The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Do not believe the telescreen...

Warning: this post contains more links than a sausage plant.

"The world's leading climate scientists have been embarrassed by the publication of private emails that hide the decline of global temperatures. This is a message to the environmental movement. "

Images can be faked, even moving ones.

Just as DJHIVES used to work for TELEATLAS which became google maps, I was working toward a degree in computer graphics at one time. During that time I also took several classes in other subjects like physics. This post deals with both!

Remember how realistic the images of the movie the day after tomorrow were?

The only thing that made them hollywood were the scope of the devastation.

Imagine if other movies like inconvienent truth did the same thing...

All you have to do is film the scenes in different months of the year and add cg.

ever see the movie WAG THE DOG or SIMONE?

This is the first preview of things I'm about to kick of future week with.

I'd like to ask a few simple questions before I begin.


How many of you have been to Antarctica?


Unless I have scientists or chronic smartasses reading this I think its a safe bet that you haven't been.

However, how many of you have been to, or currently live in ALASKA or CANADA?

If you live there then you have access to the local weather IN PERSON.

So, is it getting colder or hotter?

Before you awnser that I want you to think about something.

Please connect the dots because I'm tired of watching this crap over and over again...

Think for a moment...






Something else must be making it hotter!

How about the biggest culprit for heat on this planet...




Sheep are not that important...


Have you tried looking up?






Maybe its THE SUN!

"In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun's radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s."

If you want to know more about CO2, why not read this puiblication from 2008!

Even though Carbon Dioxide is a heavier gas like Oxygen, It can be converted back into fuel. For those who want to escape to Mars, the awnser for us is already in reach here!

Stay with me on this one.

"Life support technologies routinely deal with the conversion of CO2 to other compounds, including methane. This process was discovered nearly one hundred years ago and is still used in many chemical plants today."

Oxygen = Combustable Fuel
Carbon Monoxide = Combustable Fuel
Carbon Dioxide = Unrefined Fuel

"Oxygen can be produced by passing CO2 through a zirconia electrolysis cell at 800 to 1000deg C. Twenty to thirty percent of the CO2 dissociates into oxygen and carbon monoxide. Separation is accomplished by electrochemical transport of oxide ion through a membrane. A prototype reactor using this chemistry has been run for over 1000 hours. Using such a scheme, we could bring a small unit to the surface of Mars which would then continuously make oxygen for life support, propellant use, or further processing. The only additional item we would need to supply is the power to run it: a 12kW unit would produce about one metric ton of oxygen per month."

"We calculate emissions from electricity generation based off of state-based figures from Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. On average, electricity sources emit 1.297 lbs CO2 per kWh (0.0005883 metric tons CO2 per kWh). State CO2 emissions per kWh may vary greatly in accordance with the amount of clean energy in the energy supply (Vermont, Idaho: .03 lbs/kWh; North Dakota: 2.24 lbs/kWh)."


30 days = 720 hours

The Machine runs at 12KW

720 x 12 x 0.0005883 = 5.082912 Metric Tons

With 1 Metric ton scrubbed it produces 4.082912 more

The machine would produce more waste using conventional power generation eventually.


Solar cells can produce that easily.

If you don't believe me about the potential as a valuable fuel read on:

This process uses a coal fed gassifier but since the gas is a byproduct of the generation within the tank itself, the seperator would effectively create an abundance of energy.

This is another process currently under development:

"For every mention of CO2 splitting, there are more than 100 articles on splitting water to produce hydrogen, yet CO2 splitting uses up more of what you want to put a dent into,” explained Kubiak. “It also produces CO, an important industrial chemical, which is normally produced from natural gas. So with CO2 splitting you can save fuel, produce a useful chemical and reduce a greenhouse gas."

This process can remove it from the air!

"With their current design, according to the university, they can capture around a ton of carbon dioxide for less than 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity. At that rate, for every bit of electricity used to run the scrubber, you’re actually capturing ten times as much CO2 as was released to create that electricity in the first place."

So with such a method readily available to the scientists why is there so much panic about a problem that we can concievably solve.


Thats right. Most of them are too afraid to solve the problem. They know how and they still haven't done anything to remove the CO2! The awnser to the supposed "fuel problem" and "CO2 problem" is in reach NOW but they still sit there sucking their thumb with the other one up their asses waiting on a patent!

Just like the FOCTORS the SCIENTISTS are too susceptible to their own fears. Even intelligentsia like the supposed intellectual elite are just parrots and puppets like the rest.

Let your powers combine, form Captian Planet! Like some badass-carbon-sucking-gassifyer-Voltron, why not combine the prototypes into a realistic machine?!?

Tesla was right, we can make power out of thin air!

Just by searching online for 4 hours I bet I'm closer to a realistic strategy for cleaning up this crisis were in than Obama's whole cabanet.

Put people in gasifier plant jobs making power from greenhouse gas. Its achievable before 2012! Prototype that shit and let it run NOW! Stop trying to terraform MARS and make EARTH livable!

Or at least stop bullshitting.



DonnyDarkoh said...

Question is, what's making (or made) the sun get hotter? It got its energy from somewhere.

History shows times were better when times were warmer. When the earth was warmer, more crops were able to grow up north or in more places on earth. Less farmers were required to farm the land, which was more fertile, and so real cities with real culture were able to flourish since people could do other things w/ their time

I agree though, how many of us live up north and see with our own eyes whether it's warmer or colder. There was lots of criticism with Al Gore's movie b/c of the time it was filmed. Anyone can find some ice melting during the damn summer, film it, and then say "Oh shit! All the ice be disappearing!"

That doesn't mean there aren't environmental problems. But global warming's just not on top of the list. Why the bullshit when there's enough real shit to talk about? Like it's been said, there's no point about warning about a public problem unless there's a public solution. Maybe this made up public problem gets people to do what the top wants (chemtrails, mercury light bulbs, greenspace, make more vacant land by making driving so expensive, everyone moves to the cities)

ZeroMessiah said...

Exactly, panic creates demand, They then fuel supply.



Moving closer...

Call it remedial if you wish but when the same thing always works is it any wonder why I repeat the methods?