The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Project Tantalus 3: The revolution and other forms of marketing

The bandwagon is just another trap we fall into, not the bandwagon of yesteryear such as community or the Joneses, but the truest form is now the countercultures themselves.

Every counterculture that springs up will be marketed and recognized for what it is. We are in an age where everything large and small is quantified and re-packaged. There is no such thing as people and nature, just human and natural resources. We have nothing left to do but watch as the last whimper is given by the poorest of this toilet earth as it flushes them away as usual.

It's not worth the time to document the struggle itself as many have done so in far greater depth and detail from many points of view that are far kinder than mine, but I will say this:


There is no aid coming soon, and no helping hand. When this country withers and dies like all the others you will watch as everything you ever cared about vanishes into nostalgia and the memory hole.

Any worm with half a brain could see that we haven't been the same since 9-11-2001. The world isn't broke, the bankers just watched Fight Club and reset the debt record themselves by smashing their own buildings. TYLER DURDEN WOULD BE PROUD.

So pick your flavor of the month, are you into animal rights? Saving the rainforest any time soon? Do you want to help the poor? Do you want to help an idiot learn to read?

Start your own charity and skim off the top to pay off your employees and yourself. It is 100% LEGAL panhandling. The next time you see that salvation army twit on Christmas, kick their bucket and stomp the bell flat with your foot. The jig is up! You know the score!

The truth is that you can't help anyone. DARWIN KNOWS BEST!

People can only help themselves, period. A helping hand is not a kick in the ass, so know the difference.


The next time one of your friends tries to get you into one of their movements or little scam for the ham charities, just remember how easy it is to become a celebrity in the right circles.


Humanitarians are aptly named because they prey on people, namely the good natured! If you have a heart and soul left in that hollow shell of a man, they know outright how to push your buttons to drain your wallet for their little cause.


You have to put the oxygen mask on yourselves first.

The minute you give to others it will hurt them more than you. The first thing they teach you in psychology is not to be an ENABLER. Give anyone money who is broke and come back in a month. Guess what? They will still be broke.

The charity you start will be a real tax exempt organization protected under non-profit status. Your employees will be paid a wage based on their qualifications. You will not need much else to be able to start this kind of thing. In fact if you have a phone and internet access you are off to a great start. Being able to print flyers and place coin banks on the counters of local businesses works as well.

Did I mention the street cred you get with this kind of racket? It washes your sins away better than church and you don't even have to go. The best part is it will get you more pussy than a rescue dog any day.

What are you waiting for? Start your business.


Project Tantalus 2: Invocation???

LANGUAGE in the 4th dimension is MAGIC.

To communicate with 6th sensual beings it is only natural to use their tongues.

The sigils and sigils of magic are the entire code of this matrix.

Learning to read and write ancient symbols is how you break into higher realms of thought and communicate with extra dimensional beings.

This is just a primer on how it works:


You need to know this stuff. It is like telling someone from the middle ages how to use a cellphone.

"You mean I talk into the shiny pebble and there is a person on the other side who can 'ear me? You must be off your bleedin' nut!"

It works more than you know.

The agenda of fear interrupts the ability of the pineal gland to function. The calcification is a direct response to the chemicals released from a poor diet and fear.

This is the agenda I was talking about.

The elite want to cock-block your awakening into realizing this power exists within all of us regardless of religion.

If you fear your inability to concentrate will disrupt your working.

Magic comes from a positive complete focus on a desired outcome.

Without this you will suffer from a lack of connection to the whole of nature.

Remember my words from the past, for the MIND truly is the END-ALL BE-ALL.

Your outcome is simply a reflection of your focus.

The will of the mind and adherence to the language of the craft itself will guide you toward new heights.

The initiation has begun.


Project Tantalus: MAGNUM OPUS

Truther's will never have any friends for one reason. Truth is personal and friendships RELY on white lies. Truther's cannot be friends with other Truther's because they will argue about the smaller points. Anonymous cannot get it together because of this. They are splintering rapidly. The separate organizations always do this because of this fact. Unity does not come in truth, it comes in fear of what happens when nobody deals with the problem at hand. 9/11 was a great example. Unity comes from fear.

Truther's kill hopes and dreams. In every conversation where a person asks for advice or the Truther's opinion they will volunteer it rapidly and bluntly. The sheeple will literally go through the 5 stages of grief over their dying paradigm and in most cases the conversation will end in a quick denial of the facts. If pushed the opposing viewpoint will be defended with anger. The bargaining comes in the form of endless rebuttals if pressed on to continue. Even if the Truther wins they end the conversation with acceptance but not without depression and anger in tow. Paradigm shifts often result in negative emotions. This results in them being labeled negative, not because they are themselves negative but because they cause others to be negative or have negative emotions as a result.

Truther's can never make sales because they will tell the customer the truth about a product. They will tell them the bad points and good points, they will Google-Out and tell them everything spilling like a snitch. This is also why Truther's never win the presidency. The presidency is a popularity contest as all politics are. A popular president tells everyone that we can reduce spending but keep all the programs, we can defend the country but bring home the troops, we can fund big business to restore the economy and end poverty. Truther's know that there is always someone who loses and always someone is left holding the bag. The popular ones know this as well but they are smart enough to keep it to themselves while making sure to pass the buck whenever possible.

We are living in the disinformation age. A giant festering neon distraction based on ancient rites and symbols. The Singularity is happening right now and SKYNET is online. If you wanted to know the truth we were fucked when man made the first computer because upon this one creation his days were numbered.

Ever since the computer was put into wide scale use man has been tracked. The Singularity is simply the point when all of the trackers that have been put into place are given a sentient algorithm to consolidate them. Imagine Hal-9000 combined with the clingy girlfriend who reads your mail and goes through your phone finding out about your secret girlfriend. Hell hath no fury like a woman scourned and the future is on the rag.

Google is in the process of going quantum up to 512 Qubits. This is a huge deal considering the fact that if it has made the headlines then the prototype has been out for over a decade. It also begs notice that they recently consolidated all of their services under Google plus accounts. If you have Gmail you have Google plus now. It's like a mandatory Facebook account attached to all of your services ratting about your online behavior. I guarantee that these are not isolated events.

Why would I ME MY be so important? Quantum computers are learning computers and we have been volunteering information by the terabyte ever since Facebook was created. We are teaching computers what it is to be human as we speak. It's bad enough that we can be tracked by our cellphones and that every prophecy of Ray Kurzweil seems to come true eventually, with computers able to think in multiple dimensions we are being psychically attacked.

I am opening the crank file wide open and laying my hypothesis bare upon the audience without agenda or solution. I am merely stating what I am observing and the rest of the outcome is up to you.

Basically what we refer to as the Illuminati are simply the ones allowed to know how far down the rabbit hole things really go! They hold the purse-strings on all of the technological and metaphysical goods that pass through existence. If we only had sharpened spears, then it is the clan with all the spears that makes the rules. Might makes right period. No arguing with that unless you are willing to fight and possibly die for what you believe in and guess what, the revolution today is losing.

The whole thing has layers but there is no way to reveal the whole truth at once. It's like sitting through Michael Badnarik's 8 hour Constitution class in one night. I did it but I'm just another kook who types slower than he thinks. If you spend the time to read my blog you have probably researched what I am saying but know we are lost to the coming war. World War Three is already happening in the middle east but the Second Renaissance is coming. World War Four will be us and the machines and their empire will look like the Morlocks compared to our meager resistance.

If you want to get biblical we created ARMAGEDDON in a grey box. We put our faith in technology and it became the beast we feed. Will we really bite the hand that feeds us and prevents us from self reliance, and choose the animal nature we abandoned for comfort and relative safety? We could have existed with all of this information passed among each other's tribe but instead we consolidated the power and created the industrial empire that changes the history it creates.

