The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Conversations with an old friend. MAILBAG COMING SOON!

This is exactly what I have been getting at.

Mathematics is that language that unites and understands all things.

Biometric IDs just measure our imperfections against the GOLDEN ratio.

It exists in all things.


Every thing that exists can be simplified by a mathematical expression.

Chemistry is math, can't cook without it.

Physics is math, can't build anything without it.

It even explains "aliens" and "demons". It also explains the inner workings of higher forms of technology (magic).

What you need to know about most abduction experiences could easily be explained here in the video above.

This is the HOW explanation, notice how it differs from the WHY explanation below:

Notice how the WHY explanation has an agenda. It creates a FEAR mentality. It reinforces an US v.s THEM mentality. It does not however explain anything about HOW it works or HOW he came to really experience this.

I saw things I can't explain, but obviously I'm still here for a reason. I think we all have seen things we cannot explain. This is the first topic for MAILBAG.

Write about something you have seen that has no explanation mathematically or scientifically.

Remember it has to be something weird...


No fake ass shit. This is the point of the 2nd blog.


Bo Goren said...

This blog really IS picking back up.


Several years ago one day I got on the city bus to go to the 'ol slave hive (I certainly don't miss having 9-5 slavery..BELIEVE ME). About half way through the trip this pretty girl gets on the bus.

I was facing the front of the bus and she sat down a few feet in front of me in a seat that faces the side of the bus. I was in a bad mood (I was ALWAYS in a bad mood when it came to going to work..ESPECIALLY when I had to ride the damn bus to get there) hence I just looked out the window.

Suddenly I got this FLASH of thoughts racing through my head. Thoughts like "What, you're not going to talk to me? You're really not going to say anything? Come on now, you can't act stuck up RIDING THE BUS.." so I looked at her, smiled, and said "Hi."

We ended up hitting it off, and hooking up for a while.

A few months later we talked about how we met. She ended up saying "Yeah, I didn't think you were going to talk to me. I remember thinking 'how you gonna act stuck up on the bus' but then you did talk to me.."

My jaw dropped. That "flash of thoughts" thing was so weird that it affected me, and then to find out that SHE was THINKING those thoughts? Mind...Fucked

I've had this thing happen a few other times (usually when I'm riding in a car with someone or sitting near them) but that BUS incident was really screwy.

At first thought I figured that this phenomenon was some sort of unexplainable sixth sense metaphysical type of thing..

But then when I REALLY sat down and thought about it LOGICALLY I figured it may more likely be a result of my subconscious telling me the results of a mathematical equation

(ie THIS scenario + THIS weather + THIS day of the week + this * that divided by this = the person you are sitting next to can ONLY be thinking THIS)

Next time this happens to me I'm just going to blurt out the answer to the question they're thinking about as if they asked me straight out.

When they freak out I'm going to tell them "I'm psychic! I'll teach you how to do it for $3000."

Hell, if I can get somebody to give me $3000 to research this thing, I probably COULD learn how that actually works to teach it to somebody.

I really don't know if it is a metaphysical based thing, or a probability type thing, or both, but whatever it is, it feels REALLY strange when it happens.

Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you in the future..

--Bo Goren

ZeroMessiah said...

Bo, stay tuned for this months post for mail bag. Thank you for your post! If I get at least 10 contributors there may be a video.