The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



Ever thought(you might be 'the homer') that your thought you have are all just noises to your mind? Nothing is yours and nothing will ever be yours?

-Give up, before you should even think of starting-

Yes noises, all your thoughts that you are going to have during your life span, even the thoughts you're having right now while reading my blog post....,

-Freedom isn't what you wanted or else you would of already found it-

IS just all thought-noises, nothing more than thought-noises someone had taught you what you needed to know. When you were at a very young age in your life, you were taught what you needed to know. All your memories was given to you by an outside influence nothing is truely yours.

-Wait for hope and change, before moving your fat ass-

Think about this for a moment before you rush into things..., Anything that is within your own skin is like"your own world, like earth is for humans of this world". Your earth is yourself. See how well yourself works just add some water and food, and it just keeps on running. That would be your inner self, your very own world. Now, we as little bacteria for this great earth we call home is something like us but just a bigger version of ourselves and it exist in another different reality than our own unless we tune into the voice that is trying to talk to us.

My thought-noises has already affected your way of thinking and acting. Just by reading this post.... Thanks you for partaking in this little bacteria experiment. You will all feel the change and hope tomorrow morning. Relax now and enjoy this beautiful thought-noise I give you.

Right..., I hope you didn't fall for what I've said above, if you did you are much more silly then I first thought you were. Go ahead and hug yourself no point fighting yourself. That isn't the way to achieve the goal you are after. You have to work as one with yourself and with the greater good of things('good' does not mean the same as what you think 'good' normally means. Don't think of 'good' as what it normally means, but think of what it really means). Do what you have to do to get what you have always wanted. My very special thought-noise to you..., -Enjoy-


Unified theory 2: Babylon regained

We all heard of the bible tale by now;

"The tower of Babel was destroyed and all language was split into many different tounges. The people wanted to be closer to the knowledge of God. BLAH BLAH BLAH..."

Would you like to play a game?
Lets play with etymology...
Simply read and let your mind wander...
My gift to you...

Science, Religion?
Scion - Seance - Sign - Sigil - Signature...

Religion - Relic - Relative - Relation...

Saturn - Satyr - Satan - Lucifer - Bearer of light.

Light - Energy - Matter and energy are matter in different states.

Matter = space

God said let there be light
(Lucifer is the bearer of light)

Lucifer is Satan which comes from the greek Saturn.
Saturn is the lord of time.
Saturn- Chronus - Keeper of time.
Lucifer is Lord of light which is energy which is matter.
The speed of light is the limit of relative time, ergo via superposition; Lucifer is therefore the lord of time and space.

Jesus - HeyZoos - Zeus.
Jehova - Jove - Jupiter - Jew-ish.
Zeus is the lord of mount Olympus.
If Lucifer is the bearer of light than what is the olympic torch for?

Zeus carries bolts of thunder (light) made with the HAMMER of Hepheastus.
Saturn or Chronus carried a SICKLE made to work the land (space).
Hammer and Sickle.
Communisim carries the symbols of Zeus and Chronus.
Matter and energy. Time and space. Mastery of time and space.

Mother - Mater - Matter - Matrix - Math.
Mary - Virgin - Virgo.
(mother earth and virgin birth)

Star - Easter - Ester - Ishtar - Isis - Venus.
(the eastern star)

Time - hour - Horus - Horizon.
(the rising sun)

Space - Esper - Spirit - Seraphim - Sephiroth.
(secrets of the heavens)

Energy - Electricity - El - Saturn - Seht.
(Elohim, Elected, Element, Elm Street)

Lucifer - Light - Ray - Ra.
(Illumination, Illusion, Rain, Reign...)

Thought - Toth - Hermes - Mercury - Metatron - Mental.
(the mind speaks for whom?)

Mind - Psychology - Psyche - Discord.
(The mind speaks for the programmer...The apple of Eden...)

Spirit - Soul - Sol - Sun - Apollo.
(the holy spirit, the SUN of man...)

Angel - Engle - Angle - Geometry.
(sacred geometry)

Mercury - Cure - Chemistry - Alchemy.
(What is the cure?)

Scribe - Describe - Prescribe - Prescription - Drug - Drag
(to talk from the written word...and then direct their drag the mind...)

Cupid - Eros - Arrows of cupid
Eros - Erect - Erection - Erotic.
(the root Eros leads to semen, he didnt shoot to make people fall in love , he shot to impregnate.)

Mission - Missionary - Messiah - Messanger - Message.
(missions come from a desire to change thought because the victory is over the mind)

You change the names over time wether scientific, Pagan or Judaic. They still describe the same concepts. Learn the real language that you speak and Babylon is regained.


Women are responsible for your stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the last couple of months I saw a tremendous hostility against this fragile(?) creature called women. But, if we look from evolutionary standpoint, the men were forced to hunt, to think how to survive and preserve the family. The women, on the other hand, were obligated to keep the kids, do some gardening and cook. This was with a reason, because they weren't given 200 pounds of muscle and a few tons of testosterone during the lifetime. So, they don't have our pros. The evolution, God or call it what you like wasn't very keen towards them.
We men aren't flowers either. If the woman is not build by our modern society's standards we wouldn't even look at her.
Through history they were never given responsibility. They had to wait everything from the males, that is how the civilization conditioned them. I remember when my history teacher was talking about the stone age and the matriarchy. He used to say that on one woman would jump ten men and who did it did it(about the mating process). My point is that there was time when women were chiefs, and made all important desicion.We just listened.
I think that is time to stop blaming the women for everything. We should see them as source of fun and pleasure in our lives, nothing more and nothing less.
Like it had been through the ages, it is your responsibility to lead, not hers. It is your responsibilty to learn and I recommend you to start with David Deangelo. I'm downloading his advanced series program, which is all about inner game(it is about you, not them). Torrent some of his work, study it and transform YOURSELF.

P.S. When I was younger, in school I was bullyed always by males, never by females.

Fear: when pigs fly

You may have noticed the anemic coverage of the Swine Flu epidemic in Mexico on this blog. The Post titled RUN might be a good place to start reading until you catch up if you expect me to fall in line with that mindless bullshit. Untill I see an American in my town catch and die of the disease this will be my last report on the subject.

Just like Avian flu, HIV, Hepatitis, Black Plague, Anthrax, Smallpox and all of the other diseases, if you are smart you will not die.


Why would I make such a sweeping statement?

We live in the era of preventable disease.

When you prevent something from occuring you use intelligence to take precautions to guard against the disease. Diseases only kill stupid people and those with herd mentality. You can't catch the flu if you don't hang out with the herd in the first place. Unless you are a farmer it poses no threat to you. Unless you come into contact with the infected, you will not catch the infection.