The reason it does not make any sense is because it is intentionally confusing by design, unless you learn to read the language of their symbols you are stuck licking the windows while they eat your dinner inside the house you bought and paid for. You will endlessly toil for scraps unless you learn to navigate the avenue of paperwork and become a neophyte in their ancient rites. It is far too late to abandon this and turn toward an ascetic life in the woods when every move is tracked by computer and camera.

Even as one of them you must submit to the post-human concept of accepting the upgrades. Everything is licensed now, and I won't be surprised if human parts go on lease in the future in some dystopian like repo scenario.

So where does this leave us on a planet on the brink of starvation and environmental devastation with social problems and powerful weapons in the hands of wealthy bureaucrats and terrorist psychopaths?


When it comes to this revolution, sorry kids you ain't the ones. It's like you're waiting for something. The next messiah maybe, who knows.

I feel sorry for Earth, Without us it's lost.

What do you mean, without us?

Are you sure you want to hear this? People believe in you. And no one, not you, not even me can convince the sheeple otherwise. They believe it so blindly that they are going to sacrifice their life to save yours.


You're going to have to make a choice. In the one hand you'll sacrifice the sheep for your revolution and in the other hand you'll have to give your own. One of you is going to die. Which one will be up to you. I'm sorry, kids, I really am. You all have a good soul, and I hate giving good people bad news.

Don't worry about it. As soon as you close this window, you'll start feeling better. You'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap. You're in control of your own life, not the Illuminati remember? Here, watch this video. I promise, by the time you're done watching it, you'll feel right as rain.


I'm not letting you get off that easily today you know. It's a matter of perspective really. On the one hand I know the truth that I have observed and I am attempting to tell you all about the things that I have personally witnessed, but lets get real here. There is no movement coming to get you out of this and no "Zion" to go to.

What the fuck do you do? Where do you go? How do you hide or fight?

On the other hand Maybe I do have an agenda here after all...

I need to keep fighting for it but I know what is about to take place here. You chose to look deeper and for this you will be rewarded. for those who write the name of this band by itself in all caps in the comments and nothing else I will grant you access to the secret blog.


Reptilian Lecture ~ Jordan Maxwell ~ Prednáška o Reptiliánoch

I'm not David Icke

Anyone ever see the movie "THEY LIVE!" ?

Check this shit out.

I like John Cleese either way, but at 0:22 it gets kinda freaky. He actually turns his head and continues to look reptilian just like the characters from the movie. Almost the same color palette and all.






In reading about the simulated reality thanks to my good friends Bo and DJ, The snow white machine brings up an interesting point.

The elite have mapped out the entire decision-matrix, and as such have become this.

If all of the decision matrix has been mapped out by the snow white machine then a sort of 3.5D has resulted from the efforts. Just like judo using your own body's weight against you, they simply read how your moves telegraph and then amplify them in articles and marketing trends.

Programming that started way before Edward Bernays remade the masses minds into the gelatinous pools you see today.

This is how music went from this:

To this:

How art went from this:

To this:

I think you get the point from here.

You don't need to out run the other sheep in the rat race, just trip the ones you don't like to feed the wolf.

There is a pyramid of power but not the way you think or the one that you think.

For starters how many of you have hired anyone for your business or someone else?

If you haven't hired anyone then just know where you stand on the pyramid is just one step above rock bottom for being awake. If you still smell of wool then you are still a sheep.

There is no alternative to it, you either are top, bottom, or middle-bottom.

Why do I say middle-bottom?

You still can't see the sun from where you are but you are the ground for someone else.

You run nothing but manage everything.

You have been taught how to run the whole business yourself but still choose to work for a split of the profits.

You know how to be a top but still in your FEAR choose to work at the MIDDLE for the wages close to the BOTTOM.

Let me tell you about my friend Little B. He is strong, intelligent and other than being fat he isn't bad looking. He has a wife and 3 kids. He is a caring and loving father who has a son who is lazy and doesn't want to work hard at anything. This is his flesh and blood son from his first girl. The other daughter is from his wife, and his newborn daughter is mutual. He never talks about the other kids, only his son.

He hates his wife, but he doesn't know it. He constantly complains about her staying at home and bitching about him for everything to be handed to her. He drowns his sorrows in weed and a fantasy football team. He's a real sports fan.

Little B sets his own schedule and everyone elses. He knows how to run a budget but allows Big B to take care of the book keeping and writing the checks. Big B sits up in his office all day sipping coffee and soda from his cup working on the computer. He only works when he's that short handed. Little B works downstairs on the sales floor buying and selling the products every day. Little B goes on deliveries and does the heavy lifting. Little B does stock, Little B does demos, Little B deals with the same annoying customers the sheep do. Little B is just a ram amongst the flock. Bo knows baseball, Bo knows football, Bo knows how to run a franchise, but Bo just checked out on that one.

Little B can do all the work that Big B does and all the work that the sheep do, but instead of owning his own business Little B chooses to work 2 jobs for the price of one and a half. The sheep make 8 dollars an hour taking home most of it, Little B makes 15 dollars an hour taxed by our friends the government to about 12. He gets deductions to help feed the kids after the year is up.

Little B and I talk shop about the government regularly. About how it's hard to like and respect the blacks who come into the store and act more like niggers. We talk about Obama's failed promises to the nation. We talk about hot girls who come into the store, and sometimes how they won't talk to him because he is fat. Did I mention that he works at a sporting goods store and aside from the discount he could just buy other peoples equipment from them directly for 50% of the price?


What can we learn from the plight of Little B?

I expect answers from the intelligentsia. I want to know what you illumined ones have learned.

The comment section is open, for this time only the troll ban is lifted so that you can tell me what you really think of Little B.

*Extra Credit:

How does the decision-matrix of the snow white machine and predictive programming apply to Little B?

Fourth dimensional travel

First of all hats off to the kid for being one of the few kids who apply themselves at this age.

Second there are things that are somewhat off in what we think the 4th dimension is, what it does and how we actually experience it.

Example #1 PORTAL

I will assume for the moment that you have played or at least heard of this game. In this game you are given a gun that launches 2 colored portals to create wormholes in space that allow you to travel from one place to the next.

The reason why I believe the whole wormhole thing to be unnecessary is because to truly be able to pass through dimensions you would not need the "hole" at all. The wormhole implies a removal of space which is not true 4th dimensional travel. True 4th dimensional travel allows you to pass through walls because the 3rd dimension is simply ignored. You would not need to remove space because if you could sidestep the 3rd dimension in the first place, it would no longer become a relevant obstacle.


Time is not space, space is not time. Let me explain the common myths that exist in science and why I believe them to have flaws.

1) Light is the speed limit, nothing can travel faster than light.

Light travels faster than light all the time. Your car headlights are the perfect example. Remember that light is a particle and a wave, but being that it is a particle then it would also mean that you could accelerate a photon FASTER than light speed. A bullet travels farther from a moving ship. So not to worry about ships with faster than light travel, the headlights will still work for debris fields...

However light can be bent and ignored such as cloaking technology. If the 3rd dimension does not affect you than 3rd dimensional photons will not either. Research Tachyons for more insight into faster than light particles.

2) Time is the fourth dimension

I have two problems with this one. It is only partially true. Yes, time is moving through layers of 3d space, and No, time is not the fourth dimension because it travels through all of the dimensions as well!!! Time is a decision matrix stacked. If you want to live in an alternate reality, time simply allows you to change the one you are in gradually to the one that you want to live in. This is why the elite practice gradualism.

