The Library

Spiritual wisdom tempered by scientific knowledge will become the salvation of the intellect. If we can just approach a mutual understanding of these higher concepts through critical thinking, and break through the conditioning and abuse of our psyche, the revolution will be won within us all. We will have truly saved ourselves.





Awaiting Contributors...

Am I Paranoid?

The Cyberpunk Manifesto v1 [HD]



You know what I'm talking about, any thoughts???


ZeroMessiah said...

DJHives was my favorite blog to read for a time because he offered something new. That time was fleeting.

I sent him an email and said my peace on the affair but mostly I wish him well.

I think that his genius is taxed by his emotion which is why he still has much to gain from my how vs why arguement.

Still having others take the wheel he should have known this would happen. He talks about self-reliance but just look at the blog. What did you all expect to happen?

If he turns out to be a flash in the pan I still wish him well. I just don't think he has anymore to say at the moment. It's the same thing that Anon was guilty of for a bit.

I secretly wanted her to show up the men and I really believed she had a chance. Its sad though and like what just happened to hives, I should have known better than to HOPE.

Dante_Altair said...

bwahaha that nigga went into seclusion cuz i was the final straw to break his back.

but seriously, you're right. He does seem to let his emotions get to the best of him and therefore ruling over him. Perhaps seclusion is needed.

ZeroMessiah said...

Maybe thats the quarantine and kill he was talking about...

Emo Suicide...

Seriously though, he had some great stuff back in the day.

I miss the video era.

Dante_Altair said...

ahhh yeah, the video era was great. Such good taste in music, and images, and editing. Highly efficient.

He says he has a bunch more nemesis videos lying around. I wonder if this is true.

ZeroMessiah said...

General Tso is really old sega genesis rom music.

But other than the music I feel that he will return someday with more vids.

Sphere said...

I was waiting for this to happen. Not in the sense that I "wished" for failure of hives, but in the sense that, eventually, he would have (close to) noone left to 'reason' with.

If you look waaaay back on the blog, I once asked him if solitude was the flipside of the coin. It would appear it is. Djhives is on a level which many will never attain.

I understand his frustration tho. He has been putting alot of his energy in this project and for what? I would think that the whole project was to reach out and find those intellectuals who
1) understand what he is talking bout
2) can apply this knowledge and transform it with their own intellectuality

It would seem that so far he has not found such an individual. Even those, who I consider to be the brightest minds of hives' followers, did not shine bright till the end. Rather they all fell, one by one, condemned back to the lower planes.

I am sure he does have more videos, but why show them, when even his brightest pupils disapoint him?

You remember how he said "the elite trade knowledge"
So, why would he hand out more knowledge when clearly the previous stuff had not been digested yet, and thus nothing of value can be gained by this trade.

I am not critisizing anyone or anything. I am simply putting things in perspective.

Dante_Altair said...

yeahhh man that general tso shit nice. I'll have to sample some of that hotness soon.

Perhaps djhives was disappointed by his "pupils". You have to think though, this nemesis guy, if it is not djhives, would explain alot about djhives's behavior.

Anonymous said...
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Tiredwolf said...

Dante, what the hell were you thinking posting that articule of yours, on Hives blog! Surely you knew it would piss him off something awful, not to mention get yourself banned. Maybe thats what you wanted, but I fail to see
your motive in this.
I've said it before, DJ should take his own advice and release HIS
anger. Perhaps Dante, you were trying to help the process along.

Hives should release those other video's regardless. Does an artist
hold back a tune, for fear the world will not understand it. Does Nature censor itself, in fear of misunderstanding. There will always
be those who will understand, just as surely as those who won't.

He should get with his OWN program
and stop yammering on about the same old same old,(ie. the sheep).

Dante_Altair said...

TiredWolf, my intention was not to anger djhives. My only mistake was setting high expectations of him.

I am speechless that a person like djhives would let his emotions control him.

I do not care to be block and banned from a blog. I could care less. Surely you all arent trembling in fear of getting blocked and banned everytime you post there?

Dante_Altair said...

His absurd assumptions on my idea were what disturbed me the most. He had no idea what he was talking about, he saw "population growth" and thats it. Like a jones sheep reacting to a masonic symbol.

Just his act of assumption alone made me realize his major emotional flaw. Jones sheep are limited in the same way with their energy and emotions directed at the gov't.

I almost wanted to believe that that wasnt djhives at all, but maybe the imposter again.

Stevie said...

I wonder too, Dante, is it even djhives?
He reacted because Zero merely used the word resistance in a sentence, never mind the context (wtf). And some of the guest poster offers have been embarrassing; i won't name names.

He claims to want independent thinkers, but recently those are the only ones being blocked.

He's making it an atmosphere only suitable for sycophants.

[si'ko-fant, n. A servile hanger-on of great people; a parasite; mean flatterer].

Let's stop hoping there are more NEMESIS videos. Like Zero said we should know better than to hope. Time to doubt. Meanwhile...let's color outside the lines!!!