This means no paper masks, and no vaccines. Use common sense first. If a friend of yours is sick they need to stay the fuck away from you like any good friend would do. If you are sick stay away from the herd that can re-infect you and prolong the infestation.

In the case of HIV and AIDS as well as other STD's. Wear a condom and reduce your chances by not being a slut. It is that simple, take precautions and limit your exposure.

--- --- ---

On another note, the police are not out to get you. Unless you are a criminal and have been proven guilty, you have nothing to fear. Why would I point out the second part so much?

Unless you:

#A) Broke the Law (Authoritarian Consequence)

#B) Broke the Laws of Nature (Natural Selection)

#C) Look like a Criminal (Retarded Adaptation)

You have nothing to fear. Unless you plan on breaking the law or are living off of the system, You have nothing to fear.

Authoritarian Consequence-

#1) When you break the law you are either a child of unsound mind who cannot discern the logic and reasoning inherent to the ordanance, or you are commiting an act of defiance against the state.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

Natural Selection-

#2) When you break the laws of nature you are either a child of unsound mind who does not understand the inner workings of nature and the cycles of the earth and its creatures, or you are commiting an act of defiance against Lucifer.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

Retarded Adaptation-

#3) When you look like a Mark you are either a child of unsound mind trying to impress the wolves that seek to prey on you, or you are in willfull defiance of nature and the environment and refuse to camoflage yourself as the common man to avoid the profiling that you recieve.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

--- --- ---

In the case of disease by refusing to submit to the laws of nature you willfully expose yourself to pathogens detrimental to your health or unwitingly fall prey to unseen hazards that plague your environment. The only way to solve problems is logic and reasoning, not fear and anger.

So in the context of logic and reasoning,



Have you driven a Fnord lately?

"if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!"

Im sure that by now many of you have gotten this across the web and on tv. This is an important step in determining the workings of the human mind.

Perception and memory are our only way to determine reality. If we were taught by phonics rather than a whole word learning approach this might be meaningless to us. This is an example of how the inflexible mind would gloss over details that actually add up to something.

Look at Subliminals and Magic-Eye and Hypnotic Trance, there is always another way to percieve reality. So reality is therefore relative to the observer and to the natural environment.

Look at this guy:

Now look at this:

Im more inspired by the first one. The cuttlefish has a naturally occuring active camoflage similar to Mystique of the X-men where it can take on the texture and color of other objects in its environment with its skin. It is a natural predator with the ability to literally project a TV signal from its brain to its skin. It has 3 colored pigments in its skin and it uses them to become any color it wants.

Cuthulu (read now as HULU) devours victims by the use of his tentacles. Now think of all the commercials for HULU.

How could HULU secure the rights to ALL of TV? Its just branding.

How fucking transparent can you get!?!?!?!?!?

Voulnteers to post here.

Place your Emails here in the comments to be added to the roster.
Thank you for your continued input and support.


The burden of proof... (the blue post)

Dante_Altair said...
No no, Brother Zero. He was being honest alright. no doubt about that lol. there is a diffrence between learning, and being yourself FOOLS. Surely you all never let DJhives "guide" you? I'm sure all of you already know to be attentive, cautious and analytical to the words of man? Do I need to explain this?
Listen to information, and then GUIDE YOURSELF to an analysis of it. Never take anybody as %100 percent true and righteous enough to guide you. No one but yourself will ever be a proper candidate for your guidance. Zero, you're making me sick with the "djhives did it, so it must be true" talk.

I agree with much of what you said here about the mental side of personal responsibility. Only the last remark is off. Surely anyone with a NEMESIS styled video would know the difference between INSPIRATION and TRUTH.

The name of this blog is save yourself for a reason. No matter who you listen to it is your job to do something with that information to benefit yourself. Nobody else is going to save you. Not me, not Nemesis, not Dante, only you.

That being said we also need to understand that when someone has something to teach of value we need to recognize it and learn from it the same way we would with real life experience. We only test the tale when we choose to experiment for proof of concept. The reason why I hold much of what Hives said to be true is that I can either observe the phenomenon in real life, like bubble tards and manipulated men. Or, I can test it like Induction and how to run a buisness.

IF you cannot test it THEN it is neither true or false. It would be like trying to design a test to see if god existed. You can't prove something when the data is skewed against the ideologies of a flawed intellect. You can't prove anything to a zeallot of any kind, christian or otherwise. I assure you, a zeallot I am not.

However I can seperate logic from sarcasim and Hives has alot of tounge in cheek fnords that alot of people miss. There is a little discord in there like the hacker incident and putting the entire blog in the corner and removing comments from non-members. Even he has an inner cabal.

Remember this???


Well, look at social networking in general. All of the people that were seen as loner computer geeks on bulletin boards suddenly became respectable bloggers by design! Now that everyone does it, the herd came to the internet.

Unless you all have an old geocities page floating around somewhere, most of us missed the REAL free internet. There was a time before blogging when people had to hand code the whole thing in HTML from scratch. This is the target audience that the first matrix movie was meant for.

Neo was that geeky loner, yet look again. He found Trinity through the old school 90's style BBS sites and actually tracked down Morpheus without search engines. Remember the pre-google internet? Before the hive was connected, the internet was free because it was like the old west. You had a Phone Number, IP address, and a Mac Address, but you either had to be a friend or a hacker to get all three. Most networks were unsecured because you couldn't even find the shit if you weren't an ex-employee. Now everything is easy to find but security and firewalls is commonplace. They had to protect it from the herd to come.

Think about all of the times you heard about hackers on tv or in the movies in the 90s. (The picture at the top of the page is a still image from the movie Hackers!) It was induction and fear, Y2K, induction and fear, online terrorisim, induction and fear, internet pedophiles, induction and fear, identity theft, even more induction and fear. Well look at blogging and understand that blogging is not a way to hack computers. Blogging hacks minds!

You could either look at a blog and find all of the person's emotional triggers. Or you could write a blog that stimulates a person's emotional triggers like Alex Jones or DJ Hives. Once you realize that chemical agenda you can reverse engineer it into a procedure (seperate the HOW from the WHY) You then can reproduce it however you want but insert your own message (INSPIRATION isnt always TRUTH) like the spin doctors on tv. You just have to find your target audience or as some call it "find your voice".

This is why I give Hives so much credit. He taught US like Slim taught him. Now I want to return the favor to others. So I am sure that by now you are wondering what WE get out of this.

Have you noticed what an egotistical thing blogging is? Just ranting down a page for hours displaying the magnificence of your own thoughts is as grandiose a display of self affection as public masterbation ever was. I'm writing my "inner-most thoughts" in public, and all of the ideas are of course 100% truthful and origional.