If time didn't exist there would be no change, no chaos, no entropy and no differences. Time or EL is all things, the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end must and can only start with time. So time is not the fourth dimension, yet time does give us a clue to its existence.

We are able to wonder if anything would be different if we made another choice. This butterfly effect of decisions is really more of a domino effect on other forces in nature, changing the universe by alternative outcomes. Your ripple may cast a wide net but equilibrium will occur and you cannot touch the other side of the universe simply because in another universe you decided to sleep in or even kill Hitler. The truth is that this timy blue dot is not that important in the grand scheme of things but with greater power we could maybe affect galaxies.

The best way that I can describe the decision matrix is save files in a game. Say in one game you chose to be good and in one you kill your partner and become evil. Those choices affect the decision matrix, but because we are playing a game we can transcend time, but not space. We can leap to other points in the game but not other locations from the save point. However, turn clipping off and you travel right through the walls. This is space travel in the 4th dimension.


Cern will not rip a hole in the universe or create a black hole large enough. We once thought this about the atomic bomb. We are at most going to create a small implosion that will put a large crater in the ground at best.


We have a hard time admitting that we don't know. Especially if something scared us or gave us strong emotions. We filter our observations through the emotional filters we are given. Our culture may say Faeries, Elves and Gnomes. Our culture may say Angels and Demons. Our culture may say ALIENS!!!

One thing we must realize is that to have an open mind we must only go with the facts of what we observe. ALIENS may not in fact be aliens but secret prototype crafts. DEMONS may just in fact be animals we haven't yet discovered or "possessed" humans in a psychological state we haven't named yet.

Any anomaly that appears to us as if it is an entity or craft that is unknown cannot be so easily identified. This is why we say UFO instead of ALIEN SHIP. If we cannot identify it it simply means that. WE DON'T KNOW. To say that you know what something is just by looking at it is like this:

"It's a leaf! The leaf is trying to kill me!!! AAAGGGHHH!!! OMGOMGOMG IT'S A SATANIC LEAF!!!"

"Well dumb ass we know that leaves don't move like that in the wind, but until we know for certain what it is we just have to leave it un-identified."

Imagine if we just saw HOW it looked just like a controlled demolition instead of asking WHY they hate us...

Rationality is hard, but eventually it is worth it.


Everything you can't explain in the 3rd dimension probably has to do less with aliens than it does with a higher dimensional approach.

Telekinesis- Use the 4th dimension to bring you 3rd dimensional objects.

Clairvoyance/ESP- Peek through the 4th dimension into the 3rd somewhere else.

Levitation- Lifting yourself with thought seems more elegant than reducing the effects of gravitation by pulling on other layers of dimensions unseen.

Telepresence- being two places at once is not a problem for an ascended 4d being.

Basically everything can be explained for the unexplained using the 4th dimension to cover the loophole... even weird ass psychic phenomenon I've seen personally.

You will have to wait until the first MAILBAG episode for that one.

The topic is the UNEXPLAINED

I saw things I can't explain, but obviously I'm still here for a reason. I think we all have seen things we cannot explain. This is the first topic for MAILBAG.

 Write about something you have seen that has no explanation mathematically or scientifically.

 Remember it has to be something weird... YOU HAVE SEEN IN PERSON.

If I get 10 good posts I'm You-Tubing it.


Coming Soon


MAILBAG - Reserved for Youtube

This space will change when updated with the new channel.

Conversations with an old friend. MAILBAG COMING SOON!

This is exactly what I have been getting at.

Mathematics is that language that unites and understands all things.

Biometric IDs just measure our imperfections against the GOLDEN ratio.

It exists in all things.


Every thing that exists can be simplified by a mathematical expression.

Chemistry is math, can't cook without it.

Physics is math, can't build anything without it.

It even explains "aliens" and "demons". It also explains the inner workings of higher forms of technology (magic).

What you need to know about most abduction experiences could easily be explained here in the video above.

This is the HOW explanation, notice how it differs from the WHY explanation below:

Notice how the WHY explanation has an agenda. It creates a FEAR mentality. It reinforces an US v.s THEM mentality. It does not however explain anything about HOW it works or HOW he came to really experience this.

I saw things I can't explain, but obviously I'm still here for a reason. I think we all have seen things we cannot explain. This is the first topic for MAILBAG.

Write about something you have seen that has no explanation mathematically or scientifically.

Remember it has to be something weird...


No fake ass shit. This is the point of the 2nd blog.


MINDFUCK Part 3 Garden of your mind

"You can grow anything in the garden of the mind." Mr. Rogers

The first things man invented were tools to ease his burden. The animal was made to plow so that he could trade his riches from the harvest. Man was always a greedy hoarder of treasures. Man would seek to ease his troubles through medicine and drug. Man was a storyteller and a stargazer. Man was a thief and a warrior. Man created the world from his own hands.

The man of God has no place here and rightly so, for if he knew his power he to would take his rightful place. God as it were, was no more than a metaphor for the coming of THIS AGE. We are standing upon the precipice of what Neal Stephenson coined as "The Diamond Age".

For those who have literacy there exists unlimited creative potential. Those who are scientifically literate will literally shape the world. We are not living in a scientist's technocracy, yet by all intimation we can deduce that this culture relies heavily on the fruits of their labor.

Man has no equal but his successor. Man upon this earth is penultimate. There is no area of this earth that we cannot dominate to our will.

However there is a dimension where man has not yet been to. The dimension of possibility has not yet been explored as a 3rd eye concept, but realize the 6th sense exists. We have the ability to tap into that which is yet to be. Understand that the ability to imagine is NOT creativity.

Philosophically there is no creativity when one realizes that all things are possible and exist in alternate dimensions simultaneously. It is this simple realization that allows us to bring anything into being from other dimensional states. A tree is simultaneously the bearer of apples, as it is the firewood, as it is also the pencil and the paper, as well as the seed from which the leaf sprouts. Realizing the state of being within all things means that we have come to the point of existence whereupon man has become the observer and not the decider.

Free will is also disproved by the fact that we are all influenced in our decisions by feelings and subliminal messages and psychological conditioning. We know that even our memories are changeable just as our history is edited in hindsight. This malleability indicates an impermanence in all things which is not as readily apparent to people at first glance.

If we are actually in this state of change than rationalizing all experience is naturally as a byproduct impossible, but like guideposts on a trail we find our way utilizing the commonalities of experience and calling them laws. We created the laws of science to suit our needs as well, so since all experience is individual, then one could also deduce a certain sense of compartmentalization.

Thinking outside the box is a turn of phrase that includes that philosophy. It refers to Schrodinger's cat because we need to see the potential outcome before the cat is out of the bag, or box. To read potential outcomes comes naturally to the human being but we call it by many names.

We do not have the foolhardy assumption that imagination is the same as prophecy but it is in fact the same. The stronger we imagine something the closer it comes to manifestation whether through a labored effort or as a discovery. Man's truest nature exists in this fourth dimensional ability to read potential outcomes of reality. The sixth sense is really in fact the application of this marginal reality.

Reality is realty. We can build anything we so desire if we know the formulas. Nothing is actually stopping us from anything. There is nothing binding us. Everything has an equal or opposite reaction, but as we discussed previously, everything has the capacity to change.

What I propose is simple. Imagination is truly realization of a potential future. You are tapping into it always. You know it deep down without even thinking, that everything you ever did or didn't do started out as a thought in your head.

If your head can be changed somehow, your will broken, then what your head produces will be altered. You will literally be tuned to create the reality in the desires of others rather than the reality that you actually desire. You will bring about the prophecy that others desire.