Dante_Altair said...

ahh yes, sycophant, parasite, and bacteria go so well together.

Yeah that near outburst at "resistance" made me LOLlerskate. I was like wow djhives, nigga needs to chill out.

"I like coloring outside the lines because it makes me feel unique and special."-Stewie Griffin

I think thats the quote lol.

Anonymous said...
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LadyAnon said...

why did you delete your comment, komar b.? afraid of hives? lol.

DeKn:EW said...

Lady A.... you are funny..., I smell the start of the same thing..? no?

Anyways yup something is wrong. When emotion takes over logic goes out the window. Unless you are able to work as one with the emotion and also the logic, hard work but it can be done.


p.s. Continue thinking outside the box

Tiredwolf said...

Djhives is TOTALLY obsessed with his hatred of the common herd. It was funny at first and probably even necessary, to set the tone and direction of his blog. But now he is just going round in circles and its gotten BORING. I don't know
a lot about computers, but I'm told, its very unlikely that someone would be able to take over his blog, without knowing his password. That one has bugged me too for some time, but I may be wrong. It just does'nt feel right. And my feelings rarely let me down.
These same feelings, also tell me that Mr.Hives is using multiple usernames, for what purpose I fail to see. He has understood more than most and its driving him insane. You bcome that which you hate.

Dante_Altair said...

BLASPHMY!^ OR...could it be?? HAs djhives?'s startin to say baaaahhhh baaahhh. Has he turned into...

a black sheep?

sanguineone said...

Hives blog was never hacked. Hives deleted it and then an imposter started a new blog with the same name.

Nemesis is a group which produced the videos, Hives was a member of the group. The group does not exist anymore that's why there hasn't been more videos nor there will be.

Hives has never taken sole credit for the videos, he has always referred to them as Nemesis Videos. You chose to believe Hives was Nemesis.

Hives has become ego driven, he craves the attention the site brings him.

There was a moment where he had rid himself the burden of ego and started a blog site as Dr Marget L. Thorpe for intellectual discussion and the original site was taken/handed back by/to him and used as a decoy but the allure of celebrity became too much and was born.

This seclusion by Hives is an attempt to regain his once clear mind and produce videos by himself.

Pride, ego and ignorance can ruin the best of us.

ZeroMessiah said...

Within the cult of personality lies the fault of ego. We must sieze this as an opportunity to continue the research of Nemesis. I still thank Hives for the attempt but it must be a group effort. That is why I continue what I started. Inspiration is not theft, but Hives does have his imitators. We must learn from misexample as well as example.

Stevie said...

Let's put this mystery to bed now:

The below comment was supposedly posted by djhives here (

"I have to say devil, you fluctuate between pure brilliance and forever pissing me off. You are doing GREAT with finding and DECIPHERING these articles you are finding. Great job. KEEP TELLING IT LIKE *YOU* SEE IT!!"

Point#1 Devil is praised as PURE BRILLIANCE and called great 2x for merely posting a news farticle titled
Shootings, murder-suicide raise broader question: Is violence linked to recession? --- HoHum, what's to decipher? AMPLIFIER.

Point#2 Has djhives ever, Ever, EVER knighted anyone a Lord AND a moran in the same breath.

I rest my case...this is not the Hives we love. Imposter or cracked head matters not.

Now you see Dante why I had to finish the work you had begun on him. For all of my sadistic enjoyment it was a mercy killing. I am truly benevolent.

ZeroMessiah said...

This is why I continue on with Unified Theory, Inspiration is not theft. When you cannot rely on others you must rely on yourself. I think on a certain level the old Hives would have agreed with this.

I could wish that the old Nemesis was back or I could do something about it. In the spirit of Nemesis, I write on my own.

Stevie, Thanks to you and all who believed in me I remained. The old Zero will return, without the pageantry of Hives' blog. I should have always listened to myself. This is why I'm here. I am here because of all of you.

(Yes, even my detractors and women, that means Lady Anon too.)

Anonymous said...

"why did you delete your comment, komar b.? afraid of hives?"

No Ladyanon, i'm not afraid at all, i'm just sick of this shit about Hives this, Hives that, i won't post comments about him on other blogs anymore neither i will comment on his blog like i used to do, this man advises others to control their emotions but can't apply it to himself, fuck him! I don't give a shit.

LadyAnon said...

okay, i get you. lol.

been busy, let me catch up on zero's book.

DeKn:EW said...

Wow, I see on my own now but I do have to thank Hive for his effort to influence me and push me to where I am now. Without him I would of not been able to push through my own wall to reach the next level.

Yes Zero we all now should band together and use our collective intellect to bring forth a new-world. You've done it again.


p.s. you know what is really weird zero on your blog before you had a picture of yourselve(?) wearing your hair in a pony tail. Later you had your hair down. I am not sure what to make of this one but I use to wear my hair in a pony tail and now it is now after you had your new picture I was already wearing my hair down. That was one weired moment for me.

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