The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Fear: when pigs fly

You may have noticed the anemic coverage of the Swine Flu epidemic in Mexico on this blog. The Post titled RUN might be a good place to start reading until you catch up if you expect me to fall in line with that mindless bullshit. Untill I see an American in my town catch and die of the disease this will be my last report on the subject.

Just like Avian flu, HIV, Hepatitis, Black Plague, Anthrax, Smallpox and all of the other diseases, if you are smart you will not die.


Why would I make such a sweeping statement?

We live in the era of preventable disease.

When you prevent something from occuring you use intelligence to take precautions to guard against the disease. Diseases only kill stupid people and those with herd mentality. You can't catch the flu if you don't hang out with the herd in the first place. Unless you are a farmer it poses no threat to you. Unless you come into contact with the infected, you will not catch the infection.

This means no paper masks, and no vaccines. Use common sense first. If a friend of yours is sick they need to stay the fuck away from you like any good friend would do. If you are sick stay away from the herd that can re-infect you and prolong the infestation.

In the case of HIV and AIDS as well as other STD's. Wear a condom and reduce your chances by not being a slut. It is that simple, take precautions and limit your exposure.

--- --- ---

On another note, the police are not out to get you. Unless you are a criminal and have been proven guilty, you have nothing to fear. Why would I point out the second part so much?

Unless you:

#A) Broke the Law (Authoritarian Consequence)

#B) Broke the Laws of Nature (Natural Selection)

#C) Look like a Criminal (Retarded Adaptation)

You have nothing to fear. Unless you plan on breaking the law or are living off of the system, You have nothing to fear.

Authoritarian Consequence-

#1) When you break the law you are either a child of unsound mind who cannot discern the logic and reasoning inherent to the ordanance, or you are commiting an act of defiance against the state.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

Natural Selection-

#2) When you break the laws of nature you are either a child of unsound mind who does not understand the inner workings of nature and the cycles of the earth and its creatures, or you are commiting an act of defiance against Lucifer.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

Retarded Adaptation-

#3) When you look like a Mark you are either a child of unsound mind trying to impress the wolves that seek to prey on you, or you are in willfull defiance of nature and the environment and refuse to camoflage yourself as the common man to avoid the profiling that you recieve.
In most cases logic will clearly tell you that you will fail. You are either mentally deficient to the point where you misunderstand the law or are willfully in violation of it.

--- --- ---

In the case of disease by refusing to submit to the laws of nature you willfully expose yourself to pathogens detrimental to your health or unwitingly fall prey to unseen hazards that plague your environment. The only way to solve problems is logic and reasoning, not fear and anger.

So in the context of logic and reasoning,



LadyAnon said...

that's why i haven't said a thing about the swine flu. it is pointless to worry when you know how to prevent and cure the infection.

ZeroMessiah said...

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself...

BTW Check your Emails...

aPd. said...

anon u know how to 'cure' the infection?

ZeroMessiah said...

No, but the CDC does...

In truth it is natural selection. If you get the pathogen and take care of yourself enough to survive it you get antibodies. This plague does have survivors.

If you were smart enough to stay indors when the chemtrails were out then chances are that you avoided the resistance reducing chemicals and pathogens.

If however she does know how to cure it then by all means post it here!

APD, check your Email...

Anonymous said...

First off, thank you Zero for assimilating me...

Second, when I asked around for any treatments/cures for the things on Hives's blog, I was shot down. I figured that if we're already trading the knowledge to one another about the Elite and so forth, then why not trade around information regarding surviving this outbreak? Realistically, not everyone is going to be 110% out of the virus's way, right?

I think that the YouTube inflicted PTSD on Hives is still affecting him.....

LadyAnon said...

exactly, zero. 100% right.

apd, to "cure" any type of viral infection, an antiviral is needed. since it is a swine flu, off-counter flu medications can treat it. but most importantly power your immune system. the body will develop defences.

follow that link and explore all that is swine flu related.

and also avoid vaccines. you already know that, right?

Anonymous said...

just a note......

One of the all natural cures for swine flu and others like it was shown on YouTube....

Interestingly enough, it was removed for the so-called "terms of use violation".....

ZeroMessiah said...

Epidemic or not we need to learn from all of the past epidemics. This is the point that I believe Hives missed.

You will find more information in another one of my U.T. Posts...

ZeroMessiah said...

Not the only solution, but lets just say one of many preventative measures.

Another place to look is the old flu epidemics and the polio epidemic. We have the greatest tools at our disposal, the libraries of the world are at our fingertips. Keep a keen eye. And continue to post.

Anonymous said...

When the flu hits hard ,it happens fast.Your blood pressure will drop dramatically and your whole body screams with pain.This is the death attack,weak hearts will give out here.The best treatment is to get an IV drip immediately to raise the blood pressure back up.

carlosanto said...

To protect and to serve... you?
Do not be a fool.
Do not confuse it with "The Police is there to get you" no! what I am saying is that they are not there to work for you, as you might be thinking.