Of course not. If you would believe that last line you probably believe that wrestling matches aren't faked, the pirates are real, and that the electoral college picks presidents based on the people's votes. The reality is that WE say what we want you to hear! Sound familiar? Its straight out of the elite playbook! That is because blogs are a form of MEDIA.

Would you lie if it benefited you with no consequences? Of course you would. Before I lose all of my readers on this post, let me remind you that even this blog is a part of reality. Your trust in me MUST be VERIFIED!!! That is the burden of proof.

Test what I said and see if it works, same with DJ's and Dante's. Find sources to back up the claims, find evidence, put our ideas on trial. Otherwise just soak it all in and join the flock behind us. There will be a seat for you there in the back of the class but trust me sheeple will get nothing out of the Illumination but a tan. Why do you think that the Elite slaps us in the face with all of the symbollisim time and again and keeps it "hidden in plain sight". The sheeple sit and do nothing, thats why!

If you want to discover anything then lead, if you want to learn then follow, otherwise get out of the way. The leaders are here to discover because we choose the hard path. The leaders made the symbolls, because they were so powerfull that they created the gods in their image.

Let that soak in.

The elite were so powerfull that they created the gods in their image.

But what is a bible other than a blog? Look at the posts from Mark or John or Luke. Look no further because the writers were the gods, for they influenced the mortal minds for the rest of history! Do you think that Mark thought that Lukes posts kissed John's butt too much? HELL NO! They had a unified vision like the cabal that was started on the Hives blog.

Now think back to the idea of Unified Theory. Some said that I was attempting to write the new bible. Look at the blog's new form. I quickly realized that I was writing it wether I intended to or not. Even the bible says that "the word" came first. So I ask you all, who is up to the challenge of authoring posts here? Who is ready to place themselves under the microscope and withstand the burden of proof?

A special invitation is extended to the Lords and Ladies of this blog:
Dante, DeKn, Lady Anon, Komar, Sphere, Steve, Stevie



These are the blogs that I follow currently.

All of you have contributed to my knowledge in some way to make the conclusions I have reached so far. I am awaiting more from others among you. I encourage you all to post fearlessly. This is not a reprisal to those who have not posted, but an invitation to do so.

If I am missing out on important information that you would Like to share I'll gladly add you to my growing list.

You can see what blogs I am currently following from here:

Generation Zero: Post-Humans

WARNING: This post applies to current parents and or future parents. This post is intended for a very different audience than I am used to addressing. This will not be my usual style. You have been warned.

The current Hipster trash is the Zombie generation, so what is the plan for the next phase in sheeple programming?

Start at Zero.

No, this isn't a plug for my name this is a serious phenomenon.

First of all the programs that we see all seem to emphasize technology in the hands of minors. While to some this may seem like a stereotypical detail making fun of technologically inept adults; we must recall that childhood is when we train for the future. They all are taught that technology is to be expected in all aspects of life and they are also taught to take it for granted as being ubiquitous. In other words, they will have no distinction between the real world and the commercial world.

Children assimilate technology much faster than adults because their brains havent fully developed all of the pathways that adult brains have either retained or closed off. We are not the sum of connections made in the neuron but we are the result of connections left over. (Imagine one of your burnt stoner friends and you quickly get the picture...)

So if attachments to technology are made early enough what is missing? IF you are completely dependent on technology at an early age THEN you will not develop the skills to deal with nature by default. It is cause and effect style induction. When the technology crash hits, like the housing crash and all other gifts of the elite sheep have taken for granted, the kids will literally beg for the elite to save them. So, where do you think this will lead?


Its not a paranoid thought to think that millions of American children will get a chip implant to save them from some paranoid false flag crisis like pirates or terrorists or even identity theft. Kids want to be hip and cool and in limited markets it is already being sold that way. Imagine if fear is introduced, during the developmental years. Kids will clamor for them in droves, and parents will too. "The last defense in an unsafe world, its 5:00 do you know where your children are?"

All of the kids who are used to computers will have no sense of direction without google maps or GPS. Think of how many people already take this for granted today. Most people cannot read a normal map of their state correctly as it is, imagine when they are all spoon fed by the machine. I remember when the northstar was the compass instead of the name of a navagation device.

All of the kids of the hipsters will not know money in the form of paper and coins but in debit and credit cards. Do you think that, for an entire generation who hasn't paid a cent in analog money, a chip will seem less absurd? These kids parents are used to credit and think that speed pass is convienent. Their parents are used to waving a chiped card at an electronic lock to work in their office buildings. The chip will not seem like an intrusion but a convienence like the celphone once seemed. Notice that after geting a cellphone your life is actually less private with more poeple calling YOU, yet it is always marketed as a way to connect to the people you care about at anywhere at any time!!!

All of the kids will respect the government again. Do you really think that when the hipsters are the closest thing to counterculture that anything of use to their children will develop? Their parents will prove to them that the system is the only thing that works as they will rely on wellfare to live! These kids are going to be raised in a much more elaborate prison. All of the people who talk about the so called "fema camps" or the "police state" seem to miss something. We actually live in the prison state NOW.

IF a prison is a state of limited freedom where constitutional fredoms are taken away THEN what do you think America has become? There are cameras all over the major cities and we have subsidized housing, sounds like a prison without bars like the one that ALDOUS HUXLEY proposed so long ago...

The worst part of this is the vestigial skills given to them by the google-hive mind. They will be like the calculator kid who cant add on his own. They will rely on the machine to literally think for them. Imagine a kid who knew nothing that didnt come out of a text book, now imagine a kid that knows nothing that they can't google or wiki-search. Controll the information (INPUT) and you control the result (OUTPUT). It will be all induction all the time, not to mention ads in the sidebars of course. Technology never comes cheaply...

If anyone is having trouble with the concept I urge you to read FEED by M.T. Anderson. It explains this in almost living detail. It is a seminal novel in our time and is the next logical step next to Brave New World.

The sad thing is that right now as computing advances most of what I am saying is being supported by the current scientific minds of the elite. There is a chip to make a blind man see and a paralized man walk. IF you can make someone see what was once invisible and also connect parts of the brain stem back together THEN this is not that far fetched. These are technologies available now in a limited capacity but once testing is over in the lab testing will begin in the field on live humans.

Generation Zero will be the first Post-Human generation. All indications have been placed in the media as cyberpunk amplifiers, and kid-friendly technology. The transistors are ready and waiting. Usually decades after any hollywood movie there is a similar event in real life. I am not talking about you, I am talking about your children. They are the new children of the hive.

This is way beyond I-ME-MY. They will no longer make any distinction between the technology and themselves the same way we take clothing or bodyparts for granted as a part of our identity. The hipster will die but in truth I see a much more sinister group of snitches waiting in the wings to rat out their parents for a high-tech toy or treat. If we allow corporate sponsored government education shape our childrens minds, we are no better than parents who give out merury vaccines.