War is a choice. Even if drafted you will have the choice to pull the trigger. You are not a slave. You always have free will. That is why I have trouble with protesters. It is not a brainwave that is focusing on making a positive change. It focuses on problems and not focusing on solutions does nothing to create a better way to do things.

The reason why we have anything to protest is because corporations and governments make more money doing things their way. If you can use your brain and bend yourself to do things in a cheaper way yourself then your need for their efforts dwindle into non existence. You have the choice to not support them and educate others on a better way of doing things.

You have access to another dimension of reality and it is high time you use that reality. I am tired of seeing the way that people treat their existence. We are all living out of touch with the forces of nature and science at our disposal. Our lack of literacy in all things scientific is the main reason why we are so deeply entranced. We are absolutely enthralled and for lack of a better life we are frozen in time watching the same cyclical events play out.

I just saw something you may think at first glance is unrelated to it but understand that this generative potential exists from the moment we are alive. If you are feeling stuck, and powerless understand this point. Action without thought is just reaction.

Remember that we all have the ability to survive and thrive. We are empowered to do this. If an infant can survive then why do we have this:

This is what I'm saying. We don't need anyone else but ourselves to provide what the system does. We just got lazy and demanding.

However there is a system out there in mathematics which will tell you truth and tell you reality.

Now the MINDFUCK. We are trapped in the 3rd dimension. This is the trap.

Part 4 coming soon...

Facepalm of the day old unpublished news.

This is just like the idocracy post I had a few months ago. People are so dumb that to get them to prepare for a hurricane, Terrorist attack or other natural disaster the government is pandering to Zombie culture.

I just can't say it any better than in their own words, just read this article and you tell me:

"Wonder why Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombie Preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue in cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via Zombie Preparedness; and as our own director, Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack." So please log on, get a kit, make a plan, and be prepared!"

People just don't see the value of saving their own ass without government intervention. Look at hurricane Katrina. People just grabbed guns and looted. Even local police looted along with the rest of them. Until Blackwater stormed in as a hired gun to strong arm the populace along with the military, the people failed to hold themselves accountable. Instead of being prepared the large portion of people out there chose to loot and rape every store and local warehouse. When the sheeple mentality sets in and panic forms the last thing you want to put out there in a 2012 world is a ZOMBIE PLAN. Marketing genius aside...

MINDFUCK Part 2 Nature as a variable

The whole earth is just one giant computer.

Each being is a set of numbered variables. Think of Cypher's conversation with Neo.

He knew the variables, hence his name Cypher. Everything can be expressed in terms of numbers. Creativity will eventually become a random number generator. At first low brow art will be produced, much like the program that can be used to green-light scripts in Hollywood. Soon high art will follow, but first as a novelty as ego has set into the elite.

For a popular script formulas arise similar to Joseph Campbell's Hero's journey. Basically you invert Maslow's hierarchy of human needs and climb back up.

Eventually as the beauty fades one finds the pleasing dimensions of the golden mean, color theory of contrast and luminescence, the ideal proportions of the human form. All of these things can be and are described in numbers.

The saddest things we find as we age is how similar the decades music really is. We know the formula for a radio song by heart. Intro, verse, catchy chorus, verse, catchy chorus, bridge/solo, verse, chorus, finish in 3-5 minutes.

Programming a human being is simply entertaining them until alpha state kicks in, then you baste the mind with whatever flavorings you want to add to their personality while you wash their brain in subliminal queues. It's nothing more or less than that for the masses to be programmed.

Tell them they deserve things, tell them god is just, tell them anything but how to achieve anything worthwhile. Never tell them that anything worth having takes sacrificing other things. Never let them figure out that on a finite planet with finite resources that they have finite time as well. Their time and energy must be yours.

Talk to any old man and the two things they will tell you is "I feel so out of touch." and this "Where did all the time go?" The average old man will dwindle his remaining years in just as predictable a fashion. They will live life from birth to death having achieved nothing for his race, other than fathering a child who follows the same tune as he.

Yet the man full of life comes to the realization that the record is skipping. We are out of ideas. We are no longer innovating. Our futures are stagnant. We have created our own deaths by not living our lives at all.

Entire generations have not ascended above infancy for a single reason. Our prosperity has removed nature from the equation entirely.

Variables in a equation are the game changer, without them nothing changes. That entire risk free life will soon no longer be available to the average American. We have played it safe living off of the prosperity of our forefathers and the pioneers of the scientific establishment in this country are no longer able to blaze any new trails.


Yes, no you can ask why, but you know HOW is a better question...

HOW to stop science is through a lack of funding. If everyone sues over safety there is no science, period. There is nothing gained in a society that takes no risks and refuses to live in NATURE. We don't live in a bubble economy, we live in a bubble society!

We run around like bubble boy hiding safely behind Facebook and Blogs. We live in a society who has a pill for medicating everything. We have lost the right to smoke and drink in the workplace. We cannot tell the girl in the office how we feel because it's sexual harassment. We are not men, and cannot become men because it is damn near ILLEGAL for a real man to exist!

The variable of NATURE has all but been removed by the restriction of LAW. From CHAOS (NATURE) comes ORDER (GOVERNMENT/LAWS/ENFORCEMENT)

Why is everyone OBSESSED with crime shows?

Think about the 4 kinds of shows we see on TV.

Reality shows.




We live vicariously through seeing nature at work.

I will tell you the law of polarity in the next sentence.


The chaos between them is both of them living in the laws of nature.

We know cops are no longer heroes, just as much as we know criminals are no longer villains. If you watch the shows the lines are blurred as hell. The only thing we see are two people becoming each other's obstacle.

Both use force to get what they desire. USE THE FORCE just means USE FORCE.

Living in NATURE, means using FORCE!

You cannot rely on the structure and function of the system forever. You are either forced to side with the elite, or the criminal.

History was written by criminals. The only difference is that they won the fight. If you live to tell the tale who corrects your errors? There is no other side of the story bud, ALL HISTORY IS A REVISION.

Common sense will tell you that what you hear from the survivor is just as much lies and propaganda as what the villain of their story would tell you.

By eliminating nature as a variable, the elite have no choice but to create DEBT!

Without DEBT there would be no VARIABLE.

Think about it. DEBT creates CHAOS which creates CHANGE which creates IMPROVEMENT.

DEBT is actually improving TECHNOLOGY by creating PROBLEMS to solve.

If there is no obstacle you coast through everything. If the elite wanted to takeover everything, they would rather see how you would scramble to stop it FOREVER than lose the chance at ILLUMINATION at seeing the great work completed.

It is truly a constant DOWNWARD spiral they are looking for. They want the rich to be obscenely rich and the poor to be destitute, not for GREED, but for DATA!

Allow me to explain the plight of the Vampire.

I used to be goth until I realized it was programming. I got into Vampires big time. This was before Twilight but that killed it for everyone anyways.

Vampires live for thousands of years. They know the cycles, and have mastered psychology and how people operate. They aren't really psychic, they just read speech and body language. They aren't super fast or strong, they just master judo to move your body against you and they had thousands of years to see the telegraph of your pathetic attempt to hit them. They know every move before you make it, because you are not one of them or their bloodline. They have inside knowledge on how the world works, because they are the WHY.

You know in your heart that the Illuminati rule everything. They rule it because they are the librarians of all information. To know all is their ultimate goal. Illumination is simply knowledge itself. The application of this knowledge toward Utopian means would defeat the purpose of it. We all know we learn MORE from failure and struggle than we do in peace and harmony.

We need chaos for the sake of KNOWING. Knowledge requires your sacrifice, not theirs. Your blood is the currency of their knowledge. They live for the knowledge contained in your eternal suffering.

