The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Unifyed Theory 1: Exploration of the Human Animal

Animal Nature, Human Nature, The Alpha Male, The Trophy Female and the roots of dominance.

Animal Nature

Lets start with some myths about animal nature:

"Animals always fall into natural equilibrium with their environment."

This is false, as any animal control worker will tell you; animals like humans have the tendency to over-breed. Populations will eat up the resources of their environment past the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

"Animals respect the earth."

This is also a half truth, animals will commit infanticide only to insure that they themselves have enough to eat, having enough to eat and respecting the earth are two very different things.

"Animals have rights."

As we have seen in the course of human events, we are at the top of the food chain, and as being the masters of our domain has taught us we rule the world. Ergo, if animals have no rights, neither do we. This is a concept I will explore more in depth in this and other chapters.

“Animals are kind, gentle, noble creatures.”

Animal nature can be just as cruel and savage as human nature. We must first admit to ourselves and others that we are animals. There is no fooling mother nature. Predators exist even within their own species, and animals exploit each other just as we do.

“Parasites are evil”

Life itself is based upon mutually codependent relationships. When we throw out all of the rhetoric we are left with the true dilemma, how do we exploit our environment to its best advantage without killing it? We feed on plants and animals and, because we need to survive we must kill other species to eat them. This is not evil. This is simply a fact of existence.

To further our understanding of the animal nature we must first have respect for it. All of our lives we are taught that animals are our lesser, when in reality they are in fact in equal competition. All animals are a part of the food chain including us. Even though we are at the top of the food chain in many cases we are in a constant battle with our environment to survive.

To truly exist within our environment we must exploit it to our advantage, animals and plants are food, clothing and shelter. To a certain extent we must even exploit the members of our species, or cooperate to achieve a higher goal for our benefit.

Human nature

We are not only in direct competition with nature, but also each other. When large groups are angered people will riot, there is no holding back the teeming masses. Induced emotions burst forth like a tidal wave inundating the sense of the common man. Therefore it stands to reason that man can and must be controlled if they choose to submit to the animal level of intelligence, and reject logic. Man will wage war as long as they submit to the mentality of the creatures underneath them. The quiet war will be waged upon us as long as we are deemed necessary, but as post-humanism rears its head we will be caught in the crossfire of a new deadly conflict.


In a time when animals will become genetically modified and synthetic life forms become common place we must ask ourselves, “Is humanity in its present form worth saving?” Logically the answer is no. Upon the current course of human events man is divided into the ones who embrace this new era and the ones who reject the evolution as a plague of the machine. There will be blood over this, new ideas require the resilience that few have. Many are simply inflexible to change and will not survive the takeover by mechanized labor. Their livelihood is threatened by concepts and animate objects rather than people however so their anger at these changes will be misdirected toward the agencies deemed responsible.

Daily in this decade we are inundated with apocalyptic imagery filled with robot overlords, zombie quarantines, and totalitarian regimes. The message is clear. The machine is superior, man is the infection, the regime of reason will be elected by the blood of the defective majority. The machine in this case is simply an allegory for the organization and consolidation of power by the elite. The zombie in this case may actually represent the teeming herds of rioters, protesting as if some virus was taking them over. The police state is the logical result, if man wishes to use force against the government, the government must defend itself in kind. If man steals, cameras will be in every store. If man resists the state then man will be punished.

When cybernetic and genetic manipulation becomes less costly when compared to human manipulation, the end result will be the reduction of the population for the benefit of the post-human race. Man in the new form will not need the slaves on the bottom, because the entire earth will be in his control. So what is to be done with the jobless man?

Man without purpose always turns to God, violence, or sloth. Sloth makes for useless eaters, Violence only leads to more pain for all involved on both sides. So what is to come of those that turn to the falsehood of God? If technology is truly the way to save man then why does man turn to myth?

The reason why there is no God is because god has not been born yet. With the new technology of the post-humans man will become God. Imagine a race of beings with total control over their environments and themselves, this is not hard to imagine when so many science fiction movies proposed the same thing. We are in a new age of transcendence, not of mind and spirit, but of body. We will either reject our corporeal form for the machine, or embrace death, but freedom only comes through power.

