The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


The burden of proof... (the blue post)

Dante_Altair said...
No no, Brother Zero. He was being honest alright. no doubt about that lol. there is a diffrence between learning, and being yourself FOOLS. Surely you all never let DJhives "guide" you? I'm sure all of you already know to be attentive, cautious and analytical to the words of man? Do I need to explain this?
Listen to information, and then GUIDE YOURSELF to an analysis of it. Never take anybody as %100 percent true and righteous enough to guide you. No one but yourself will ever be a proper candidate for your guidance. Zero, you're making me sick with the "djhives did it, so it must be true" talk.

I agree with much of what you said here about the mental side of personal responsibility. Only the last remark is off. Surely anyone with a NEMESIS styled video would know the difference between INSPIRATION and TRUTH.

The name of this blog is save yourself for a reason. No matter who you listen to it is your job to do something with that information to benefit yourself. Nobody else is going to save you. Not me, not Nemesis, not Dante, only you.

That being said we also need to understand that when someone has something to teach of value we need to recognize it and learn from it the same way we would with real life experience. We only test the tale when we choose to experiment for proof of concept. The reason why I hold much of what Hives said to be true is that I can either observe the phenomenon in real life, like bubble tards and manipulated men. Or, I can test it like Induction and how to run a buisness.

IF you cannot test it THEN it is neither true or false. It would be like trying to design a test to see if god existed. You can't prove something when the data is skewed against the ideologies of a flawed intellect. You can't prove anything to a zeallot of any kind, christian or otherwise. I assure you, a zeallot I am not.

However I can seperate logic from sarcasim and Hives has alot of tounge in cheek fnords that alot of people miss. There is a little discord in there like the hacker incident and putting the entire blog in the corner and removing comments from non-members. Even he has an inner cabal.

Remember this???


Well, look at social networking in general. All of the people that were seen as loner computer geeks on bulletin boards suddenly became respectable bloggers by design! Now that everyone does it, the herd came to the internet.

Unless you all have an old geocities page floating around somewhere, most of us missed the REAL free internet. There was a time before blogging when people had to hand code the whole thing in HTML from scratch. This is the target audience that the first matrix movie was meant for.

Neo was that geeky loner, yet look again. He found Trinity through the old school 90's style BBS sites and actually tracked down Morpheus without search engines. Remember the pre-google internet? Before the hive was connected, the internet was free because it was like the old west. You had a Phone Number, IP address, and a Mac Address, but you either had to be a friend or a hacker to get all three. Most networks were unsecured because you couldn't even find the shit if you weren't an ex-employee. Now everything is easy to find but security and firewalls is commonplace. They had to protect it from the herd to come.

Think about all of the times you heard about hackers on tv or in the movies in the 90s. (The picture at the top of the page is a still image from the movie Hackers!) It was induction and fear, Y2K, induction and fear, online terrorisim, induction and fear, internet pedophiles, induction and fear, identity theft, even more induction and fear. Well look at blogging and understand that blogging is not a way to hack computers. Blogging hacks minds!

You could either look at a blog and find all of the person's emotional triggers. Or you could write a blog that stimulates a person's emotional triggers like Alex Jones or DJ Hives. Once you realize that chemical agenda you can reverse engineer it into a procedure (seperate the HOW from the WHY) You then can reproduce it however you want but insert your own message (INSPIRATION isnt always TRUTH) like the spin doctors on tv. You just have to find your target audience or as some call it "find your voice".

This is why I give Hives so much credit. He taught US like Slim taught him. Now I want to return the favor to others. So I am sure that by now you are wondering what WE get out of this.

Have you noticed what an egotistical thing blogging is? Just ranting down a page for hours displaying the magnificence of your own thoughts is as grandiose a display of self affection as public masterbation ever was. I'm writing my "inner-most thoughts" in public, and all of the ideas are of course 100% truthful and origional.

Of course not. If you would believe that last line you probably believe that wrestling matches aren't faked, the pirates are real, and that the electoral college picks presidents based on the people's votes. The reality is that WE say what we want you to hear! Sound familiar? Its straight out of the elite playbook! That is because blogs are a form of MEDIA.

Would you lie if it benefited you with no consequences? Of course you would. Before I lose all of my readers on this post, let me remind you that even this blog is a part of reality. Your trust in me MUST be VERIFIED!!! That is the burden of proof.

Test what I said and see if it works, same with DJ's and Dante's. Find sources to back up the claims, find evidence, put our ideas on trial. Otherwise just soak it all in and join the flock behind us. There will be a seat for you there in the back of the class but trust me sheeple will get nothing out of the Illumination but a tan. Why do you think that the Elite slaps us in the face with all of the symbollisim time and again and keeps it "hidden in plain sight". The sheeple sit and do nothing, thats why!

