time. The government only prints it. Suckers, er, customers are the true source of income at any level. The real ones who know this are the corporations in the first place. They are constantly doing their best through advertizing to get you to buy up their products or services. They are courting the customer at every turn, as well as trying to cock block the other competetors! You could stand to learn alot from the other guy.

Religion V.S. Science

Here is yet another example of instant gratifications underlying flaw. Religion is the biggest example of instant gratification that I can think of. Instead of finding the awnsers for themselves by testing and observing the awnsers and results, the sheeple actually believed that there is a man in the sky and a heaven and hell when we die!

What the fuck is wrong with them?!? If anyone saw the movie 'The Invention of lying' like I told them to this would be obvious, but I'll explain anyways.

We wanted an awnser for lazy people that could get them up off of their ass so we made up GODS WRATH to get them moving.

There I said it. The biggest fucking secret of them all behind the occultation. We needed fearful people because we needed them to do things for society as a whole. If you can't motivate through rewards like knowledge, you have to use hot pokers and jab them till they move.

We put Satan on the other end who wanted to be lazy and fuck anything that moved and basically be a prick to everyone. In reality though if you look at it the aristocracy behaved just like him but they could because they already built the world that the lesser man lived in! The archatect could do as they please because it was their house to begin with!

Now, moving on, the sheeple below could either do one of three things. They could continue to beg and be trampled by horses, they could do as the aristocracy, er I mean GOD said, or they could pull back the veil and reveal through observation (science) why god did not exist. Those that pulled back the veil could either become predator and accept the way things are or become prey and become political prisoners for life ever after thus proving the hell in store for those that denied GOD ALLMIGHTY.

So, to recap:

Delayed gratification 3
Instant gratification 0

Where do you want to go today?


Anonymous said...

I was waiting for somebody to cover this. Awesome!!!

Anonymous said...
