DeKn:EW said...
"But you see everyone don't we all see the common image here in the reality we(ME) exist in right now? We only talk about the bad even the normal sheeple I encounter at work or just out partying they talk about the bad. Putting too much of our energy in the bad outcomes of things we talk about it day in day out. Look at the blogs that we are all in look at the writing that is in the blog the responds to the blog post. Everything is about something bad. It is almost like we've forgotten what it is like to talk about something good(love).Just a thought that was in my head I wanted to write down on paper."
If love is what we search for then we must first have good. For good is what we find favorable to us, yet this only proves 2 points.
Love is conditional, and love is a choice!
You only love that which suits you on a chemical level. Love is an emotional gratification by a chemical response to stimulation of the mind by the factors of the environment.
In other words, you like all are addicted to love and will make choices favoring love. We are all programmed by these chemical highs and lows and soon comes the greater weapon!
Place fear on one end.
Place love on the other.
Watch the motor run.
Fear repels, Love attracts, therefore love used with fear is
DIRECTION.The easiest way to get what you want from others is to make them love you. Once they have been induced by the smaller gifts that you have to offer than you will see bigger returns.
This is the love amplifier.
- - -
Look at a slot machine:
Imagine that you first sit down and put a coin in and it spits out five.
You recieve a jolt, something peaks your interest.
You do it again and it spits out ten.
Again, another jolt. In 2 tries you profited. Your emotions are leaning toward the machine.
You do it again and it spits out twenty.
Immediately your logic centers are overridden. Even though it is based on chance and probability your brain is wired to recognize patterns.
When the reality is x1=5; x2=10; x3= 20; x4=n*1:1000000000
Your brain sees it as 5 , 10 , 20 , Jackpot!!!
Your logic centers and emotional centers are working in tandem now.
You are now trapped.
- - -
Now imagine you are in a relationship.
Things are fresh and new.
You have a great girl. (or guy)
You have sex, and orgasim multiple times.
Immediately your brain is overloaded with a chemical high.
Your partner is great to you.
Your partner looks good, and pays their way.
You continue to have better sex as you find each others fetishes and erogenous zones.
Your partner is still good to you.
Your partner looks great. Your partner pays their way and remembers your birthday.
The sex is wonderful.
Your partner is starting to get a little pudgy.
Your partner is a little more blunt.
Your partner skips the check.
Your partner is a little less acrobatic in the bedroom.
You tell yourself that the honeymoon is over, and brush it off.
The sex declines, and now the weight is more noticable,
They are flat broke and
Suddenly, you hate the sound of their voice.
Surprise, withdrawls are a bitch aren't they?
- - -
The HIGH is all there is. Do not drag things out. All experience is temporary.
Humans are like any animal. We are chemical junkies.
This is why all power is chemical, because like sexual power, it all comes through induction and conditioning.
"Learn detachment, for it is the secret to love. When you seek to love freely all good things will come to you. You will attract that which is better for you because you will not hold onto lesser things. The ego will be hard for many of you to eradicate but through the eradication of pride you will learn to become free. The chains that bind you are not physical but mental." - ME!
Remember the part about detachment. I meant it. The hives and herds are committed experiences based on avoiding their fears.
A fulltime job:
fear of freelancing/failure to succeed + love of money and security = slave
fear of lonliness/failure to mate + love of sex and security = slave
Ownership in general:
fear of change + promise of permanent state = slavery
Failure to embrace change leads to greed. All fear comes from fear of change.
They seek to remove pain. (Hope)
Self preservation instincts kick in. (Greed)
Rapid positive change infatuates. (Boom)
More energy is spent to maintain it (Peak)
The situation is no longer profitable (Bust)
Rapid negative change is painful. (Crash)
They seek to remove pain. (Fear)
Hope is Fear concealed.
All of this is control based on fear and love throughput.
Hope is the unity of love and fear!
(Induction and Conditioning)
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So I see those of you who read the 100th post are scratching your heads about the brotherhood.
Isn't a brotherhood commitment Zero? Aren't you against commitment?
NO! Not when I like the rules! Not when I like the conditions!
Love is when rules are followed and conditions are met. Therefore if a brotherhood is based on rules than it is the only honest love you will ever know!
The greeks and romans knew it. That is why they still rule the world today through their descendants!
A brotherhood through all of its pageantry and dogma exists because of one thing and one thing only:
This is why all private organizations have hazing and rituals for the submissives at the lower levels. They are seeking people who will honor the oath even at cost to themselves!
