Humanity will always conform due to one fatal flaw.
By human design, even animal design, groups collect based upon a single driving intellect.
There will always be that deriving intellect because the power of many in the physical realm will always outweigh the power of the force of one man.
However in the world of the intellect, there can be only one right path, only few correct awnsers out of many.
The opportunity to be led is just as important as the opportunity to be a leader. Picking the wrong leader will cost you dearly, but the knowledge to be gained by intellect will inspire many to greatness.
Therefore it is necessary to follow one who has proven to be either intelligent or effective in acheiving the same goals that you wish to achieve.
We have all been followers at one time or another, one cannot deny the patterning behaviors of our childhood.
The point is simple. To work for yourself you must know your objective.
Few of you actually have blogs of your own, you simply follow others posts. Many times I have challenged my followers to generate content on my blog and their own. I do not do this out of laziness or the desire to ignore my duties here.
I merely want you to realize that if you are going to grow, you will need to pattern what you learn.
I realize now what people were saying when they said that I was copying DJHives.
DJHives is right, I spoke like Hives, Therefore I was also right.
Being right is better than being origional, yet I wanted to experiment with formatting and shake things up, which I did accomplish. Different was not better, just different.
In light of the data that I have collected I have concluded things
You want the old Zero back...
(It is always me, dont be fooled)
You want to comment instead of write blogs...
(I dont mean the people I subscribe to , you know who you are)
You want to hear about induction, the human hive, credit failure etc...
(DJHives has it covered, I'd rather break new ground)
You have more ideas on how I should run my blog than on how to start your own...
(Yes I said it! You know who you are!!!)
So for the time being, I will restore the blog.
It will take me some time to formulate my next post. This is why the gauntlet exists, I actually need time because this will become the unifying post for the new format.
The pheonix is rising...
yes, zero, yes! inspire me with your intellect.
however, what do you mean by to "restore the blog" to a "new format"? does that mean you will do away with "shaking things up"?
i'm afraid i like both formats. don't stop to shake things up. do a mixture to allow you time to write something spectacular. well, you said you are already doing that. i just don't want you to stop being fun too, you know.
now let me let you know this. i'm not going to start a blog of my own nor write on it. if there is any idea i would have written on my blog, i will write it here or on another blog. what is this, zero? what is this? you don't want readers here? you want us closed off and absorbed in our individual blogs?
it's too bad that i'm a "follower". just like sex where i don't do it but like to talk about it with experienced folks, i like to visit other people's blogs and comment without starting my own. lol. i'm sick in the head...will have to fix myself.
you are right zero. i shouldn't tell you how to run yours when i can't start mine. i have issues.
Zero your blog rocks, I like it you are doing great work I for one do not want to hear the same news over and over again... I mean I can be a bit brain dead sometime but I do not need to hear the same thing over and over again. I like what you've done. Continue to improve and make things better
^^ LadyAnon: I had fear also when I first started my blog. But the fear has faded and I enjoy it a lot now. Just start it up for now and write something. It is as easy as that. Don't need anything fancy like what Hives or Zero have. Just start it even a blank page for now but at least you've taken the first step in creating something.
Be Your Own Boss..
^^ Lady Anon: Start Your Blog this way... good (marketing)
Create a blog and just leave everything blank till 3 weeks from now then write something anything.
This makes people want to know more what is this blog about. And all a-while you have to go to other blogs and market your new blog to come but do it lightly without them knowing. At one point say this I am starting to write my own blog "Frist Women internet website to Support De-Pouplation, and Pro N.W.O" And it is Only for Women of intellect minds"
There is your marketing. Now you let the eating frenzy come.
Try that Lady Anon that might help you.
I suggest: "The only pro-New Woman Order and pro-emasculation website on the entire internet" LOL.
Why not start NO SIR
Good Luck!
...oh and komar b lol
Let's get to the bottom of this illuminati,elite wannabe talk.Do you dare join the Masons?Remember ,there are conspiracies some dare not speak of.Oh,and copying Hives stuff is actually a compliment,cutting edge is cutting edge.How many sheep have the nerve and intellect to even dare glance at what is discussed here.
LOL, "NO SIR" is brilliant. Seems like you've been spending time penning lyrics, Zero.
Don't worry about sounding like Hives or not sounding like Hives. Being different or the same. You have countless good ideas of your own you've thrown out there, and I know there's more where that came from. No need to sweat small things like overlap or repeating a little.
I mean any of us join the masons ,not just you Zero.Discussing the pros and cons of joining would be interesting.
