Ever thought(you might be 'the homer') that your thought you have are all just noises to your mind? Nothing is yours and nothing will ever be yours?
-Give up, before you should even think of starting-
Yes noises, all your thoughts that you are going to have during your life span, even the thoughts you're having right now while reading my blog post....,
Yes noises, all your thoughts that you are going to have during your life span, even the thoughts you're having right now while reading my blog post....,
-Freedom isn't what you wanted or else you would of already found it-
IS just all thought-noises, nothing more than thought-noises someone had taught you what you needed to know. When you were at a very young age in your life, you were taught what you needed to know. All your memories was given to you by an outside influence nothing is truely yours.
-Wait for hope and change, before moving your fat ass-
Think about this for a moment before you rush into things..., Anything that is within your own skin is like"your own world, like earth is for humans of this world". Your earth is yourself. See how well yourself works just add some water and food, and it just keeps on running. That would be your inner self, your very own world. Now, we as little bacteria for this great earth we call home is something like us but just a bigger version of ourselves and it exist in another different reality than our own unless we tune into the voice that is trying to talk to us.
My thought-noises has already affected your way of thinking and acting. Just by reading this post.... Thanks you for partaking in this little bacteria experiment. You will all feel the change and hope tomorrow morning. Relax now and enjoy this beautiful thought-noise I give you.
Right..., I hope you didn't fall for what I've said above, if you did you are much more silly then I first thought you were. Go ahead and hug yourself no point fighting yourself. That isn't the way to achieve the goal you are after. You have to work as one with yourself and with the greater good of things('good' does not mean the same as what you think 'good' normally means. Don't think of 'good' as what it normally means, but think of what it really means). Do what you have to do to get what you have always wanted. My very special thought-noise to you..., -Enjoy-
Yes, excellent information DeKn.
Never thought of things that way.
I am currently formulating my post for this blog. It should be ready by the weekend.
No need to thank me for what I've not done. You're the one that aways had the power to do what you wanted. I've posted this more for my own meaning, my own way of thoughts that I see myself falling into and walking day and day in full of; The thought-noises all around me. Understanding them now is like a child discoverying something anew.
This blog will become a work of revealing, a collective soul. The more you seek the more you shall find.
But, I do not intend to spin you all in circles. Take your time Lucifer, no need to rush. I favor quality over quantity. Let your thoughts bloom...
Regarding the picture from above...
There are 35 towns in America named Springfield. (at one time probably 32...)
This means that the 33rd Degree freemason Matt Groening sees The Simpsons as the typical american family. Homer is the average american dad.
Something to think about...
Haha.. for sure seems like we are not very original when it comes to naming our city or town or even our streets. Damn every city has the same god dam street names from one city to the next. And we keep trying to be original as human haha. That makes me laugh. None of us is and will ever be original.
Useless..., Failed..., Stop trying...
p.s. we are here on earth for only ONE thing, and that one thing is "TO FUCK" and make more of us. We just got very creative at fucking because of our intelligence. We have our mating dance just like animals in the wild. We think we have consciousness because of our intelligence. We are only here for one thing and one thing only to fuck.
Only one thing, that is correct.
the main and only purpose is to reproduce.
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