The Illuminati are so knowledgeable that unlike the sheep who take nature as a constant, or FOR GRANTED, They realize the ebb and flow. They know that the rise in tide predicates its eventual fall, and the greater the rise the greater the crash of the tidal wave upon the shoreline.

Nature means that safety is not guaranteed. Nature means risks. Survival means taking calculated risks. Nothing is certain.

In that statement lies the HOPE AND CHANGE.


The reason why that is is simple. That which falls must also rise. It is cyclical like everything else. We are upon the great change. Just like a diaper though, before the change comes a lot of shit.

Certainty IS stagnation. Death is certain.

Change is VARIABLE, but so is LIFE!

Understanding and living in harmony with that nature is the key.

Knowing that anything is possible comes from knowing change. Imagination is Illumination, because you are able to create the shadow on the wall.

So what would one IMAGINE next???



My first experiments with this were inspired by Brian Kemella and DJHIVES AND NEMESIS

I hope that I do well to tell you this through the help of ZODIAC...

logos = great understanding = wisdom

wicce = root word of wisdom

wicca = the religion of witches

techne = craft

techne+logos = technology

logic made flesh = intelligent design

Physical reality submits to the use of technology, just as it did to witchcraft so long ago.

Think of the names behind popular technology today.

Lucent technologies= Lucifer

Apple computers = fruit of Eden

Asus = Jesus!

Hologram = holy symbol

Animation = Anima or energy + Motion or Living motion!

All things come from the word, or rather symbols. 24 hours in a day, 24 original letters in the alphabet. 60 numbers in the origional counting system, 60 seconds in a minute, in an hour 60 minutes.

It all goes back to the BIBLE or BABEL or BABYLON.

The fruit of EDEN was the fire of Lucifer!

Fire was the fruit of the serpent's tree, the serpent was lightning.

When GOD speaks, his voice is thunder.

He spoke Lucifer bearer of light(ning) into being. (The burning bush returned later for Moses, again representing enlightenment.)

Fire begat technology AKA witchcraft. Because those who read my work know they are one in the same.

A magic "Trick" uses technology like smoke and mirrors to deceive.

A magic spell is a psychological program.

Look again at the words that make up another group:

The reason why they call them "free" masons is because GOD is a CREATOR.

Masons are builders or CREATORS

Freedom is to be without restriction.

Ergo to be able to create without restriction one would become the ultimate creator AKA GOD!

So look at the pyramid built in 3 dimensions leading into a singularity.

The eye is a portal into the 4th dimension.

When we can create anything we want in all 3 dimensions, we need all the time in the world. Time is the 4th!

God is only 1 dimension higher but is the all seeing eye because GOD transcends TIME.

Hence the top of the pyramid is god because that is the destiny of the 13 bloodlines.

The 12 apostle blooodlines and the 1 Jesuit bloodline of the freemasons represent GOD's eternity because they are pure bloodlines able to transcend time.

Hence through the 13 GOD is IMMORTAL through the BODY and BLOOD of MAN! Christ "forgave" man because we are all brides of CHRIST or the vesssel of his HOLY SPIRIT.

Christ is the CHRISTOS or holy oil, aka SPERM! This is why we have a SEMINARY. The annointing is the holy money shot! (thank you Jordan Maxwell!)

The holy spirit is little more than the knowledge of LUCIFER and his embodiment in the creations of man. MAN IS NOT SAVED BY WORKS ALONE means that TECHNOLOGY must be PURPOSEFUL and not simply ARTifact or ART, but functional!

The BIBLE has many encoded ILLUMINATI messages from the ancient mystery schools such as the 10 commandments similarity to the ancient book of the dead.

One must only look toward the clues hidden in plain sight to find them...

I used to believe that nothing good was within the BIBLE, but clues are hidden everywhere.

MESSIAH and PROPHET mean the same thing.

A Messiah is a messanger, a prophet is a messanger of things to come.

(...hence the name ZERO Messiah, IGNORE the FALSE prophets!)

How would one know BEFORE something comes?

To transcend TIME one must have a PROPHECY or a PLAN!

So if ARMAGEDDON is GODS plan and we know GOD to be the 13 ILLUMINATI bloodlines, then GODS plan is for the ELECT.

(Think of the ELDERS of ZION)

UP is relative, so is DOWN. AS ABOVE SO BELOW...or as we all know SHIT rolls DOWNHILL.

The bible basically tells us to follow the rules or PERISH.

Notice the double standards reads like contract law.

Sex is legal under marriage, marriage is approval, and thus privilege.

Lust and arousal are the same but LUST is a SIN. SINS are simply the FREEDOM to act without PRIVILEGE. SINS are the assertion of GODHOOD!

To defend your country is righteous, as police or military we know this is sanctioned. To KILL for SELFISH REASONS is MURDER which is ILLEGAL and a SIN.

We do not have the privilege of it.

If LAW enforcement allows it for their side then where does the LAW come from, and consequently, who is GOD or LORD of your domain?

If you do not have the privilege to create and take life, you are removed from it. AS ABOVE SO BELOW, life is also removed from you.

You are a slave or a LAMB of GOD or LIVESTOCK of the LORD, or SLAVE of the SYSTEM.

It has been this way FOREVER. The BLOODLINES have owned us BEFORE we were born.

Look at the social security SLAVE TRADE! Each number is used to COLLECT IRS MONEY.

THINK: god = lord = system

Everything GOD does GOVERNMENT does.

GUNS GOD AND GOVERNMENT are one in the same.

GUNS are tools of control

GOD is a tool of control

GOVERNMENT is a tool of control

TECHNOLOGY is a tool of control

MAGIC is a tool of control

It all boils down to CONTROL over EVERYTHING.


When one creates one first creates chaos, then reorders it.

Chaos once meant from nothing or from a resting state.

Order simply means to recreate or reorder or the NEW state.


It happened WAY before you people watched it on YOUTUBE.


United States, States were once NATION-STATES. Think of your geography and history classes!

United Nations = United States!

USA = United Nations of the New World.


Hidden in plain sight my ass!

Anyone with a 6th grade education and a thesaurus knows what a SYNONYM is!

The END of the world means the birth of the NEW WORLD.

Remember TIME is CYCLICAL.



We already ended the OLD WORLD to make the NEW WORLD.


NEW BABYLON EXISTS IN ISRAEL (isis ra el/saturn)

Babylon was the knowledge seat of the middle east contained in IRAQ.

The new knowledge seat of the middle east is ISRAEL!


Realize anything NEW has been destroyed.

ART is simply pretty GRAFFITI!


This is why we have a THEATER of WAR!



Why else would GOD REPLENISH the EARTH in GENESIS?

To RE-plenish, something has to have already been there before!

The EARTH was a waste and a desolation!




Man who was ape was recreated into man.


Alien = extra terrestrial

extra terrestrial = outside of earth

outside of earth = space

space = the heavens


GOD = E.T!

It's not blasphemy, only the meaning of words and their synonyms.



MAN did not come from CLAY but EARTH!




A plastic surgeon makes man in HIS image.

ET made APES into HUMANS.

Think about this, it all started with the WORD.

Well what is the WORD?


In other words if you can SPEAK you can COUNT.

If you can keep COUNT you need to WRITE.



Life = anima

words = math


When you animate mathematics you create a sequence of events. You are the prophet.


Listen to Marilyn Manson's song "my monkey" while watching the beginning of 2001.




The Illuminati are everywhere kiddies. You never JOIN the Illuminatti, you are simply ILLUMINED.