The man in the ivory tower knows this psychology all too well. They will take on the face of a god-figure to please and placate the masses repeatedly. They will make promises that they cannot and do not intend to keep to maintain hope over their congregation of the herd. But like the headline, there is zero messiah coming. The elite will not save you, nor will they end the world in one huge Armageddon. The world will end with a whimper, not a bang. The earth will be slowly eroded in an attempt to keep the promise of unending prosperity that they prescribe, and out of mans lack of self reliance they will eat themselves out of house and home.

To prove my point you need only look at the roots of religion, the occultation. The 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiccus was there to help the ancients chart the solar eclipse when using stone circle calendars and the lunar calendar. The ancients watched the skies and the ones who did not fear it used that very fear against man. Religion was created to pacify those who were afraid to die. Those who used that power against the fearful were free. Therefore power over man comes from fear, and freedom comes from becoming the one who causes fear in others.

Today we live in a constant fear.

Here is a short list of some of the fear in the decade of 2000-2010:

Bird Flu
Housing bust
Market crash
Oil Crash

It soon becomes clear that fear is necessary, but for what purpose? Fear is simply the stick, it is the antithesis. The goal is to create a polar opposite to these ends. The polar opposite to fear is hope, and of course that is what Obama claims to provide in this decade. To be practical though, who will have hope and who will have change?

You could become a conspiracy theorist and yammer about martial law, but that is only a defense against the tyranny of the rioter. In truth power and control has always been economic. The Alpha male dominated because they seized the first kill of the hunt and defended the resource. This led to the first resource war. Today, if you do not have money you will become desperate because in the new age money represents access to goods and services for survival, thus the wealthy is and has always been the alpha male in the modern day. Thus money becomes the thesis and the synthesis. Today men chase the dollar to avoid death and deprivation.

Money as an evolutionary trait

Just think of this in terms of evolution, money is the next stage in human evolution because it allowed us to control others lives with mere tokens. We went from brute force to reason once commerce was achieved. We no longer fight over the kill but we now compete for jobs. We were able to make monuments and skyscrapers out of human will because money is the new resource. The cash is just worthless paper in reality but, because we agree to use it as a means of exchange, those who are good at business will reap the rewards of the time and labor of others. Now people hire and own their tribes. If a company is a group of people under one leader, then how is it not a tribe?

Money is control. Think about all of the things you can get a person to do simply because money is offered. Money is only a promise of goods and services that are not yet material. When inflation and depression hits money’s value changes, we should all know the elementary factors on how this works by now. What I propose is even simpler than what Aaron Russo or the Money masters movies will tell you. Banks create interest and charge interest because those who borrow deserve to have less and those who work deserve to have more. Think about it, essentially this is very fair. Those who contribute to the herd should be rewarded; those who feed off of the herd deserve to suffer. We have upset the balance provided by nature by letting the useless survive without work. Now credit threatens our way of life. Credit is Inflation. When you extend credit you get something for nothing. What is getting something for nothing, Inflation!

We care for the sick, homeless, and the handicapped. We inflate the government with all sorts of social programs like welfare and public schooling. You must understand that we have done more than enough. By the laws of nature, some of us must fail. Success cannot exist without a losing party in some aspect, once this is realized all else comes from it. If man spends all his time carrying others he can only travel half as far half as fast. Stagnation is brought about by these social programs that perpetuate the debt. So if America and all of the countries cannot pay back what is owed to the World Bank then this stagnation and collapse will occur simply by the erosion of liberty in a country beyond bankrupt.

The Alpha Male and ownership

What is the alpha male? The alpha male is simply the current dominant individual of any group. In our touchy feely culture we have created many euphemisms such as president, or manager, but essentially the concept has not changed. In older times brute force was the only thing deemed necessary, you beat the other male and took the most meat from the kill and most fertile woman as your prize. You then mated and ensured the survival of your genes. Now we are civilized and simply beat them economically, truly much a more humane system has evolved.

Imagine if you had to hunt with a firearm like in the old west and defend yourself with a gun every time someone stepped on your land to steal your cattle. You would have to dominate to survive. Now you only need to work to survive. You have no land and no cattle but you are now free of the burden of true ownership as well. True ownership puts every plot of land under the jurisdiction of its own country.

If you own the land it is yours to do as you please and anyone on your land must do as you wish or face the consequences you set. True freedom comes from ownership, this is why those at the top are free. They own the land so they make the laws. Are they evil? No, they own it, it is theirs to do as they please! This is where the dilemma lies in he consolidation of power. In due cause, you were born on the land you are now the responsibility of the state. Why? Because you are on state property! Why do you think that there are all the certificates and licensing? You do not own your land, the state does. You simply sign to certify your birth because you are requesting the allowance to reside on government property. Those without papers are like immigrants. They are living here without permission!

