They reach up for a toy. Mine! Wham they hit another kid. They from simple tribes out of their friends. They scavenge for food in your fridge when you aren't looking. They represent the world through simple pictograph picture symbols like square block houses, stick figures, and lollipop trees. They build forts and explore and dig up the dirt.
When they dress themselves they emulate the gods. Barbie becomes Aphrodite, Batman is god of the underworld, Superman becomes the Hercules or even Apollo like figure, even bob the builder is a lesser Hephaestus.
When they wear mom and dads clothing they emulate the elders of the tribe. When they learn to read and write they assume an almost Sophist development based on written word. They advance into the renaissance with math and science borrowed from the period. World history hardens the mind into a statist world view. Religion sets in and poisons the well with dogma added to propaganda. The prejudice and bias of the parents creeps in as if it represents a culture.
Rebellious tendencies are quelled with parental totalitarian dominance. They learn to base their opinions on authority instead of discovery. The caveman within them dies as they succumb to the hive mind. Pop culture breeds contempt for the haves or the have-nots. Class divisions set in and learned helplessness gives them a Stockholm syndrome like patriotism about the
With the matrix of thought fully closing around the mind by the time they reach thirty they have traded passions for careers. The dollar reigns supreme above political and religious motivations. The mind starves. They stop learning. Growth stops as they head towards the decline of youth. They are over the hill even though they postpone that statement for decades. They have peaked. They live vicariously through the screen like plato's allegory of the cave.
Sitcoms and talk shows dictate how to raise their kids. The evening news tells them what to fear and the weather outside as if a window does nothing. They ignore their spouse for porn and dress their best for work only to tear off their nicer clothes to let themselves go at home. Connections fade as the distraction of electronic entertainment quiets the chatter of the mind screaming at you to think, to analize, to dream, to be enraged about it!
What can be done about this? How many people get to just play with science anymore? We could build the universe but instead we are trapped within the brick and mortar institutions of our parents. Online companies are replacing them but yet what good is a home business or telemarketing when you stay trapped in one place void of discovery?
Who grows that does not dream? Are we trapped in an endless sprawl? We must dissent. Ascent is the vertical rise upward. Descent is the vertical drop lower. Dissent is men going their own way. This is not to be confused with MGTOW's focus on demonizing one gender. Anyone that uses force to tell you what to do is wrong, man or woman! I am speaking of the true ICONOCLAST.
You must assert your position in the universe at all times! MINE IS MINE! Earn it and keep it and grow it and plant it and build it and make it and live it!
There was a point of self ownership until the fear set in. If you make the discovery you own the knowledge. This is intellectual property. This intellectual property is your true property, not the objects that represent it. Not even the body you live in is your property.
Only your thoughts are truly your own. Your experience is the only thing you truly have. Remember how I once said that the mind is the end all be all. Since the beginning of time you were a thinker before you were a doer. You had to learn to move and what to move and how to move it. Thus in a sense the body responds directly to mind control!
You are controlling everything in front of you with mind control. If the mind controls the body and the body controls the device than you are literally harnessing the forces of nature with your mind. Taking things a step further you have a thought process becoming an action that requires nature to function.
If ancient scrolls with ancient symbols could be used to mix potions then ancient math told the people of KHEM (Chemestry/Egypt) how to make it work.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, but magic in the hands of men make them indistinguishable from gods. Magic and science are the same thing. True magic has been hidden. The story that many tell about the conspiracy of aliens who came to earth is an old trope of the conspiracy theories. The idea however is sound.
Lets define a few things before moving on.
First imagine that you are a caveman. Lets say you are at the point of fire and sharpened stick spears. You wear animal skins. Suddenly a huge bird flies over your head that makes a loud growling noise. Or maybe it is a "fire breathing dragon" and it tries to shoot you. You run into the cave.
We have stories all the time to work from about technologically advanced people visiting tribes. It is called ANTHROPOLOGY.
When we study these so called primitives we see a pattern about their discovery of us. They take us in and show us their customs and we eat and dance together by the fire. They try to communicate and eventually there is a translation of the language. The elder asks questions and answers them according to the knowledge he has.
Eventually the tribe no longer fears the outsider. They welcome them and begin to take on bits and pieces of the other civilized culture such as clothing and books or even religions. Gradually they change into something else entirely. They are not quite their past but not quite the other civilization. They have homogenized and through this mutual understanding a bit of their culture faded away into history. Their discoveries about the natural world quickly become a reliance on the tools of civilization. The application of these appliances and customs replaces their sense of place in the universe.
There is a backlash or a revolution of sorts calling to a return to the old ways. They quarrel over it, divided. Civilization steps in presenting their solution resulting in the civilized tribe separating from the uncivilized tribe. This results in civil war. Both tribes benefit from the arms and tools of the civilized nation. They battle for the land destroying resources or giving them in trade to the high tech civilization.
In desolation over the conflict both sides cry out for a savior or a leader. The Civilization steps in one last time replacing the tribal form of court with a constitutional government. This order wipes out the
The people have lost themselves by degrees. Their self ownership and discovery have been replaced by their savior figure. They failed to spear the plane. The beast took over their people.
How is that not like the acculturation of our youth?
Children just want to play and dance but they look to us as their savior. We heal them when they are sick, feed them when they are hungry and influence their thoughts just like the anthropologists do. When children come into the world they are learning every bit of the history of the world, in stages.
Look at Ray Kurzweil's graph and you will understand why we get so lost later on in school.
Basically we have to learn at ever increasing accelerated rates to be able to apply knowledge to control our environment with technology. It is escaping the grasp of the common man because not only do we have the limitations of our own understanding but we have to go deep into the reasoning behind the technology within the historical record.
All throughout history you will see man using technology to solve problems and any high tech civilization wiping out the civilization underneath them. World government is only an end result of the technological western dominance. Better technology allows us to conquer bigger tribes. Why would the focus now go from world powers to splinter cells to eventually the common man?
The only war left is the war on your mind. The only battleground there ever was, was the mind itself. We have before us a new paradigm. We know common core is bullshit. The chunky math could really only be used to make change. (4 25s equal 100, four quarters for a dollar).
If we don't run the risk of actually having children and then teaching them, we have no control over the future of man. The technocracy exists and will persist as long as man remains subservient to the electronic savior, but there is another way.
If man understands nature through science man can achieve for himself his own path in life. Man can ask WHY he is in the cage and remain there forever. he can only escape the box with HOW.
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