Reality is a compromise between culture and nature. I cannot stress this concept enough.
People within the culture actually bend nature into reality. They utilize machines to change the way nature works to their beneft. Paradise, Heaven and Utopia are simply abstractions as well as Hell and torture for the other end.
You must have seen it a thousand times over. Look into the eyes of a child at play. Imaginary friends and the roleplaying serve to bend reality. The delusions of youth are created within the mind. They serve a purpose, the child is learning.
However once adulthood is reached a much more instructional form of fantasy takes over. The creative spark is lost due to the repeated need for love granted to us by achieving within the accepted societal roles and norms given to us by culture. We no longer truly play the same way as we did in our youth.
Fantasy becomes what is placed into us by such programming as movies, books, video games, and other passive forms of entertainment. Unless people discuss and interact freely with others on a regular basis that are outside of that comfort zone, they become set into a pattern determined by the culture.
Labels form quickly and the fads of our youth begin to date us as well as our professions. This specialization only serves one purpose. It serves the farms we live in.
The repeat mechanization of labor requires a specialized hand. The ease of categorization only serves to identify the pleasure switches quickly and effectively to continue to grease the wheels of that machine. Demographic data relies on stereotypes that actually exist. Profiling is both necessary and also effective in determining threats to that culture.
Remember it is the culture, not the people that are preserved by law and order. The poeple are immaterial to the point and objective of this method of mass conditioning. The "ststus quo" is both real and law. Unwritten rules are rules just the same.
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The reason why hell is so similar in so many cultures and religions is because the methods of torture are the same world wide. The message of any major religion is simple.
Do as we say or you (your spirit) will be tortured.
This concept has kept so many within the trap of culture that the number defies visualization. The only analogy I can really give you is "a boot stamping on a human face forever."
The first task of religions is the creation of avitars.
The preist creates his avitar (GOD)
The initiate creates his avitar (SOUL)
Man then begins the struggle through the rules (DOGMA)
If man realizes his power to influence others he simply takes on the mantle of the preist or guru and enforces through the power of god through reality that which in nature he desires of others.
If the law fails to keep the subject bound he forms two additional mental blocks from the first initial set of variables.
The preist creates guilt and fear (HEAVEN/HELL)
The preist creates a mob (FOLOWERS)
Through the guilt/fear response the "consience" is created from irrational thought. The fear of god's wrath is instilled. If this is not effective a secondary consequence comes directly from the culture itself in the form of its adherents.
This is why it is especially common to enlist those into the military or police forces who support the religion of the culture. It serves as both a visual reminder of the power of the mob while at the same time using the influence of guilt/fear on the well armed mob itself. The mob can then be used to wage holy/cultural wars to preserve the religion/culture of the opposing group. In reality the leaders of both groups profit from the continued profits of the war itself.
The war serves as a sacrifice. The speeches of any official proves it VERBATIM. I'm sure you have heard the literal words
"I just want to thank the brave men and women of _______ (military/police) for their SACRIFICES in the _______ (war/conflict)."
Death is the reinforcement of culture and life goes on for those at the bottom. In the last throes of agony many soldiers and police alike still pray to their gods obedient to the last.
If god is real god would not waste his time in the affairs of men. Natures way allows struggle to create the evolution which improves the species itself.
In the name of LUMINA
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Tonight I want you to write.
Open your blogs and create.
I want more leaders.