The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Oh no he di-int!!!

All the bitches really do come out of the woodwork when you simply repeat the same bio-mechanical patterns.

Heres how I do it.

#1. Look good

Don't dress for what you want, but what they want. Shocktest to find out. Look at their style, mimic their culture. Infiltrate, camoflage and above all surpass expectations. If you are already known as an outsider, enhance the qualities they like about you and minimize the qualities they do not find appealing. Use mirrors and other reflective surfaces or a wingman to tell you when you have attracted someone.

#2. Be a great listener

Listen 75% of the time and respond carefully during the other 25%. Use repeat tests to sustain the loop. Let them dig their own grave. They will talk like hell if you find out what engages their interest. Don't shut them down, be funny but not obnoxious. Act more open minded then you are. Be more of a blank slate for their perceptions of who you are rather than an open book. Mysterious can be good or boring depending on your ability, so learn to control your throttle. Give the conversation a little gas, but just enough to keep her talking. She'll talk to you for about fifteen minutes before she feels a connection, but most girls know wether or not they will fuck you right away. If you get snubbed reboot to the next girl from step one.

#3. Be a challenge

You don't always have to be taken, just appear out of their league in some way. Be familiar but above. They will feel like they snagged you when in reality you baited them well. Make the conversation engaging and keep offering any knowledge but only in reflections and shocks. Keep things light till they start to send signals. Then make the moves.

#4. Make them wait

Let them get themselves worked up. They will literally make advances on you. The more you deny them up to the emotional peak, the less foreplay you actually need. Tease and flirt like a boxer bobs and weaves. Use light touch the way a boxer jabs and follow up with an arm, hand or embrace. Kiss or even bite or scratch to get the job done. Remember, most girls are kinky as hell at this point if you charge them up enough. Shocktest to see what you can get away with but only 25% of the time, the other 75% follow their lead.

#5. Make it last

This is the payout. Once things get hot and you have them in bed or simply are ready to go, stay dominant. Let them work for their orgasm for the first few minutes till you get their rythym. Shocktest till you have them pegged and their zones marked. After their first orgasm they will remain wet and shuddering, then you finish them with your own moves. Collect data as much as possible on their reactions. Analizing them will not ruin, but actually will enhance the moment.

#6. Call control

This is when you decide if you want a one night stand or a ladyfriend. I can't tell you how to decide this but I can tell you how to lead a call.

To destroy the opportunity for a repeat offense, do not be an asshole or a nice guy. Simply be boring. Without any emotional signal to attach to they will chalk up their sexual energy to being a purely physical urge without any realization of your influence. The truly clingy will make themselves known through your long silent pauses and smalltalk by filling the gaps with paragraphs of information about their life story. You could literally find out everything about this person if you feigned intrest, but spying is another topic alltogether.

#7. Are you in love?

The only question that I can ask you from here is simple.



Anonymous said...

I like it. What I don't like, is how much of a filter we have to have.. wish it was more natural, but in our current system that is impossible... too many orcs walking around with false ideas.

If this was feudalism... the situation would be much like lucifer's avatar. minus the wings :)

Anonymous said...

if you guys like this post you need to check this guy out.A lil redundant but more detailed.

ZeroMessiah said...

DJIN- We have always needed a filter. I suggest reading the bard (shakespeare) for more insight.

MASTER C- She could give Esther a CLOSE second... GREAT FIND!