If you want to discover anything then lead, if you want to learn then follow, otherwise get out of the way. The leaders are here to discover because we choose the hard path. The leaders made the symbolls, because they were so powerfull that they created the gods in their image.

Let that soak in.

The elite were so powerfull that they created the gods in their image.

But what is a bible other than a blog? Look at the posts from Mark or John or Luke. Look no further because the writers were the gods, for they influenced the mortal minds for the rest of history! Do you think that Mark thought that Lukes posts kissed John's butt too much? HELL NO! They had a unified vision like the cabal that was started on the Hives blog.

Now think back to the idea of Unified Theory. Some said that I was attempting to write the new bible. Look at the blog's new form. I quickly realized that I was writing it wether I intended to or not. Even the bible says that "the word" came first. So I ask you all, who is up to the challenge of authoring posts here? Who is ready to place themselves under the microscope and withstand the burden of proof?

A special invitation is extended to the Lords and Ladies of this blog:
Dante, DeKn, Lady Anon, Komar, Sphere, Steve, Stevie


Anonymous said...

Zero -

I saw that you mentioned Kurzweil a few times previously. I had recently stumbled on him because I read an article about Singularity University, hosted by the NASA Ames research center.

Then today I accidentally found "The Singularity is Near" in the computer section at a bookstore. I just started reading it and it is fantastic.

What I'm finding fascinating is that the Singularity is the moment that biological intelligence can create an intelligence not biologically based and more intelligent. I haven't gotten too far in the book, so I don't know what he's going to say about it yet. But my instant thought about that is when that day comes, all biological systems will become irrelevant rather quickly.

The only way to survive will to be able to transform yourself into a hybrid by having your DNA replaced with nanobots, then eventually all your cells can be converted to non-biological forms. Life itself is too slow for intelligence to grow. The earth system has slow processes and uses so much energy in sustaining life. When, the currently unintelligent things (rocks, minerals, molecules) gain intelligence, they will gain more intelligence much more rapidly than our slow brains can gain anything. They also will not need to be bogged down with biological annoyances like eating, sleeping, pissing, and sh*tting.

The singularity is near, but it may mean the only way to survive is to become a machine.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeKn:EW said...

Great post Zeromessiah!

What you've said is so true indeed. I can see what you mean in life, and in the real reality. I've encounter this more and more each time I interact with the herd of this 21st century. I'm starting to see things as they appear before it appears in current time. Time holds no meaning when time doesn't mean anything to you anymore. That is what DJHives means when he said when you hold true freedom in life, time means something else to you now; Not your master's short leash to you.

Beep, Beeep, Beeeeep time to wake up sheeple, time for work.

"Who is ready to place themselves under the microscope and withstand the burden of proof?" -Zero-

reading this passagein the post brought fear onto me. I'm feeling fear right now just knowing what I plan to do. Typing this reply to your post I hold back the fear and going to take up this new challenge of yours; "I Will Accept" in helping put forth knowledge into this neo-bible.


Dante_Altair said...

awwww SHIIITT, you callin me out zero? lol jp. Perhaps you misunderstand that last statement. I'm almost 100 percent sure you know what i mean when i say, "this 'djhives said it, so it must be true' talk makes me sick." I'm sure you see the issue with beginning to talk and think like that. Its just like the obidient sheep who says, "The bible says it, so it must be true." Or, "The gov't says pirates did it, so it must be true." You know, shit like that.

ZeroMessiah said...

Calling you out?

I simply want to combine the power of the Lords to create a unified force. The theory brought me to another place and I realized that 1000 points of light and the CFR and all of the other organizations do the same thing.

I was mostly RECOGNIZING YOUR INTELLECT in that post rather than tearing you down. You are obviously not a sheep, so why feel like Im calling you out?

We are not here for the petty squabbles of the past. Unless the right to gauntlet is invoked, there is no debate here.

Dante_Altair said...

"awwww SHIIITT, you callin me out zero? lol JP."




JP=Just Playin' aka JK or JUST KIDDING

That quote referred to your statement about my last statement. that is all. I recognize your recognition.

ZeroMessiah said...

Jeez Im a little out of touch with the acronyms, my bad.

Seriously though why havent you left your E-mail yet?

With all my lords posting we could make this page blazing.

Where my Lords at?

Dante_Altair said...

you mean...

Where are your MAYOR MCCHEESES AT???


aPd. said...

i will..

'If you want to discover anything then lead, if you want to learn then follow, otherwise get out of the way.'

epic quote