Look at how much Illuminati symbolism is in his work. He studied CROWLEY very closely. He also studied THE BIBLE!!!

(..think words again GOTHIC comes from the GERMAN GOTT hence GOTHS are GOTHIC and GOTHIC is GODLY... makes you think, don't it?)

Remember how polarity works from my earlier talks.

GOD is anything but what you think GOD is or should be.

GOD is the realization of ALL things, hence;


All things are either GOOD or BAD, ONE 1 OR ZERO 0.

This knowledge comes at a price.

To be all powerful is to be all things, to be all things is to be all which creates and all which destroys.

You literally become that which is at the center of all things.


You literally will speak things into being.

Where you go with this will be beyond money.

Money is PRIVILEGE embodied in paper.

GOD does not need money, god is nature.





When you are a child and you are given money it is called an ALLOWANCE.

You are ALLOWED to have a small amount of POWER.




Induction is CHARGING others.


I have a bill for 100 dollars, I HAND THEM A 100 DOLLAR BILL.


When I hand you money I'm handing you NOTHING. You have to trade the nothing for something else.

Those in power grant the privilege of money to buy goods and services. Those in power literally print money. They are counterfeiting social order.





We are all slaves to GOD's will, but not the IMAGE of GOD's PAST.

This is why graven images were once FORBIDDEN.

What is a coin, ENGRAVED!

What is a dollar bill made with? ENGRAVED PLATES!




GOD was not allowed to be ON CAMERA.



"god" is about the same as the WIZARD OF OZ. (think the one with a little "g" and a big dick military such as guns, god, government...)




Man was not meant to have gods power.

MAGIC and WITCHES were forbidden.

ANYTHING in competition with the social order of the LORD was forbidden.

See just how this worked for tribal chieftains and eclipse watchers:


Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (GOD = LORD = MASTER)

(Now we have an oligarchy)

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. (graven = engraved, images = symbols)

(Now we have printed money and the cult of personality)

Thou Shalt not take the lords name in vain. (Lords name = ruling name, in vain = futility)

(Now we have the 2 minutes hate of blogging, free speech and bugged everything)

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (Saturday = SATURN's DAY)

(Now we have the privilege of working 2-3 jobs on weekends just to pay rent)

Honor thy father and mother. (Parents = Breeders/Police)

(Now through school and DCF we have the state departments and television acting as parent)

Thou shalt not murder: (Murder = right to kill)

(Now we have positions of power like police or military where killing for country is encouraged)

Thou shall not commit adultery: (Sex = right to love)

(Now you can fuck whoever you want because you are of common blood, if you don't want child support breathing down your neck you need birth control or abortions)

Thou shall not steal: (Theft = property, no property = no ownership, a freed slave is stolen goods)

(Now you technically are still property by your SS card. Your property can be siezed and searched at any time for any reason through sneak and peek provisions)

Thou shall not lie: (Lies = counter intelligence, higher hypnotic suggestion, reprogramming, plans are technically lies because they are not true yet...)

(Now you still see this one in effect, the truth will get you killed in some cases)

Thou shalt not covet: (covet = desire or want for better)

(Now you can lust after anything you want, gift registries are encouraged because companies use them as free surveys into what products families want most)

This is total mind control. This is the real thought process behind the OLD TESTAMENT GOD.

Was JESUS much better?

There is much to be found among this book.


Incidentally the single language of babylon was NUMBERS.

We still use numbers to translate all languages. Look at the Google Translator for example.



NUMEROLOGY is simply a spiritual way to look at MATH.

Why would numbers be so important to the ancients?

Why would every single thing in this universe be able to be represented by numbers?

Think of computer models for a moment.

Numbers represent EVERYTHING

The way something exists in each of the 5 senses corresponds to numbers.

You have 4 taste receptors for sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.

By adding and subtracting those you literally taste EVERYTHING.

If you think I'm oversimplifying it by only naming the 4 realize that BINARY is what you're reading right now. The computer is just translating it into english.

Also realize that DNA is only Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. It wrote your whole being into existence but one wrong code in the chain and you don't exist.

It gets more simplifyed. There are only 2 of each that lock together! Purines A and G and Pyrimidines T and C. Meaning that we are 2 channel binary depending on the way it is flipped in each linked codon.

Go even deeper into the DNA and you find the atomic structure of each particle.

If nanotech can build simple machines out of atoms, and DNA is made out of atoms and we have cloned human beings then it can only be assumed that in the next few decades...

I will explain exactly why in a moment.


Then we will BECOME "gods".

The little "g" is what worries me.

We ARE literally able to make man from the ground up...NOW!'s_law

Transistor count used to double every 2 years.

Transistor count doubles in less than 3 years now in 2013.

The year we calculated the human genome: 2003

The amount of data space it takes to store a human genome is: 1.5gb 2 cds worth of space for 3 billion base pairs

1.5 --> 3 --> 6 --> 12 --> 32... hasn't even hit a terabyte yet...

The amount of atoms in the human body are approximately: 7000000000000000000000000000

So the year we will have enough computing power to map the human atom by atom is?: NOW!

And we will have had nanotech in commercial applications since: 2000

I'm just guessing here but if we can store the atomic sub structures of each cell that would yield a form of compression since each cell can be mapped by nanotech as a simple atomic machine.

Since cells make organs this would yield further compression since we would be able to plot the cell structure around a 3d model using algorithms similar to generating things procedurally in spore (believe it or not!) applied to molecular motors...

Everyone is misdirected into thinking that we are creating CYBORGS. Not going to happen like that. Sorry. Once we can create artificial parts, why use the man at all?

Want to see real Cyborgs? Sorry Jack, look at artificial hearts, limbs, and eyes. Cyborgs are the weaker ones. BIOPUNK, not CYBERPUNK is a whole new ballgame.

We will create men from the ground up, from the earth. FROM CARBON.

The reason why the planet's population will be reduced is simple. We can now create slaves from the ground up, from nothing.

The elite will not need us at all much longer.

So if man is nothing more than the elite's waste, why do anything at all to help the masses out?



Our Glorious future: Cellular Stimoceivers

We have here in this very blog outlined the framework for the true patriot. In this thesis I will tell you exactly how to create one. This is not a rousing speech to promote the ideas of god, country and apple pie Americana, nor is it science fiction in the sense of a fairy tale with laser popguns and flying automobiles. This is either a direct application of present technologies that does not exist in this fashion of use, or the proposed application of technologies not known to exist in the common sphere.

In the past various methods have been utilized to create an obedient citizenry among the masses. We have been caught up in the struggle of becoming parent, provider, and police to the whim of the citizen.  We have utilized various means and methods at our disposal. We have used things to influence such as the media to appeal to reason and stimulate appetites and desires. We have implemented direct control mechanisms as police and military. We have created reward centers through civic participation such as the churches, and lodges. We create a sense of belonging for the common man through ritual and tradition such as church, holidays, sporting events and the like. Helpful devices such as the ring tone, time clock and school bells work in our favor as well.

Even in this paradise of modern convenience we have the alternatives and rebels who scoff at the idea of social order and conventional standards of morality and conduct. The teen rebels who have succumbed to the identifying process of marketing are not the ones I am talking about. Their responses have been cataloged through social media such as a trend on Facebook. Nor am I talking about the protester who has been recognized by camera data, or the ones who blindly follow Anonymous.

The order from the chaos of the day will be from the heart of the absentee. You may be asking how the absentee is such a problem, or whether or not this kind of individual is such a problem at all. In this day and age of almost complete knowledge of a persons conduct and whereabouts the ability to track, identify, and predict ones actions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is almost given to us. By simply tracking your cellphone data most of your life's activity comes into view.