This is what Alex Jones and Jordan Maxwell miss about the law. You only have rights if you own the place you are in, if you don’t own it you only have privileges. The constitution made the founding fathers free, not the other colonists. Because the other colonists did not sign it, it did not apply to the other colonists legally! Legally if you do not sign a contract it does not apply to you! If you signed a birth certificate for your child due to them not being able to sign at day one, they are now a part of laws of that system. This is why I do not use the constitution to defend myself, ever. It does not apply to my rights, only the governments rights.

The Trophy Female and the roots of dominance

What has changed? Nothing has changed if you look deep enough. The woman seeks the most powerful male. Money is showered upon the female like material possessions in any mating ritual because the woman needs to build a nest for the offspring. The woman is selfish by evolutionary design; you cannot fault her for this because it is nature ensuring the survival of the herd. If a woman cared more about the alpha male than just like in the animal world infanticide would become much more common. The woman would know that the child holds the male back and kill the infant outright. Women need to be greedy to protect their young, thus man will become pussy whipped during mating. It is not a flaw, it is genetic, and it can be avoided.

Men seek women with large asses and small waists, large round breasts, pale clear skin and long flowing hair. So how do you get such things? A woman gains a large ass through the genetics of her hipbones and simply sitting on her ass. She needs nothing more than the accumulation of fat cells, same for her breasts. Usually a thick waist comes from over indulgence, which indicates poor health and greed. A thick waist also comes from a stressful lifestyle, which is not what you want the woman carrying your child to have. You want her to simply sit around and relax because any stressful activity could harm the offspring growing inside of her. Pale clear skin comes from not going outside and not going outside means not working. Also the clear skin is another sign of fertility and health as the epidermis is the one organ that everyone can see at a glance that shows signs of overall health. The long flowing hair simply is another sign of good health, because frizzy hair implies a chemical deficiency. Of course other races have similar characteristics not related to pale skin or straight hair but one can simply look into the specific signs related to that race for other indications. Simply put, a lazy healthy woman makes great babies.

If the Alpha Male were truly dominant then during courtship they would not relinquish their power to woman time and again. Truly it is and always has been women that are the ruling party in this world. Money is simply a man’s game because all women must do is enslave a man, and all of the benefits of money will come to them freely. This is another example of emotional weakness, and because men refuse to see the situation logically they will become trapped. Thus to ensure dominance men must remain single, you can fuck around and your genes will still spread. Women have curtailed this by obtaining child support, so again you can see that all of the social programs benefit women more than men. You need look no further than WIC. There is no M in WIC.

So socialism is truly a woman’s invention, not invented by her but, invented for her. Men simply got tired of supporting their women and created a way to take care of her needs without incurring her wrath when the Joneses have more than she does. The only problem is that the men can no longer truly succeed against other men, and when you remove competition for money you must return to having to be a strong attractive man to snare a mate. This is the real reason why communism was rejected outright, the greed of a woman and the genetically inferior males need to mate dominated the decision.

It is simply a case of laziness. The animal nature of man will dominate sense, but even in communism or socialism equality is had by none. People will simply go back to the age when appearance and strength make the alpha male instead of economics. Dominance through money is the elite’s way of leveling the playing field for the logical. The reason why banks loan money and charge interest is the same reason why banks grant interest rates to those who save. Those who contribute to the system deserve more while the greedy deserve less. You don't have to watch Money Masters or Zeitgeist to pick up on this simple principal. The rich get richer because they make the right choices. The poor get poorer because they make the wrong choices.

Life is fair.



I know that for many of you much of this is a re-cap but these concepts have to be introduced to the newcomers to the blog. Thank you for your patience.


Sphere said...

Most excellent post, specificaly how you compared modern rituals to ancient rituals. I totally agree on this. The HOW has changed but the goals are still the same. This is true for many things. Just think of divide and conquer, and the use of fear. These are two tools used for thousands of years. The HOW always changes but the goals never do.

The symbioses between man and technology is indeed an interesting one, but, there is a catch. The EGO. Such power over the environment could erase the logic and fuel the ego.

My 2 cents

ZeroMessiah said...

This will continue. Sphere, you raise a good point about the EGO, however using technology instead of logic leads to that path.

