The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



I know the reason why the process of induction works.

The human brain is simply an electrical system. Replace neurons with transistors and you have the working model for a neural network.

I worked with computers alot when I was working at a call center, so I understand how it relates to the brain.

The practice of manipulation by psychology is really more like computer programming. Psychology really amounts to source-code for human brains and operating strings of data written to them.

MK-Ultra found that under the influence of certain chemicals, neuro-transmitters could be interrupted and the human brain could be hacked with data thrown directly into the subconscious.

Effectively this hacks the brain by removing the Ego and leaves just the hardware. This is the computer equivalent of rebooting windows and re-writing another operating system to the drive directly. They then Install a personality, which is just like installing another operating system to a dual-boot configuration.

However, open ended programs exist in the media. Tv commercials and the news are really just trojans and worms. They leave strings of data that self organize into programs via packets of data like:
Cool people smoke
Credit is free money
I can make money flipping houses
and Tight pants and sunglasses are cool

The output turns into Hipsters and the housing boom.
They already have had this since Bernays and understood it fully after World War 2. IBM was largely involved in computing and the concentration camps were really the largest group study ever performed on captive human beings.

Replace the phrase 'concentration camps' with 'experimental group' and you will realize the power and scope of the research actually taking place on all sides of the wars since.

If you think of the entire planet as a computer this becomes all the more apparent. Every time we make a technological leap forward in computing we must test our findings against the human mind to adjust the throughput of our societal matrix. The population was increasing at one time to increase the power of the Democracy program, I.E. Mob Rule requires mobs. However this paradigm has reached the limits of thermodynamics or the carrying capacity of the planet. We also do not have a heat sink to combat global warming.

Therefore we must track all of the packets of data effectively and remove the malfunctioning clusters or to scan and defragment the drive, which is the available resources.
Therefore to scan the data we will institute RFIDs to map the planets architecture and then institute LIFEKILL to wipe the clusters of anomalous data and clear space in valuable sectors.
It's not computer science, just common sense.

When you know HOW -- "why" becomes less important.

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