The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]


Feedback from the owl. IN TECHNICOLOR!

"There is no CERTAINTY." 

This is the foundation of skepticisim.

"1)The Matrix is not just a concept. How is it a Concept? When you are talking about the new world order and reading William Cooper you should already know what is The Matrix along with everyone else on this blog."

Think about the war on crime or the war on drugs. You cannot resist a concept, only individuals who hold a concept to be true. You can detain or kill millions but the concept still remains, because you cannot resist a concept.

Why do you think Hives said you cannot resist the Illuminati? The Illuminatti is a concept! You can't fight them because the concept is a THOUGHT PROGRAM

You can only KILL the INDUVIDUAL, but the Illuminatti lives on!

Why do you think in the movie The Matrix, anyone could become an agent?

Induction, brainwashing,manipulation, whatever you call it you are only re-writing the program in the human brain.

"2) Do a search on GOOGLE and figure out what is safe to eat. I can’t fish for you!!!"

I wanted you to display your knowledge on toxins and nutrition. That was the point! You were supposed to prove it, hence more skepticisim! You have to have base information to start with, not just a randumb sample. I was asking you because I wanted to test what your versoin of truth was!

Be skeptical to test the information, then experiment. If GOOGL isn't part of The Matrix, I don't know what is...

3) If you know the answer to 1), you will know why Blog is a part of it. I just used blogging as an example in the comment. I am not against Blogger or blogging.

Obviously you're not against blogging, that is why I asked WHY ARE YOU HERE?


This is why I question things. Not to rile you up, (although I must say you have the ego for induction) But, I wanted to get results! Like GOOGLE I picked your brain. Its why I have the Blog! This is my GOOGLE for information exchange. This is why I'm here.

You dont need GOOGLE!!! along time ago there was this place called the library where people used to pick up stacks of paper that were stiched together called books. You did not need to plug them in to read them, and the information was also free.

You don't even need books or other people, if like the watchers, you can observe and experiment!


The only thing that you said that held any major weight was that small philosophical statement:


The beauty in that statement makes all the difference.


You are right I am no authority, but you must admit that through intellect, authority is a little obsolete...

Send me your E-mail if you wish to contribute a post of your choice.

The awnsers to the questions were unimportant, it was always the questions themselves that mattered.

True knowledge is always hidden for those who look for it.


 THEOWLx3 said...


You are right that the Matrix is a concept also. A concept (an idea or a thought) precedes its manifestation in the physical world through medium (Individual or People). In that context I was saying that the Matrix is not just a concept. 

Just as Democracy was/is a concept, which has manifested. Communism was/is a concept that has manifested. New World Order is a concept which is about to manifest.

I must agree, you are referring to causative factor (i.e. concept) which is much more powerful. The idea (thought program or concept) is a cause and manifestation of that idea is an effect.


The bullet would be nothing but a pebble without the gun.

Thank you for posting.


ZeroMessiah said...

Due to the absoloute lack of comments on this post I will be deleting it eventually.

Gentle_Life said...


You are right that the Matrix is a concept also. A concept (an idea or a thought) precedes its manifestation in the physical world through medium (Individual or People). In that context I was saying that the Matrix is not just a concept.

Just as Democracy was/is a concept, which has manifested. Communism was/is a concept that has manifested. New World Order is a concept which is about to manifest.

I must agree, you are referring to causative factor (i.e. concept) which is much more powerful. The idea (thought program or concept) is a cause and manifestation of that idea is an effect.


LadyAnon said...


LadyAnon said...

don't delete, zero. sometimes my mind is so slow it needs time to think. i'm slow like that, you should know this from my previous posts. lol.

the chemical dumb down has done it's job on my drain cells. i used to drink lots of tap water before i woke up. give me time to think before you pull this good post.

LadyAnon said...

okay zero and owl,

i have no real intellectual contribution to the post. but one thing i know for sure is that it's a good post. everything that's going on is in our minds. theories we make reality.

is that good enough for you two?

Tiredwolf said...

Spot on LadyAnon, thats why there is soooooooo much info on the web
about the NWO. To help birth it of
course, it matters not whether you are for or against, your attention
ergo your thoughts are all that are required to aid its transition
to reality.

Tiredwolf said...

Zero, your posts have meaning and there are many who read and do not comment. Look at all these non-commenters that suddenly appeared when Hives said he was going private, and bare in mind the short window of oportunity that was
given. Many missed the boat and you bore the brunt of their quest to jump back on the band-wagon. Also note that I and many others respected the integrity of your blog and did not make that request
of you.
Watch the film V for Vendetta, and how he cures the young woman from
her fear. Listen carefully to what
he tells her at the end of her ordeal. I am still trying to find a
way to help my friend Hives to release his anger. If he does'nt he
will get cancer or at the very least artritis. There must be balance in all things. Its the least I could do for him, as he helped me release my own anger at society and the sheep, upon which
that society is built. I no longer felt soo alone and tired and knew
that there were others like me in the world at large. And I no longer give my thoughts to the NWO
or even the sheep. That was a huge leap forward for me and I still have a long way to go, in this never ending journey. May I never be perfect!

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