The true leaders use the egos of others to do the work that satisfies their agenda and limit their ego to the amount that satisfies their purpose.

Egos will always remain but the capacity of which depends upon the person in control of it. We have a lot of powerful technology that we do not use today because of this principal.

Stevie said...

Brilliant Zero,
I take issue with the following that you wrote:

"All of our lives we are taught that animals are our lesser, when in reality they are in fact in EQUAL competition. All animals are a part of the food chain including us. Even though we are at the top of the food chain in many cases we are in a CONSTANT battle with our environment to survive."

These statements (possibly true 10,000 years ago) overlook entirely mankind's technological, lateral expansion of the food chain through animal husbandry and agriculture.

There is NO equal to us among the animals and in the western world that constant battle has been suspended for the past 70 years. Ah, but the dieoff will return us to that struggle you say; I think it will energize those remaining to be shed of deadwood.

ZeroMessiah said...

Why would we use pesticides, fences, and animal control workers Stevie?

We are in a constant battle with our environment, we just don't think about it. We are winning the battle, yet we still battle nature.

If man were to lose the support structure for our technology however, the battle we would be at much less of an advantage.

Stevie said...

Again my point is that to lose the most modern technologies still does not roll back our battle to 8,000BC levels...early 20th century maybe.

There is constant work, but not struggle as I see it.

I raise beef cattle, chickens and geese; None of them would naturally exist without me. They're DOMESTICATED. How wild do you expect it after the dieoff?

ZeroMessiah said...

It will be the sheeple that are used to such things Stevie. Witout convienences they will storm the farms like the Zombies that they are, Remember there will also be human competition. True freedom like in defending your claim.

However this would only be in the case that we would ever lose all of our creature comforts and as the sheeple have proven, even in their subdued state they will riot.

You can protect against the animals but not the Animals. Still though you are right about it being easier through domestication. Just look what it did for the sheeple...

Stevie said...

"You can protect against the animals but not the Animals."

Yep, my only beastly concern!

"Still though you are right about it being easier through domestication. Just look what it did for the sheeple..."

Indeed, I hope you'll build more on this idea, because the separation of homosapiens and the rest of the animal kingdom has been well established. The elite are precisely looking for that next critical divide, then THAT battle will be a fait complet.

ZeroMessiah said...

Now your thinking Stevie, Now your cookin' with gas!

LadyAnon said...

"Those without papers are like immigrants. They are living here without permission!"

that's not true. unlike immigrants, such people cannot be deported anywhere else. they have to live here with or without permission. without papers, it is almost impossible for them to leave or re-enter the country. they can work under the table or self employ.

if a person's birth was unregistered and there is no proof of citizenship else where, he/she is assigned a s.s.n, a legal birth certificate, and an i.d. one has only to apply for those documents, at any stage of life. unregistered citizens have options but who would want to live a hard unregistered life? in future life will be as hard for those who refuse microchips.

DeKn:EW said...

Great starting point for chapter one.

But.. after reading chapter one I had some stuff that didn't sit too well for me.

"Animal Nature"

“Animals are kind, gentle, noble creatures.”

After reading that sub-topic I do agree with you about human and animals both exploit each other of their own species, but they only do that to get ahead of each other; So they can become the alpha male. That is the only reason why we would exploit another human to get something better then the next person by using someone else's energy to get ourselve ahead of them and one step closer to that alpha male status.

Also I was wondering are you going to give examples of real cases for each of the sub-topic under "Animal Nature" or are you leaving that open for the reader to figure it out? For me when I read it I find that without examples, it just leaves a lot of room for someone to argue with your statement.

"The Alpha Male and ownership"

"The Trophy Female and the roots of dominance"

Yes it is so true that money is our new way to compete for the alpha male title in our world but I've also found that the old appearance and strenght also works because it is in the women's programming even though we uses money as the new way of obtaining the alpha male title. Just wondering if you are going to talk about that also or are you just generalizing that 99.5% of the world works with this money alpha male over the true old age alpha male? how about the master of using emotion to get what you want?

