The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Inflation of the currency.

The buck stops here.

I will be restoring the value of the currency by reducing inflation.

Authors Beware.
The blog is being rebooted.
Check your Emails.
In the meantime, watch this post about the Moleneux bloodline of the 17th century:
Yes, Freedomain Radio's Moleneux is also descended from a member of a brotherhood...
This does not make him an agent... or does it?


Anonymous said...

Uhohh, is Zero ready to step into the big leagues and take on the monolith that is Molyneux?He is open to debating.Whose side do you think he is an agent for?To me he is a smart guy in his basement that got tired of the corporate game and opened his own business.Many of his ideas meld into what you say on your blog.

I will say he is very productive with all his videos and books.I will say he is an agent for himself
with no financial debt and is just doing his own thing.

Maybe you can show me where he would be an agent for some hidden group or financiers.I am not saying that is out of the question.

ZeroMessiah said...

LOL its a joke. I really wanted you guys to see the vid to see his points about the 33 intellectuals coming together or his ideas on the 17th century.

Agent or not I'd back him up on a lot of what he talks about.

The inflation of currency referred to the authors of the blog, not Molyneux...

DeKn:EW said...

hehe you plan it so well Zero.

Continue doing what you do best.


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