The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



The gauntlet shows me two things.

#1. People who have been silent for months can still type.

#2. The so called "remedial" information, still escapes some of you.

This is the purpose of that post.

To put it bluntly, when people fail to grasp the simplicity of nature they have little chance to survive in it.

Darwin said it best.

In the animal world we Adapt, Flee, or Die.

Predators Adapt or Flee, Prey Flees or Dies.

Stop pining for the days when we did not have knowledge of the predator.

Evolve and accept nature, adapt and accept the tools in front of you.

If you were in a war and you had a gun when every one else charged at you with knives, would you spend your time thinking it was unfair? NO! You should shoot the mob charging at you because they are dangerous in large numbers.

The zombie movies are an allegory for the sheeple mentality because the sheeple are the same way.

"We know all of this Zero, now where are the bloody secrets of the universe already?!?"

...*facepalm, throw keyboard, hit head on desk, plug in keyboard, reattach spacebar*

Part of your evolution will be in becoming able to make your own discoveries.

Unlike Hives, I will admit I'm not the difinitive authority. What I teach is different because I tell you to think for YOURSELF.

Its alot harder to fend for your own mentality and intellect.

What I offer you is the truth of nature.

If you want to save the sheeple, then be my guest. If they eat you then it's your own fault.

I have no sympathy for willful ignorance. Like watching a magician is it my fault if they don't see the "other hand" at work? Should those that do save the whole audience or, simply teach those who appreciate the trick?

That is what I'm here for. Those who appreciate the trick.

If you want to bitch about the trick please go to infowars. They have plenty to keep you infarmed and afraid. They can sell you videos about how your world is going to hell because of the evil conspiracy plaguing the planet. You can feel like a superhero by becoming an infowarrior and have fun talks at parties with your friends. In five years the stories will change but you'll always be missing one thing. Alex Jones will tell you why, the alternative is to find out how.

If you want to teach and learn the craft then by all means there is a place for you here.

To clarify, I am not pro-illuminatti, pro-nwo or pro-sheep and pro-planet. This is not a justice league or a villanous cabal from the comics. We are the only gray area here. You are free to get on the bus or stand on the platform but if you wish to be left behind like all things it is a CHOICE.

Fuck them all, learn from them all, SAVE YOURSELF!


Anonymous said...

maybe, you are survivalist?
Wolf need sheeps. otherwise, wolf will starve. I want sheeple to stay sheeple. So, I think it is best to lie to them and fool them.

I think you and I agree on one thing. we rather be wolf than sheepl. what makes one wolf? maybe open-mindedness? what do you think one makes wolf rather than sheepe?

Anonymous said...

thats exactly what i said and meant in my post zero,,,i am not pro NWO, or pro sheeple, im just me

DonnyDarkoh said...

I'll appreciate the trick as long as the joke's not on me.

People always told me that I just thought in black and white. Lately though I've thought I was the only unwanted grey around. It's an unpopular position. They say - pick - with them or against them. I'm with them only if it benefits me.

The sheep think no tricks should ever be played. And the predators think symbiotic relationships don't exist.

If money is stored human energy, well you're not going to make it if you're only capable of predatory relationships. The most successful businesses give the sheep what they want and give something of value. Listen to the customer. If you just rip them off completely, the sheep will never come back, and you won't get anymore cash out of them.

If you get your energy from the opposite sex, you'll also need to form symbiotic relationships as well. The most successful guys according to nature have at least 4-5 kids. You can't reproduce if you don't know how to give something of value to the opposite sex.

Sometimes I wear the white hat. Sometimes I wear the grey hat. If I wore the black hat for any length of time, the mob would kill me, and the other mad hatters would backstab me.

Adapt or die. If you're too rigid and can only wear one hat color, you're not adaptable. If you can't enjoy the age and world you're living in, go kill yourself and attempt to live in a different world.

Admin said...

Zero, you already got me with the zero paradigm.

Unknown said...

The line of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars that LITERALLY HIT ME THE MOST (period, no exceptions), is, "The average person wants to kill all that disturbs their daily lives and want to kill all those who do not conform. They are unwilling to do this themselves due to ethical and moral religious reasons, so they hire politicians to keep the blood off their hands.....". You see, that's just it: Most humans are 'bad, dysfunctional machines'. Nothing more than that. Machines. Violent machines. 99.9% have this 'instinct' to kill anything which does not conform. However, you and I lack this superfluous 'Uncontrollable Freudian Death Instinct'. Likewise, have we hit a point where we have engineered a society that is no longer a prisoner to the whims of nature, but has grasped and harnessed the power of nature? No longer does grass grow uncontrollably, but we mow it, and predictibly & reliably control it.

Admin said...

Can I ask you something?Did you finish body for life?I want to start the program, but there are very mixed reviews of the internet.