I've seen and also tried it out myself to know that you do not need to be rich/powerful or even having appearance/strenght to get the very good looking women. Because most women think on the level of emotional logic (if there is even a word as 'emotional logic') and if you are able to control the emotional ride a women goes on when they are with you. They will be hooked on you like a drug addict to the drugs(emotions) and you are the dealer of the drugs (the emotional drug dealer). That is the reason that most man do not understand women and cannot figure out why using logic to understand them will always results in "Failure" because they act on a simple emotional level of thinking and NOT logical (mind you I am generalizing this there is some women that will use logic more the emotions) thinking like males do.
There is this friend I know (he taught me most of what he knows also), I would not call him a master of what he does but he has master it very well how to be that emotional drug dealer he is always improving his method of doing things. Able to give the women one emotional roll-a-coaster ride of emotions. And they will get hooked on that. I've seen them(women) take vacation time to spend time with him even ride around in his car with him while he drives around all day doing his work. They have even skip work to spend time with him also. Emotion is a great drug and it is a fact that we can be hooked onto that drug call emotion. I've also seen him get calls from women many different ones to spend time with him or what I call get their fixes from him. He even known to even still able to have sex with them after he has broken up with them for over 1 year. Some of the women even after having new boy friends they still come and see him for their fixes.
When it comes to money he is broke all the time so money isn't the factor that is drawing the women to him. He doesn't drive a fancy car or own a 400K house.

Everything else is super Zero.


Anonymous said...

Dekn:Your friend knows how to make women cum,he is an expert at clitoral stimulation.Most men have no idea of what a clit even is,because most women are too stupid to show them where it is and how they like it stimulated.Religiously prudish American women are really bad for not communicating what they want and need to achieve orgasm.I usually just let her rub one out herself while I do it doggy style on her.She usually cums 4 or 5 times because she like most women has been rubbing her own clit since they were little and they know how to please themselves.This way I can enjoy it without having to worry if she's satisfied.I know she is cumming cause I can feel the sweat pop up on her back,trust me doggy style is the best.

Oh and good job on the book Zero.Your doing the hardest thing in the world for a human :THINKING.

Sphere said...

I think there is a difference between exploiting by man, and animals exploiting eachother.

When animals exploit, they do it out of necessity. And they will not take more then they need (which is just enough to ensure self-preservation).

Man exploits in a different way. We too have the previous layer in us (as in exploiting for self-preservation) but there is an additional layer now. This is the layer of CHOICE! The freedom to choose! To take just enough to ensure self-preservation or to take as much as you can before anyone else finds out! Or to exploit for the 'fun' of it.

That was a small notion I wanted to add.

LadyAnon said...

i have doubts about what all of you guys say. there has been alot of lying going on. none of you has come out and admitted to having an erectile dysfunction, pre-mature ejaculation, lack of stamina, prostate problem, or anything. confession is a taboo. instead i keep reading about each one of you praising his sexual prowess nonstop. no viagra, none, just straight out beasts! lol (shaking my head). i've never heard such liars in my life. everyone is claiming to be a player on this blog (a players club?). stuff made of fiction.

ZeroMessiah said...

Lady Anon, DeKn, and Stevie, would you like co-author status for this Chapter as I ammend the work?

ZeroMessiah said...

In response to Lady Anon's comments on sexual issues, I only have one. I've never gotten off to blowjobs, don't know why. Fucking works, Sucking me off... not so much.

I guess you all didn't really want to hear that though did you?

DeKn:EW said...

^^ Harry S. Truman:

Yes my friend does know how to do that and does it very well. But it wasn't the point I was getting at yes sex is a strong emotion for a women but he knows how to give her strong emotion without sex this is way before he even have sex with a women this is when he meets them in a dance studio or dance club. What I was trying to say is he knows how to control the emotion a women gets and can make it strong or weak if he doesn't like that emotion he can change it to something that will help him. Ofcourse this does not work 100% of the time I mean he still fail now and then. But his success rate is very good.

^^ Sphere:

Yes I think both human and animal exploit to get ahead of the other. Do you have an example of animal doing it out of necessity and not to get ahead of the other animal so they can breed and pass their DNA to the next generation.
I don't think human is any different then animals when they exploit other people to get ahead they do it for power(status) and power is equal to alpha male status. So you said someth smart to someone they don't understand what you said so they make a joke to play down what you said to everyone else around him and also him that what you said was dumb or doesn't make sense because they don't have the brain to figure it out. They do that so they can lower your status around everyone's eyes and put themselves a little ahead of you so there fore making them look like the are smarter. I've gotten that done to me many many times. And by making you look dumb now they got a bit more status then you do and other will listen to them first before you. So at the end the more status(power) you got the more of an alpha male you are.