Even if the chip implant is always just a generation away, making an impact in your childs life will prevent one more dumb ass, credit hungry, telescreen fed, wellfare rat from entering the world. The chip may not be so much a thing inside but outside like the cellphones and laptops already taken for granted. Keep that in mind if you know about social networks as already the CIA is recruiting on facebook. Do not be afraid, simply take calm rational action.

So as a parent, attempt to watch TV with them, Turn off the tv, or throw it out. Take an interest in what your children are watching and doing NOW. Teach them about history, nature and science. Take personal responsibility for your children. You can be in the same household and still be a deadbeat mom or dad, so most of all be there. If you don't guide your children they will evolve without you.




When it comes to the opinions of others look no further than within. Do you crave the herd so badly that you want your opinion on how to procede validated? Is the need for praise so strong as Esther Villar once theorized? The addiction to praise and hope for others is hard to break. We all struggle with it, it is within our upbringing. Transcendence is difficult, but the best road to take is never the easiest.

When it comes to the awnsers that you want to hear, reflect on the inner voice first. Why do you think we must release our anger as DJ Hives warns us? Anger comes from fear. You hope for change that never comes and that infuriates you. If there ever was a situation that you could not change or a game that you could not win, by abandoning reason for anger you will never win.

We can no longer hope. Hope is a tool for the weak to cope with fear. Wishing is just a silent prayer. If you cannot change the people by the gentile hand of reason, you must thrust the herd forward by the iron fist of induction. You have the tools right in front of you, yet in your hope you will resist using them.

Your programming will bind you by consience, apathy, distraction, guilt, and a whole host of other emotional failsafes built into your programming. There will be failures but the King of the hill is not the one who simply survives but also the one who remains. Only the stubborness of the will cancreate a person with the resilience to perservere and the knowledge to lead.

As far as the grand plan do not lose sight of the objective. This is your time to rise. Break from the nurturing provided by the blogosphere and venture into the real, the innerspace and outerspace that is life. We have all spent far too long within boxes. The cubicle, the house, the common roadways, even the sensations of the body, all keep you sedated. The mind closes and imagination withers to dust as your brain rots on the vine. The herd is the isolation and the isolation is the herd!

Do not fear the change, simply unplug. Your brain will advance exponentially as the desire for knowledge increases. Desire breeds effort, and effort gets results. The cycle will become self perpetuating if you get past the turning point. Don't stop now,build momentum. Fuck your comfort zone, the comfort zone is a prison with padded bars! The price of comfort is inertia. Fucking live damnit, life only lasts but not for a century, go out and take it.

Never forget that our opinions mean nothing more than data. We are not real people, we are just words on a page. Look at my screenname. Does a real person exist by the name of Zero? It is merely a fiction, a penname, an alias or a pseudonym. I am nothing more than chaotic prose woven into a tapestry of pixels on a telescreen. A dead thought immortalized and masqueraded on a flickering screen. Zero is not the messiah because YOU ARE THE MESSIAH.

Why do you think in the Luciferian religion you are your own god? You are the only person alive that cares about you 100% Nobody else on the planet will love you unconditionally because they cannot! Unconditional love is impossible because even when this occurs we are found to recieve a chemical high from the selfless experience. Therefore because of this chemical we did get something out of it. Hence there is no selflessness for any "cause", only mutual chemical exchange between the helpless majority or percieved problem and the addicted minority who secretly serve themselves. As Dante_Altair would put it, in this sense we are just like bacteria. Even now I am experiencing some chemical by writing this, do not be fooled.

If the sum total of all of our experiences upon this planet are derived from this constant re-write of our chemical memory by our cells, then we simply are self-serving chemical addicts. Instinct is how we find the beneficial chemicals, it is simply the shortcut of emotionally driven intuition instead of logic. When we feed instinct we become a slave to our impulse mechanisims, superstitions form and we can be led to believe anything that feeds our hidden addictions.

Religion is felt in the gut, our gut tells us that there has to be more out there that we cannot find an explanation for. Those who reject science are therefore not victims but sheep. The preists just figured out HOW it satisfies our chemical needs to shortcut the thought process and insert dogma and superstition. They used induction to create the savior that satisfies the WHY of the lazy majority.

Yet that did not satisfy all. The ones who knew science went a step further. Why do you think that all religions were based around inebriant chemicals? In pagan times the shaman was really a healer and a drug pusher. The local shaman would make you trip to burn god into your brain and the chemicals from disbelievers were re-writtwen. The christian religion relates to the zodiac and the hallucinogenic mushroom. When momentum was gained they used the herd instinct to provide the chemical induction needed to sustain the program loop. Even then the planet was just a chemical computer. In later times we used sacramental wine. In even modern times we had prescription drugs or designer drugs and the television. It is not hard to see why Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses." We can find truth if we struggle to look for it but for most that is the hardest pill to swallow of all.

In the valley of the real do we not also mask ourselves? We are all copies of an imitation. (Clones as DeKn once put it.) We simply take in data based on supposed authority and then regurgitate it back in a multitude of endless conversations untill death. Constant stimulus and response to the sensory input.  Just imagine what Helen Keller went through having only the channels of taste, smell and feel. You are mostly a seeing people with the capacity to hear, yet look at what we spend our gifts of nature on. We remain trapped within the perception that we are living our own lives, yet within our masks we are only a phantom of the greater self that we deny. We assume the identity of the cop or the artist and struggle along the short path of a role, completely avoiding the truth of self that could be had if we just learned things the hard way.

All is not lost, return to the wild and you will see what I mean. I do not mean the jungle but the heart of the hive itself. This is the time to devour the insencere. (Eat them as Nemesis put it.) Let them wallow in their tired parade of status and accomplishments, they are as empty as achievements in a videogame. At the end of their road they are back where they started and have taken nothing with them, because meaning is not found in what you drive or what you carry on your back. The sum total meaning of life is what you carry with you in your mind! The mind is the end all be all, because without the illumination and understanding of the secrets and truths of the universe you are a wasted soul masterbating untill death takes you.

The rarest item of all is an intellect that is not tarnished by the desire to belong but has the will to forge new ground. Ignore the men and women of the herd who try to sway you and be your own boss. Take responsibility for your own mind because in the end that is all you are. Create, Invent, Discover, Explore, Experiment and Enjoy. These are the foundations of the Zero Paradigm because without these abilities, life would amount to nothing. Humanity is not, nor will ever be within your capacity to save. so, save yourself!

CRTL+A for the Credits

I would like to thank the following poeple for aiding me in the development of these concepts in no particular order, without them I would not have found the sanity of reason:



Everything is amazing, nobody is happy...

Comedians are funny because they point out the absurd truths that people reject.

