The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Consensus = Life

"I heard about the survival of the moderate. the scientist actually discovered that one who survives is not the fittest but the moderate. Could it be possible that the moderate is one who understand the Law of Nature? that there is a certain rule or law that govern us no matter what matrix we are in? if you have a time, maybe you could show me some light on this." - DebtInterest

This could not be further from the truth as government and society in general is a consensus lead by a governing body.

Think about the foundations of government.

Elections are based on popularity, not only popular candidates but popular opinions. Even if the elections are rigged the information still remains a factor in politics. Look into any ruling system and the people have to agree by a wide enough margin to overcome the militant force.

But, what is moderation? Popular opinion will create the environment in which the individual lives so any deviation will not be tolerated. Just like the microcosm of high school the macrocosm of the "real world" pushes out cultural deviants through social or physical punishment. In a democracy this works through mob rule but through a monarchy it simply works as those who consent and those who do not.

Throw away this whole oneness with the universe crap, it is really just a morality play for your conformity. Think about it. The key to life is outward conformity with inner deviance. Any time you let your inner freak show, you are fingered by the elite as a mark. You are then distracted by music trends, political movements, and other forms of diversion. You will not be the chosen one of the elite because you favor your own ideals. You are not yet ready for the new world order as a way of life.

Why else would the elite be all about groups? Groups are the key to achieving their goals. You need massive consensus to achieve the kinds of change that they are after. Corporations, groups like Bilderberg, the Illuminati, and others are all groups. There is no such thing as a conspiracy of one.

Get this into your heads:

One man will never change the world.

It was hard for me to face it but that whole superhero shit about one guy overcoming adversity is a crock of shit. Unless a hero inspires the people they have no power. Power comes through mobs. Mobs built all the monuments based on one mans design. Mobs won all of the wars based on one mans plans for conquest. It always has been and always will be the masses that change the world, but it is the controller of the masses that will make the change.

This is all that induction can do. Induction and Consensus facilitate Change.

If one man were to rally the people today they would be competing against the many who already have the consensus in place. The change will not come unless over 66% of the world both realize and agree with the new idea of this man. It also depends on the relative wealth and resources of this group. An overthrow of the world government would only occur if the wealthy also had power against it.

There will be no change unless this happens but because of the consent of the public the current laws and government exist. The sheeple will never rebel and the survival of the individual depends on the principal of moderate deviation. Living in the gray areas of a black and white world bears the most fruitful outcome. You have to blend in like so much of the camouflage of animals. It has a purpose, and if your past is an indicator you will be fingered much to early to fix it in the future.

The school systems of all countries public and private account for consensus through grading you mentally and psychologically. Fail at school and you will most likely fail at life, but not for the reasons advertised. In coming to know the struggle for popularity you know that it is the main factor in your grading. The teachers pet learned to conform early, this is why they were likely to be the most successful. The class clown learned to entertain, this is why they can still charm their way out of things. The book smart nerd learned to shut up and produce, and this is why they will always remain a grind. If you look back to the behaviors learned in school and then look at where they are today the only thing that determined the future of the individual is the environment that they ended up in. If a clown fit the consensus then they are probably a success, and there are even conditions where even the teachers pet will fail but this is simply a product of environmental consensus.

Adaptation to the environment is simply consensus.

We can either adapt, flee, or die. When we flee we attempt to change the environment to suit ourselves. When we adapt we change ourselves to suit our environment, thus the moderate will always succeed because they are the most adaptable. The adaptors are predators, those who flee are simply prey. Now you know the difference.

Just remember, that being a moderate does not mean denying your urges. Moderation simply means keeping those urges private.

Carlosanto found a video that sums a lot of this up nicely...

Instant feedback:

Sphere said...

Sooo basically you're saying to simply be and go with the flow (as in adapt)?

Zero Said:

No sphere, I am telling you to outright lie to the sheeple mobs.

Like the swine flu vaccine:

Sheeple: "Did you get the vaccine?"


Like drug use:

Sheeple:"Have you ever tried pot."


Like religion:

Sheeple:"Do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior?"


Lies = Camouflage.

Easy, no?


Sphere said...

Sooo basically you're saying to simply be and go with the flow (as in adapt)?

Anonymous said...

thanks for responding my question.

have you read Technological Society, written by Jaques Ellul? Ellul is a french sociologist who states that in the end, the society will become a gian concentration camp, created not by the elite but by technique itself... for example, propaganda is not necessarily employed or controlled by the elite but it happens by its own necessity due to its high efficiency.

For propaganda to exist, society need to be individual and mass at the same time and break down all groups and sub-groups (i.e. family and religious group). So propaganda become its own and develope its own and used by the elite. And later, even the elites are subjected to this propaganda which they used. Technological Society highly recommand!

And Thank you for responding again!

ZeroMessiah said...

No sphere, I am telling you to outright lie to the sheeple mobs.

Like the swine flu vaccine:

Sheeple: "Did you get the vaccine?"


Like drug use:

Sheeple:"Have you ever tried pot."


Like religion:

Sheeple:"Do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior?"


Lies = Camouflage.

Anonymous said...

yes, Zeromessiah.

recently djhives talked about that in this blog. lie to sheeple!

I thought about it. and I conclude there is no other way but to lie to sheeple because they are sheeple.

sheeple are tight ass, closed minded easily get emotional unthinking lazy uncurious and never engage in intellectual speculation. so no other way but to lie, otherwise they will attack me!

Sphere said...

Thanks for clearing that up! :)
I said the same thing to one of my "hippie" friends who is to "open" to everybody. Not in so many words, and not in such an extreme way. But you are completely right when you say lies=camouflage.

Admin said...

Although many of the rules of nature apply to us, we are not animals.Society is created to give equal chance to anyone but it often fails.
The poor kid of yesterday is todays' millionaire.
There is much wisdom to this blogs, but they are constantly trying one thing:to find a formula and put the life, something that cannot be measured and grasped, into a mathematical equation.
As for the Dj, I honestly believe that he is a sick fuck.He says to generalize and there is nothing further from the truth.Do as I did, stop follow him.

Sphere said...

For the poor kid to become a millionaire he would have to become a predator/proton/gangsta, whatever you wanna call it. Isn't this the same method as applied in nature? Eat or be eaten? Is this not animal-like behaviour?

And statistically speaking, that poor kid would have a lot of variables working against him. It is possible but he/she will have a harder time then a rich kid if you ask me! But then again, who am I...

A poor kid :)

Admin said...

I can't argue with you.Many of you have absorbed the sick fucks' mentality which is constructed of yelling on internet, negativity, anti-social behavior and paranoid schizophrenia.
I suggest you to read The power of now and to meditate a little.

And Sphere, I finished medicine secondary school so I read about natures laws.

You say that the poor kid has disadvantages, but what if it is highly intelligent?
Is that going to even the odds?

ZeroMessiah said...

We are not yelling actually, we are trying to achieve consensus...


Even now the animal nature shows itself. You cannot deny nature!

Sphere can read you like Psycho Mantis. IF you both accept I smell a gauntlet.

I may just bring it back for the purposes of debate...

Admin said...

I accept, but what is there to debate about?

Sphere said...

Oh hi, just got home, what's this, a debate? I'm allways up for that.

ZeroMessiah said...

The Gauntlet Returns Again!