The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



The alchemists fire of the promethian who interferes with the will of man is not to be feared or shunned. This is your right. You have the ability to meddle in the affairs of technology. Ethics are simply limits, do as thou wilt is the whole of the law. I cannot stress this enough as this goes into my older works upon which How V.S. Why was built.

Simply put Ethics is a question of WHY.
Procedure is a process of HOW.

Ethics have no scientific basis in reality. By the laws of nature, if it can happen it should happen. Nature has no ethics, only laws which are immutible. Ethics are a byproduct of culture which is a byproduct of trust. When you trust things in a culture they become traditions. When you enforce culture it becomes dogma. Science has no ethics, only laws. Therefore science, not ethics are the only true way forward.

The Protocols of Nature are found by testing its laws. Theories result in actual repeatable results and then, knowledge. Therefore the scientific method is the only way to prove to yourself that your senses can be believed. The scientific method is the only ritual in LUMINA.

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The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a metaphor for the serpent of lightning born of the sky god striking the tree. Once we ate of the fire by cooking with it, man became like god upon the earth. We later used the fire to keep oursellves warm and made tools to keep from toiling upon the earth. Man made graven images and marks called money that was given from the mind to save man from labor. Agriculture was once represented by fertility gods like Pan who later became the devil.

This is the mark of the beast. Mammon is the energy of man made into talismans of energy. Counterfiting and coining money is therefore not a form of inflation it is a form of alchemy. The laws of nature are immutable and the laws of exchange state that for everything created there is something destroyed. Inflation destroys the value of money in the creation of other money. Nature allows it. Man values rarity, not common goods, it really is that simple.

Eden's garden symbollized the lack of resources untill they were cultivated by irrigation. Once man gained technology man irrigated the desert through the Nile delta. The fertile crescent was the "Y" shape made by the space between a woman's legs. It gave birth to the nations of Canan. and Babel otherwise known as Cain and Abel. Babylon lost so Able was shunned by the religion.

Ghenna was a valley near Jerusalem where garbage was burned. Moloch supposedly reigned there as the lord of hell. This is yet another abstraction. The poor were thrown there as well upon their death. This is where we get the story of hell from. This is why man attempts to entomb their dead so that they may be remembered. Immortality was then only through the immortalization of the dead.

The Egyptian story is little more than their hatred for the people that their religion came from. They were adept at star watching due to the construction of their pyramids. It was through these primitive observatories that they were able to create the fundamentals of their systems of star charting for their agricultural growth. The Egyptian pantheon fits neatly into the zodiac and the twelve Hours of the day because they come from Horus. Even the Egyptian book of the dead fits neatly into the ten commandments which they later stole along with the ark. Incidentally the great flood was an allegory for the flooding of the nile washing away and reknewing the crops for the next harvest. Two by two refers to the male and female plants cross polinating. They revered death because the Egyptians were in touch with the cycles of life and thus accepted it as the firmaments of their being upon this earth in their worship.

The poeple of Meggido were next in the conquest of the Jews and this is where the story of armageddon comes from, the revelation was a battleplan for the future of Meggido. If you look upon the weapons and tools of war the four horsemen of the apocalypse emerge. War, Famine, Conquest, and Death are exactily how you wage a war of attrition. Include the seven seals and it tells you HOW to wage war effectively.

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If you reverse the meanings contained within the holy books by looking through the eyes of nature you will be rewarded with ancient knowledge. If you believe in the misdirection it is the peddlers of that ancient tome that have worked the spell upon you for their gain. Ever since technology of any kind was in our grasp our reign upon the earth was sanctified by nature. The evidence is in civilization itself.

Therefore as Lights of Lumina we must grasp our destiny instead of fearing the fire from the sky. It is really the sheep in truth who fear the fire of the heavens and cower in the dark believing in the invisible gods salvation. We must take upon our backs the burden of the predator to ensure not only our survival but our continued existence as the one who thrives.

The post human era is upon us as the technology of war is increasing our reach into the stars one must ask the purpose of the machine body. Immortality for the purpose of exploration and discovery is paramount to the realization of our own godhood. The genetic and cybernetic enhancements that are reaped from the exploitation of the human farms will allow us to become the eternals. The metaphor has been with us since before the 1950's

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We are to know the alien to reveal a story much more telling about the true nature of our objectives and how they fit within the light of LUMINA.

The cattle mutilations are an allegory for the exploitation of data upon the human farm. We literally rip each other apart through war and poverty only to reap the benefits of the data that comes from human suffering. It is after all only through the examples of others that our data can be enhanced. Crop circles and cattle belong to the farmers. Do not dispute its validity but take in the beauty and revel in the showmanship.

Look to the skies and see the truth. The stealth bombers and fighters were in development since World War Two. Look into the Manhattan Project, look at how alien craft is smooth and silver. It was misdirection. Real stealth aircraft is black and angular. It is only in the fact that war has become permanent that those technologies could be realized. Use common sense and think, if it is only a matter of distance human craft used for the next war is far more likely.

To look into the geometry of the alien body their heads are a parrody of cretin dna. They have enlarged foreheads and black eyes like a birth defect. Their skin is grey to symbolize polluted dna. This is an actual condition. A thyroid cretin has nostrils shoved into the lower base of the nose creating a slit like appearance. They have enlarged eye sockets and a harelip pointing the mouth downward. They have enlarged bellies that distend and tend to be about half the size of average humans. The skin is then given an ashen pallor and baldness to symbollize their lack of vitality. If this does not fit most of the profile of aliens in popular culture simply look at a cretin then look at the character from E.T.

The truest predatory form of man is one of height and fitness of body. Clear skin and white teeth and eyes. The hair and nails show health and vitality. The color of whatever race is darkened by a tan or made redder by the prescence of healthy blood. The real goal of the transformation is a total acceptance of nature for the purpose of self improvement. It is only then that we may pick up the torch and carry it into the stars.

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Tonight I want you to look at your own body in the mirror. Study it, Draw it, Know it. I then want you to figure out HOW to transform that emotion into strength. Know your weaknesses so that they may be eradicated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Physical fitness is an absolute necessity.