^^ LadyAnon:

praising sexual prowess is what guys do a lot. They do it to get the upper hand on other males the more women a male had sex with make them in the eyes of other male/women as an alpha male. And LadyAnon I was not saying what I said in my above post has trying to show off... I am far from being a master of what my friends does so easily. Plus I am not a player to women I know in your eyes you might see me as a player because you see that I know too much about the topic and players tend to know too much that is why they get the women easily. Yes I've in time been accuse as being a player just becuase the way I act and dress. But I am not a player and will ever be one. I do have the weapons at a ready if I want to do it. I've study being a pickup artist a while ago that is how I know a lot about this matter. Yes there is a club where pick up artist goes and talk and share ideas to each other how to get that women they want.

"none of you has come out and admitted to having an erectile dysfunction, pre-mature ejaculation, lack of stamina, prostate problem, or anything. confession is a taboo."

^^^ No, we can't tell you all our secrets come on LadyAnon, then where is the mysteries behind us then.... without the mysteries the person will lose interest in that person very fast, have to keep them guessing all the time this way you can misdirect them to another direction if you want. You have to figure it out yourselves. (using pickup artist tactics on you... hehe) There is a lot you don't know about me please don't assume(what does assume means makes an ass[out of]U[and]me) anything about me... but if you want you can generalize you output toward most male.

^^ Zero:

Sure I won't mind helping you co-author the book. What do you want my inputs to go toward?


Stevie said...

I'm a terrible team player or collaborator. I don't want any status...just to constructively criticize. Freely incorporate anything i've written that causes you to modify or clarify your thoughts.

ZeroMessiah said...

Ok, This is to all of you, but it is mainly in response to Stevie.

If I use your work, you deserve credit as either a co-author or an editor at the bottom of the post.

Thats how it works. If you contribute to my work you deserve credit. If you leave your comment here and allow me to use it for a correction then it is fair use.

I may just post some basics on copyright law soon.

Stevie said...

There must be something in the air(!), cause i'm feeling the need to withdraw indefinitely from the internet like hives.

May all your failures be fruitful.
Stevie out.

LadyAnon said...

it's been a while, boys, it's been a while. fun days i've had away.

zero, don't rush the book. take as much time as you need. you can use anything i've written to brighten the book. but seriously zero, what gave you the idea that i can co-author any book? i've never written any book in my life and i suck at writing essays. i have a very disorganized, wondering mind and i can't focus on one subject for a very long time. it's a struggle of the mind and most times i zone out. i'm still in the process of learning to use my brain.

about sexual issues. yours is not even an issue or problem. it adds on how normal you are. zero, you are one of a few men with whom society, culture, sexual suggestions and amplifiers have not completely wiped out your instinct and true nature. you can still be turned on by fucking alone. oral doesn't turn you on probably because you are in tune with the natural instinct to penetrate the vagina and not other holes. that my friend, has gotten rare. it's a good thing, embrace nature. you see, oral sex is not natural sex and neither is anal sex. they are learned behaviors and without suggestion, most people would never have thought of or engaged in those acts. that is a fact. people would touch and fuck, and that would be all of it.


if you have the weapons at the ready, why aren't you a player? scared of them bitches and whores? if you can fuck right, you shouldn't be scared. let's hope you use protection because if not, yall are spreading diseases.

stevie, don't spoil the air for all of us. everyone takes a break from the internet every now and then. to get away, you know. but you not fooling me. you will never withdraw indefinately from the internet. not even hives can do it. you can withdraw indefinately if you don't have internet connection (can't pay the bill or in a place with no internet access), but you can't while you have it. it's an addiction and as we are in the electronic age, most transactions have to be carried out on the internet. my dmv charges extra fees for registration renewal done on site and no extra fees when it's done online.

DeKn:EW said...

^^ LadyAnon

Just as pleasant as usual I see. But no I do not use it because that is not the direction I am headed. Tried it done it got the t-shirt for it. I saw that the event was drawing me into the hive as one of them into a cycle I did not want to go into. Something didn't feel right so I left and moved on. It was nice to study the way how things works though when I was into those things. I picked up a lot of things that helps me now to figure out new ways to bridging my emotion and mind working together as one.