With all the technology these kids are living lives that are mundane at best. Could you imagine what some of us would have done if technology existed before the ZOMBIE GENERATION?

Go out and fucking LIVE!!! This blog is not reality, GO OUT AND LIVE!!!

This is why I hung out with Old people and Young pople but never really hung out with my generation. The older poeple always had a good story on how to live! They actually Lived! My so called generation was too chicken shit so I found younger less conditioned friends to hang out with and picked them before the hive ripened the new crop of batteries.

I know that this sounds wierd (especially from me), but this is why we need to mentor our children! We need to show them what life was like and how life could be again if they simply chose to live! This is why I put all of this information out there. Fuck the laws and the bullshit senior voters, this is what I was talking about so long ago when I ranted about a lack of culture today!

This is what I meant by it. There is no raising hell, and the party has been over for an entire generation. The ZOMBIE GENERATION and the next crop GENERATION ZERO will know nothing of what it was to be free. Im not talking about "Alex Jones-free" or "Zietgiest-free" because the closest that these pople get to freedom is a protest rally or a riot. I'm talking bands that fucking rock, I'm talking about a return to gangster rap, I'm talking about musicians that are fearless and listeners that do not give a fuck!

Don't ask WHY things are this way, if you've been reading this blog you know WHY!!!

Ask HOW can I spend this weekend? Hell ask HOW do I live like there is no tomorrow!

If you are a half-baked, crackpot, Alex-Jones, Zeitgeist, conspiritarian who thinks armageddon is just around the corner and you really believe that 2012 is the end of everything, then FUCKING LIVE BECAUSE THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!! Stop bitching about shit and start living! The blog will be here when you get back! I'm going on vacation!

(Yes, I know what I just did. I will release my anger...)


Fake plastic trinkets covered in debt coalescing within the void of culture spawned you.

Awakening to see the grey walls you drink a cup of victory coffee and greet the last day with a wince.

The telescreen turns on as tivo beckons and fox news rants upon deaf ears as the wife screams.

Colors found in nature form light stubble on the obese thigh poking out of her bathrobe.

Her hair drips technicolor newly dyed upon the stainmaster rug now stained by your master.

Synthetic children run outside to play football on their gameboys.

They wear sunglasses to cut the glare from the inconvienence of reality.

Inside of the grey boxy car you hurtle toward the mundane.

Fossils of a forgotten past are vaporized as you obey the red light of the machine.

You rush toward the green, but not noticing the trees as you are lead to the hive.

You swipe your badge and enter the faceless domain.

As you type at the screen you notice the smell of chemicals.

The workmen in blue jumpsuits are polishing the breakroom floor.

They are wearing masks but you think nothing of it as you begin to cough.

As your lungs sieze your final thoughts are the beer commercial that you always wanted.

Life was always a relative term.


Attention all YOUTUBERS!!!


FREEDOM and CORPORATE are mutually exclusive terms.

Companies want money, money comes through contracts, contracts come with conditions, conditions KILL freedom.

I urge anyone who posts on YOUTUBE to post a video of the other sites that they are moving their content to.




What is your opinion on the April 15th Tea party protests?

Apple of Dischord

Have you ever heard the ear schreeching noise of dissonant notes?

Two notes that do not resonate as a chord but are close enough on the octave to make things sound off key?

Maybe when things seem unconnected they share that resonance elsewhere where the dots connect.

Coincidence, or plan?

Chaos or simply disharmony...

Maybe this is why they say ORDO AB CHAO, Order from chaos.

Maybe what seems like anarchy is simply the DARK SONATTA...


Come Clarity

If people exist to be exploited but your heart is not strong enough to do so, you will become the prey of the predators.

It is the law of nature that you must kill or be killed.

Sadly in my moment of illumination I discovered that at this point that most people only exploit others by proxy. They will buy a cheap ass shirt at Wall-Mart because They are so far removed from the wage slave and the sweat shop workers that it does not hurt to do so. They do not know or care for the degree in which the planet and the people around them must suffer to perpetuate the system of government that allows this to continue. The people get what they deserve because out of a lack of responsibility they always cry for more government, not less.

On the flip side when this is done openly such as pimping or owning a corporation of angry bees, one is seen as evil. When exploitation of the people and resources of this planet are not recognized for what they are then there is a loss of perspective.

To understand how this system works you must understand that all humans are predators. There are two kinds of predators, those who hunt and parasites. Parasites will put up with whatever the host allows as long as they are fed. Hunting predators will adapt to changing conditions and hunt to survive.

The reason why the sheeple need to die is because they are parasites upon the predators. We must in other words not feel sorry for the worms but the wolf who supports them. The belly of government has become bloated by social programs that we cannot afford to continue. We are supporting a credit system that is destined to fail as all fiat currency does. The reason that it fails is because the parasites will do the least work possible to aquire food. The hunter on the other hand will ensure their survival by hunting down and killing the prey or by farming the prey to make the hunt easier.

Farming human labor is just the same. Exploiting human labor is just the same. Yet again I am left with more questions than awnsers. How do we go from employees to employers? How do we make the transition into leaders? What is leadership and how do you break the human will? If you start as prey are you destined to remain so? How do you de-program the mind and become a true hunter?

I am in the full realization that like so many the system provides us with everything. We are still parented after we leave home. So many road signs and warning labels telling us common sense. So many programs out there to make sure that if you fail at life you can still remain alive. There is no jungle, just cities and towns. Call it the matrix, the hive, the ratrace, whatever, unless you leave for nature there is no escaping it.

Yet the hunters know that the illusion they created only serves as the pen for the parasites themselves. They know that nature is dying because the parasites eat earth too. The hunters know that they always were the doers, and the deciders. Now that the machine is capable of the labor of the working man, who needs to toil for the hunter?

The population reduction is only intended for parasites.
There will be no revolution; to the parasites that would be too much work.
There is no hope for change because the system works for the hunters.
Fear is the sheepdog, Credit is the carrot, Debt is the harvest, War is the disposal of the excess.
When the machine does what a human does the workforce always decreases in that field.
More intelligent workers are then needed to repair and service and operate the machines.
However far less are needed to run the machines than to work in their place.

If only the strong and healthy survive adversity, and you want strong and healthy people in your society then you will do everything in your power to appear benevolent while reducing the amount of actual benefit you provide. In other words you will act like you are making things easier while in reality you will make things much harder. The people who wanted more government are now seeing the effects of this as tough-love policies.

Call it a police-state but realize that the government is doing what any parent would do. If you write grafitti on a wall in protest should you not be punished like a child with a crayon? If you yell outside of a building all day and then get sent to jail, is that not like a screaming child being sent to their room? If you disagree with what a buisness is doing and you slander the company with your own propaganda, is that not like the name calling that you got your allowance taken away for?