Masons? what do you all know about freemasons.
My dad is a freemason and wont even let me join yet. why? because I asked if i could get admitted. you cant join them! when the time is right they invite you.
Do you go through life unaware of an elite,hierarchal system or organize your life productively to even have a chance at being invited.Hmmm a potential 2nd generation mason ,interesting.
Very funny you guys... You always crack me up.
I don't know anything about the Masons so I cannot talk about it. No point guessing at things. I guess you are right Dante, they will track you down when you are ready. Like any elite you cannot join them they will come to you when the time is right.
Zero, I've been following you blog an want to thank you for the info.
There's another blog that I used to really enjoy called Pook's Mill. It hasn't been updated in two years but the last entry "Live in the Talent" which explains how all of the greatest thinkers separated themselves from the sheep, would be very useful to you.
Oh another thing, I don't think you need to change anything. I think I understand where you are trying to go with this blog at least in part. We should all be sharing info with each other as best as we can.
Through all of our efforts we can really gain knowledge in an exponential fashion.
As I posted perviously my bit of knowledge is "Pook's Mill" entry "Live in the Talent".
I'll share more info that I have on all the subjects this blog touches on.
One last thing, the "Illuminati is a concept post" shouldn't be taken down. It took me a few day to think and understand what you were trying to say about that.
It's a post that is just a lot for a person to take in at once.
As I understand it, the Illuminati are a concept. In that even if you had the power to destroy them somehow, they would just come back in another form.
In other words if you can be induced you will. Someone someway will find a way. The only way to really rid the world of the Illuminati is to rid the world of people that can be fooled by them.
FFTD, I liked your comment very much and you are indeed correct.
The illuminati/elite is an idea and
idea's are bulletproof! Just like the sheeple are an idea, created by
our carefully engineered 'modern
society' and all that currently entails. The Elite - sheeple are
nothing more than a bi-polar thought construct, powered originally by religious teachings
and nowadays by TV etc. Two diametrically opposed thought-forms
bring about a physical reality in a
3-D universe, like ours. A reality
which persists. Both sides resist
the other and thereby supply over-unity power to there mutual co-creation. This explains why Alex Jones etc exist, and are indeed a
necessary motor in this current creation, to induce the sheep to
keep suppling their power/thoughts
to the idea. Hence without the sheep, the elite cannot exist and vice-versa. They are indeed two sides of the same coin/reality. Hence if Djhives suceeds in getting more people to admire and even emulate the Elite, he will in fact collaspe this current idea
construct, for that which is admired does NOT persist. That was why I was soo annoyed when I discovered his forum had gone private. This would have slowed the process, but now it is opened
again and the system is continuing
to crumble at an ever more exponential rate.
Zero, never again let FEAR get the the better of you, that is why the sheep are fed on a constant diet of fear. Your blog is just as important as Djhives one. I like
your white on black format and the way you neatly place the different
post headings to the right and at the start of the Blog. Making it most handy to read a title of choice and access the comments, without the endless scrolling up and down necessary on Djhives' Blog. Not to mention video content
and the slow down this causes on even the fast broadband connections
commonly available today. Your site and his serve a purpose and one is not better than the other,
but both mutually complimentary. As an Artist/Creator do not become
obsessed with originality like most
Artists do today, to their great detriment I might add. This 'I must
be ORIGINAL',is a thought creation of singular intent, to seek out and destroy all creative thought, especially ones that threaten the system. It could be likened to the
mechanical sentinals, in the Matrix
film. This thought claims to protect originality, while killing
it. Like the Patent office claims to protect new inventions, but in
fact censors out any that would threaten the system, like new energy devices. Like copyright does
to music etc. I commonly use the idea's of others and will gladly stand on the shoulder's of giants
if it suits the creation of my idea's. I can draw power and delight from their originality and maybe take those idea's in directions that not even the originator thought of, to his great
delight aswell. As an example- Djhives used great background music
on his video about white man's disease. This music really helped
get the message of this video across to those watching it. However the music was copyrighted
and the sentinals on you-tube could
then remove the video, or at least
impair its ability to get its message out to its viewers. I,m sure the originator of this music
never conceived of this particular
use for their music, but Djhives did and used it to empower and compliment his own idea, to great
effect I might add. But the sentinals have now stiffled that creation in the name of copyright and protecting Artists rights. Do you think they are concerned with
protecting ORIGINALITY or the SYSTEM?
fftd and tiredwolf,
that was enlightening. i have to agree with y'all.
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