The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



" It is great that you were able to touch your nature~self Zero. Also in doing so you get to experience something new, something mind altering. Going to a club that would be an interesting experience. What type of club is it? is it HipHop, Rave, Dance Studio... Latin club?"

In response to Lord Dekn's question:

(Not my vid BTW)

I went to the local Goth club in Tampa last night. The Castle is a fun little place nestled behind palm avenue in Ybor City. Its a small 2 story bar with a dancefloor and a rich history of S&M and costumed regulars such as Batman, PeterPan, and the beloved Senator.

Clearly this place subscribes to the same notions as any anime convention. Namely to throw reality completely out the window. In my opinion this was the perfect place to test just how well my compassionate predator schtick worked on real people.

So why is the post called Kevin? He was the only one who got it, right away. While everyone else was partying (including his wife) He wore plain clothes and sneakers. He sat there nursing drinks and smoking regular cigarettes.

Clove ciggarettes are this clubs local affectation, think of them as the GOTH equivalent of fine dining in outside seating. Same with absinthe, Same with Tripp pants of a hundred chains, Same with 200$ boots of a thousand buckles. Its all a fucking game of pretend. Nature is naked therefore being yourself is practically being naked!

Nudists realized this until it became a subculture in itself. Just like being an athiest, rational thought even became subversive! Funny how bondage and discipline factor in... (disciples in chains maybe?)

So I asked him why he was sitting there while everyone else was having a good time. He replied that He only came to drink and fuck. He cant drink because of his bloodsugar (diabeties maybe?) and He's married so thats covered.

He dosent dance so I asked him why he hated it so much.


I love it when the truth spills out.

The same thing is going on there that is happening in the Philly clubs, just a different flavor.

They are still playing classic goth top 40 (s)hits from the 80s and 90s like Depeche Mode, Rammstein, and Nin. GOTH IS DEAD like everything else. The only difference is that they carry the supposed prestige of being the only goth club in Tampa.

Appearance oriented posers and their Dominatrix preds groving to the tune of a dead generation. Sadly though the place has an undeniable charm and style that keeps me coming back irregularly. My intention is not to write an advertizement for them though. The point is that sub-culture and alternative culture remind me of a famous quote.

Albert Einstein once said:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

How is subculture and alternative lifestyle any less sheep like? Remember the picture of the raver and the fire dancer? Same displays and mating dances. You really cannot escape the rythyms of life and nature.

So later in my conversations with Kevin I dropped the bomb on him. His wife was a sheep, and no matter what he did he'd be trapped. Her room is full of popculture, she only thinks that it isn't because it's from... JAPAN! Anime freaks, DND nerds, GOTHS, and even Schnapple Schipping hippies in berkenstocks, ALL subscribe to culture.


All life boils down to it. Culture is experience through others eyes. Other elites who came before you will always invent, Sheep will always follow. Status is how to Eat them in this case, but you have heard this all before.

He knew it and went even further to evidence her immaturity. I went into that club with the idea that I would have a few drinks and go home the same guy. This time I realized that there is intelligence and humility in the oddest places.

In my short lived return to my past I realized why I'd left it there. I remembered that blue haired kid fondly but an outward expression is only that, skin deep. After shots of Jager and puffs of clove my stomach turned. Not for the taste but for the insanity of it.

I got just as fucked up smoking the cheap ones drinking grain alcohol shots and coke chasers the day before. I had a better time singing and jamming out. If I had a little practice maybe I could start a band again and open some local wallets in my direction.

The path of a true individual is harder to swallow for some but once the truth has been revealed, you'll be partying better on the cheap playin' mame games like the rest of us. Trust me, once the laser lights go out and the flood lights hit on last call, all the makeup and clothing reveals what truly is there. Sheep in wolves clothing.

To be a misfit through culture is like switching from pepsi to mountain dew. No matter what you are still drinking from the same cup as the rest of us. Sometimes its better to just drink cheap tea and save your energy.

Ironic how this song was playing that night:

Enjoy the silence
Depeche Mode:

Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Cant you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm


DeKn:EW said...

Interesting experience you had at the event. Strange to say but I was able to feel the energy through your post. It is like the energy you felt that night at the club. You transfer that energy into your post writing. Through my reading those words on this page, I was able to pick up that energy.

Nice... experience you had, it help open your view point and now you're able to see things differently than before.


Sphere said...

"This time I realized that there is intelligence and humility in the oddest places."

Coincidentally I mentioned this 2 days ago in a conversation.

I used to be an arrogant cock, really. I was even stupid enough to buy clothes from polo sport, hilfiger and all that CRAP. Back then I would not even want to hear, what a bum (for example) has to say. Only people with status would be on my list.

Since I changed, I now find intelligence in the strangest places. Thoughts that circle in my head, I hear them from other people.

For example, I work 2 days as a barman in a cheap ass bar. Most of the people here are workers, non-educated people. And 2 weeks ago, I had a 3 hour conversation with 2 Maroccan people. They didn't even talk my language, but we managed with english and french.

Just wanted to share that with you.

Peace out

JediTheOne said...

Sphere Said: "Coincidentally I mentioned this 2 days ago in a conversation."

There are no "Coincidents". :)


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