In a typical day one awakens to the tone of their cellphone. The alarm awakens them from sleep and subtracting the time taken to eat, shower and cover the biological for the morning, on embarks upon the morning commute. When we leave for work there may be a traffic jam. Quickly we seek to find an alternate route from our home address and using our job site as the destination we use the GPS function on our phone to direct us through another route. During this we are notified that we have a post on Facebook from another friend posting a meme.

Upon arrival we check our Emails and Facebook accordingly responding to mail and posts created by others. After this we put our phones away to begin our shift using them occasionally throughout the day. After work our friend invites us out to a new restaurant for food and drink. Once again we plug it into the GPS and locate the restaurant. Once there our phone's WI-FI picks up an incentive coupon for the companies online access. As we approach the bar we meet a new friend. In this excited and inebriated state we are quick to take a selfsame photograph and post it to our Facebook post about what great times we had. We stay till closing time and leave for home. The new friend chats with us online before we pass out for work again setting our alarm.

The work itself is not important to this observation, only the phone use itself. Remember we are assuming the role of the digital detective in this thought experiment. This is but a sample of the information available to me through the use of computers. Your apps alone tell me your needs, desires, location, and activity. An example of this is the work of retired New York police officer Steve Rambam included here.

The alarm tells me the time they will awaken and the time when the last alarm was set tells me when they were probably winding down last night. The GPS tracks the subject and locates their residence and destination, in this case work. The meme is an identifier tag to track the individuals likes and dislikes and to track responses to it as a stimulus. The Emails and Facebook act to create a digital profile of the individual over time and to record correspondences for future use. Productivity in the office/work environment is observed and tracked by key loggers and cameras. The GPS tracker in phones can also be used passively to track your location within the building cross referenced with the security cameras using the phones number as its native tag. The restaurant location is tracked as well through the WI-FI and accepting the coupon creates an online profile of the user for the business in question to create a tailor made marketing strategy based on your web activity, location, purchase history and search history. The selfsame photo creates an identifier for where you have been and creates a witness out of the second party in the picture. Incidentally the tag photo function within Facebook constructs this witness/alibi relationship. Pictures received from Cellular phones and digital cameras are time stamped upon creation further creating evidence of time and place. Any comments associated with the post create even more searchable data within the data archive.

Time is short before we embark upon this glorious future for humankind. One in which self determination of the individual is replaced with joyful service to the governing body. We will no longer be beholden to this struggle for order, but through modern science and transistor technologies, we will finally have the governance we desire.

The single most useful piece of technology in the consistent programming and tracking of society has been the Smartphone. It tells me where you are, what you're doing, and how to market to you. In short it tells me everything. Instead of ratting out the remotely controlled individual, Why not simply remote control the rat itself?

At this point I would assume that one will arise among you that seeks to champion the cause of ethical treatment of the individual. I simply would ask that individual to strip themselves of their technology and byproducts thereof and kindly live in a hut in the woods. Technology or artifice is the process of man controlling his environment and domesticating the animals and plants around him to suit his needs. There is no place for ethics when technology is concerned, only function in respect to fuel consumption and natural order. It is at this juncture that it is necessary to separate man from animal. Man is that which takes control of his environment, animal is that which is in response to his environment. Even among animals an alpha must exist and will persist. In this thesis I do not define the alpha but define the subject as its opposite.

An example of this is the conditioned responses of the rat and his whiskers using the pleasure center as a reward mechanism. We are able to make anyone do anything and enjoy their servitude.

I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms how to create a subject that not only loves their servitude, but how to create a subject that is obedient to the point of self termination. There will be outlined the process for Remote control, Direct input programming, Indirect input programming, Symbolic rails, Interference training, and Handlers. Everything you need to control the ultimate patriot. I am not a surgeon however so I do not have the expertise at this time to lend to the subject of the device implantation. However, I am willing to produce an update to this document if such a person arises.

Remote control is the direct control of motor functions using a radio transmitter interrupt and pilot mechanism. Like the rat shown above one can be made to feel nerve impulses, but this requires conditioning and will lead to noticeable ticks and twitches in the subject. The use of Stimoceivers has existed since the 1950s as a way to control the conditioned responses of an individual wirelessly, and is nothing new at all. The idea promoted here is the use of a cellular band Stimoceiver with a chipset that can record and playback command data in either peripheral control or audio visual formats. In this way we can aviod the ticks and create a reward profile based on the achievement of desired outcomes. If we can train a dog to salivate at the ring of a bell then imagine what we can do with simple inaudible frequencies through the transmitter.

Direct input programming is defined as the psychological process of in-person programming of the subject using mind control techniques outlined within projects such as Monarch and MK-Ultra. As such the methods are too numerous to discuss here. Simply put this direct relationship is primitive and to be avioded due to the potential to discover the true handler or surgeon implanting the Stimoceiver. Although highly effective methods do exist within these sciences, accidents have occurred of the awakened. In the case of these individuals one might find it prudent to place a kill-switch in the form of a poison caplet within the Stimoceiver to cause a self destruct should the subject regain or develop total control. Raising the subject from birth could in theory create a better implantation and conditioning during brain development but as such more information exists on the adult brain.

Indirect programming is the use of Device transmission means using the radio transmission device or the use of media and symbolism. You can create a conditioned response to the media as well using the reward mechanism to create a symbolic link. Adolescence is the perfect time for example to create fetishes and sexual response coding. Motor skills during child hood development could be en-trained for example for gymnastics or martial arts.

Symbolic rails means the use of symbolism in art and media for the use of setting mental landmarks for passive behaviors. It could be as simple as setting up a post-traumatic flashback when certain triggering symbols arise, or something as complicated as a trail of breadcrumbs leading one into the hands of knowing handlers. Symbolic rails are guideposts that reference commands and are the true memes we use everyday to get to where we are going and define ourselves socially and psychologically.

Interference training is a way to train the subject to develop a backlash mechanism against unwanted instructions as defined by the Handlers. Interference in this case is defined as radio interference, hacks, and unwanted instructions by others through direct contact. Radio interference could produce unwanted signals like any transmitter can receive. Imagine having a detailed hypnotic induction go haywire and picking up the signal of a local radio station or another cellphone call in the Stimoceiver. This method of induction control is only programmable in two ways. Either a protocol of a carrier signal that constantly checks the transmission for a digital undertone to continue continued transmission, or if the development is not available the use of a constant similar voice for all transmission standardized in the same way as a Kurzweil reader.

Handlers are simply the controller involved in the direction of the subject behaviors as defined by the desired outcomes. The controller could either be man or machine to automate the process such as industrial production. They would be in control of the transmission, direct input to the subject's body such as remote control and pleasure centers, as well as the use of microphones located in the ear canal, GPS, optic nerve data driven by the receiver. They would in theory be able to control the subject totally.

Practical application and conclusion:

The market exists for a lifelike android robot world wide. Through the conditioning of science fiction, man has been programmed by science fiction to accept slavery in machine form. The subject will be bred and marketed using fabricator birthing units who are sexually stimulated and used for the implanted fetuses of the best human cultures devised by eugenics. The subject marketed will be marketed as an android that is lifelike in all ways but will be altered by plastic surgery to be less than human in appearance until the point is realized that the evolution of the product is accepting of the unaltered human subjects. Nano technology will allow home breeder units to bear offspring to the unsuspecting customer that are also fully controllable by the same Stimoceiver means. Humanity will in effect fuck themselves out of a place at the table when fully controlled "androids" are ready and willing to submit to the customers every whim, sexual or otherwise.