Protesting does nothing.  Revolution only makes killing more convienient. They want parasites dead, of course they want the riots. Riots are an excuse to be violent back, it is all bait.

When the clarity came to me I realized that a life can be had without power over others or becoming the prey of others, but that is merely survival. No man is an island, and society is inundated with constant manipulation. So if giving up is not an option and there is no success without some ambition, then how are we to evolve as hunters?

I recalled a post from along time ago on DJ's where I talked about how the elite traded information as currency. It made me think of how much we give away freely on our blogs. Have you ever seen pack animals hunt? The alpha knows how to dominate and take what the others killed away from them.

Then it hit me. Those weaker animals are the parasites of the pack. They will put up with the alpha males abuse until they stop getting fed. Even though they brought down the gazelle they were too tired to defend it. The alpha preys on predators!

So the only way to employ others is to find those with strong backs and weak wills, and to never let them know that things could be different. Take their work and use it to make you money. Take credit for their success and blame them for the failure. They are not your friends, they are merely your slaves. Make them think that they could become managers someday but like the pyramid with no capstone the top is always out of reach.

This is why there are so many go-nowhere jobs. You weren't meant to get ahead. You applied for what you got. Thats what they needed and as long as the numbers are good enough you ain't movin'. 

So I realized that the only real work in a society is freelance and making others work for you. There is no selling-out, only selling big. You will always be who you are even if you play it up to the masses.

This is why sometime in the future I will have a paysite for my comics. It will be based on what I already read and write about. In my last post I learned to fly. In this post hopefully I will learn to hunt.

I am going to take what I know of photoshop and learn to do some real work. I may feature some of it on the page here until I get the site up. I will put some of my writing into the comics as well. We have all been given enough information by now to hunt for ourselves.



Fork in the road

The HERD like the Illuminati is actually a concept by proxy of induction. We all know my Idea from the former posts that you can only fight people, not concepts. For this reason it is just as pointless to fight the sheep as it is to fight the Illuminati, because it is a part of the cycle of life.

The sheep are food clothing and shelter for those like Edward Bernays who can buy and sell their minds like the elite. The elite are also a source of food clothing and shelter to the sheep who borrow themselves to death.

Through this mutual exploitation the elite take the greed, and hope and use it as a controling force to extract labor. We have been over this concept to death lately.

I spent time reading for the past 9 days and I realized that I still have that human weakness of hope within me that someday there can be some redeeming quality that will one day save the earth. I am also dead wrong. Whether I want this to occur openly or inwardly does not matter. This is a weakness which means that I am also vulnerable to induction. I have meditated in the past week and found that that hope and anger always translates into the 'WHY'.

As a child you beg for it. When afflicted you scream it in anger and in despair. The question of 'why' is a poison upon the lips of all men.

I have been down the rabbit hole and I have seen no less than what always was. The sheep are still sheep, and the shephards are still waiting ready for the slaughter. The world is little more than an abattoir for those who bear the defects and instabilities inherent to passionate emotions.

I had once had hopes for those who had love in their hearts, but love is a product of conditional exchange. Embargos lead to divorce, stop giving and where is the love?

I also had hopes for hatred, yet still anger is a flaw that leads to pride and overconfidence. We all know where it leads. Exploitation and slaughter are temporary means of power by brute force that lead only to an arms race. Violence is repugnant to the powers that be, it is little more than a tool for increased leverage like the pulley.

I had toyed with apathy, yet it eluded me. Unfortunately ambition is greed. That is what Buddah would teach anyone though. Is ambitionless success possible? Can you have happiness without success and achievement at all? Would a permanent vacation even exist in the current world were it not for the struggle to become independent of the system by wealth?

So other than apathy there really is only love and hatred essentially. If the wages of emotion are induction, the wages of apathy are the merest of survival. How must I do more than survive without ambition? How must I protect myself from that manipulation while still retaining emotion? Is common sense really enough? Is this why the greatest of minds lived alone?

Maybe this time I intend to leave you with more questions than awnsers purposefully. I actually want you to question what brought you here to this blog. We all knowingly accept that you wouldn't have come here if it weren't for Hives, so what kept you here?

I am at the point where I have to look within. To change my world I must first bend my mind. The insights I have gained have not brought me further than this one single fork in the road.



There is a new book in the bookclub along with some added classics.

In an attempt to understand the principals of objectivism one must first understand its foundations. To attempt to do so I am suggesting a book I haven't yet read. We will be taking this journey together. Expect an update on the book soon.

For a basic explanation of Objectivism try going here:


You may have noticed a major change in the format of the blog, but I assure you that I have not been hacked or turned into a raving-moonbat. These changes reflect my desire to make this blog a better experience for all of you who share it with others and enjoy my work.


You can now rate the blog from one to five stars along with your comments. It lets me know your opinion in a general sense. I think of it as the Karma of my blogs.

5 Posts per page:

The load times will speed up signifigantly, you can always go to the archives to find my work in chronological order.

Unifyed Theory on demand:

You can now find chapters from the book right here fresh from my brain to your eyes. All posts from the book will be labeled either Foreword, Chapter, or Epilogue.

Artwork, Music and Poetry:

Other work will also be shared with you here as well in the coming months. I have neglected to display all the work that I am capable of. I will show you more of the passions that I am striving for achievement in. To conserve bandwidth here I will be re-directing you to one of my other pages for most of the music, so in reality it will be more of an update.


People will eventually be selected to contribute to the blog at a later date based upon their talent. They will be chosen to write for a specific purpose. They will write sections based on topics that they are familiar with.

For example you could have "Transistors Today with Stevie", "Her Opinion by Lady Anon", or an Advice column called "Ask DeKn".

If there are any other suggestions for changes or if you would like to comment on the new format please do so.

Unifyed Theory 1: Exploration of the Human Animal

Animal Nature, Human Nature, The Alpha Male, The Trophy Female and the roots of dominance.

Animal Nature

Lets start with some myths about animal nature:

"Animals always fall into natural equilibrium with their environment."

This is false, as any animal control worker will tell you; animals like humans have the tendency to over-breed. Populations will eat up the resources of their environment past the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

"Animals respect the earth."

This is also a half truth, animals will commit infanticide only to insure that they themselves have enough to eat, having enough to eat and respecting the earth are two very different things.

"Animals have rights."

As we have seen in the course of human events, we are at the top of the food chain, and as being the masters of our domain has taught us we rule the world. Ergo, if animals have no rights, neither do we. This is a concept I will explore more in depth in this and other chapters.

“Animals are kind, gentle, noble creatures.”

Animal nature can be just as cruel and savage as human nature. We must first admit to ourselves and others that we are animals. There is no fooling mother nature. Predators exist even within their own species, and animals exploit each other just as we do.