LadyAnon said...

what direction are you headed then? i thought you guys want to be players. how can the "event draw you into the hive as one of them"?

if you know you are not one of them, they can't force you to join them. just fuck and run. lol. you don't owe the bitches anything, not even friendship. fuck and move the hell on to next one. drink the blood, vampire. don't tell me you're celibate. lol.

DeKn:EW said...

^^ Lady Anon:

Trying to understand myself on the inside, mind and soul together. Understanding of my emotion and how to work with it as one. We've been broken into two pieces and we don't even know about it. We let ourself get control by the emotion many many times. Never working as one or together as a team. That is my goals in life everything else is just second priority right now.

Maybe some of the guys on this blog maybe even on Hive's blog does want to be player but that isn't what I want. I've seen the best of them fallen into the player roller and their own life just about how many women they can fuck. That is all they talk about and live and breath each and every day. Great if you are an animal and given into your passion of lust. Hooked on your own very emotion of conquest like an addict, addicted to the drugs of emotion. I saw it happening to myself I pulled myself out of that hole before I was at a point of no return.

"if you know you are not one of them, they can't force you to join them." -LadyAnon-

But you see LadyAnon this event happen awhile ago and at that time I didn't have the mind set I have now knowing the meaning what a hive is and isn't. I left because something within me didn't feel right I follow that instincts and just left that life of mine behind. Hopefully you now understand a bit where I am coming from and where I plan to take myself into the future of my mind and soul.


LadyAnon said...


so, fucking is second priority right now while you reach nirvana. and you don't want to be a player because something about it does not feel right to you.

LOL. you either slept with the wrong type of bitches for you or you didn't enjoy the sex too much. damn, they say that once men start having sex, they never stop. but you've chosen to take a break.

LOL. don't you miss it? it's not like you are a shy man who can't approve a bitch. LOL. with your pick up artist tricks, you can catch many. why are you doing this to yourself? it's not like you are a virgin like me who trusts nobody to have sex with.

dekn, you don't want a build up of semen in your crotch, consider letting some out and relieve yourself. LOL. the truth is there is alot of wild bitches out there in need of fucking, make yourself useful.

you've got the emotional addictions of conquest twisted with the passion for lust. that's where most guys get it wrong. y'all don't mean well when you fuck around. for y'all it's about conquest, and that is where i decided to not give up pussy because i won't give anyone that satisfaction of conquest. you're joking. back to the issue. make it about sex only and forget the emotions. or you can't do it that way? LOL.

DeKn:EW said...

^^ LadyAnon:

You are funny LadyAnon, why are you trying to push me into having sex and wanting me to give into my animal instinct you think as a man we have to have sex to be happy or that is all we think about 99% of the time.

"they say that once men start having sex, they never stop. but you've chosen to take a break." -LadyAnon-

Yes it is true in a way I mean that is why I stop what I did I saw friend just made it into a job almost living day in day out to try to pick up the women and fuck the shit out of them and do it again. They were eating, breathing, and seeing only one thing on their mind and that is SEX. I do not judge them wrong for what they are doing because if that is what they are happy doing then let them do it. It is no place of mine to tell them otherwise.

"dekn, you don't want a build up of semen in your crotch, consider letting some out and relieve yourself." -LadyAnon-

Thanks for caring I didn't know you care so much about my health LadyAnon. Yes I do feel that emotional addiction of conquest and passion for lust. If I said I didn't I would be lying to myself and you and everyone else who is reading this. I am learning to figure out this emotion of mine and work as one with it lessen some emotion and strengthen others out. So my goals aren't at fucking right now I have too many things I have to do now and fucking is not at the top that is all. I mean if it does come by I am not going to turn it down or anything.

For some odd reason you think all male just want to fuck and that is all. Ok maybe you are 99.9% right but not all of us is thinking about that right now. Ok I am done talking I have nothing else to say. You seem to just have one thing fixed on your mind and you can't seem to let that go. You just think all males are pigs that is it.


LadyAnon said...

dekn, keep trying to figure out your emotions. it is a good thing. every aspect of our lives must be examined. there are no limits to knowledge.

i can't handle men's nature (pigs) and i want to stop talking about them. let's talk about something else.

DeKn:EW said...

OK cool ... but I've notice you get affected by talks of male conquest of women. Why are you letting your emotion affect you like that? unless you are in some way wants to protect the people that cannot protect themselves? You get all worked up about it... Do not let your emotion get the better of you.


LadyAnon said...

enough talk about men's conquest of women. can't we talk about something else? zero's book perhaps?