The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





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Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Efficiency is key

Most of the human population has become a detriment to the design of industrial economics. The only way to truly slash infrastructure is to end the lives that require the beauracracy in the first place. The only true way to eliminate the excess spending is to eliminate who the money is wasted on.

The reason why degrees are useless is because fake jobs have been created as a support mechanisim to cradle the teeming masses. The jobs pay like real jobs would but many of the jobs today serve little practical purpose other than shuffling papers.

If today as I speak to you a terrabyte drive is available for 150$ then very soon within my lifetime computers will be able to process and direct the flow of information far better than these paper shuffling nincompoops.

When that shift occurs the humans will be out of work that does not involve large scale physical labor, manufacturing, and service sector work. I see it all the time, I used to work for tech support. IT guys were getting layed off left and right along with middle-managers.

When the machine can run itself, then what purpose does that excess population serve?

It serves no purpose. That is reality.

So what happens to the useless eaters is at best humane. You could either starve the whole population or cut off the cancer to save the productive crop.

People must die for the betterment of the human species as a whole. That is reality.

Population reduction categorized by usefullness will result in a higher quality of human life and human beings. Our evolution as a species stagnates because of politically correct emotional drivel, and spineless policy directed at placating the defective minority.

If we as a species are to truly evolve steps must be made to better the whole and not the individual. Concensus must be achieved regardless of total consent, and humanity must be managed if we are to conserve the resources and maximize the beneficial potential of our species.

Why do the elite use light and illumination as a metaphor?

Have you ever seen a sickly tree in the shadow of another tree? It is the excess population. It is the weed that hinders the growth of the healthy tree.

Only those in the light will survive. That is reality.


Anonymous said...

Eye opening input as usual.Well done.

DeKn:EW said...

Great Post Zero. True to the point one will have to weed that garden before everything gets out of control.


LadyAnon said...

true indeed.

Anonymous said...

great post zero, id have to say your best in a while..keep up the good work


owl, how will growing your own garden in the future become impossible?

Gentle_Life said...


Because every food stuff and seeds will be patented and privately owned. Farming will be corporatized. So called independent farmers will work for the corporation. They are not only patenting genetically modified seeds, but all the seeds. Any food growing by individuals will be banned.

Why do u think they are planning to microchip the population?

Now these things are not going to happen overnight. It will be implemented incrementally. They will take control step by step. As usual, people will not care.

LadyAnon said...


LadyAnon said...


still you are not explaining how they can patent "all seeds" especially the non-engineered seeds? explain.

growing food for one person, I, takes only a small area. unless they go door to door. by the time they reach such extreme measures in future, i'll be dead and gone.

Gentle_Life said...


Because they are POWERFUL. That is why they will do it. It is not for money, it is for power. In other words total control (Power). Powerful makes the rules, not the weak!

If you think you will be dead by then, you don't need to worry. Surely, future generation will have to go through that.

Powerful can hire bunch of intellectuals to do the work! Mafia rules! This I am saying out of my own experience. I have more knowledge than my manager. Still he rules over me, because he has power.

You need to research more on how they will do it :) The answer is simple.

Why do you think hives can block and ban on his blog. Because he has power in that domain. But he doesn't have power outside his domain.


ZeroMessiah said...

Lady Anon

"Why do you think hives can block and ban on his blog. Because he has power in that domain. But he doesn't have power outside his domain."

Then why are you talking about him here?

Something to think about...

LadyAnon said...


i see what you mean. why do you think i won't have any children? because i don't want any stake in that future.



is that question directed to me or theowlx3?

ZeroMessiah said...

Lady Anon, power means control over thought and action. The thoughts and actions you have expressed are like that of an addiction. I was merely stating that DJHives has you enthralled. Look up the word Thrall fro the true meaning...

LadyAnon said...


he has no power over my thoughts and actions. i mentioned his new website on the day i found out. march 8th, 09. just a fuck you to all of you who thought i along with others should be kept in the dark and off hives' site.

this is very interesting. how am i in a mental servitude to djhives? i mean, i go there and read his stuff like any of y'all. i like what he says most times but not all. i mention him like any of y'all do. nothing special there. y'all react differently because i'm a woman.

come on, zero. don't try to tell me that i want to fuck him, like some other person once insinuated. with his confidence, sure, he sounds like he could be a good fuck but so are all of you guys. nothing special about him.

but how am i more addicted to him than any of you?

what differentiates my addiction from yours?

in fact, i stopped posting there altogether. i got worn out by his continuos deletions. he won that battle.

are you indirectly asking me to stop any mention of him here?

Tiredwolf said...

LadyAnon, you follow Djhives site for the same reason all the others do. He gives vent to all your anger's at the world that is now.
Most, if not all of you have not fallen under the magicians spell and for that reason have been ridiculed and thought unkindly of, by those dullards around you. Now that THEIR world is falling apart, Hives and all his readers take great delight in savouring every detail of that fall. He really should take his own advice and RELEASE HIS ANGER at the world that made him what he is. The system that created these sheep is
crumbling all around. You deserve your laugh, move on and create a world that you would like and stop re-creating the old. I suckled from his tit for a time too, it was fun but time for me to evolve
some more. The Elite and the Sheep
are a dying bred. Let them die!

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