“Parasites are evil”

Life itself is based upon mutually codependent relationships. When we throw out all of the rhetoric we are left with the true dilemma, how do we exploit our environment to its best advantage without killing it? We feed on plants and animals and, because we need to survive we must kill other species to eat them. This is not evil. This is simply a fact of existence.

To further our understanding of the animal nature we must first have respect for it. All of our lives we are taught that animals are our lesser, when in reality they are in fact in equal competition. All animals are a part of the food chain including us. Even though we are at the top of the food chain in many cases we are in a constant battle with our environment to survive.

To truly exist within our environment we must exploit it to our advantage, animals and plants are food, clothing and shelter. To a certain extent we must even exploit the members of our species, or cooperate to achieve a higher goal for our benefit.

Human nature

We are not only in direct competition with nature, but also each other. When large groups are angered people will riot, there is no holding back the teeming masses. Induced emotions burst forth like a tidal wave inundating the sense of the common man. Therefore it stands to reason that man can and must be controlled if they choose to submit to the animal level of intelligence, and reject logic. Man will wage war as long as they submit to the mentality of the creatures underneath them. The quiet war will be waged upon us as long as we are deemed necessary, but as post-humanism rears its head we will be caught in the crossfire of a new deadly conflict.


In a time when animals will become genetically modified and synthetic life forms become common place we must ask ourselves, “Is humanity in its present form worth saving?” Logically the answer is no. Upon the current course of human events man is divided into the ones who embrace this new era and the ones who reject the evolution as a plague of the machine. There will be blood over this, new ideas require the resilience that few have. Many are simply inflexible to change and will not survive the takeover by mechanized labor. Their livelihood is threatened by concepts and animate objects rather than people however so their anger at these changes will be misdirected toward the agencies deemed responsible.

Daily in this decade we are inundated with apocalyptic imagery filled with robot overlords, zombie quarantines, and totalitarian regimes. The message is clear. The machine is superior, man is the infection, the regime of reason will be elected by the blood of the defective majority. The machine in this case is simply an allegory for the organization and consolidation of power by the elite. The zombie in this case may actually represent the teeming herds of rioters, protesting as if some virus was taking them over. The police state is the logical result, if man wishes to use force against the government, the government must defend itself in kind. If man steals, cameras will be in every store. If man resists the state then man will be punished.

When cybernetic and genetic manipulation becomes less costly when compared to human manipulation, the end result will be the reduction of the population for the benefit of the post-human race. Man in the new form will not need the slaves on the bottom, because the entire earth will be in his control. So what is to be done with the jobless man?

Man without purpose always turns to God, violence, or sloth. Sloth makes for useless eaters, Violence only leads to more pain for all involved on both sides. So what is to come of those that turn to the falsehood of God? If technology is truly the way to save man then why does man turn to myth?

The reason why there is no God is because god has not been born yet. With the new technology of the post-humans man will become God. Imagine a race of beings with total control over their environments and themselves, this is not hard to imagine when so many science fiction movies proposed the same thing. We are in a new age of transcendence, not of mind and spirit, but of body. We will either reject our corporeal form for the machine, or embrace death, but freedom only comes through power.

The man in the ivory tower knows this psychology all too well. They will take on the face of a god-figure to please and placate the masses repeatedly. They will make promises that they cannot and do not intend to keep to maintain hope over their congregation of the herd. But like the headline, there is zero messiah coming. The elite will not save you, nor will they end the world in one huge Armageddon. The world will end with a whimper, not a bang. The earth will be slowly eroded in an attempt to keep the promise of unending prosperity that they prescribe, and out of mans lack of self reliance they will eat themselves out of house and home.

To prove my point you need only look at the roots of religion, the occultation. The 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiccus was there to help the ancients chart the solar eclipse when using stone circle calendars and the lunar calendar. The ancients watched the skies and the ones who did not fear it used that very fear against man. Religion was created to pacify those who were afraid to die. Those who used that power against the fearful were free. Therefore power over man comes from fear, and freedom comes from becoming the one who causes fear in others.

Today we live in a constant fear.

Here is a short list of some of the fear in the decade of 2000-2010:

Bird Flu
Housing bust
Market crash
Oil Crash

It soon becomes clear that fear is necessary, but for what purpose? Fear is simply the stick, it is the antithesis. The goal is to create a polar opposite to these ends. The polar opposite to fear is hope, and of course that is what Obama claims to provide in this decade. To be practical though, who will have hope and who will have change?

You could become a conspiracy theorist and yammer about martial law, but that is only a defense against the tyranny of the rioter. In truth power and control has always been economic. The Alpha male dominated because they seized the first kill of the hunt and defended the resource. This led to the first resource war. Today, if you do not have money you will become desperate because in the new age money represents access to goods and services for survival, thus the wealthy is and has always been the alpha male in the modern day. Thus money becomes the thesis and the synthesis. Today men chase the dollar to avoid death and deprivation.

Money as an evolutionary trait

Just think of this in terms of evolution, money is the next stage in human evolution because it allowed us to control others lives with mere tokens. We went from brute force to reason once commerce was achieved. We no longer fight over the kill but we now compete for jobs. We were able to make monuments and skyscrapers out of human will because money is the new resource. The cash is just worthless paper in reality but, because we agree to use it as a means of exchange, those who are good at business will reap the rewards of the time and labor of others. Now people hire and own their tribes. If a company is a group of people under one leader, then how is it not a tribe?

Money is control. Think about all of the things you can get a person to do simply because money is offered. Money is only a promise of goods and services that are not yet material. When inflation and depression hits money’s value changes, we should all know the elementary factors on how this works by now. What I propose is even simpler than what Aaron Russo or the Money masters movies will tell you. Banks create interest and charge interest because those who borrow deserve to have less and those who work deserve to have more. Think about it, essentially this is very fair. Those who contribute to the herd should be rewarded; those who feed off of the herd deserve to suffer. We have upset the balance provided by nature by letting the useless survive without work. Now credit threatens our way of life. Credit is Inflation. When you extend credit you get something for nothing. What is getting something for nothing, Inflation!

We care for the sick, homeless, and the handicapped. We inflate the government with all sorts of social programs like welfare and public schooling. You must understand that we have done more than enough. By the laws of nature, some of us must fail. Success cannot exist without a losing party in some aspect, once this is realized all else comes from it. If man spends all his time carrying others he can only travel half as far half as fast. Stagnation is brought about by these social programs that perpetuate the debt. So if America and all of the countries cannot pay back what is owed to the World Bank then this stagnation and collapse will occur simply by the erosion of liberty in a country beyond bankrupt.

