legendforce2 A.K.A Titansurge said...
"It is true what you say Zero.
It is PRESSURE that turns COAL into DIAMONDS.
People think that plastic surgery shall fix everything, when it really doesn't. In fact, it can even make them uglier (as a result of cheating nature and being irresponsible). Just look at all of the stars and their ugly, artificial faces and bodies.
So what will you do? Take the pain or stay away from it like the scared little pussy sheep you are?
The descision is yours."
Pain is our measure of change. You will not feel alive unless you can measure change. Life will feel like a waiting room with blank white walls unless change (stimulation) is present. Your actions (response) are based on that. This is why waiting seems to take forever, nothing changes.
The truth of life is found in how we handle or deal with that pain.
Pain is the secret to all things emotional. Pain creates need. Need creates change.
Therefore to manipulate you must create need by working with pain.
You can either choose violence (stick) Or, you can choose salvation (carrot)
Either way you manipulate pain to steer others perceptions and actions.
You can be a benevolent giver, or you can be a malevolent conniver. Either way you are going to be given status based on how you cause others to deal with pain.
Like the preists and medicine men of old or the politicians and doctors of today. What we see in todays culture is a product of what we avoid. The same for athletes and soldiers. The warriors path is based on dealing with and causing pain.
The difference between a professional wrestler and a cage fighter is the same as the difference between a politician and a general. While one appears to be fighting for something, the latter one is really in command of an actual change. While one appears powerful the other one actually excercises that power. Power comes from control of the self first and control of reality second.
In other words the police and military have always been the true power behind the government. They are the stick for when the politicians carrot does not fool you. They are the last resort when power over the mind fails. The mind is the land of illusion, it is the body that is reality.
So why bring up violence at all? Violence is what we really have to face or fear. Violence is the last resort when the manipulation fails. You know that violence is coming because people are starting to wake up and when that happens the only way to break the concentration of a sharpened mind is emotion. One of the most powerful emotions besides love is fear. This is why another 9-11 like tragedy or even a plague is necessary for the elite. In extreme cases the only resort is to kill off the infection of truth before it spreads. Therefore because you cannot kil ideas you must kill the minds that hold them (flouride, public school, tv) or the bodies (food poisoning, chemtrails, 9-11, war, etc.)
When the sheep start to get a brain, who is going to work a 9-5 job or mandatory overtime to keep this carnival running? Humans really are batteries for the machine that run on a special kind of fusion. That is a loose quote from the matrix, but let me decode it. Human energy is gained by leaders when herding the masses together. If the sheeple woke up permanently, the city would not come crumbling down but the infrastructure that runs and supports it would change drastically. However you slice it though power is concentrated in the hands of the intelligent, the beautifull, and the artistic. Mind, Body, and Soul.
The elite do not keep people asleep because they need to. They go camping often and know basic survival skills and have resources horded away. They know how to hunt and grow food. They also know how to manipulate. They live in reality.
In fact it is the interdependency of the sheep that makes it impossible for several generations who lived with technological comfort to live without it. This need was created because they need the city to live. They get water from a tap, food from a fridge, clothing from a store, work from a company, money to support them. Without the civilization provided by the government and elite they would be the ones to perish. Like the slaves of old it is not their fault for failing to rise up, psychologically it is the only life that they know.
Cheating nature does come at a price. The artificial never pleases the mind truly as much as a real experience would. The mind needs to feel that it is real. This is where pain comes in. Avoid pain with credit and you only build a dam. What would have been a river ends up a torrential flood when the flow of currency is postponed. Likewise plastic surgery only patches up what old age strips away. Ever see a 60 year old woman with implants? It looks like a pair of baseballs in tubesocks. Artificial reality will never compare to actual reality. You could ride a rollercoaster in a themepark or you could learn to fly. There are tons of examples but you are smart enough to tell the difference.
So what happens to culture and status? Look below. It is still there. Nothing changed. The methods of the mind change culture very little. The same things are satisfied artificially in the system. There is no point for the sheep to reject the system that serves them so well phisically and psychologically. Simply put, If you care for the Mind and the Body, the Soul comes with it.
I've always thought about how easy it would be for the powers that be to pull the plug on the whole thing. Everything runs on two currencies - oil and money. If you jacked up the price of oil, only people with solar paneled self sufficient ranches or real survival skills would make it out in one piece.
Of course, it may not be in their interest to pull the plug. They want to squeeze and pressurize the herds at certain times and control the alchemical or evolutionary reaction and mold us into their design.
Things really have changed in a century, and we have become the pathetic feline domesticus. I washed 4 loads of laundry yesterday, and my dryer was breaking down. And to think that my great grandparents only had washboards and clotheslines and 9 kids instead of 3. I've been growing some things in my garden. It takes 90 days for squash to come up. It's amazing how much labor it takes to make one measly salad at the end of summer. I just don't understand how we survived as a species. It just seems like we're some freak breed that couldn't have possibly made it in nature without some owner taking care of us. I don't know if this is right, but I read that 25% of women died in childbirth back in the day. Kids' heads are just too big for hips. My first birth was so painful, I would literally have rather been in an auto accident. Did all this naturally, by chance, occur? Apes just suddenly learned to talk, and the ability to talk was worth the evolutionary tradeoff of 25% of women dieing when reproducing?
Our modern life definitely avoids a lot of pain. Just surviving a hot Atlanta summer day without air conditioning can show you how soft we've become.
Zero, this is a great post.It is all about reality.What use do I have from 2 gb e-book on my pc, if I don't use the knowledge in the real world?
It fades away.
The pain should be used as motivation, not a blockade.
Donny, the people were stronger, they lived in the nature.They never dwelled in their houses, instead spend all day outside breathing fresh air.They ate healty food which and were physicaly active.
And they didn't jerked.
Yes, we have become very soft.I was to the barber a few months ago, and before me there was an 60 old man.He was from a village, it could be seen from his behavior.He talked about how his penis is going down.When the barber finished him, the man hand shake the barber and me, although i see him first time in my life.His hand was so strong, I know that if he wanted he could have turned mine to dust.And I'm 18.
Reality will make you all stronger.
Darkoh, As far as the oil and money. Alternative eneergy is in the works and we are changing over to the amero eventually anyways. Money and fuel will always change. The truly elite know that.
Back in roman times they used salt for curency and lamp oil was the main fuel. Look into the story of the first Chanukah for the evidence. You already know the expression "any man worth his salt..."
Solid, Start working out. Do it. Pick up the book Body for Life by Bill Philips. Start tending a garden. All of the knowledge you need is online. Grab it!
You do not have to live that way especially at 18! Get a grip strengthener or slowly raise and lower a weight with only your fingers by letting it roll down the palm and the tips. With practice you will do several reps effortlessly.
Sweet post, it is funny how times changed the way we see things how we live. Who we are. Soon we will only know how to find information online and no where else. Like the days of old forever gone now that we have only the days of modern things. Soon they will control the information we can only see and what we cannot see. If you've never been able to find this blog site you would not think any of those idea existed at all. Tomorrow might be the day when this happens the people of the new will never know the people of the old. You will only know what they want you to know.
Solid Snake work as a installer (carpet) they will build up your strength fast and give you money also. Why join the gym that makes you pay them money instead of a gym that you have to work and you will get paid to workout. Isn't that the best gym ever? That is what I've done I join a gym that pays me to workout. I was weak before but not anymore. You can't go wrong when you get paid to workout.
Zero, I downloaded the book imediately and will read it all.
Dekn, thanks to the advice, to both of you.
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