The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



Many of you have heard the call, but have not answered it. In the simplicity of reason, still many of you have chosen to remain silent. The path was clear but you strayed to remain close to the many over the position alone.

There are three classes of people. They are called many things but you will know them as Wolves, Dogs, and Sheep, for the sake of simplicity.

May I remind you it is lonely at the top. If you are in need of a companion, you must trust the wolf. This is the way to ensure your purity. The wolf is the only one that you shall grant limited trust. If you care for it with respect of its nature it will always serve you. The wolf may turn on you for meat so always remain the greater force.

The lesser form of the wolf is the dog. It will beg like a puppy but show any weakness and it will turn on you. Never trust a lapdog, it will attempt to manipulate you at every turn. Avoid dogs unless wolves are unavailable. Then only use them sparingly until wolves arrive. They are of lesser intelligence and they cannot hunt for themselves.

Avoid the sheep at all costs. They are only food and clothing for man and wolf. Keep them separate. The only time they will enter your home is in the leather on your boots or the meat on your plate. Let them keep to their pens and only visit to cull the herd.

_ _ _ _ _

With this being said take heed of it. The call is heard by all, you are here because you are the one that I want to hear. Meditate on this tonight, for you will be watching the stars for many nights to come.

Any group has its extremes. If you look at a bell curve for any system of classification you will see those on the left are the weak, those on the right that are strong, and a lump in the center that are squeaking by as normal or average.

You do not have the luxury of being average nor the ineptitude of being weak. For you the left side of the graph is beneath you and very little of the center applies to you. It matters not what is being graded, you skew the results by a factor of your ability. It is this reason why you have this information. You have searched for it tirelessly and for that labor you will be rewarded as always.

_ _ _ _ _

The nature of man is to be one of the three. There is only deviance, moderation and excellence. Excellence is a choice we make every day. Whether to labor for the great work or to enjoy the fruits of our labor is your choice, every day. Diligence rewards those in the right direction with the progress they desire. The "call", is simply that direction personified.

There are three ways in. It does not matter which one you chose, if you are worthy you will be found. The trick is maintaining one of the three to the point where you pose a threat. Only those who pose a threat are worthy. Fear is not an option, you will find this out quickly.

The first and oldest way is the spirit. Before secret clubs and societies there was only labor and religion. It doesn't matter which one you choose of the three, but this is the hardest to grasp. You must gain wealth by using the fear of god.

This is the easiest to do with sheep and dogs, but wolves are only at the tip of the top because of the age and success of the method itself. You cannot join simply as a member of the congregation but you must start as a priest or higher member. Founding your own is difficult but as Scientology has proven, success can be had if you know how to manipulate the hopes and dreams of the lesser.

The second and the most rigorous is the other of the eldest, it is the way of skill. You must live wholly in the talent to become elected. You will use your talent to get the maximum wealth with the barest of effort. Like the artist you will turn leisure into gold, but only after paying your dues for many years.

Any business can provide for this. You do not need to be the founder of it, simply one with higher decision making power. I highly recommend going on your own for the sake of your true goals. It is harder work but eventually when you are traded on the stock exchange you will know why I am telling you to do it this way.

The final way is the way of blood. This is the newest although it is not by any means new. You must simply be descended from the first two as a legacy. When you pledge your fraternal brotherhood you will be paraded around as the dog or sheep you are. This will not win you the high rank that you desire. You cannot join because you will always be at the bottom. However you can create a legacy for your bloodline through it, however you will have to wait generations to even see the true benefits of this come to fruition.

It is through these methods that you will choose your future fate.
_ _ _ _ _

For those who have chosen their path the next step is to define their legacy and manifest their destiny to the world. The world is a sea of farms. To truly thrive you must plant the seeds of your garden. Be forewarned. What ye has sewn, so shall ye reap.

To fully appreciate this concept one must go back to one of the firmaments of being. To truly know hate one must have love. Love is simply the emotions of youth. You cannot be secure without it in that infant stage. You experience it in the budding sexuality of your adolescence. In adulthood one is tempered by the experience needed to form the secondary emotion of hate.

Hatred keeps wars going, hatred inspires fear, hatred is the mother of torture and the definition of human nature. Do not dare to disrespect the power of cold hatred. Spite is the drink of choice, obey your thirst.

Without cold revenge we have the weakness found in rage. Never become enraged, release your anger. Otherwise you will become greedy. To poison is not to kill, to trap is not to kill, to ignore is not to kill. Let those who have your anger die with it, but never let the anger be their victory.

To temper ones anger with the hatred found within the reality of adulthood is not a simple task. This is not for the weak. One must use gradual techniques to subdue your opponents. Keep your associates close but your enemies closer.

One must use this gradual chipping away at ones enemy as a resource. Make their labor your revenge. Make them dependent upon you. Make them love you. Then at the last moment when you are all they have left, then you drop them into the hole of their own making.

Psychology is the easiest trap of all because a prison of the mind is impenetrable due to the fact that when properly conditioned they will maintain the weaknesses themselves. A loop of dependency leads to habitual behavior. Gradually other habits can be induced by praise. If Pavlov's dog could be trained to salivate at the sound of a bell then think of what other things our subjects could be trained to do. Remember just as a boss trains an associate, learning from others is simply conditioning them. Conditioning others is experimentation, experimentation is learning for yourself.

Upon the subject of hatred we shall briefly touch upon the subject of trust. All love is conditional because all love requires trust. Trust is simply the repeat habitual conditioning of the subject to expect certain conditions to be met. Trust is simply the hope that something will always be there. If you can truly trust no one, then what is the purpose of love to you?

There is none. Love is irrelevant to you and is not relevant to experiencing joy. From now on you shall not trust. Trust is lazy and love is blind. Love is blind because instead of using your eyes to see the truth, you have trusted in the other to tell you the truth.

Never trust, always verify. You can still have sex without it, you can still have acquaintances and associates, but never become attached. Attachment is simply the bastard child of trust and hope. Change is the only constant of nature. Eradicate it from your person. Trust in nothing to last forever.
_ _ _ _ _

Destiny is for the strong. Beware of imitations. There are several who think that they know the way, yet few who live in it. Examine their behaviors to know those who are living in destiny and those who are slaves to the destiny of others.

  • Do they have a boss?

  • Do they use credit cards, mortgages or loans?

  • Do they have a savings account?

  • Are they a millionaire from winnings or inheritance?

  • Do they kowtow or cower to their mate?

  • Are they ever emotional or depressed?

  • Can you catch them in a lie?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you are faced with a poseur. Especially telling is the ability to catch them in a lie. A true elect would not be caught without using the most extreme effort possible to do so. Know your enemy, this is the behavior of a dog. Find their master and learn from them. This is the only way to get to the top

By utilizing the skills that I have presented in this first passage you will be better prepared to defend against this type of manipulation. For you the path is clear, one must forge new ground. There will be a step by step way to ensure success in each of the three fields but for this you will need to learn patience and diligence. If you are trusting, success will mean nothing to you.

Tonight I want you to meditate on this and select a wolf either literal or figurative. Keep in mind that companionship and Kinship are two different things.


Anonymous said...

GREAT Post, Brother Zero, GREAT post!

DannyTanner said...

Great Post Zero!

Anonymous said...

Great post indeed. I pondered over your last posts and still do even though i didn't comment.

I would add that silence is not disturbing, it's just... silence. Silence is disturbing for the one desperately waiting for sound.


ZeroMessiah said...

I am desperately in wait for an intelligent voice to be heard ringing over the din of the bleating sheep.

Thank you all for your patronage.