The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



You may have noticed a major change in the format of the blog, but I assure you that I have not been hacked or turned into a raving-moonbat. These changes reflect my desire to make this blog a better experience for all of you who share it with others and enjoy my work.


You can now rate the blog from one to five stars along with your comments. It lets me know your opinion in a general sense. I think of it as the Karma of my blogs.

5 Posts per page:

The load times will speed up signifigantly, you can always go to the archives to find my work in chronological order.

Unifyed Theory on demand:

You can now find chapters from the book right here fresh from my brain to your eyes. All posts from the book will be labeled either Foreword, Chapter, or Epilogue.

Artwork, Music and Poetry:

Other work will also be shared with you here as well in the coming months. I have neglected to display all the work that I am capable of. I will show you more of the passions that I am striving for achievement in. To conserve bandwidth here I will be re-directing you to one of my other pages for most of the music, so in reality it will be more of an update.


People will eventually be selected to contribute to the blog at a later date based upon their talent. They will be chosen to write for a specific purpose. They will write sections based on topics that they are familiar with.

For example you could have "Transistors Today with Stevie", "Her Opinion by Lady Anon", or an Advice column called "Ask DeKn".

If there are any other suggestions for changes or if you would like to comment on the new format please do so.

1 comment:

DeKn:EW said...

Love the new colour layout you have there. Very blue you must be in your blue period. Haha just like art nice. I love your new style you got the idea is very interesting and fresh.
