In nature what else is there?
I want you all to meditate on this concept for a while and leave your comments on what this means to you.
This is not induction, more of a GPS.
I just want to know where your head is at.
I will then relate to you in the comments what it means to me.
Expect this to be a LONG COMMENT thread.
You are all contributors, sieze the day.
to me, it means that you can do what you feel, or do what ever you want to, but these scientific laws, are also like consequences you will face, such as if you choose to borrow(ex. credit cards/loans), you WIll pay back, me this also means (the nature has no contract) that there are no deals given to anyone, meaning that nobody is gonna get treated special, or different (ex."give you one more chance" or "give u a break") to anybody, everyone is gonna get that same consequence, but the only this difference here will be the choices the individual makes and when you make these choices, there will be conseqences to face when making them (the scientific laws part)
one thing nature shows me the herb and frugivores have a longer life then the predators that live off of them.
Means to me, you can do whatever you can with whatever components are available, which includes the possibility of burning them out. In which case, you'll need to will yourself some new ones.
Crowley, who said "do what thou will" a lot wrote about the distinction between force and matter and their effects on each other (best I can interpret it), and it makes the most sense to me in the fashion I wrote about above..
very good post, as for crowley, he took his message literally, and you should but that doesn't mean that he was not a messed up guy, also he was a moocher for his whole life and lived off his perants until he spent it all, and then lived off other people.
He only a puppet.
Aristotle believed that everyones Objective (the highest good) was their own happiness, and every goal in their life was set to achieve happiness, it seems the elite has a clear objective as well, although its not happiness.
As for issues concerning morals, there are no absolutes, and if you are doing something that makes you happy who is anybody else to tell you your wrong.
You can do whatever you want as long as whatever you are doing is not in violation of "Natures law". First of all, we need to know what are all Natures Law. Ignorance of law makes you subject to the effect of the law. I wonder how may people know all Natures law. You can't say you didn't know a particular law so you are forgiven by the law. Regarless the scientific laws do act on you.
Anything that can be done falls within the laws of nature, nature is all things after all. 'Do as thou will' only refers to your intent, whatever you are attempting to exert power over must give up and submit or you don't get what you were after. This applies to learning, fighting, exploiting, whatever... It is not free and the predator may become prey if he doesn't pay attention, he may also starve if he can't track down something to eat. So, do as thou will but remember, like the lion hunting for it's food, you will often fail but you must keep hunting (learning) or die. Or sign up for the Welfare State...
Now for the 'Nature has no contracts'.
I have to disagree, the orchid has a contract with the bee, they rely on each other and mutually benefit from their 'contract' and countless others exist in nature. As useful as it is, Science is only a path for our feeble brains to try to figure out the world around us, get blinded by those 'laws' and you will miss much. PAY ATTENTION!
I have responded in my latest post.
window of oppurtunity follow the link and you will be rewarded
OK...Give us a sample of your wisdom. You have less than 24 hours to cobble some shit together. Let us judge this "opportunity" based on EVIDENCE.
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