I have copy pasta the "Live in the Talent" article from Pook's mill here. I really enjoyed this entry from Pook."
Monday, June 09, 2008
Live In The Talent
Aristotle said that man has two peaks that are accompanied by intense pleasure: sexual intercourse and thinking. The human soul is a kind of ellipse and its phenomena are spread between its two foci that display our tropical variety and ambiguity.
This will be no surprise to those who understand sexual transmutation. The great salesman, as the great artist and great entrepreneur, tends to harness the sexual impulses not unlike a sailboat being powered by the wind. Transmutation also gives a reason for long term sexual relationship, i.e. marriage, for the husband is transmuted in that his energy is more direct, his world caught up more in that 'electric' world that is created when we fall in love, and the wife the same. But what if we do not get who we love? Is all lost? We should put trust in His handiwork as Nature tends to work even when our misunderstandings say otherwise. Even with a lost love, the man (or woman) enters a transmuted state whose memory can be recalled on.
This elliptical nature between sexual intercourse and thinking should explain a seeming contradiction: why great men tend to seem simultaneously wild sexually yet celibate often. The cause and effect is not the intercourse but the state of high sexual being within the man. This high state of sexual being does lead to great thoughts and, also, does lead to sexual liaisons. The latter can, sometimes, destroy the former but not always. We can watch Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson do great things of thought while their highly charged sexual natures tended to lead them to various ladies' beds. And to those greats that self-defined themselves as 'gay', they don't mean gay in the modern sense. They feared women would remove such transmutation from them and didn't have such fear with men.
It also explains why great writers, thinkers, artists, and businessmen are 'weird' and 'nuts' to the general public. However, it is a grave mistake to correlate 'weirdness' and 'nuts' to greatness. Most of the time, a nut is just a nut.
Freud saw only one focus in the soul, the same one as the brutes have, and had to explain all psychology's higher phenomena by society's repression. Freud didn't really believe in the soul but in the body with its passive instrument of consciousness, the mind. It is a blunted vision of the higher phenomena as illustrated by his crude observations about art and philosophy. Freud is now mainstream. Not only are the pimps and sluts dressed in the higher elliptical clothes once reserved for aristocrats, they use Freudian language as explanation.
The context that sexual intercourse is the peak of our lives and Human existence, which it *has* to be if change over time is nothing but consistent gene swapping, creates Humans who, naturally, want to experience the peaks in life so therefore gravitate toward sexual intercourse for the sake of sexual intercourse. Young people, who for their lives only recognize that being controlled by nature is the march of progress, have not yet understood as older people do that nature must be harnessed. Most will never understand in their lifetimes.
So what is the problem in this? The higher state of the soul, the elliptical end from sexual intercourse, is what I identify as 'talent'. Everyone has talent, a yearning drive to do something than live a life of an animal. Even the pimps and sluts have this yearning as well. When context never allows the soul to reach for talent but only sexual intercourse, often in an environment where this context is dominant (such as the modern world today) or when sexual intercourse comes too early in life and cuts the cord to the elliptical talent above, knowledge is never sought yet the person is filled with 'opinions'.
The events goes as follows:
-The young person either has a too soon sexual experience or too many that cements his context or he/she lives in an environment where the context is that the peak of human existence is sexual intercourse (and the 'talent' doesn't exist).
-The cord to knowledge and the 'talent' are snipped. The person can become skilled and even smart and thrive in today's economy. Yet, the person will never ever walk in the same realm that Bach, Plato, Shakespeare among others all did. They will walk past the ruins without wondering what went on ("And why should we, Pook?" Well, such wonder is what the Renaissance was all about).
-These snipped are literally so. They are sterile in the way of the soul. Even though their context is that the soul does not exist, they still long for something above the life of an animal. They desire their life to have meaning. At a young age, many think it will result in marriage and children. They realize this isn't the case.
-The snipped then proceed to make their lives worth meaning. No one wants to live an empty life. Thus, they become the perfect fodder for mass movements as detailed by Eric Hoffer's "True Believer" book be it Nazism, Communism, Environmentalism, Feminism, MGTOW, Christianity, nationalism, liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, anarchism, and so on. Interestingly, each and every person in the above says the exact same thing: "History will record our cause as true and just."
-As they age, they become obsessed with history in either re-writing it "this is how it really happened!" or in pointing at it "this is a historic event!".
If one doesn't want the above, then one needs to strive to live in the talent. Do not mistake to be LITT to mean seeing the elliptical opposite as destructive or that celibacy is the way. Living in the talent is all about being sexually charged and directing your energies to that talent. It does not mean not sleeping with women, it means not dedicating your life to sleep with women. It also means rejection of the context that sexual intercourse is the only peak of existence. It means striving towards excellence which is something bulls and geese cannot do (but even cattle can go their own way).