The higher-ups would never do that to each other because they have surpassed those on the bottom rung.
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Why do we worship the sun? Fear
What is the mother earth/father sky thing? Sex
So why is it that all of the rituals revolve around religion, and all religion has sexual connotations? Drugs
I will explain, all of this mess.
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In ancient times the night was what kiled many. When night fell men dissapeared. The sun came and scared away all of the nocturnal creatures that came in the night. This was reality, this was nature, they were the predators.
The children who were in fear of this reality came to WOMAN for an awnser because while MAN was in the field working, it was WOMAN who tended to the young. WOMAN thought herself invincible since she bleed for DAYS without dying. It was she who saw the very power within herself to create life so it was she that was the giver of HOPE to the children.
She told them to have no fear for having seen many days she knew that the day would always come. This woman was the wise woman of the village, so she who had no fear was called WICCE for the WISE WOMAN. This was otherwise known as WITCH.
Since the men had worked the fields and she tended the hearth it was many days since she knew the fields. Sex and children were all that she knew. She explained the story of the world as she knew it through the characters of Mother earth (herself, female aspect, fertility, sex, night) and Father sky (her mate, male aspect, strength, support, day).
It was SHE who tended the fire and SHE who watched the sky. It was only later when men saw these cycles and patterns that they sought liberation from her SEXUAL POWER. It was man who saw her for what she truly was. A DRUG. This is why sex is symbolic of power.
MAN who worked the fields and cleared the land knew WORTCUNNING and knew what plants were safe to eat. The men who worked the forests sometimes became injured and used the power of the plants of the forest to heal their wounds. Not all plants were useful, but had other side effects that were beneficial. This was known as inebriation.
The MEDICINE MAN found a cure. It was in the herbs and mushrooms of the forest. He could achieve altered states of consoiusness without orgasim! Pleasure of the highest highs were had because they were the serpents who ate from the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE! This is where all of the ritual came from. Wether it was by peace pipe or sacred shroom. It was the working man who sought an end to slavery.
They soon formed a brotherhood of their own and sought a campaign to dismantle woman's hold upon the earth. This brotherhood was known as THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS. They used geometry to chart the rythyms of everything from the octaves of music, to the golden mean of art, to the cycles of the planet earth.
They developed simple machines like pulleys and levers and gears that later toiled for them. They were the champions of irrigation and turned agriculture into the first industry. The industrial age did not start with the factory, it started with the farmers and the first machines!
Finally these alchemists and astrologers and beastmasters, became chemists, astronomers, and even biologists. They had learned the rythyms of the earth and it was they that would inherit its bounty through knowledge. It was the founders of these that were the prototype for the Illuminatti and other orders of today.
What once was prey to fear had conquered it, what once was prey to emotion had conquered it, what once was prey was now through knowledge a predator. Why is the question of prey, How is the question of the predator.
It is on this chemical principal of the human animal that all truth is based. When you evolve past the chemical nature you will thrive upon this earth as an ascended being of the light. To remain trapped within this chemical matrix is the prison of the mind.
I could spend hours and days explaining all of the why in videos and books. I could pour over events till I was blue in the fingers. I could go on with my daily trade of disseminating information only to put out more of the same negative energy.
Or like DeKn suggested I could do something positive.
I could simply reveal HOW to live.
I could simply tell you today, HOW to save yourself:
Strength through Knowledge.
(ignorance is weakness)
Flexibility through Detachment.
(resistance to change is slavery)
Honesty for the brotherhood and the self.
(brotherhood is the only peace)
It is through the application of the three simple rules that you will dismantle the chemical hold that the ancient masters have had on your mind. Long ago the psychologists learned how to use words and hypnosis to release the chemicals within your brains to affect your moods, thoughts, desires, and actions. All of these former secrets are in plain sight and in many books that you can study. Most of you have already done this, but it is in this doctrine that you will unlock the secrets to finding REAL love and fulfillment in life.
The truth about any brotherhood is that it has purpose. There has to be a common goal or theme that unites the men of the world. This is the goal of the packs and the tribes.
What I propose is that you make a pack of hunters. Virile, attractive, charismatic men and women united by their common goals. Not a herd but a cabal devoted to promoting your vision for reality.
I am repeating myself for a reason. I want you to tell me what you are doing to make this happen. I want to know what you are doing to save yourself.
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Do not struggle to impress ,
your honesty with yourself will determine your success.
You will be treated as brothers and sisters.
This will be your new golden age.
Welcome to your second rennaisance!