What this project is and what it is not:
Mentoring others is part of the goal of transcendance. We should not offer simple handouts to anyone. If we cannot be there to help them help themselves, they will simply take advantage of our good nature. The whole idea is to simply work toward removing the illusion from others eyes so that they may function in this world as a contributor to it. The goal is to create others capable of realizing their own goals through making the effort to achieve them. We cannot nor will not continue to feed alleycats. The highest goal is to remove the need for social welfare by creating a population of healthy motivated individuals, willing to work toward the things they desire.
We are not humanitarian.
This concept is not new or radical. However the idea that anyone is capable of it is. Especially for the non-humanitarian.
A vegetarian eats vegetables, a carnivore eats meat, so what does a humanitarian eat?
They eat people, or namely their praise. They do it for the warm fuzzy feelings. They are co-dependent. They are like the old man in the park that feeds squirrels out of lonliness. Humanitarians we are not. I expect that none of you are that selfish.
We are leaders.
The ability to lead a group or even mentor a single person is important. The instruction and develpoment of the community is paramount to the intentions of this new paradigm. We will attempt to help others by giving them the tools for success. We will extend ourselves farther than the educational institutions that fail us.
A degree is only a worthless slip of paper. The proof of knowledge is in its application. Most people avoid the knowledge given to them in school. They sit through english tapping their pencil. The future authors and reporters know how to procede, their path is clear. The lost ask "When will I use this?" The future archatects and engineers pay attention in math while the lost sleep. We do not reward such ignorance.
What we will do is to attempt to steer those worthy individuals into an even higher position. By accelerating the develpoment of able minded individuals we will also be accelerating the develpoment of our community as a whole.
What of those lost souls? What do we do about them?
For those people of the body,they will suffer greatly.
This is where things get cold hearted. We let them do as they please as long as they don't require anything from us or harm our own objectives. The great unwashed are of little concern to us. You must choose to succeed, if you choose failure then you only have yourself to blame.
This is where things get tricky. It is up to you to decide when help is needed and when there is really a victim of circumstance.
If a person loses their home in a hurricane, of course you can help them.
If a person loses their home to a gambling addiction, of course not.
There are plenty of other organizations that give aid to the mentally handicapped. We seek to help those who are strong of mind. Some problems are simply in your head. You have a way out of them but you just can't see it. Some of these are simply a lack of information or resources. These are the problems we can help.
What do we teach?
Our goal is to remove the popular misconceptions plaguing us today to move into self-reliance and eventually social responsibility. The idea is to allow the mind to be able to stand on its own against the masses. The goal is to create leaders.
If a person is unable to find their way through the mystery, let us be a point of light to guide them. We must remove the illusion before we can truly help those in need. Our guidance can remove the illusions behind the religious, the corporate, the government, even the ancient mysteries. We can become the next mystery school for those who seek a higher level.
We have all seen the numerous attempts at "waking up the masses". I do not propose this at all. You can only help the ones who refuse to be selfish enough to become victims or victimizers. To become self reliant means to not need to exploit this relationship as a means for survival. Only when the conspirators and the so called victims realize that they are simply people making bad choices will they be ready to change. Social awareness and protest are no longer working, we must go further.
How does one resist the self?
This is what we are after. The self is important at times. The self is what feels pleasure and pain, it is what informs us of our senses. To move beyond the level of bacterial stimulus and response we must become aware of ourselves, but we must also become aware of others. To become transcendant we require empathy.
Empathy is the ability to not only think about how another feels, but to feel it as if their situation was happening to us. To truly evolve as a caring being we must take the oportunity to also remove this emotional component from our final decision. The ability to help others depends on emotional motivation, but if the emotions of the victim or the victimizer are not reduced then their selfish nature will undermine you at every attempt you make to help them.
You are not only resisting your "self", but also theirs. You must help them help themselves because true charity is always from within.
This can be a movement, zeromessiaizam.
No iconography. No symbolism. Personal responsibility makes you an avitar of your own fate. Your identity is that of solid snake, own up to your actions as one yet act on behalf of all.
Isms are like prisms for they devide peole like the prism divides the light. by acting upon the behalf of all you become the uniter.
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