Talent already lives in you so you ought to live in the talent. No matter where you are, you'll always feel at home.
posted by Pook at 12:15 AM
Remember when I challenged you to start a buisness instead of working for one? Same thing with movements, religions, and the like. The sexual nature hidden within us is simply an extension of the courtship behavior of animals. Women want us to prove our worth. Men who realize a way to harness that energy consistently find that they are their own transistor, a small amount of effort coupled with a powerful drive will give momentum to the merest of efforts.
Learning to paint takes years but the act of painting takes but a few hours.
Learning to write takes years but the act of writing takes days at a time.
Learning to play music takes years but somtimes a song is written in mere hours.
The obvious keys to success are learning and drive. Learning takes drive, and drive will allow you to follow through.
When sex comes easy how much develops in the mind? Precious little. Looking at those who were the great minds of the ages one sees a pattern. They are usually phisically weak and ugly.
Stephen Hawking is the perfect example (fuck being PC). He is a little deformed man trapped in a chair for life. Think of all the pent up sexual frustration boiling within him. He never had the experience of the playboy lifestyle.
Hugh Heffner is the prime example of the opposite. He was relatively good looking in his youth and chose to surround himself with bitches. Now hes just a doddering old man with boring stories. His empire was built on gratification and thus no knowledge was gained. He merely knows how to run a magazine, he will never have an interest in exploring the universe or higher knowledge.
If you have had an easy time in life, of course you will become comfortable and empty. This is the sexual euqivalent of the bubbletards only once you age past the point of your looks all is lost for good. The loss of momentum catches up with them and the emptiness had is a symptom of the fact that nothing was developed in its place, no savings (knowledge = currency) and no backup plan (drive = success). They are literally dead in the water.
Those who prove their worth will survive and thrive while those simply living on credit (free induction) will fail. It works in many fields, not just the housing boom.
So, if you seek the easy life know that you are only robbing your future.
Of course most of you would not be here if this was the case...
Very enlightening there Zero. Thanks for that thought. I've been living the way you have said lately and I see the different from before and now. It is almost like I am doing an experiment on myself and the end result looks good.
good analysis except i do not agree with your heffner example. He is a mastermind/pioneer of the "sex sells" strategy. It seems boring to you perhaps, because quite frankly you may be looking for successful stories of ugly men to secure yourself of your own appearance. However this is just a probability and I have no idea what you look like.
Heffner is going to die a pimp.
Higher knowledge can cover many things, including heffner's pioneering sexual amplification method to induce the masses.
Hell, he may or may not know it but thats what he has accomplished.
To be honest I'm a bit disappointed that someone like you would overlook these things.
"The person can become skilled and even smart and thrive in today's economy. Yet, the person will never ever walk in the same realm that Bach, Plato, Shakespeare among others all did. They will walk past the ruins without wondering what went on"
How do you not see the sheepleness in this statement?!?
I cant stress enough keeping an open mind and taking in all sources of knowledge. for fucks sake, these are men of the past and were incredible at their times, fine, however there ARE revolutionary men in the present. The person who wrote this is a dumbass stuck in the past. knowledge is dynamic. Stay put in one era and you begin to limit yourself. Admiring the past is good, but dont stop there!
"so if you seek the easy life know you are only robbing your future"
has heffner or hawking done this? neither has. both will die as legends respectfully in their own fields of mastery. Their future lives on...
If you recall even hives called heffner a victim of the harem he keeps. Esther Vilar would Agree.
Pimpin' ain't ezay
O rly?
Well I disagree with both as well then. Big whoop wanna fight about it? lol.
You are surprising me even more zodiac. I know you just did not respond with a, "well he said/she said" argument. You might as well say, "well jesus and the virgin mary said this, so it has to be true."
There is no way you are truely like this, who are you trying to fool?
Hefner is a stupid bastard for glorifying feminism.He Beyoncied generations of women with his perfect airbrushed cuntardary.He is a main reason for the betatization of malehood.To see him lying around with those 3 dumb cunts like he luvs em makes me ill,he actually has conversations with them LOL.Hefner FAIL.
yeah!^ Screw Hefner! that robber baron. Blame that fucker for betatizing weaker males! His mastery of sheperdry sickens me! What a loser, hanging around with those busty bubbleheads. I mean wtf! he lives in a playboy mansion! He might as well be homeless! Yeah, Hefner FAIL.
LOL you people crack me up in such a way that if I did crack up you couldnt glue me back together like a fallen antique ceramic lamp and the aantique shop owner would say, "You break you buy!".
Actually I'm a Guccione/Flynt man.
I see then that you'd rather be dead or be deadwood.
Yeah ,like Hefs still sportin wood,not.
dependency chronotrigger keeps him up to par with large doses of viagra. lol
all the viagra in the world will never get larry or guccione "up".
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