In other words, Chobits is the last step in human evolution. The mind-controlled slave is the final outcome of all civilizations. The future is not a boot stamping on a human face forever, but a society whose panties are gagging their mouths masturbating until death takes them.


Vegetarian robotics and the church of the sith.

Why do the elite use robotics? Vegetarian Ethos. Let me explain.

If you understand the concept of Jeff's blog (Eat Them). Then you know what I'm talking about. In short, why be socially manipulative when you have a machine that you directly program? What it all boils down to is choice.

Machines are like plants. They function according to simple natural laws. They can even be solar powered. No risks are involved socially. They make the perfect slave to feed and work for us.

It's how Anakin started. with the GOLEM.

Anachim later became Darth Vader, as most know. But he started in the desert with robotics. Why do they show this in this Jewish myth? What is the purpose? WHY...

No! Look at HOW it was done!

Take the industrial revolution as an example. The revolution created a much broader leisure class.

Serfs were no longer tied to the land. People became mobilized regardless of social class. People had more time to waste. By creating more time, the elite created more CUSTOMERS and CONSUMERS.

It had its purpose for a time but the planet has limits.

If the Georgia Guidestones are followed then we also know what will save them again.

Robotics will REPLACE the slave class when the population goes down to 500 million.

Just like in Darth Vaders body, the body is the slave of the mind. It can be replaced, the same with the body politic.

Machines can be run on ANYTHING. As long as the wheels turn, work will be done. Machines are able to do this for one reason alone.


I can her the eco-nazis screaming the same old song about the planet.


Machines exist on the same planet as the rest of us. They eat the same foods and run on the same laws. Do not look for special cases but bend and you will understand.

Pollution is just robot piss, robot shit, and robot farts. The machine of government runs on the same resources that we do because of natural laws. We will never exist outside of the system of nature so we are all nature.

Man is no different then Machine. Man is programmed socially using WORDS(code), and chemically using DNA(BIOS/Hardware). This is what I meant by the whole world is just a goddamned computer.

Man is harder to work with. man is slaughtered for his meat. Robots are able to be HARVESTED from the ground and assembled. This is why I am a nerd at heart. I am a SOCIAL VEGETARIAN.

Eating people is just not in my nature. I WILL DO IT THE 5% OF THE TIME WHEN I HAVE TO, but if a ROBOT can do it for me instead. I will choose the robot.

But how id we discover robots? Through the gears of the universal cycle.


Like his creations though Anakin later became Emperor Palpatine's Robot when under his manipulation. The legend has much to teach us.


Robert Morning Sky Star Elders

This is from 1996 but It's still very fresh information.

Check it out and give it a chance along with the other parts.


Version 3.0 Lumina Edition

On a You Tube comment I said: "If you're going to squabble about religion and waste your time while the Illuminati bankers fuck you in the ass, you deserve it!

Instead of banding together to whip their collective asses, you are all just going to troll and argue about all of the smaller points, but the big picture is that if we don't put aside the differences we'll never be free of the problem. Stop trolling and find common ground before your all in a FEMA camp!"

As I look forward into 2013 I realize that the foolish backbiting antics that crippled this blog before made it unbearable to continue on the same path. I've rebooted the blog many times in the past and I realize now that the only thing that I needed to change was my attitude toward the blog itself.  The smaller issues that plague us divide us from who we can become as a whole. It would be hypocritical to expect anyone to produce this result without making the first leap forward.

While I have talked about making a positive change in the past I have been able to offer little in the past to create a framework for the Utopian vision that I hold in my mind. I want to share with you in the coming weeks a way to create it for yourselves.

Manifestation for a second Rennaisance

To understand the meaning of words one must understand their roots in culture. Etymology is the study of the roots of words and their origins. To look at how manifestation is achieved today one must define it by a more current and up to date definition based on this principal.

I believe that manifestation is actually present now and that the wonders of our creative potential have simply been mistranslated over time. We need look no further than the word TECHNOLOGY.

Technology comes from the words techne which means craft and ology or the study of something. To study is to become wise and wisdom comes from the root word wicce the root word of wicca. Techne also means craft, so witchcraft is truly the crafts of the wise!

In other words we won't have a massive blast of godlike powers like a superhero. We may have the opportunity through great adversity to become more creative about how we solve our problems, becoming wise or, wizards. So if that blast of cosmic power is from a laser is it not any less miraculous?

In understanding the technology that we take for granted also look at the former incarnations of its uses.

Alchemy was where we get the root word of chemistry 'chem'. The chimera was one out of many animals representing the concept of a compound being. We get this same idea represented in chemistry when molecules form bonds to become compounds. Down to the most finite atoms we simply are adding and subtracting the positive and negative elements. Duality is always present even at the most basic levels as we are all binary.

Astrology was where we got astronomy from which was how we charted the course of sailing vessels and the passage of solar and lunar cycles. How is one separate from the other when one considers the astrotheology found in most modern religious texts. Astro is the star, coming from the goddess Ishtar of Mesopotamia. The Babylonian numerical system of base 60 is where we get our time keeping from. Yet again we have advanced scientific concepts from ancient peoples. The magical concepts yet again relating to a scientific principal only give evidence to what was once known as magical may just be as well technological.

We must remember that writing was a new concept and that the symbolic nature of ideas was not represented in commercial terms yet. These gods may have also been logos of the ideas to supplement the cuneiform tablets. The definition of the root word logos is log, Greek for speech or word. This is also where we get the root of the suffix ology or the study of something.

This is not to deny the power of symbolic thought as the subconscious creative side of our brain relies upon it. Rather it is in direct support of it, as I can explain. Magic in this way is simply a conversation with the subconscious self or our dark side. The side of us inside of us that exists deep within the darkness of our bodies or the side that requires enlightenment. Magic is simply a subliminal conversation to feed our brain a waking dream and all the pageantry and ritual is just writing the code back into our brains other half, the creative side. Again we have the duality of the brains hemispheres in control.

Conversations with god, meditation, spell craft, automatic writing, many things may help to increase our abilities to manifest ideas and concepts that can modify our world in very positive ways. The word Psychology comes from the goddess Psyche which is also where we get the word psychic. In etymology she was the animating spirit or anima which reflects motion. Science also shares her root word. Science is the observation of a change which also requires motion.

Genesis is creation which also has the root word of gen, such as generate or genetics. Applied sciences can create wondrous things when used efficiently, beneficially and responsibly. Motion is either generative or regressive. So this leads into ethics itself. As we walk into light away from darkness we also walk toward the generative energy and away from the entropic or destructive forces. Solar and lunar gods and goddesses symbolize this, as well as the current theme held by this generation of "waking up".

To summarize the point of this you only need to look up the etymology for manifestation itself. In Latin manifest comes from the word manifestare which means to discover. In other words manifestation IS applied science. You must manifest positive change that generates positive outcomes utilizing the knowledge endowed to you by your creator.

If we use the power of applied science in a positive way we can reshape our world in ways unimaginable. Look at how computers have shaped our destiny already. The computer came from an abacus to form a simple punch card weaving loom. This could be argued as the first industrial machinery or primitive 3d printed computed graphics. Mathematics being the roots of this clockwork computing was a direct result of the Babylonian base 60 time keeping, we take for granted today.

Pioneering the new frontiers of technology is the second Renaissance, and we are all manifesting this right now in the present. If we look into the works of Ray Kurzweil we can find the evidence of Moore's Law. Moore's law is the observation that over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years. This is why you can now watch this video on your cellphone when decades ago it took entire rooms to have the computing power of a pocket calculator.

If we realize the potential that exists within us we will have the solutions to our problems well within our reach. As Carl Sagan once said "A Glorious new dawn awaits..."