The Alpha Male and ownership

What is the alpha male? The alpha male is simply the current dominant individual of any group. In our touchy feely culture we have created many euphemisms such as president, or manager, but essentially the concept has not changed. In older times brute force was the only thing deemed necessary, you beat the other male and took the most meat from the kill and most fertile woman as your prize. You then mated and ensured the survival of your genes. Now we are civilized and simply beat them economically, truly much a more humane system has evolved.

Imagine if you had to hunt with a firearm like in the old west and defend yourself with a gun every time someone stepped on your land to steal your cattle. You would have to dominate to survive. Now you only need to work to survive. You have no land and no cattle but you are now free of the burden of true ownership as well. True ownership puts every plot of land under the jurisdiction of its own country.

If you own the land it is yours to do as you please and anyone on your land must do as you wish or face the consequences you set. True freedom comes from ownership, this is why those at the top are free. They own the land so they make the laws. Are they evil? No, they own it, it is theirs to do as they please! This is where the dilemma lies in he consolidation of power. In due cause, you were born on the land you are now the responsibility of the state. Why? Because you are on state property! Why do you think that there are all the certificates and licensing? You do not own your land, the state does. You simply sign to certify your birth because you are requesting the allowance to reside on government property. Those without papers are like immigrants. They are living here without permission!

This is what Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell miss about the law. You only have rights if you own the place you are in, if you don’t own it you only have privileges. The constitution made the founding fathers free, not the other colonists. Because the other colonists did not sign it, it did not apply to the other colonists legally! Legally if you do not sign a contract it does not apply to you! If you signed a birth certificate for your child due to them not being able to sign at day one, they are now a part of laws of that system. This is why I do not use the constitution to defend myself, ever. It does not apply to my rights, only the governments rights.

The Trophy Female and the roots of dominance

What has changed? Nothing has changed if you look deep enough. The woman seeks the most powerful male. Money is showered upon the female like material possessions in any mating ritual because the woman needs to build a nest for the offspring. The woman is selfish by evolutionary design; you cannot fault her for this because it is nature ensuring the survival of the herd. If a woman cared more about the alpha male than just like in the animal world infanticide would become much more common. The woman would know that the child holds the male back and kill the infant outright. Women need to be greedy to protect their young, thus man will become pussy whipped during mating. It is not a flaw, it is genetic, and it can be avoided.

Men seek women with large asses and small waists, large round breasts, pale clear skin and long flowing hair. So how do you get such things? A woman gains a large ass through the genetics of her hipbones and simply sitting on her ass. She needs nothing more than the accumulation of fat cells, same for her breasts. Usually a thick waist comes from over indulgence, which indicates poor health and greed. A thick waist also comes from a stressful lifestyle, which is not what you want the woman carrying your child to have. You want her to simply sit around and relax because any stressful activity could harm the offspring growing inside of her. Pale clear skin comes from not going outside and not going outside means not working. Also the clear skin is another sign of fertility and health as the epidermis is the one organ that everyone can see at a glance that shows signs of overall health. The long flowing hair simply is another sign of good health, because frizzy hair implies a chemical deficiency. Of course other races have similar characteristics not related to pale skin or straight hair but one can simply look into the specific signs related to that race for other indications. Simply put, a lazy healthy woman makes great babies.

If the Alpha Male were truly dominant then during courtship they would not relinquish their power to woman time and again. Truly it is and always has been women that are the ruling party in this world. Money is simply a man’s game because all women must do is enslave a man, and all of the benefits of money will come to them freely. This is another example of emotional weakness, and because men refuse to see the situation logically they will become trapped. Thus to ensure dominance men must remain single, you can fuck around and your genes will still spread. Women have curtailed this by obtaining child support, so again you can see that all of the social programs benefit women more than men. You need look no further than WIC. There is no M in WIC.

So socialism is truly a woman’s invention, not invented by her but, invented for her. Men simply got tired of supporting their women and created a way to take care of her needs without incurring her wrath when the Joneses have more than she does. The only problem is that the men can no longer truly succeed against other men, and when you remove competition for money you must return to having to be a strong attractive man to snare a mate. This is the real reason why communism was rejected outright, the greed of a woman and the genetically inferior males need to mate dominated the decision.

It is simply a case of laziness. The animal nature of man will dominate sense, but even in communism or socialism equality is had by none. People will simply go back to the age when appearance and strength make the alpha male instead of economics. Dominance through money is the elite’s way of leveling the playing field for the logical. The reason why banks loan money and charge interest is the same reason why banks grant interest rates to those who save. Those who contribute to the system deserve more while the greedy deserve less. You don't have to watch Money Masters or Zeitgeist to pick up on this simple principal. The rich get richer because they make the right choices. The poor get poorer because they make the wrong choices.

Life is fair.



I know that for many of you much of this is a re-cap but these concepts have to be introduced to the newcomers to the blog. Thank you for your patience.

Foreword: Reboot

What is Unified Theory?

The ideas presented here originally started as an attempt to unite all of the theories I had heard into one uniting theory of everything. Once I realized that there was more to it , I recognized a need for a new psychological paradigm based upon the idea that with humanity, nothing is sacred.

Man needs a master because man needs a God. The very statement makes most atheists cringe but mans belief in the mythical and absurdly mystical will always lead to their choice to be lead by their fear of the unknown. Man fears death and chooses a savior figure. Man fears weakness and ill fortune and will always prescribe superstition upon themselves to gain the advantage. This has been proven time and time again by mans inability to reason within the group mentality. When people stop taking responsibility for their own direction they will fall prey to any agency they perceive as being their superior.

Man is evolving. The evolution of man will become prevalent as post-humanism gains ground. What we need to understand is that the very concept of post-humanism is dedicated to leaving us in the dust! Within that statement is the idea that all of humanity can be improved by embracing the machine as our superior. At the time this document was authored a Terabyte of storage cost about $150. To put that into perspective 10-11 Terabytes could hold the entire print-only version of the library of congress. In other words, man is quickly becoming obsolete in his present form. As machines gain a foothold in the production, manufacture, and distribution of goods and services, there will simply be no labor left. Machines are becoming cheaper and better than human workers at their own jobs. Humanity’s decline is the gain of the heads of state.

A lot of the terms in this book come from other sources of information. This work was designed for a limited audience that has already gained a familiarity with the terms expressed herein. This book is in no way definitive but attempts to collect and refine the works of several great minds. A section within book club will list several sources of recommended reading for those who have not had the privilege to know these other works. This is of course not a bibliography, but a list of sources for my position.

Tree of life

On the news this morning I saw a protester victim.

He claimed to be against the capatilist system.

He raised his jacket to reveal a shirt with no class:

"I would try to see your point of view, but I can't shove my head that far up my ass."

Some kid in china made it, almost for free.

Why bother to rant if you don't know the tree?